>A date? You're my student. I mean, we can't...
What do you say?
A date? You're my student. I mean, we can't
Teachers should date teachers. Students should date students
Cry cause she's not real and will never be real and i'll end up alone never experiencing pure mutual love.
a date? the fuck you talking about I just want you to clean my house.
Say nothing, slap her ass in the middle of class
But that Kawakami sensei? She's not maid
*drops out of school*
problem solved
>What do you say?
anouu~ watakushi wa douryou desu...
kawakami-san ga RP wo shitai desuka?
I really want to fall asleep on that shirt after she's worn it all day.
Do I get to fuck her? Whats the endgame? Tell me bros. Its getting expensive calling her over...
>You will never fuck your milf teacher
The endgame is Joker following in the footsteps of Macron and entering politics with his older teacher-wife
Good point, you're right. I'll go date 4 girls my own age then, good luck with life as a 25 year old single woman.
>do I get to fucker her
The comfiest persona girl and the 2nd best.
There is nothing wrong with dating your student!
>be ALT in highschool
>sometimes some of the girls give me fuck me eyes
I'm currently trying to get fit and improve my career so I can contact an old instructor of mine and try to get her to date me. Wish me luck laddies
>Trannies bad
>An adult dating an underage good
Don’t forget to reply with Dilate, Join the 40% and froggposting
>>Trannies bad
who are you quoting
The screen fades to black, and you fill in what happened.
shhhh i’m catching (You), don’t scare me
the fishes
Oh! Sorry, I was asking the other teacher, I must've hit the wrong email contact by mistake!
>missed an opportunity to say "suruganai ne"
Tfw the game ended and Kawakami is gone forever