What untranslated Japanese games are you playing?
What untranslated Japanese games are you playing?
None because I didn't waste years of my life learning a useless language.
I ended up jumping ahead into something hella complicated because it looked cute
I'm able to follow the plot along but reading item names and descriptions (the game is all about crafting) is very hard. But it's also fun!
I started Tobira no Densetsu but haven't finished the prologue yet.
>play a poor janky RPG Maker Game that has vague objectives at best, bad difficulty curve, incomprehensible lag, and a couple of dungeons that will autokill you without major prep or at least having a backup save outside because you can't get out
>now play it in all Japanese
Shrink High. Back before it was translated.
Was it worth it? Ehh. Wasn't not worth it.
I dont speak japanese
I will never learn
But im playing medarot 5
play Tobira like the user above and Towelket
def worth it.
Nothing wrong with the series. Just with the localization that pushed the TV series and plastic toys and didn't want anything to do with it after that.
Dead days
The series is good
I meant "better" as in "series that cares about its non-jp audience"
The last thing medabots related that was officially translated was the absolutely awful gamecube game - medabots infinity - which even did poorly in japan
Medarot 5 railroads you hard enough that its nearly impossible to get lost or stuck so its doable to someone who doesnt speak nip
Fucking sauce please holy shit, I downloaded this game a few years ago and lost it when my laptop died, I've been looking for it for ever but I couldn't remember the fucking name and was never able to find it.
Aradia's game.
Irrelevant slut got blown the fuck out by Bloodstained.
I've been playing Kuroinu 2 and it's destroying my dick.
Especially that arc where the fox princess is molested along her fox shota brother.
thank you user I seriously have been looking for this shit for like, 5 years.
Gameboy RPGs are like a beginner course to jap, try to read everything at least instead of merely mashing A and thinking you'll never make it
Shota is absolute shit
Begone, pedo
I would never use it, since the only japanese series I care about is medabots and nothing else
Its not like im saying "im incapable of learning" its "I dont want to since I only care about one thing in japanese"
Sure I could expand my horizons and use it for other shit but I dont really want to
How the heck did you forget the name? I figured the general theme would have pegged it out for ya.
"Loli Succubi" gives it to ya on SadPanda
Wizards Symphony atm.
I played it randomly and got hella fucking hooked.
the switch really is the vita 2
Sakura Wars 2, as well as Shenmue, I'm in a Sega mood.
my dick thanks you
Still working my way through Baldr Sky. I started this shit in January, man. I'm slow as fuck at reading and don't read every day, though.
Aki best girl.
Shut up homo, there are few things better on earth than siblings straight Shota.
>translation never ever
it hurts
chikagoro kono ge ni hamatteru
fan translation ga arunn da kedo nihongo no hou ga iinn da to omou.
Reading romaji is one of the worst fucking feelings in life.
sumann tokumei kun
kono pasokon de IME ga nainn da kara kana to kanji wo tsukau koto nanka dekinai... zannnenn nagara mo shikata ga nai yo...
At least shorten your tsus and shis, you fucking casual.