Are there any video games with a similar story to Stranger Things?

Are there any video games with a similar story to Stranger Things?

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What kind of bait is this? Humans fight apocalyptic monster is one of the most generic story templates out there. The entire Resident Evil series, there you go.

I mean

The Stranger Things games

You mean a game where your girlfriend cucks you and cheats on you with a nother guy and then NEVER apologizes and the show continues as if she did NOTHING wrong and they never bring it back up?

Japan probably made some NTR game like that

does this dude actually have a teeth disorder or has it just been the show refusing to throw this dude a bone

He's a racist and trying to get us to discuss "el goblino" because it makes him feel proud of his only quality he feels is even slightly redeeming which is being white. He's very threatened by other races.

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Steve, Billy, and S1 Hopper carried this show

>Gets cucked by a doormat crack head.

It gets so much worse and you know it

The show is shit, you braindead zoomer


Yeah he really does have some kind of tooth disorder.

Hopper got a hard personality nerf. Glad to see Steve being the best character overall despite him getting lesbo-blocked at the end.

Can "The Hair" turn her straight next season?

Maybe Persona? A bunch of school kids fighting monsters in another dimension sorta deal

Why don't they make a Stranger Things game where you're in Russia trying survive in the Upside Down

And why the fuck did they continue fucking with the gate in S2? What possible purpose could they justify it with?

We can't have that toxic masculinity actually be a positive and you know damn well that netflix will refuse to admit lesbos is just a phase /choice made by women who have been with abusive boyfriends. Also the best character died last season so I think im done.

They got lazy so they decided to make 8 episodes justifying the gate and its creatures return. I honestly thought it was gonna be a battle royale between the other psychics.

>Tfw American But love doing Amerimutt memes
It’s only a joke

Nigga it's Netflix, the company that got into shits for trying to blackwash a Witcher character during casting. They thrive on having at least one or more minorities being pushed into the spotlight.

It would be El futuro de América, not La futuro.

>Sttranger Things Telltale game never came to pass

la creatura...

>Another round of canon vs not canon threads
It was that bad during GoT's release. Glad Telltales Borderlands is canon though.

Dios Mio...


what the fuck

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Do you know if the Wolf Among Us is a good game? Havnen't played it yet

this show is fucking garbage

>Joke character who's been abused by the plot the entire season finally snaps and beats the shit out of the eldritch abomination villain
Any games where something like this happens?

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This kid made more money and probably had more sex than op ever will, even if op was given an extra 100 years to live.

Stay mad faggot

It's alright, but it ends on a cliffhanger and the studio is dead

1 >> 2 >>>>>>> 3

love how in the s2 recap they completely ignored the entire "El joins a gang in Chicago" plot and it literally never comes up in S3 outside of her edgelord design appearing in flashbacks

the single attempt the brothers duffer made at deviating from "lol 80's" motif and it sucked shit like nothing else, truly incredible.

normies are getting dumber by the day

Played it, it was fun but it suffers from having one ending. The game was good enough to be adapted into comic format a year after its release. Some backtracking at episode 2 can be noticed since almost everyone already figured that the most obvious suspect isn't the suspect. Also suffers from prequelitis where all the main characters of the Fables series can't be touched by consequences.

The funny part i hes the only likable character at this point. They killed the other two last season and we get to watch the pussywhipped gang shit on the gay autism wizard for ANOTHER season instead of just ending this trash. I guess toothless gets his cutie Mormon gf at least

The quality drop was way too noticeable here. Would've honestly just wished it was a spinoff of Steve and the goblin fighting Russians because that was more watchable than teen and preteen drama.

Sometimes its just better to kill your shit decisions and pretend they never happened. Would you have been happier if they addressed it?

Telltales, only the joke character is you. You end up defying the ghost that's been haunting you for the whole four episodes.

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Wolf Among Us is only good if you want to lewd Bigby.

god that kid is fucking ugly as sin

Did anyone else get Metal Gear vibes watching it?

Only I was like this is a shitty stealth game

Stranger Things.

It's not.

Not him but it's just showing of how they're running out of ideas. They retread too much and avoid some of the history, leading to a bit of tedium with the overall plot. Joyce was crazy about her missing son. Now she's crazy about magnets. Will's the fourth wheel and all his character's about is DnD and being a monster alarm. There's barely anything new about it except for the Russians.

Blackout Club is leaving Early Access next week, and it has that vibe of
>kids trying to solve the mysterious horror affecting their suburban town

That’s the joke pedantard

>every female is extremely smart and/or reliant
>every male is a bumbling baffoon that needs to get scoffed by a woman
>beginning of season L and Mike are both infatuated with each other, yet somehow later on Mike was the one controlling L like the toxic male that he was and not letting L being a strong independent woman even though he literally did nothing wrong except express worry for L

scoops troop was the only good part of season 3, every other storyline fucking sucked

hell even scoops troop made no sense (how the fuck did a whole soviet death star get built underneath a new mall and nobody noticed) but the chemistry between them made up for it, basically the only good scenes in season 3 were when steve and dustin were in the same frame

meanwhile nancy and johnathan are arguing like a married couple twice their age and did nothing, and hopper spent the whole season acting like he was on crack what the fuck

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Is this kid actually gonna do the prank TV show with homeless people?

Everyone hated it because it was indeed trash.

No, because while a straight character becoming gay is progressive and them "being true to themselves", a gay character becoming straight is erasure and "brainwashing them"

how do we save netflix bros?

it's not fucking funny.

Dios mio... la americana...

you realize most of them are grammatically incorrect, right?

Yes, ET on the Atari. Now watch a better show with a better aesthetic like Dark you faggot.

>tfw you got cucked three seasons in a row

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Scoops Troop and Bald Eagle with Alexei. Everything else is just padding.

Go back to /pol/ please

>>beginning of season L and Mike are both infatuated with each other, yet somehow later on Mike was the one controlling L like the toxic male that he was and not letting L being a strong independent woman even though he literally did nothing wrong except express worry for L
That's disingenuous, Sure the show treats him in the wrong for being a little controlling, but it's kind of justified given the shit he's had to watch El and Will go through. He simply doesn't want her to get hurt. And that whole pre-teen drama was obviously just in there for laughs, it was obvious they were going to make up. Sounds like you're projecting a little pal.

she reminds me of a snake for some reason

Monkey's paw
>Every audience, even Yea Forums, thinks you're the best thing out of the show
>But you must suffer everytime until they give him that psychic girl from S2.

>hopper spent the whole season acting like he was on crack
I think this is gonna be the #1 criticism when the honeymoon wears off. Hopp's shit was written like he was an SNL version of himself.

I guess when Lloyd comes back with a fucking tank in Mother 1

kind of? like, s2 was already treading old ground a bit by the end (still interesting if not occasionally stupid) but s3 literally took the same plot and removed nearly all of the tension, suspense, or mystery by making it the exact same antagonist with vastly reduced stakes. fucking billy gets possessed and dicks around the whole season, compared to will disappearing or getting flayed.

literally the only major changes in this season were reductive
>jim fucking died but only after his character had been butchered
>El lost her powers before the show could explore they affected her broader social life
>the byers moved away before any of them could actually resolve their ongoing arcs (Johnathan and Nancy, Will and the nerds, Joyce's grief)
>El left too
>exactly one new main cast member (unless you count Erica) and she's got nothing going on besides being gay

it was just so boring

kill off the streaming services made by content creating companies. Netflix is going to shit because every media company wants a piece of the streaming pie, and now Netflix is no longer a middleman, but a competitor, and why would you want to help a competitor? Every company wanting their own streaming service is going to make the streaming market crash. People aren't going to have a dozen different subs for one show. They'll just pick one, and tech savvy people will go back to piracy.

I keep forgetting about Nancy's subplot existing most of the time.

Absolutely this. I mean, Joyce was already visibly upset with his clinginess and the only good moments he's had was when he's being an overprotective dad, and that's not saying much.

Black Spot > Dark

>it's a 'HEY SWEET CHEEKS' over-the-top sexist asshole men don't appreciate the value of their hypercompetant female worker becaus she's a girl and its the 70s/80s' episode
Seen this episode 100 times but they still made it funny

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Jesus Christ that thing is fucking hideous.

What did the monster want again? He wants to come to earth because......?

It just felt like he was being a little bitch, like oh you killed me now I want to kill you even though I'm supposed to be some eldritch alien or whatever it is

>Everyone but Steve is dull or OOC
>Everytime Steve interacts with a character, they become 3 times more interesting than usual
>Does all this in a silly sailor uniform

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>He wants to come to earth because
To get more flesh, I guess?

that kid's adult life is going to be a trainwreck.

You mean this is actually where the el goblino meme originated? Kek

He wanted to consume Eleven but the show keeps telling you that it just wants Eleven dead, which doesn't make sense since Billy could've killed her at the end but had to offer her to the monster instead.

He even outright said he can't watch her die again and everyone who was being smug towards him immediately shut the fuck up when he did.

Steve made Stranger Things watchable

I'm surpised they don't make a video game, it would print money

They fucked up hopper big time. And steve went from being a fucking cunt to the ONLY likeable character.

Skipped so hard that I was actually glad to see Erica's face at the next scene.

Were lesbians even invented back then? Came off as really forced despite them clearly having tremendous chemistry.

Have you seen his interviews? He's down-to-earth as fuck and has an amazing sense of humor, he's already financially set for life thanks to this show.

He's gonna be fine and we're all still gonna be here shitposting, a significant number of us remaining virgins well into middle-aged while he gums eager bitches into squirting all over his face daily.

stranger things is not bad
not great but not bad

I just want my boy Steve to be happy bros

Hell, Steve in all seasons
>Character development by the end of S1 when he was initially written to die
>Tries to be a good boyfriend throughout S2 but became that cool older teenager friend that was hilarious and heartwarming
>Becomes comic relief at S3 but at the same time is the best, most entertaining part of the season

>typing this out

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Nigga people were secretly gay throughout history and lived with their "best friends". Steve even called Jonathan a queer at S1.

lesbians aren't the same as gays, and were not invented until the 90s.

>made a show about pranking people into thinking they're getting hired by companies

This. The chemistry was great and it was built up very well. And all of a sudden; HURR DURR I'M LESBO SORRY STEVE.

fucking casual show

it honestly feels like making robin gay was a last minute decision to finalize steve's cuck status. literally the only time she sounds like a lesbian is at the end when she's trying to get him a job. she never seemed remotely attracted to him until the torture scene (or him to her) but shared trauma is literally an in-show meme so it's par for the course after that point

>t. Mutt

Quite the historian, I'm sure.

Is Will gay or is he just akward?

>perfect 3D girls don't exis-

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Kids made fun of Will for acting faggy.


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They were holding hands before breaking into the elevator.

It's true, lesbians were made popular in the 90s, they didn't exist in the 80s.

i think they actually pulled a Rian Johnson subversion just for the sake of shock and progressiveness.
>Bait and switch Robin's dialogue
>Pushed and supported by the kid
>Suddenly bam, lesbian

Unsurprisingly, the reactions were mixed to "omg lesbian! now steve has a best friend who's a lesbian" to coping that she turns bi next season because Steve is still suffering.

>kids with strange powers
>coming of age shit
>lovecraftian/kafkaesque shit

>argues for 3dpd
>post a cardboard cutout

the super 8 demo in portal 2

I almost thought they were hinting it. In S1 they mentioned a girl who had a crush on him but they never brought her back.

It was an awful move and the show is constantly knee capping itself with retarded maneuvers like this. This will probably be the last season I watch.

Does she believe that blacks are morally degenerate descendents of Ham, like any devout Mormon should?

Stop using kefkaesque you don’t even know what it means

What are you even talking about? Mormons aren’t racist

Awkward with a healthy dose of "I had an alien god stuck in my brain after being made into an alien breeder in another dimension"

Official Mormon church doctrine had some amusing things about the spiritual fortitude of blacks up until the 80s.

This cheating skeleton bitch is far from perfect.

I'd say try Crossing Souls. It has teenagers and the story is set in the 80s.

Dios mio. .. La Subnautica del Epic juegos [spanish for store]


I forget did the ever tell Steve?

Why did the best character in the show have to get fucked over like this?

Robin is elder god tier taste
Nancy is cuck fetish tier taste

"haha, comic relief still can't catch a break. Rev up those laugh tracks boys!"

>morally degenerate

I mean are they wrong?

I think they were aiming to have more scenes with the possessed people, but it ended up being a minor theme.

>tfw no sassy qt polygat gf

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He sees them together during will's exorcism and just says she doesn't need to feel guilty for him or something like that. I just wish my boy Steve would be given a cute girl that likes him. And I like his relationship with Dustin, very brotherish.

steve has a hard life

>Thought they were getting into the doppleganger thing
>Nah, it's just for two-four characters.

It's not funny though, he deserves better.

Damn, she's hotter than I thought

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what if I wanna fuck that nappy red head max

I just like bringing it up sometimes because it's funny.

ay dios mio

Too much modern day woke bullshit and shameless product shilling in a show supposedly set in the 80s.
The 1st season had a natural feel of characters that just organically were in the 80s, now it feels like a cheesy "OMG the 80s!" movie.
After school special tier character development ham fisted things like "hurrr oh man she's a lesbo" instead of it just being an aside.
Also the wrong Mayfield died.

The Meatflayer growing scene legitimately made me nauseous. I had to take a break after that.

this is actually right.
Even tho lesbos wer used in male oriented porn since forever, there was a push to get that into mainstream culture in the late 80s/early 90s. Think basic instinct and all that.
They called this lesbian chic and most normal female would never actually have considered lesbian sex before this.
Now it has became a normie fetish and I wonder who profits from that cucking of the western male.

>jim fucking died

she was never his girlfriend though?

>Jim fucking died
Are you really this much of a brainlet? He's imprisoned by the Russians.

> final Hopper letter was actually pretty good
> ruins it via post credits implication that he's still alive

the words "La Luz Extinguido" will never not be funny to me

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>he thinks max is anywhere close to smart or reliant


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You know its just a prequel to the Fables comics don't you? Just read those

the show sure likes to shove her down everyones throats despite being unlikable the moment she appeared on screen. she's not even a good foil, she's just unlikable.

La subnautica del tienda épica de juegos...

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Which game?

>this thread

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Post S4 theories
>Ruskies use their tamed Demogorgon to assassinate people (because who can stop a monster that can hop between dimensions without psychic powers)
>Find out through Hopper how the gate was first opened, ignore his warnings and send an army to the upside down for some kinda wolverine shit
>It all goes wrong and the Mindflayer starts creating a proper body with the Soviets
>El regains her powers and finds she can use the blackroom to travel to a location, uses this to save Hopper and reunite with Mike
>Supermindflayer gets burned alive, ending that threat
>Timeskip to 2016, Mike and El have a daughter who has superpsychic powers

Tales from Borderlands. Keep mixing up Telltales and Tales from.

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okay, now THIS is epic

>telltale was going to make a stranger things game before they closed down

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I was honestly hoping that Will gain some powers besides being a monster radar and then like become El's best friend or sparring partner.

>make a big deal about her in s2
>drop her in s3

Fuck you’re an obnoxious limp dick faggot

All I want is to have Steve become a police officer and get trained under Hopper.

>uses the blackroom to travel to a location

Tales from the Borderlands was unexpectedly good.

The Stranger Things video game.

Why did they go under anyways? I thought people loved their games?

He's gonna be a movie nerd and be a pop culture reference gag character next season, I just know it.

Terrible management and they were bad with money or some shit

>Jonathan tries to help L extract the leech thing from her leg

based and fuck future wagies pilled.

That's because it didn't take itself too seriously and wasn't pushing for "YOUR CHOICES MATTER", instead pushing for which choices would look fun.

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What if Steve started training to be a paranormal trooper? He's had hands-on experience with the creatures of the Upside-Down, after all

Wasn't she a poo in the loo? Steve deserves better

She looks like she's pushing 40.

How does he pay you to make replies like these? Is he offering you sex?

the dude literally gets skull fucked by some eldritch god, yet people are confused why he is awkward or just wants to hangout with his best friends. Honestly it pissed me off when his friends abandoned him after all he had been through.

Nigger Nigs?

This cunt killed major characters, I hope everyone understands this

Weak example. The worm could've easily evaded his fingers and it led for El to lose her powers during the final episode.

A: No, I'm not a nigger.


they definitely set him up to be gay in S4

Say that again punk and see what happens.

She was unaware of the stakes and thought Dustin was playing a game, jesus. If anything, it was Murray who got Hopper killed by fucking up planck's constant.

thing the three inches thing was anything other than conformation that he went into the upside down. Also the american is that doctor guy that got "killed" in season 1. I don't know how but based on the writing you bet your ass it will be him.

Season 2 was way worse than 3, simply because the Chicago storyline was that pointless and infuriating to watch.

That retard already gets more pussy than 20+ year olds on Yea Forums will ever get

What a stupid song
No ones even seen that ancient show