This is a character in an easily accessed family friendly game

>this is a character in an easily accessed family friendly game
Why is this allowed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why shouldn't it be?

what's the issue

what game

You're the one making it sexual, she's just wearing a bikini.

that's how russian kids do look like here tho

I don't understand. Little girls aren't allowed to wear clothes?


have you ever seen an irl girl wearing a bikini that skimpy

Did they not censor it in the NA version?

> easily accessible character in an easily accessable game

I don't see the problem here.

>family friendly
is op retarded

it's just a healthy female


Dilate or post more cunny.

There's nothing wrong with allowing kids to experience LGBTP points of view.

What's the P for

actually this user is right. Why we must to sexually everything?

>family friendly game

I don't see a problem.

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Seriously, why is no one stopping this?

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cute ninja

haha coony

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Yes, many times. Probably younger than her, too. Girls are ultra degenerate, and I can remember them being that way as far back as the 90s.

Jannies asleep I guess

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>implying kids would care and wouldn't just spend all of their parents money trying to roll for the strongest servant

Attached: Gilgamesh3.png (350x495, 329K)

How about some Family value pictures.

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>some twink
Move over

Attached: Herc1.png (512x724, 242K)

They thought an 81 year old looked like this?!?!

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The only problem I see is that bikini could be even smaller

Me on the right

The cutest.

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Uh... mods?

My wife was born in the 12th century and looks similar.

Quiet, little doll.

Attached: AGHHHH SAVE ME BERSERKER.gif (400x225, 2.74M)

What seems to be your boggle?


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>useless muscle head

Move over.

Attached: archer.png (540x716, 245K)

goddamnit I love bloomers

Than you Sony

what anime is this?

Albert will


Do you guys think Henry Cavill is a l*licon?

FGO needs an oppai loli.

>worst kind of loli
You disgust me. Kill yourself.

Yea Forums is an oppai loli board.

who isn't?

You have good taste

Attached: IMG_20190724_085455.jpg (753x996, 137K)

finally someone said it

Attached: 444.png (346x110, 5K)

It needs another seiba amirite


eat shit faggot

>family friendly game
Fate's based on a series of porn VNs.

Why must the gameplay be so fucking bad

what a fucking baby

Wu Zetian is so fucking good.

Because if parents don't want their children to see something they're expected to regulate what the children have access to. You can't give your child internet access and then complain about pornography existing. Just like you can't give them this game and then complain about sexually suggestive content. Especially considering the fact that Japan doesn't give much of a shit about sexuality compared to us smelly puritan gaijins.

Man, farming in the 2nd half of the summer rerun event is a fucking drag

There are other mobages with better lewds and gameplay, FGO is overrated dogshit.

Even the worst loli is better than the best old hag?


What's sexually suggestive about a little girl?

Isn't this just a Fate anime?

it's one of the Fate animes you fucking mongoloid

Boku no Pico

Skimpy clothing is often considered sexually suggestive by puritan gaijins. Also, I have no idea if that is a little girl or not. It looks like one, sure, but this is Japan we're talking about.

But you can get her for free in the tutorial roll

Attached: 1538418437325.jpg (1000x1333, 698K)

Not THAT skimpy, but a couple weeks ago some cute little girl came into the store I work at wearing a bikini and looking for ice cream and left me a couple quarters.

her lack of hips is quite sad

I want Wu so fucking bad but she won't come to me!

Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season
EP#15 00:19:39-00:19:41
Literally just click the "What anime is that?" button.

Attached: Absolute Anger.png (840x608, 181K)

But it's a child. There's nothing sexual about a child.

In Japan, the minimum age of sexual consent is 13. Many other places in the world would consider that age to be a child. So Japan, which created this game, disagrees with you.

>that subset of the FGO community that dislikes lewd lolis
>mfw being a Jackfag

Attached: smile.gif (540x304, 2.14M)

>There's nothing sexual about a child

Attached: 4o231410.jpg (640x907, 487K)

You heard me, so there's no way anyone could find that image objectionable.

She's not wearing underwear

Should've been an oppai loli

Nothing sexual in that pic.

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>family friendly
What kind of retard would let their kid get trapped into the retardation that is Fate? And even worse, why would anyone let their kid touch mobileshit?

Asking for a friend....

>And even worse, why would anyone let their kid touch mobileshit?
A lot of parents seem to be either fucking stupid or just don't care.
Just place the tablet in front of the kid to shut it up.

I mean, you've probably seen those "kid accidentally spends hundreds of dollars on microtransactions" stories.

there's nothing retarded about fate.

I'm so fucking tired of this misconception. The "federal" age of consent's lower limit in japan is 13, but the prefectures can all set it to whatever they want. It's 18 in like all of them.

Let me guess its the same people that take the series seriously while praising Zero and the chunni VN written by a teenager

I'd like an FGO Oppai loli, but nah, Jack's perfect as is.

That big butt + thong + innocent kid + psychopath personality combo is amazing.

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You can see her nip

>Plays FGO
>Hates lolis
>Not only that, but they hate sexualized women as well
They gotta be a special kind of retard to do this.

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Intelligent post

most parents are unironically really fucking stupid with their kids

But muh story!

She’s hardly the most provocative loli in F/GO, look at Kuro, Wu and Abby’s final art. Never mind stuff like Jack’s huge ass or Illya’s ass showing through her wet dress.

Are they all sluts?

it's okay, you can say reddit here.


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She's not a loli just really flat

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Yes, all girls are sluts. 3D as well as 2D.

The better question is why is this not?

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w..what game?

Basically. Even the seemingly pure ones like Illya secretly want to pin you down and initiate a mana transfer.

I actually saw it on Twitter most recently. Saw someone saying what they think all FGO characters fans are like and their Jack summary was "Wishes she would wear more clothes". I feel like how fucked up she is, is kind of the point though so if you think her outfit is "too much" then you're making it work for those who really like her.

Yeah, I don't get it either.

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I think I’ve fapped to her more than any other F/GO original. Harada really struck gold.

If we're going to get into semantics like that, it largely goes on a case-by-case basis. It's all a bunch of legalese nonsense, much like their laws on pornographic censorship. It's only guaranteed statutory rape if they're below 13.

And even if you fully believe what you're saying, the age of consent in Germany is barely higher at 14. So my point still stands that in some areas of the world, people that are commonly considered children are also sexualized.

At least she isn't censored yet

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Why is Rin raping Shirou?

>all those doujins where Kuro and Illya end up fugging guys to death

>"Wishes she would wear more clothes"
I doubt there's a single jackfag out there who unironically thinks this, it's like those idiots live inside their own bubbles.

Censoring Jack would be like censoring the Kill la Kill game. Kinda misses the point of the whole thing if you do that.

I mean I'm not saying that'd stop them, but yeah.

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Shirou is being Shirou and wants to go save her even though she’s still not really friendly at that point in UBW. Rin knows that’s suicide since neither of them could take Gil so she has to stop Shirou from getting both of them killed.

Oh my. I knew /alter/ was horrible, but I didn't expect it to be that bad.

I mean to be fair, I am a Jackfag and I would like to see her in more outfits just because she's fucking adorable and I want to see her wear different things. I think her main outfit is amazing though and it's one of the reasons I fell for her.

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What's Darkrose doing in this game?

>t. atahuta

His style is silly but it still gives me diamond boners like nothing else.

This isn't even close to as sexual as Meltryllis AKA miss LOOK AT MY PUSSY

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You are insane if you think that just because the age of consent is below 18, is socially acceptable for a guy to fuck a 14 year old. I don't live in Germany, but my country also had an AoC of 14, and I've literally never met anyone that though you could fuck a 14 and not go to jail, despite being perfectly legal. Also, you can't have porn of someone below 18, despite being legally allowed to fuck them.

>Agartha censored in NA
I mean, was it really? I played through it and the scenes where kid Fergus gets teased by everyone are still there, so are the more explicit Drake scenes and the comments about D'Eon's gender.

I can't stop looking

Not a loli though. Sexy girls in general still annoy leddit but nothing makes them seethe like lolis.

I dont understand, they want niggers except when it is anime?

that's a boy, isn't it?


Attached: raikou1.jpg (512x724, 312K)

Who the fuck said anything about social acceptability? And it's not like I'm talking about real people here, these are fucking fictional characters in a video game. They don't have rights regarding pornography.

Her torso is too long and her hips are too narrow

Attached: Jack.jpg (3195x4074, 1.37M)

She is like 130cm tall withoutu her metal legs.

It's not censored, just toned down.

What is NA going to do to my baby girl?

Attached: Abigail.png (1022x768, 319K)

The JP version is way more brutal in the descriptions of the 3 kingdoms and the jokes are /pol/ tier

>go to jail, despite being perfectly legal
bruh, you should really invest in rule of law before worrying about sexually mature people consenting to sex

She's flat but she's a young adult in proportion. She just has no legs.

She’s in the same category as Liz- borderline but more of a teenager than anything.


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Based Jackfriend posting the perfect woman.

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Then why the fuck did you mention that the AoC in Germany is 14.

an old woman

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"haha made you look, now i get to punch you"

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Jack is fat. FAT!


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looks kind of painful to stay with that all day to be honest.

delicious, delicious!

that's like every female character in fate, only a handful of them are ever taller than 160cm

Were the original scenes translated by the fanbase for comparison? I'm kinda curious to see how much more explicit it was originally

Wait, she's STILL not in NA? How fucking slow is it?

Censorship is confirmed by Albert, the spokesman for fgo NA. Pic related, it's Abby's final ascension.

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I know it's not really a reference to her specifically, but seeing Jack mentioned in the latest episode of Case Files made me happy.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.57_[2019.07.23_16.36.14].jpg (1280x720, 132K)

Melt has a numb sense of touch so there's no real irritation problems for her.

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There is a big difference between 130cm and 160cm.

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I think she's the next event

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it's the same age as the kids who you're trying to imply shouldn't see it why?
i get not showing them big tiddy girls but why not a loli of there own

>spare 60 quartz out of raikou fund for mordred
>get Tamamo

Attached: MEKARABEAM.png (519x439, 238K)

2 whole years behind

I know that's fanart you shit

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>get top3 caster in game and one of the best girls in the franchise
I've spent 2000 quartz on Tamamo and still nothing. I love Mordred but she's fucking useless in the game.

It's not my fault that you're incapable of reading reply chains, dipshit. I'm debating some faggot who implied children are never sexualized in any context by law-abiding adults. If there are places in the world where sex with what is commonly considered children is legal, even if that's only legal under circumstances, and even if it's not socially accepted, that faggot is wrong.

i just meant to say that they are all fucking short, shorter than they look even, japanese are whacky when it comes to height and weight measurements

I don't have them but fan translations were posted on /fgoalter/ back when Agartha was released

Imagine what? She’d be on top.

When will Yea Forums stop being lolicon?

>small slutty loli domming huge guy
That’s my fetish.

I should've specified it's her lancer version.
Do love my regular Tamamo though.
I just wanted Mordred for farming.

Oh, you can't help that. We're all lolicons here. I'm a lolicon. You're a lolicon.

Attached: oni.png (800x1119, 602K)

wife>meta dumbass


There is literally no benefit to having your waifu in the game when there's literally hundreds of thousands of times more material outside of it.

When Yea Forums truly dies. The normalfag and electiontard population is already like 90% of the site. The years of “““ironic””” shitposting made these retards think that’s the dominant opinion.

Never, when cunnyfags evetually outnumber r*dditors and normalfags. We will establish a cunny general and secure eternal dominance over Yea Forums.

Nigger this is 4chins. We've been lolicons since forever. It's the newfags and normalfags who think we aren't.

Do you guys think Henry Cavill is a l*licon?

Yes but you've seen how vocal anti-lolifags have gotten recently. Tensions are rising.

The day ot the rope will come soon.

Antis will hang.

>this is a character in an easily accessed family friendly anime
Why is this allowed?

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It happens from time to time. You get the newfags and normalfags getting whiny about the things they don't like on 4chins. Or pulling out their secret weapon 'board culture is gay'. Then it goes away for a while. Then it comes back, etc.
It's like the tide. Just keep doing what you do and don't give a fuck about the dumbasses.

Anti-lolifags get triggered so easily by loli that it'd be impossible for them to win.

They know their target audience?

Attached: 61277437_p3.jpg (2000x1334, 662K)

You mean the Goldbergs and DrPizzas?

Reminder that Prisma Illya has an English dub and you can buy the Blu-rays from Walmart

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Because this is also in an easily accessed family-friendly game.

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Should've been an oppai loli instead of a shitty black Ilya

any tricks for drawing cute breasts like this? When i try they always end up to round or triangular. I just want to draw porn damnit!

Oppailolifags should be dragged into the street and shot

Attached: shuten.png (900x1200, 746K)

Pretty sure Fate doesn't have an actual oppai-loli at the moment.
Plenty of oppai, plenty of loli, plenty of DFC too, but no oppai-loli.

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They should make all the lolis oppai loliis

The localisers decided it was racism that needed to be corrected because Emiya Alter has dark skin and is said to look like a prisoner, which they automatically associated with him being black, and not with his card art depicting him with a Japanese prisoner's haircut, with handcuffs, and inside a dungeon surrounded by shackles.

It's also on CR for free in multiple languages and I don't think you even need an account to watch it.

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Just curious, how much oppai do we need on our loli.

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I still think they should have had her say "mummy" and not "mommy". It would've driven home her being the result of the slums of a London district, and even sounds a bit creepier.

I'm curious, how would you guys feel if so?

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I hate how the anime's art ages everyone up 5 years

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Nah, they should keep everyone as is, but I wouldn't mind if they added one.
Plus there's always GBF for my oppai-loli fix.

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O-ok jackie. How about I give you cummies instead?

Please tell me there’s a part 2.

This big is ideal

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Not really into girls I want to fuck calling me "mom" either way but making her more British would be cuter

I wanna destroy Helena's body with my dick

Kuro is better than normal Illya and shortstacks are better than those deformed abominations, the only thing Granwho did right was that
If only the characters didn't look like FE shit thou

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They should make all the lolis butts bigger


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Will you keep us warm?

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They should add more cute boys

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What went wrong in your lives to end up being sexually attracted to children?

What in the actual fuck in this from?
The Arcade game?

fuck weebs
fuck pedos
but most important of all


Attached: 525432.jpg (249x249, 16K)

Big far loli booty.

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I think you mean what went right?

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Imagine if Jack was bottomless all the time

That's a girl

I read Kodomo no Jikan when I was in middle school, that probably didn't help

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>even available in-store in Australia
One day loli will rule the world

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I wish real life children looked like anime lolis.
Then I would actually be a pedo.

imagine being a little girl and start growing breast and weird shaped is even worse
they must feel like monsters

There'd be a lot of distracted people.

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based and redpilled

Are you sure about that?

Attached: a7f104af3f8d54ff1be571c0f93b2f71.jpg (850x1063, 244K)

>You will never hug a cute loli with weird growing breasts.
Why live, user?

Lolis + anal sex.

Name a better combo. You can't.

Attached: jtr.png (637x903, 428K)

>third person speech
>calls MC "mommy" regardless of gender
>completely contrasting two aspects of her personality plus outfit
>hyper extreme edgy backstory that, coupled with her design, legitimately upsets some people
God I love Jack

Attached: 1556692856354.png (1800x3500, 1.74M)


cringe and bluepilled

>I wish I was an actual child molester

>>You will never
my normal shaped niece huged me already

Lolis + Pregnancy

They are probably sand nagras

she's not even out yet

anime happened

good thing anime is slowly burning out of existence

I think youve been bamboozled my dude

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Illya really did not deserve this

cringe and normiepilled

ischgreem pweez

Attached: 407.jpg (680x381, 18K)

66 actually but yeah...

Only girls wear shit like that idiot

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cringe, pedos are not welcome here

>he doesnt know

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The only people crying about 2d loli's are liberals who has a past or current with fiddling with kids, and wants to ban it, only so you can read a headline later on that they were caught fiddling a kid or in possession of real 3d loli

Favorite LO story in the latest issue?

Zero is damn good though, you can tell Urobuchi was involved

Attached: +_ca44d8f1349747d70949cc299b3e3b3d.jpg (1000x563, 190K)

Please leave and go back to ResetERA or wherever the fuck you came from. Stay there.

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i have played every touhou game and have never felt attracted to any of the characters
people who lewd touhous are truly the lowest iq psoters

Yeah I see them on the beach all the time
Girls younger than her actually

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>you can tell Urobuchi was involved
you sure can

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t. liar

It would be okay even if she was 5, since it's a cartoon and not a real person.

this but unironically

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>look mum I posted it again :))

why are lolis a thing?

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Low test as fuck
You might as well cut off your dick

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Jack's Apoc design in the anime was perfection. Far better than her art in FGO

I really don't get this pictures with condoms, who in their right mind uses condoms in their fantasy on drawn characters

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no i think the only people dabbing on pedos are based and that you should kill yourself immediately

Thats exactly what my post said, retard.

Urobutcher is an edgy hack and Zero is the worst of the Fateshit that's worth a shit
F/SN > Hollow ataraxia > Prisma > Strange Fake > Zero > shit

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Attached: We're 2D.png (977x1400, 306K)

because its a clear way of showing the character in question is ready and willing to fuck right now

Based literal retard.

>no response

Damn shame.

As if the condom is needed for that

how about apocrypha

Sorry user, I know some people have trouble reading

Attached: shogun eye.png (1024x365, 775K)

There's only a 'before' picture.

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Yeah sure, cry more about the red+yellow man

hes right you know

they make me feel soo good

I love her dialogue with Mordred in that one episode of Apocrypha.

>"You call yourself a hero? You're just a murderer."
>"Oh, how did you know?"
>Jack gets right up to her ear from behind
>"Our name is... Jack the Ripper."
>that excitement when she realises that Mordred is female because she likes dismembering women especially

She's such a fucking edgelord, it's so good.

Attached: 62a3003de09e5e3fa360aa5b0db0ce4a.jpg (2128x1318, 442K)

It looks like an underage girl in a bikini and thigh high socks on a SFW board, Why is this allowed?

Why has Yea Forums suddenly become pro-loli?

I'd be more willing to trust a serial killer than a traitor desu....

SFW just means not porn
It should be expected that the adults using this website can handle seeing skimpy clothing

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reddit invasion and the spamming of gachashit probably

it's official art from a SFW game, why wouldn't it be allowed

>Yea Forums
i genuinely thought i was on tr/a/sh

lolis are anti-reddit

Cry more neofag

normalfags not welcome

Attached: kuro.jpg (1418x1956, 327K)

Based newfags

No genitals or nipples are showing so it's all a-okay!
Plus it's just a 2D picture of a fictional 2D character. Who gives a fuck? Can't rape paper.

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Fuck off back to whatever fag hole you came from.

if you look for the word 'sex' on a dictionary you'll find an image of Chloe

Clean your ass you stupid pig

fuck off, your place is on Yea Forums in between the tranny threads and gore thread #85584985, go back

Reveal now the name of your favorite loli artist.

Attached: this.jpg (1024x578, 53K)

Abigail is a miracle of the universe

If my boss sees a pedo pic while I'm browsing the catalog, that surely won't be safe for my work

loli is the chemo that will save Yea Forums faggot


Go back to discord normie

If you're retarded enough to actually browse Yea Forums at work you deserve it

Attached: illya lingerie.jpg (1920x1440, 1.23M)

>guys stop posting loli I don't want to my boss to see me not working and looking at Yea Forums instead

Stop browsing Yea Forums when you should be working instead.

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Post full bodied women.

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>not working at home
lel, shit pay but I can scratch my balls all day

>"hate speech" is not allowed
>pedo propaganda is


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

maybe you should do your fucking job instead of wasting time and your employers money on browsing Yea Forums?

Attached: 013.jpg (1246x640, 194K)


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if only the faces had more variety, the Kanna animations were the best for that reason alone

there is absolutely not enough pudgy artists and it breaks my heart

Attached: 1490514644764.jpg (604x1030, 110K)

What kind of disgusting subhuman would go for 3D?
Get off of my board you faggot.

Attached: 66377707_p0.jpg (962x1346, 574K)

its just a DRAWing of a girl getting fucked bros.. only alpha men are attracted to chinkshit drawings of underaged girls. god i love chink cock

Not him but this is 4channel.

We're not talking about tumblr

Attached: 3ddbd6c430d8a653ef9ba3e7f4418456.jpg (2423x3543, 810K)

as it should be


Attached: 8D5C9F65-8D3C-408F-B943-7FB40ABE53C4.jpg (500x667, 30K)

I fixed your Jack

Attached: 005.jpg (1280x1808, 242K)

>series that started as porn
>family friendly

Takehito Harada


>88cm tall
>2 years old (literally, since she's manmade)
>canonically gives birth to her own tentacles

Attached: 58e18dff7bc188047fc0db2bd4130b1e.jpg (1687x600, 386K)

Lol idk

Attached: ECB5E638-2042-4051-BA8A-2C75B6E9600D.jpg (750x755, 345K)

jesus christ I'll need eye bleach for this one

I fail to see a problem here.

Attached: 23452345.jpg (273x184, 7K)

I see girls topless at the beach all day in summer, little girls nipples are boring

>that's official art
How did they get away with it?

does Harada draw porn

Abigail's design is 10/10 for so many reasons

Attached: 4820b07482799d958b7c77903ae45e68.jpg (1920x1280, 1.43M)

I thought Fate reddit banned talking about Jack or any loli and underage servants, shits weird
Its like the ironic weebs Yea Forums complains about were they are into series like this but the sexual stuff grosses them out

Attached: 1547686284232.png (1499x700, 1.62M)

Attached: 0B24DB53-71D0-4BB0-B67C-1BA5DB9FAE33.jpg (1242x1534, 232K)

>mfw imaging the impotent rage of someone trying to liken enjoying cute 2D lolis to apparently liking chinese cock just because they're upset that people are posting cute girls
I'd actually really love to know what specifically upsets you enough about this thread that you want to post that.

Attached: 70742999_p0.png (3638x5102, 2.47M)

i wouldn't know, i dont go on reddit like you do

Hiroyama is a madman

Attached: daki.png (2126x3000, 1.21M)

Attached: 1560048569671.jpg (600x500, 68K)

Not safe work image on a safe for work board

>cuck posting upscaled images of thots

Attached: Hot Berserker on Foreigner action.jpg (881x2773, 354K)

i hate weebs, i hate pedos, i hate gacha. none of these are videogames, go die

No, but there's a couple in-progress pics of Etna out there with visible nips from an artbook IIRC.

It was their Discord and it was specifically Jack, Abby and the other risque loli designs, and you could talk about them, but you weren't allowed to post their official art or any fanart of them in those outfits. IIRC they even censored the art if they were posting official updates like new banners there.

What order are you supposed to watch/read this series in? The Netflix anime felt like I was coming in on the third act or something, and the naming scheme for the VNs is cancer.

I want to take Abigail's forehead virginity

I never used it either that's why I asked

fgo is a fun turn based rpg with limitless team building options

Attached: Valentine Abigail.jpg (2000x2824, 3.28M)

All the lolis posted here are literal demon demon thots that wanna big bros cucumber milk

Attached: 69741067-2ECA-4FD4-A86B-D85FADBE603D.jpg (1344x2048, 148K)

>There are people right now among us that don't know about the loli board

Just hide the thread nigga

Attached: 1557035400622.png (632x911, 260K)

Not him but I don't think he does. Or at least not publicly because I'm convinced every pro artist has drawn porn at some point in their lives.

The artist from Etrian Odyssey does and even I feel slightly conflicted looking at his drawings

Attached: 1549266162732.jpg (1200x1697, 198K)

apocrypha for jack

last encore for nursery rhyme

you can skip the rest

Attached: Assassin_of_black_and_nursery_rhyme_(fate_apocrypha,_fate_extra,_fate_grand_order,_and_fate_(series) (644x700, 66K)


Good, then maybe is working

Attached: 1559787663850.png (754x606, 246K)

I dont think theres any artist that solely works with lolis, and now that I'm one myself I understand why.
Every fucking website hates loli posting.
Pixiv is literally the only place you can post loli content safely, most probably because its a japanese website.

Why is this not allowed?

Attached: 1562512995087.jpg (1183x1300, 254K)

All you pedos belong to that cesspool, you are as cancerous as furfags and ponyfags

Try Zankuro my guy.

Attached: 439.jpg (778x512, 46K)


4channel is more pro loli and more nsfw that was the deal

seething discord tranny

>Every fucking website hates loli posting.
Do you mean all "western" website?

If you've read the Fate/stay night VN you can go into pretty much anything else. The anime aren't great adaptations, they look pretty but they don't give you anything close to the full story.

Technically the "core trilogy" is Fate/stay night, Fate/hollow ataraxia and Fate/Zero, but almost nobody reads HA since it's like 70% slice-of-life stuff and most of its unique content isn't referenced by much else. It's a "sequel" to F/SN in a sense but it's not really a direct continuation of any of the routes.
Fate/Zero is the prequel to Fate/stay night, originally published as a light novel by Gen Urobuchi. Most of what it goes through was established in Fate/stay night but it expands on the lore and history pretty considerably. It's the one story where it's probably better to watch the anime than read the novel because it's one of Ufotable's best-looking works and you don't lose much not having to read Urobuchi's prose.

Beyond that there's Fate/kalied aka Prisma Illya, which is an ongoing manga and anime series that started as a magical girl parody and has become a properly insane Nasuverse thing in its own right, the Fate Extra/Extella games which are all pretty shit and the start of Fate's turn to pure shallow waifubait (Extra/CCC is allegedly pretty well written but it will never be translated), Fate/Apocrypha which is a light novel turned anime and an absolute clusterfuck but at least gave us some good character designs, Fate/strange fake which is another light novel also available as a great manga adaptation that's basically like Apocrypha but with actual good writing and an interesting premise, and finally Fate Grand Order which has delivered us dozens of cute girls and a handful of decent storylines trapped in the depths of gacha hell. And there's probably a half dozen other things I didn't mention because they're either shitty and irrelevant or (generally actually good) comedy/SoL spinoffs.

TL;DR read the VN

Attached: Servant.jpg (1456x3172, 1.14M)

Harada is the one who made Pleinair right?
He's absolutely done porn.

Yeah, you know, 99% of websites that artists upload their arts to.

Fate/Stay Night is the original Visual Novel and is broken into three routes that start the same but must be played in order - Fate, Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel. This has been adapted into anime in a few ways by two different studios.

Fate/Stay Night (2006) was an anime adaption of Fate.
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works (Movie, 2010) was an anime adaption of Unlimited Blade Works.
These two were done by Studio DEEN and are generally regarded as of pretty low quality. As it stands though, the 2006 anime is the only adaption of the Fate route.

Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works (TV, 2014) was an anime adaption of UBW, this time as a TV series.
Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel I (2017), II (2019) and III (Upcoming) are movie adaptions of the Heaven's Feel route.
These two are by Ufotable and are generally regarded as very good quality.

Fate/Zero (2011) is an adaption of a series of light novels and is a prequel to the VN that delves into some things mentioned in it and gives them context while also telling its own story. This anime was also by Ufotable and is typically regarded as very good quality.
There's also currently an anime airing, Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II, which is a spin-off sequel to Fate/Zero about one of its characters.

Everything besides that is spin offs with varying degrees of connection. Some are very distinct and are even entirely separate timelines (Apocrypha, Prisma Ilya).

Still not Yea Forums is all I'm pointing out

>family friendly game

What's "FGO"?

>These two are by Ufotable and are generally regarded as very good quality.
By people who haven't read the VN, yes

Attached: 1505494001538.jpg (1920x1080, 139K)

Yeah, Harada is the Pleinair/Disgaea guy.

Attached: art7.jpg (716x539, 538K)

Attached: 1563924592986.png (149x176, 15K)

Is that atte7kusa? Or who is it?

Attached: sane.png (460x415, 155K)

I can believe that

Attached: 1532333275457.jpg (2402x3486, 2M)

tl;dr the ideal path is

>Read the original VN
>Watch Fate/Zero
>explore rest of the franchise however you like, though best leave the lighter stuff (Carnival Phantasm, Prisma Ilya) until later

If reading the VN is absolutely not an option for you then you can get all its major story by

>Watch FSN (2006, TV) [You could skip this due to its low quality as UBW ultimately will still explain the world and setting and such for you]
>Watch FSN UBW (2014, TV)
>Watch FSN HF (2017+, Movies)
>Watch Fate/Zero (2011)
>explore rest of franchise however you like.

Yeah, that guy's a pedophile

In the right places

>jack it to yaoi
>jack it to loli

As far as adaptions of VNs go, they're alright. There's always going to be a struggle adapting that much story into the structure of a TV show or movie, especially with something like Fate where such a huge part of the VN is Shirou's internal monologues which inherently don't translate perfectly to a TV show.

Must be tough.
I myself wonder what happened to Otto's foxhole. Only boorus host his art and he just up and vanished

Attached: sample-2be304c925b59f08ae2f55c0ab50f3a3.jpg (943x1000, 128K)

And we love him for that

Attached: 1446478156711.png (885x1015, 1.39M)

I don't understand why resetera likes this game

Attached: 1563902879864.jpg (850x601, 36K)

That's a nice ass

Attached: Incredibly Sweaty Man.jpg (426x341, 34K)

Nice try, FBI.

Obviously it's not going to be perfect but when they do shit like take Heaven's Feel and expand on Lancer vs Assassin while cutting out almost all of the scenes that develop Illya and Shirou's relationship, I don't really get how anyone defends it.
The Prisma Illya movie is unironically a better Heaven's Feel than Ufotable's version, even a better Shirou than any of their portrayals.

Attached: his smile and imouto gone.jpg (1920x1080, 60K)

Literally w h a t is the appeal here? It's plank with no actual feminine curves. I will never understand lolifags.

Attached: lit.jpg (750x445, 108K)

Wait, they actually like Fate?

Attached: 66402901_p11.png (2142x1000, 2.43M)

Mordred is hard to deal with but if you get along with her she'll be your bro. She proved it when she decided to stay with her Master in the end instead of looking for another contract to keep fighting.

Attached: Mordred.jpg (880x1200, 153K)

>all those cute and funnies girls where once drawn free and enjoying the healthy fresh air
>got to be covered for commercial usage
fuck this timeline

I wasn't kidding.

Google it you invalid

Attached: Jack neck.jpg (1280x720, 41K)

I love how Raita pisses off normalfags so much. There's not a single moment when faced with his art that they don't complain about muh realism

Then they immediately go back to virtue signaling about how much they'd like to taste Ozy's cock

Pedoera are insecure because they are actual pedos and most likely have cp in their computer

Who designed her? She is pretty good

SJWs are super insecure

Attached: 5956f0f92be37533a5d7f6f9ac533ce4.jpg (2662x3000, 2.35M)

You're not doing anything important you fucking faggot.

Takehito Harada, the main artist for most of Nippon Ichi's shit (eg. Disgaea)

Attached: etna flonne2.jpg (1090x2000, 171K)

Cute tummy

This explains so much.

>daddy issues: the character

Attached: 6f2555b9cbc3b386e377379b78fe35df.png (800x1122, 1.01M)

I don't give a shit about realism, his freaky saggy women are just disgusting
It's a miracle we got Shuten out of him

Attached: ca197e52d54802abeba99a8991873a6f.jpg (2100x2564, 781K)

He's got to be one of the most based dudes on the entire planet

I think it is

Attached: 4(3).jpg (1111x392, 156K)

Yes, and?

Attached: Mordred 41.jpg (1200x1163, 193K)

Agiri a best

Reminder that Disgaea 5s loli is literally just wearing a playboy bunny outfit and a coat.

Attached: 1558610004259.jpg (1044x1200, 141K)

literally just oni isara

Attached: 335.jpg (430x615, 116K)

14 is the prime

Attached: 1562103053980.jpg (240x360, 19K)

>tfw saving for Jack
>tfw waiting until November
>tfw I want her so bad
Wish me luck

Attached: 1556697752006.png (2656x4319, 3.4M)

Oni Isara who has a voice that does things to my dick.

Attached: Shuten's Kyoto dialect troubles me.jpg (1280x1852, 309K)

God Abby drives me up the fucking wall, I would never be able to pull out

Attached: abby butterfly.jpg (2500x1650, 462K)

Seriously, this guy is sameface:the artist. it kills it for me.

His proportions are just off when he does lewd, I cant tell if it's style or genuine fuck up but then he draws something SFW and it's fine

what else should a bunny wear

that's why microbikinis are better than nudity

A Lot of games are banned in resetera (azur lane) but not fate

Attached: 1563642333420.jpg (530x324, 31K)

Attached: DvCcDiKUcAAAelM.jpg large.jpg (1400x800, 71K)

And also age of consent in Germany. Come to Krautland, there's a reason why all the mudslimes are flooding in.
Prime white meat cunny.

they're not real

Are we born wearing underwear? No? It's natural.

That's just bizarre.

Lolis are only legal in America and Japan dummy

Attached: waifu.jpg (3400x4800, 1.62M)

is dis real?

ye. it was great, she was really cute

Is she the most popular Loli in fate Grand order right now?

Attached: 1561734321057 (1).jpg (850x1000, 152K)

yes, I can confirm FGO has a FAP> button

Attached: DvCUYXmUUAAz9r0.jpg large.jpg (1000x800, 79K)

G*rman men are not allowed to have sex in Germany.
That's only for muslim and black bulls.

>lewding fictional children?
>YIKES! ban that shit right now
>chopping off your own dick?
>sign me right in!

Attached: Honker.jpg (800x450, 47K)

She's the most popular FGO girl after only Mashu and Jalter

Attached: abby bb.jpg (1502x797, 339K)

Speaking of that actually, I was thinking about Mordreds swimsuit in FGO in the current event.

It's shape is really appealing, like it's probably the smallest you can be while still being a "bikini" and not a "microbikini". Really appealing.


You can be against both things, dumbass.

You can see the erotisms in this image Even when is not lewd,why is that?

Me on the left

>Abigail Williams (Fate) - 9422 results
>Jack the Ripper (Fate) - 5121 results
Abbychads rise up

>Banned games in resetera
Azur Lane
Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library
Gal Gun
Mary Skelter 2
Monster Monpiece
Negligee: Love Stories
Omega Labyrinth Z
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal
Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura
Super Seducer: How to Talk to Girls
Super Seducer 2
Tits N Tanks

Attached: The-chocolate-banana-xD-kiss-x-sis-35744364-848-480 (1).png (848x480, 291K)

Yeah that'd be a bit more reasonable, but that's not the stance Resetrannies are taking.

Does paheal delate them?t ry baraag currently the best along pixiv

>Super Seducer 2

brb ordering all of these games

Once you have enough experience, you can perceive the horny aura in even the most innocent drawings

God I can't wait for etrian odyssey to come to switch, and don't they dare to change artists.

Bless this bread

Is that on top of some sort of blanket ban of all erotic games? Because otherwise this list is hilariously short.

Would you still be able to draw your own maps? Because EO isn't EO without drawing.

yep, loli drawings are a bannu right there

I can see most of these, but why Mary Skelter 2?
That game is like a feminist power fantasy.

I'm guessing the dumb loli character was too much for them to handle

anime girls bad

A recommendation list

Attached: 1552743902763.jpg (1884x1996, 2.26M)

Super seducer is funny though

Change her stated age to be anything but 12 and probably insert some line about how she's older than she looks.


this, she can even be wearing nothing since no sex is taking place

>Tits N Tanks
>the fuck is this

Attached: DkuYNcDW4AAYvP9.jpg (1024x512, 111K)

>Azur Lane
why would either or those be banned? They're super popular gatcha games.

and funny

Attached: 366f3fbb9f101d37c557277fca3a09dd.jpg (1746x1260, 432K)

Well, she is already taller than Nero

>hasn't left the front page of Pixiv in like two years

Clearly they objectify women as they're literal objects in both of those games!

Attached: 50590308_p0.jpg (800x1015, 578K)

>cuts shirou's head and keeps it alive
>transfers shirou's soul to a doll
She deserved it and then some

Breasts too big.

>abby comes out soon
>I need to save for banana lancer
and there are still people wondering why fate shit all over the competition and just keep banking billions, this amount of blue balls would kill the will of a lesser being

Attached: 1504166570164.gif (267x200, 1.59M)


Attached: Illya's a good girl.jpg (800x600, 129K)

I really want to kiss this area

Attached: 1456103393359.jpg (1746x1245, 493K)

You could just fap to the bazillion doujins instead, you know?

Is that image so popular?

I don't get questions like this. It's right in the picture, just copy it. But you're probably so shit because you can't even do that and need "tricks" whatever that even means.

Oh sure maybe we can do the same with shinji and angra manyu if it's that simple

And Denmark.

Attached: 72914196_p0.png (2590x3624, 2.35M)

>tells heracles to literally rape her enemy
>all those bad ends
She's a magus through and through.
Ruthless goddamn psychopath.

Illya did nothing wrong

Attached: It doesn't sound like she's thinking about Ilya.jpg (800x600, 129K)

The Sony censorship turning the game unplayable in its chink release. They defend the censorship of Jap games remember.

Shit desu

5 Star Ibaraki when?!
I really love that banana.

Attached: 1551584691860.jpg (512x509, 70K)

Also there is a Lot of anime banned in resetera

Attached: 1563631902385.jpg (1200x1067, 95K)

It's a swimsuit. You can see little girls in these on the beach.

resetera isn't about fun, and they hate when males are successful with women

Why would they censor her?

Too old.

Attached: 300px-PROMOTIONS[1].jpg (300x352, 14K)

Reminder tha scheherazade would love you even if you're disgusting !

Attached: schez.jpg (474x424, 30K)

What the hell do they talk about over there then if everything is banned?

Based sony

Attached: 1559101565800.jpg (1418x854, 665K)

What I don't like about this is that it screams "I defy all laws of physics with my choice of clothes alone". This panties are so small they would reveal her pussy in seconds in the real world, she even bends her back so that she doesn't immediately jump out of her panties. If it actually would happen I had no trouble with those panties but if she was animated those panties would stick to her perfectly.

I thought she hated all men.

Jack tits are too big so she's trash.

Just as someone that's played most of these here's my recs on them
>AL - Reasonably fair gacha, plenty of sexy anime girls, good split of loli and cowtits and inbetween
>Dungeon Travelers 2 - One of the reasons to own a vita, solid dungeon crawler with heaps of solid lewd. DT 2-2 is never ever, so learn nip or wait for fan tl.
>Gal Gun - Double Peace and 2 are pretty nice rail shooters. Pretty fun and solid lewd content
>Hatred - Kinda shit at times but a competent twin stick shooter. The edgy stuff is fine but it pulls control every so often for them and can get on your nerves
>Huniepop - Alright match3 though it's western so, up to you I guess. Its also actual porn
>Kancolle - Haven't played this one but the anime was fun
>MS2(and by extension 1) - solid dark fairy tale dungeon crawler with great characters and some unique gameplay elements involving the nightmares. Each area, enemy and Nightmare has some link to a fairytale. Be aware these are the Japanese incarnations(Grimm Brothers is also applicable)
>MonMon - Decent card dueling game, the birth of CH's rubbing minigames in the Genkai Tokki series(if you know moon get Castle Panzer it's a better game in general and has way better lewd and writing).
>Negligee - No idea what that even is
>OLZ - fun roguelike with boob related mechanics. Has a better artist than OL Life. I recommend the series but maybe start at Life since that's the only English title.
>Burst Re;Newal - Best version of the Versus engine get it either on PC or in Jap if you want PS4 otherwise you're buying a censored game.
>Refle - Decent Senran VN, closest we'll get to an official Senran dating sim. Downside is it's only 5 girls but the joycon stuff is neat. No idea how that'll translate to PC
>Super Sed 1&2 - Haven't played
>TNT - dead

I've never played any of these shitty gacha gambling scams but visually, Azur Lane has by far the hottest girls of all of them.

Attached: prinz eugen.jpg (760x1189, 579K)

Nothing. Just poltards angry they censored the racist black face shit. So now they shitpost about lolis getting censored and got btfo when Wu released uncensored.

as long as you don't send her to her death she'll consider you a good king and wil do anything

Attached: Nightless Caster is fatigued.jpg (1200x800, 274K)

How they can ban things for everyone else or ruin things for everyone else. They are very boring and angry people.


Dechi is the best servant released this year.
Murasaki is second best. If you disagree you have shit taste and you ain't my nigga.

Attached: 1558907499636.jpg (782x600, 234K)

you mean, you never saw low-rise panties ever in your life??? have sex, incel

Attached: rBVaVVya64GANEuPAADFjhIDHmQ682.jpg (596x593, 21K)

You mean gameplaywise or character wise?
because character wise she would be horrible as a servant

So long as you dont wanna fucking kill her
Also Agartha is shit and Wu was the only good thing to come from it.

>reasonably fair
Thats an understatement, it's more like outrageous generous.
It's ridiculous on how much currency you get. The mission based ship rates are low but there's no limit on how you can retry to get them as long as youre gas efficient.

un... unh...

















ughhhhhh... unnnnhhhh...

give me that sweet cu cu cu........................




th- tth-th---hh...



HERE!!! uaggghh... take my..


to your

y-y-y- your- your-



hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm CACAAAAAAAAAAAA


J-J- j-j-j-j-jjj---j-jj- g gg--gh-g-jjg----ffffffffkkhkhhhhhh

jj--jj-- J-J-J-J-JJ-J--









uuuUUUuunnhhh.. ugh....

huhh... huhh... huhh...


They are the North Korea of website

If it's so generous, how can they make money?
I mean, I sorta assumed that all gachashit made their money by making things you want really rare and a generous gacha sounds like the opposite of that.

The Switch has touch screen support so it's possible. The bigger problem for me was how to fix losing the dual screens from the DS, but maybe they can just fit everything in a single screen and maybe add some options for left handed people to modify the UI.

These idiots seem to only go after games that are involved in controversies and make it to the news sites while most of the actual degenerate shit goes unnoticed. That's why MS2 and Monster Monpiece are on the list, while the rest of the Genkai Tokki series from the same company and much lewder than both of them aren't.

The reason MS2 got banned is because the chinese release got a patch that removed a "touching" feature called purification mode and completely broke the game making it unplayable. Also because the game is only getting a Switch release in the west, since they'd have to butcher it to release it on current year PS4.

Attached: 084830.jpg (1920x1080, 204K)

How was this allowed? Even when is mean to be a promotion for a fate movie.

Attached: 1563723465468.jpg (2512x3500, 330K)

I've only played AL a little bit so I couldn't speak for someone more than say early-earlymid game. I'm not deep into it so I can't say with total certainty how fair it is, only that of the gacha I've played it's far more reasonable than say Shinomas, Kirafan or Dereste.

He is right though. There are huge slipping issues with those kind of panties and no one but actual prostitutes would wear those to begin with.

Costumes, merchandise, and the other shit.
My friend was at anime expo and there were TONS of people buy merchs and shit at the azure lane booth. The queue was nearly half an hour long and more if you didnt come early.
I quit the game because i was handed everything on a silver platter and wasnt finding the enjoyment of being given nearly everything.

gib sauce pls kind user

EO on switch with the same drawing mechanics I can see working easy in handheld mode but in docked mode I'm trying to work out how that wold work. Maybe you could have one joycon for moving and one for mapping or something. I don't want them to just do what all the others do and have full auto-mapping since the drawing is a series staple. Hopefully we get some news soon since I'm cautiously optimistic about it.

Post the Lolis fagget

Attached: 1561733141666m (1).jpg (1024x512, 100K)

AL is censored. Same for dungeon travelers 2.

Do something for the real one at Snoy parade and then we talk about the fake one.
Deal Faggot?

Attached: 1543754670028.jpg (710x960, 152K)

Cute loli though.

Illya was a mistake. What a nasty giant breasted "11 year old".

Ah right, I played them in moon so I avoided that shit.

Best loli

Attached: 1562011760516.jpg (957x2000, 467K)

Huh, honestly hadn't expected that.

They forgot to implement word wrap and still haven't when they switched to the new UI. The old one never had that issue...

Don't let shitty anime art lead you astray

Methinks you didn't pay attention to the 11yos back when you were in 5/6th grade.

Al censored on jap server too.

Huh? I got her twice and she's pretty nice.

Stfu tittyfaggot.

>last minute art change that hit all servers is censorship

Those breasts are not large, flatanon.

>defending censorship

>Big breast
Are you crazy?

Attached: 1563624756090.jpg (767x1717, 121K)

It literally isn't.

Shes not useless since she has a self np charge which is always good for farming.
You know, farming, 99% of the game.

Pokémon have better lolis

Attached: 1562200507632m.jpg (724x1024, 115K)

Why is Kuro purple?

Attached: 1525354802651.jpg (774x955, 216K)

Its the new dragon ball promotion

The difference is one is fanart and the other is official. Suiren is completely featureless in the original. Throw the huge pedo fanart community of Pokemon at anything and it would have nice loli art.

They're great, but they can't quite reach the same level of ravenous semen demon

Attached: Lana.jpg (1158x1637, 800K)

Why do you care?

Probably diddling kids. Since they have pedos there

There is no saving you, you've fucked up your sexuality and brain with too much pornography. Please do the world a favor and commit suicide as soon as possible. Also FUCK THE PEDO JANNIES.

Attached: 1506120949765.jpg (1024x576, 49K)

You can go back to Discord now

(You) were way too late for this thread

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What are the upcoming servants? I'm saving for okita alter which would come out in what 2 years?

Attached: IMG_3773.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

I want to be that piggy

>braindead meme response
probably true, fuck you anyway I hope you get a terminal illness.
>braindead meme response

>"jannie" posters are anti-loli newfags
Why am I not surprised.

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Is "ANTI-LOLI NEWFAG!!!" all you got? Because that's all you fucking sickos can ever do, act high and mighty because you're sexually attracted to cartoon children and there's no way you can engage with other people without somehow putting them below you. Because you cum over cartoon child porn and you know it. Fucking hilarious, you have no excuse. You know you're a piece of shit so all you can do is embrace it and be a passive-aggressive creep.

Why do you have to reply to falseflaggers?