Go to bed
Go to bed
I-It’s 4:55 pm..
No the bed is trying to eat me
Shit manga.
But doctor, I'm already asleep
how's life japoid?
this shit ass manga is pacing too much, when is the cuckquean arc?, fuck you 777.
im washing my sheets/comforter first, gotta let them dry before i sleep
I am not in Japan :)
It's 10 AM you retard.
Where in Europe
made for pronebone.
Have sex
You're talking about the same guy that took the vanillapill years ago and hasn't done anything hardcore since.
Same, but I am in Japan.
I miss home though.
with Nagatoro
would smell her brown feet.
Imagine the stench.
Anjou-san is better.
He took the femdompill. Don't you remember the latte machine?
You cant make me
How long have you been away
It's 10 am dude
Its 9am though
But it's 10am.
Whyyy ? I just ate breakfast.
Anjou-san engages in compensated dating.
>A light and funny story of a loud gyaru who likes to bother and tease a shy boy
So I'm guessing it's just as soft as Nagatoro? I'm not even a femdom faggot, I just liked the original Nagatoro comics' shitty attitude and how angry they made me.
It's more like if Takagi-san was in high-school and made it obvious that she likes the MC. There's actual progress incoming if you decide to read it.
>You're talking about the same guy that took the vanillapill
I'm still fucking mad, his H series will never get finished.
i accidentally my A.C. out the window and now i'm too angry and hot to go to sleep
If I lay in bed like a good boy what will u give me?
eggs and cheese
damn thats a lot of eggs. how many do I have to eat?
but i think im gonna die of a heat-stroke during my rest
How many can you fit in your mouth at once?
hey, how's it going
Can't sleep even if I wanted. Yea Forums isn't my personal blog so I'm not gonna shit up the board.
i'm doing okay, my room is pretty hot too, the ac barely reaches my room
But it's half past 9 in the morning
10 pm. Work. Wish i was sleeping
Based laundry bro. I'm waiting for the washer to finish so I can throw my clothes in the dryer before I go to sleep.
Vlad, you will go to bed and I will hear no more of this
t. Matthias "Daddy" Corvinus
But I can't sleep.
>There's actual progress incoming
Oh shit really?
>can't sleep more than 5 hours a night
Someone save me and or put me out of my misery
Seto decides to man up and ask Anjou out on a date. There's a couple chapters dedicated to it and they go on 3 dates in total.
Seto becomes a chad.
ommmmgggg undertale I got that reference xD love that game it cured my depression
>can only wake up from alarm clocks else I will sleep for 14 straight hours making me wake up like a shit zombie
Both extremes are terrible.
I’ll do it just for you, Nagatoro.
Phoneposting in bed is bad anyways.
This but unironically
Just got home from my night shift. I can either go to bed now and wake up and have 7 hours of free time. Or I can squander 2-3 hours and have 4 hours of free time when I wake up before heading back to work. I'm not really that tired since I got a few hours of sleep at work lol
I took a nap earlier like a retard
I've developed insomnia to the point where I fall asleep every other day for a few hours before being completely awake again. I'm going to try to harness this power.
The old trick of putting my alarm clock far from me isn't working anymore. My sleep cycle is ruined again
Fuck off retard.
What was the name again?
We really need some Anjou NTR
but its 11 55 am
I wish I had a gf that ordered me around.
Can't wait for it to get scanslated because I'm poor and don't know Jap
naga the snake
It's funny because the author's for the teasing mangas, are all friends with each-other so a crossover could happen one day.
3 4 1 2
It was always in the name.
I can't sleep, dumb nagatoroposter.
imagine the smell
It's 12 am fuckface, not everyone is an amerifat
Don't bully our sweet amerifriends.
gas kikes
But I actually just woke up. Have work at 6 am.
god i hate komi, faggot reddit bait at its worst
Europoors aren't real people
Don't be so mean, user.
I will soon, I swear.
t. me two hours ago
I've done extensive testing, yuros may or may not be people, and some can possibly be changed into humans, but canadians are not and can never become anything besides subhumans fit only to be removed from existence.
shouldn't you be taking care of someone's garden?
Redpill me on her Yea Forums. Who the fuck is Nagatoro?
she has smelly feet
How the fuck do you faggots always know
a bully that desperatly wants her sensei to snap and rape her into an orgasmic puddle
I want to hug Nagatoro.
Are there any good doujins where she gets brutally raped and mindbroken?
But it's noon and I just slept 12 hours.
Why would you want to ruin the appeal?
Seeing smug, self assured girls be broken makes my little man into a big boi.
It's been a few years since I actively got into my bed to go to sleep. The most sleep I get these days is when I nod off for a few hours in my chair.
enjoy paying chinese dollars to the transperson you insulted by not looking at them on your way to the gastricbypass
>Went to a Moshe because of school
>Teachers asked me to pray to Allah
>Told them "no, I'm an evangelist"
>Teacher extremely angry, got a 6 later that year on my certificate, even tho I wrote a 2 and 3 on the tests in that class during that year
European education is indeed fucked. Can't imagine how much worse it is now with all the leftist pandering happening. Liberalism is dead
I am European and never saw a muslim in my life
Moshe Moshe user desu
I'm doin it
wish me luck
I can't man. The G1 starts again now.
Which one we playin white boy
>Forgot the english Word for Moschee IS mosque
>Tried to wing it anyway