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Literally hit R1

>Sekiro was a massive disappointmen-

Attached: Sekiro Duel.webm (1024x576, 2.87M)

first half of sekiro is utter dogshit, game doesnt get good till Genichiro

Played Sekiro and loved it. Should I play Bloodbourne or a souls game next.

Yeah bro just spam R1

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DS1 then Bloodborne. You should've started with DS1 to appreciate the others more, but you'll have to get used to the controls.

Bloodborne is a Souls game. Play either that or the first Dark Souls.

i shit my pants when i saw these two
just sneaked into the temple

>loved the game
>couldn't finish it because spamming r1 and lock on fucked up my hand

have you tried acquiring proficiency?

Literally the opposite, everything after Genichiro is shit.

both fucking retards

Good game with fucked up balancing with mechanics and difficulty. Really fun to play but not rewarding to play.

That’s my synopsis

filtered :o)

>playing souls
>not immediately securing xp after a difficult fight
You only have yourself to blame

Ya, nah. Fuck off false flagging nigger. No one thinks you're garbage Soulcuck game is difficult, with its spam O to win gameplay, except now you spam L1.

Good point except it takes like 2-3 hours to get one upgrade point in subsequent playthroughs and there's nothing to spend it on unless you have 7+ and you're fucked if you get killed once
Yes you are silly, shut your gay ass up

These guys are definitely my vote for the fucking dumbest enemies in the game. These stupid fucking assholes can literally break your camera and get a hit in because of it.

>always wondered why the evil boss in stealth games never just put a chump in front of a door or 2 back to back in a hallway
>find this
nah, that is based. If you can't appreciate the fact that you actually finally encounter basic guarding tactics in a stealth game since you have, or at least you should know, other ways to defeat enemies besides stealth kills
in other words OP: have sex

Literally just use shurikens

>From find that people are too used to the souls formula
>shakes things up so that the next game is difficult because it is something new that you have to learn or decostrunct from the drilled tactics from older games like focusing on dodging or summoning
>faggots like OP show up and ruin the fun
go back to dark souls 3 """pvp""" if you even can call it that

If you’re xp bar is more than 50% filled, just go back to the Antechamber or Gun Fort and backstab some mother fuckers till it’s full.
>back to back
No, they’re facing each other lmao, with their backs turned. Stupidest guard placement in existence.

god I fucking loved sekiro, just wish it had replay value

I dont remember these two being a big deal. Pretty sure i threw a pot or something to lure them around.

Shut the fuck up bootlicker, shitty mechanics ned to be judged all around
? look at the image, their backs are too each other like they always are. They stare at each other if both are aggrod and they reposition themselves.

>dumbest enemies
I think you're forgetting the double Headless at fountainhead palace.
Matter fact, Headless in general.

Attached: How-to-beat-the-Headless-boss-in-Sekiro-Shadows-Die-Twice-768494.jpg (590x350, 25K)

Headless really disappointed me because they went against the general theme of the gameplay. Killing Headless is just stacking Divine Confetti with the shit that gets rid of the Terror ailment. You could just mash away at them with the occasional parry.

>yaoi hands
appropriate for their grab attack I guess

this game is pure fucking kino desu

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almost all the minibosses can be escaped from
for actual bosses you can just go to the menu and quit so you load back in outside the boss room
absolute shitter strats obviously but with even one res you can avoid ever really dying

I love fighting the purple dudes.

So git gud and don't die.

Sekiro is the easiest of the FROM games once you learn the rhythm

it doesn't? I'm pretty sure I'm near the end right now and I sure as fuck won't have all my shit fully upgraded, so there gotta be ng+, right? I also heard there are multiple endings and honestly I enjoy the gameplay enough to play it a few more times to see all the moves and stuff beside the different endings

there's NG+ and 4 endings
after the first playthrough it kind of gets easy and there isn't much exploration so the next playthroughs go by really fast
I'm on my fifth right now

too short my man :,(
If they ever come out with DLC (which I doubt) I wanna see more of the central ministry or the time frame that lured sekiro away from the hirata estate

Everything is a pain in the ass once you ditch the charm, ring the demon bell and play in NG+
I ragequit when every enemy hit was dealing about 25-50% posture damage.. in a combo attack with 3-8 attacks..

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My nigga. Glad I'm not the only one that loved that track.

also as a tip do not trade skill points for attack power

yeah, I mean you can be a pussy in most games but it doesn't mean they all suck because of it

I was really looking forward to play it because of the things I heard about the combat, but I didn't want to believe it's THAT hard, but it seems like it is actually a casual filter
I know what Yea Forums thinks about streamers and such, but with games like this I like to watch some of their streams just to see how they handle bosses and what are they doing differently, and two streamers I watch sometimes quit the game like halfway through because they "don't like the setting" when in reality they just simply suck at the game, they can't seem to understand the game isn't about dodge spamming
this one dude always talks about how hardcore he is and summoning help is being a pussy, and he spent a whole 3 FUCKING HOURS LONG stream fighting just lady butterfly, I mean who the fuck gets stuck on that boss for THAT long? and the whole time he's bitching about how much better all the DS bosses were and how lame is this new deflect mechanic
what a hardcore gamer he is

>Is called to sword saint
>shoots you with a gun

Attached: Sekiro_Isshin_the_Sword_Saint_cover.0.jpg (1200x800, 103K)

Same until I got parrying down

NG can be beaten entirely by tapping L1 really fast and a lot of the bosses have a specific tool counter
I think stuff like that replaces summoning as a "cheese" other than doing stuff like running around waiting for an opening for vitality damage or using floating passage on everything
the problem is once you learn the game the difficulty kind of plateaus