The best RE game

say something nice about it

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it has barry

It's really nice to see Toby Maguire still getting work.

I wanna cum inside Moira

It's nice and all, but the best? Nah.

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Great game design and pacing, Barry and Moira were great, fantastic true ending, raid mode while not as good as Mercs is an easy time-sink and good for turning your brain off, Lady HUNK

Unironically love Revelations 2, I enjoyed it as much as 5 (even if 5 is a technically better for various small reasons)

I guess I just really like raid mode and co-op

I really liked raid mode too. But don't have any friends to co-op with.
I wish the higher level parts weren't impossible to get though. How is anyone supposed to get a level 20 anything?

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I want a Revelations 3 almost solely for more raid mode so i feel you, don't even care if campaigns good or bad. Also more Lady HUNK

gross taste, OP

I love Claire's outfit

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Moira was the best that came out of it

I love adult Claire. Shes tired person whos fed up with bioterror in her life. Unlike brother whos doesnt give a shit and shoots stuff

Unironically my favorite actionshit after RE4 in the series. It has such charm and content.

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>RE4 anything but masterpiece
you done fucked up user

blah blah blah it's in my top 5, i do what i want, not what Yea Forums memes. I had my Gamecube launch day copy.

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>what Yea Forums memes
I have never in my life heard a person who wasn't actually retarded claim RE4 is anything but near-flawless

Sure thing buddy, but it's my fucking list and i cant just put ALL fucking top 5 in "Masterpiece" or it would look weird. RE4 is my 5th in ranked RE games. Soz.

Lurk moar or go back.

I don't see why not. It's pretty much unanimously agreed upon that Resident Evil is a damn good series with only a few DoAs like OPRC, Umbrella Corps or those nobody knows like RE:Gaiden.

Claire's ass

I'm gonna need some pics

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Raid mode was a blast. I wish it got its own standalone game in the future if we never get a rev 3.


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> Raid mode standalone ?

I wish there was more milf Claire porn.

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Claire gives me a stiffy

yeah I think a game that was a more developed version of raid mode would be sick

I really liked it how's Revelations 1?

Am I the only one who played the BEST re game?
pic related

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The best parts are on the boat, too bad about the parts where you have to gun your way through non-boat locations with other characters.

There's Mercenaries 3D but afaik that was a piece of shit