say something nice about it
The best RE game
it has barry
It's really nice to see Toby Maguire still getting work.
I wanna cum inside Moira
It's nice and all, but the best? Nah.
Great game design and pacing, Barry and Moira were great, fantastic true ending, raid mode while not as good as Mercs is an easy time-sink and good for turning your brain off, Lady HUNK
Unironically love Revelations 2, I enjoyed it as much as 5 (even if 5 is a technically better for various small reasons)
I guess I just really like raid mode and co-op
I really liked raid mode too. But don't have any friends to co-op with.
I wish the higher level parts weren't impossible to get though. How is anyone supposed to get a level 20 anything?
I want a Revelations 3 almost solely for more raid mode so i feel you, don't even care if campaigns good or bad. Also more Lady HUNK
gross taste, OP
I love Claire's outfit
Moira was the best that came out of it
I love adult Claire. Shes tired person whos fed up with bioterror in her life. Unlike brother whos doesnt give a shit and shoots stuff
Unironically my favorite actionshit after RE4 in the series. It has such charm and content.
>RE4 anything but masterpiece
you done fucked up user
blah blah blah it's in my top 5, i do what i want, not what Yea Forums memes. I had my Gamecube launch day copy.
>what Yea Forums memes
I have never in my life heard a person who wasn't actually retarded claim RE4 is anything but near-flawless
Sure thing buddy, but it's my fucking list and i cant just put ALL fucking top 5 in "Masterpiece" or it would look weird. RE4 is my 5th in ranked RE games. Soz.
Lurk moar or go back.
I don't see why not. It's pretty much unanimously agreed upon that Resident Evil is a damn good series with only a few DoAs like OPRC, Umbrella Corps or those nobody knows like RE:Gaiden.
Claire's ass
I'm gonna need some pics
Raid mode was a blast. I wish it got its own standalone game in the future if we never get a rev 3.
> Raid mode standalone ?
I wish there was more milf Claire porn.
Claire gives me a stiffy
yeah I think a game that was a more developed version of raid mode would be sick
I really liked it how's Revelations 1?
Am I the only one who played the BEST re game?
pic related
The best parts are on the boat, too bad about the parts where you have to gun your way through non-boat locations with other characters.
There's Mercenaries 3D but afaik that was a piece of shit