XIV Shadowbringers

Everything went wrong, the only completed questline was Il Mheg, everything else was filler until you finally reached Innocence, then immediately went to kill Hades. Somehow they eliminated Varis being a boss, and we have 2 unfinished races.

I can't believe people honestly defend this expac, they even destroyed other jobs for it.

Attached: ffxiv-shadowbringers.jpg (2880x1620, 348K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>everything else was filler
Actual brainlet. Go back.

And another thread gone, and another thread gone
Another thread bites the dust

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video games

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God I wish I were Tataru.

White knights will kill FFXIV all along

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why the fuck do the threads on this game get pruned? every other game is allowed here expect XIV? I tried browsing /vg/ earlier it was terrible why cant jannies just let us enjoy this board

>the only completed questline was Il Mheg, everything else was filler until you finally reached Innocence

VIDEOGAMES?!!? ON MY Yea Forums?!?!

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Because it has a perfectly usable general on /vg/.

how are people so stupid that they cant see it was an asshurt wowbaby that made the death threat

Can you retards stop making the title of the game the subject line?

>perfectly usable

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>usable general

Fucking HALO threads are getting pruned. I legitimately don't know what the fuck the jannies are on lately. They'll leave literal /pol/ bait threads up for hundreds of posts, but fucking video games get deleted.

>It was terrible.
You can stop trying to fit in now. You fucks keep hyperboling.

Go back to your containment board.

Attached: go back to vg.png (892x444, 118K)

kill yourself you fucking shit stain


underrated remix channel

It's ok jannies, you can take this one


>general on /vg/
but i dont like browsing /vg/ and i prefer Yea Forums so why shouldnt i be able to talk about a video game on a board about video games


Attached: BIRAN.png (773x501, 552K)

>install ACT to help improve my DPS on BLM
>leave it on out of curiosity during a leveling roulette as WHM
>I'm consistently the highest DPS in the party, even over the SAM (slutglammed catboy so not a huge surprise)
I shouldn't have been given this knowledge. It only makes me bitter.

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>If you had the strength to make another thread, could you do it?

WoW clone trash begone. Bow down to your one true king.

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/xivg/ is not perfectly usable. It is filled to the brim with absolute cancer.
>but just go and post there and take it back
Yeah no, the autism there is so strong one dude carved a hate message onto his arm with a blade and posted it because someone put a Discord link in the op of a thread he didn't like, another dude printed out a picture of some dude's character and literally smeared his shit on it. We should not be forced to deal with that type of mental illness just to have a thread to discuss a video game in, especially considering the awful state of this board in general.


It's called superbolide, dumbass

Already in the works ;)

>everything negative in my life is because of wow
>even the fanatically biased XIV players
it's really getting sad dude

>perfectly usable

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only ever turn on your parser for high end (extreme/savage/ultimate) if you want to keep your sanity

Actually fucking peep your head in that shithole and come back and tell me with a straight face that that thread is "usable".

What is it like when you pull back the curtain
And realize every wrong is a right?


Nice comeback. I almost was about to.

Is there a way to check which job you've played the most/put the most hours in? I've been playing mostly Monk since 2.0 but the changes are making me want to play something else.

People can't even admit this game had any flaws at all. I used to read "this has to be the best Expac of all time" or "this is so much greater than WoW" then I finished the expansion. What a fucking joke.

If anyone's in for a quick long read, critique, add on, remove, discuss this rant

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>warding in two weeks
games about to die

why do you guys post this embarrassing weeb shit
jesus christ

You are that cancer, dumb ass.

>Monster Hunter, Smash, WoW, and even Pokemon are allowed to have multiple threads up at a time
>One xiv thread is too much

become what you must

Please donate to the Doman Enclave. My friend.

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>when the paladin pulls wall to wall in expert roulette and the bard still only does 4k dps

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I haven’t logged in for days and days. It’s boring as fuck. It’s no Heavensward.

Go back

no user you can't say bad things about XIV I'll kill you

No one cares, wowtranny



Not sure how you came to that conclusion user.

Cry harder

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>XIV threads just resort to janny flaming
Nice ontopic discussion we have here.

>Varis ever being a boss
The guy’s whole point is he’s a jobber.

Sorry I'm late. Although I would not have been if the 10 ton jannie wasn't deleting the threads.

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>tl;dr: this game is bad because they didnt stick to my headcanon
Ok, stay grey


Emet Selch is overrated. Vaulthry as a stupid ass villain. Crystal Exarch was the most based part of the expansion.

>In HoH
>See friend constantly afking while everyone else is fighting
This was before I even installed ACT, I'm afraid how well he does SAM rotations...

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It's honestly the same as here just with people posting characters and jerking off over said characters. There's the same discussion, really, though I understand not wanting to see the drama and avatarfagging.


>get paid for it
>get paid DOUBLE for it
>guys why are we having trouble with money!?

Domans are fucking stupid.

Opinions on Dancer?

What job lets me piss people off the most?

so is gunbreaker op up until 80 or did something go horribly wrong

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I stopped reading when he tried to say that MWHAHAHAAHA DARKNESS SHALL REIGN OVER ALL dumb shit Lahabrea was a better developed character than Emet, what a brainless faggot.

people can't possibly dislike this game can they?
it's perfect

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He's partially right, story could have been condensed a bit more even if it was overall solid. More story =/= good story user. Still he's right on the degree of how heavily defended Shadowbringers seems to be just cause of the story. They somehow repeated Heavensward's formula but at such a sub-par standard that if it weren't for the great story it'd probably be ripped to shreds.
White Knights will bring about the opposite of WoW's issue to this game. Where WoW will die trying to reinvent the wheel over and over, FFXIV will die by stagnation, an adherence to their "wisdom" of what works will kill this game and force their hand again to find new blood like what happened to 1.0.

This thread about get deleted. You retards can't even talk about the damn game. Just look at all this off-topic bullshit. You fucking fags deserve to have this general shut down every single time.

Tread back to your discords

What did WoW did with their gearscore? I remember a few expac back that it has the same problem with ilvl. What did they do to resolve it?

HW literally had no content from release through its second patch

So why are Smash threads allowed on Yea Forums then? They have a perfectly good general they could be posting in

If this thread is to be unposted, let it be unposted

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Every other post in that thread is either of avatarfagging or calling out people by name.

>defending avatarfagging
>defending ERP
>defending the very fucking concept of generals
Go back.

>B-but we voted NO! There's no way Jagex would rig a vote for content they already made!

you're shit but everyone else is crazy shit

>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

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so mad cant even spell right

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Back to the OF you go.

/xivg/ was a mistake

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Except unlike /vg/, these threads discourage posting your character.

>8 months of no content on release
This is how you spot someone who didn’t actually play during Heavensward

tanks at endgame are doing like 5.5k to 6k on a decent run, everyone else in that group is just shameful

>WHM blasting the bass while SCH and AST eat their own shit
>BLM still the only DPS with a pleasant and easy rotation while still demanding high skill due to mechanics
>Playing MNK is like eating glass in trade for doing good DPS
>Trying to play SMN without having your eyes permanently glued to your hotbar
>NINs on suicide watch
>SAMs will be meditate fishing for kenki

I think the story and dungeons and zone design and characters are spot on. The 'one arc per zone then rest at your room' format really works great for a MMO. Helps that all the locations are fucking beautiful.
But the class changes are, on the whole, complete fucking garbage. The only thing they really did universally right were the tanks. All fun to play for one reason or another but all so close in design people can only bitch about 0.000005% differences in DPS between them.

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is 4.6k really that bad on philia?

The game isn't designed to make you login everyday, so that's good

They still managed to rebuild their enclave so they must be doing something right

>mfw Reclaim + Reuse
Too bad this'll get nerfed.

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>that disgusting bed/couch
jesus im more worried about that than the mentally ill tranny


>the background
>the mattress with dried cum
this image encapsulates why i never go near that fucking hell hole

>just accidentally queued as healer in E3
>we cleared in two pulls
>had never healed anything harder than Void Ark
Afflatus Rapture is OP

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WoW clone 14 isn't so good?

It had everyone’s favorite, The Diadem. Which was also tied to relic!

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The game has flaws but if you want serious discussion about those flaws you're being counterproductive by prefacing your concerns with "WOW FUCKING DRONES WILL NEVER ADMIT THERES ANYTHING WRONG WITH THEIR GAME".

>Lose parse or meditate

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I'm glad the xi/v/ don't have the degeneracy of Avatar fags and RP whores but god damn has the release of Shadowbringers really ramped up the console tier faggotry and the whole shift of "Look at these guys be jelly about our game and not actually talk about our game". It's just another kind of cancer.

that's pretty hard hitting. I'll keep it in mind to strive toward.

Do us 4channelers play together in a guild or is the community just kind of fragmented?

Reclaim doesn't do shit unless you fail the craft, and how the fuck are you failing crafts in ShB?

That IS a tranny user

im really only interested in DRK and GNB but since im too low of a level i dont have them yet what is the better tank PLD or WAR?

If your brain can't connect two and two together I feel sorry for you.

>skill intensive
Yikes, the only challenging thing about that job is how mentally challenged 90% of its players are who just set their leylines in spots AOEs will show up and then complain they have to move instead, you know, learning the fight.

Looking back to SB Machinist, literally what the fuck where they thinking

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Nice on-topic contribution, retard.

seems like a waste of 60cp to get 1 item back.

The only Yea Forums guild I know is on Ultros and it's been there since ARR.

Here's my current ones. Try to meld to 2.40 GCD and then go full DH. You can do it user!

Gunbreaker is stupid fun.

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>Be WoW or any other WoW clone MMO
>Get laughed off Yea Forums for being yet another garbage WoW clone MMO, or worse being fucking WoW
>Be an expansion for a generally accept garbage WoW clone MMO
What changed?

Imagine if this guy knew where you live. I'd be worried too.

I remember the last time I tried to do a relic.

My character got deleted midzone after completing it and it took me staying up 24 hours straight to finally talk to a real live person and explain what was wrong. You could see the name and spot to select my character but no data was present or readable. Couldn't log in as them. It got elevated past support and had to be hand restored by developers.

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I wouldn't trust a single invite to a FC or LS posted in these threads. Especially when it's a "janny purges threads so people are shitposting extra hard" episode

A lot of the XIV community is literally mentally ill. Not surprising someone would email a message like that.

I did not defend any of those and I think /vg/ should be deleted. I was outlining the the general has many many faults, but people overblow how bad it is. Don't get me wrong, it's bad, I wouldn't post there, but shit like this barely happens. It's annoying that it IS a multiple occurrence, but that was literally from before Stormblood.
As long as it's not avatarfagging I see no issue with posting your character.

Varis was never going to be a boss. Not every head of state needs to be a boss. In fact he's way weaker than his son, who we already beat.

community thinks if you scream somethings bad it'll die
conversely they think if you scream something's perfect it'll succeed
with XIV we see the latter

Any good FCs in mateus? im lonely bros

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On a whim I tried a controller on the PC today for this game and I'm liking it far more than kb+m. I don't think I'm going back to that after today.

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>possibly blow up your entire craft to get an extra item
that's dumb you're dumb

When that 1 item is something that can cost hundreds of thousands it's a big deal, not to mention the fact that you can finish crafts with fucktons of CP to spare anyway

I don't even play WoW.

I'll try my best

Warrior of Darkness
>You never got to be a Warrior of actual Darkness, were made weak as fuck by light of all things, just absorbed light instead of truly vanquishing, playing DRK was the closest you'd get to feeling like you belonged in the story, trailer oversold it
Emet Selch
>killed off faster than Lahabrea despite being a thousand times more powerful and smart, just told you everything straightforward then died, Lahabrea still gets character development in the Akademia Anyder, Elidibus will live longer and receive more development, Emet was probably the most interesting character in ShB, he whole "he finally stood up straight released from his burden" was the cheapest kinobait I have ever scene.
>Viera and Hrothgar are basically half done races, GUN is lackluster, DNC is simple and the influx of DNC makes dungeon runs unenjoyable DPS, Thancred/Ryne were filler irrelevent to story bc whether Minfillia came back or Ryne came back they both could help. Y'shtola is doing a whole bunch of things that should have killed her, and Matoya warned about the Flow and Her eyesight. Y'shtola doesn't wince when using a lot of aether anymore.
>Il Mheg is most complete, barely any Dwarf development, aether gates preventing you from exploring whole area for a while. Fixing Talos in TWO areas (lazy
>remixed primals from the source
>we don't get to contfront Varis bc Zenos killed him
>Gaius is being developed into an idiot

Game could have been us working with Zodiark to receive actual Darkness powers, taking missions from Emet, working with Matoya while trying to revive the scions on the Source, watching crystal exarch die. confronting Elidibus and Varis on imperial airships, Zenos temp fighting at our side or some shit. Restoring the balance between Zodiark and Hydaelyn by working for both instead of only siding with Hydaelyn. Something creative, not this shit.

This is shortest I make it.

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Literally Console War faggotry. That's all it is. Replace the Sony v Xbox fights with FFXIV and WoW at this point. At this point you can't even discuss the actual expansion because it just devolves "Muh WoWfugee" and "Muh Jannie".

>parsing normal content

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Memorizing encounters and having the ability to plan ahead ARE skill intensive. It may depress you to realize it, but the vast majority of people that live and breathe cannot so much as tell you if they'll blink second to second. Much less understand that an AOE will always fall in the same place every time they do a fight.

Thinking forward, even in such a minor fashion, is a rare skill.


Shoha makes me irrationally angry.

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jesus christ
dungeons are literally unfailable snoozefests, what the fuck is this retard on about "muh safety"

jesus christ, what the fuck is wrong with healers

>random asshole on the internet does random asshole thing
Is it even worth trying to figure out if it was a false flag or not?

Give me Hrothgar Queens!

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what boring fucking bosses
who the fuck likes this shit

>Can't handle big pulls

Toughen up and use those CDs dummy. It's gonna be rough but it's good for you.

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This faggot does realize that if he did get a GM involved his dumbfuckery is right there in the chat log for them to review right

Mine is nice, but I don’t want a Yea Forumstard shitting it up.


Shadowbringers is garbage.

>Twine is named for Mystel and Ronso founders, as in entwining their tails.

>You never got to be a Warrior of actual Darkness
Yes you did. You were known as a Warrior of Darkness, you brought back darkness to the world, and you embodied the metaphysical aspect of darkness which is to spur people to action.

Not reading the rest because that alone shows you're a dumb nigger who's mad that you didn't get to do edgy shit.


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>my story ideas were good (in my opinion) so this expansion sucks
ok retard

him actually having the address leads me to believe it's not a falseflag, because you would have to care enough to get the address?

Parse all content. You should always want to improve, user.

Trannies are a mistake.

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At that point you just afk until they boot you dude. Nothing you can do with a retard like that.

i like the tank

I actually read your tldr and holy fuck, it's even worse than I thought. Some autismo is mad his fanfiction didn't pan out, good Lord.

"Differing playstyles" is a perfectly valid and sanctioned reason to kick people so long as you don't bitch at them and give the hurt feelings police reason to punish you.

Alpha fucking heal chad. I like it


well, it's random right? so you'll mostly get shit back.

Even worse than these prissy little healers are the white knight cuck DPS who defend this shit.
I've literally seen BRDs defend single pull bullshit because "they rather do their single-target rotation"

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Holy shit dude never write anything ever again, you are a god damned retard and this is literally bottem of the barrel fanfiction garbage.

Then why the fuck has DMC5 not been to /vg/ yet they've been making the same fucking thread since launch.

Threatening GM action is reportable too as it's a threat.

Fuck you


>Alpha fucking heal chad
More like emotionally unstable and needy cutter.

actually he's right

Cat’s actually do that shit as a greeting. In reality it’s cute, but in this context it was, uhhhh...

you're a fucking idiot

If only Elezen looked like thi-
*notices long neck*
Carry on

it's literally a tranny, guaranteed

>Attentionwhoring faggot not caring enough
user don't be retarded holy shit.

The XIV community is literally the worse. I wish they were just autistic, but are actually mentally ill and a danger to everyone.

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Christ Shadowbringers content is abysmal. I really do wonder how much shit this game would have gotten if the story was total ass.

hrothgar mommies when

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Does it matter which egi I use as SMN or is it mostly cosmetic?

>samefagging because you can't defend a shitty expac

janny incoming, trust me. prepare to make new bread

>trannies can't be chads
I hate summer Yea Forums

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>ur a retard
seethe or dilate or something

i never see people like this on primal

So i unlocked the crystal tower quest and this bullshit has me going to the beast tribe strongholds to do some shit, am i supposed to bring someone for this?

garuda for aoe
ifrit for single target
titan is kinda useful for soloing boss fates but thats about it

>implying the story wasn't already condensed
>implying that the downtime in Rak'Tika wasn't essential to pace the action
Actual brainlet.

Yes it matters you fucking imbecile.

Single target
Solo play


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>running dungeons this late into the expansion
for what purpose?

>emet dies faster than lahabrea
>this is fact
>story idea

ifrit for single target, garuda for aoe

Yeah right, what if the /xivg/ trannies posted your real address there and threatened to harm you. You know they are not mentally stable.

Should've vote kicked. She can't report you for shit

So that's you conceding then? Might have done it with a little dignity but I'll take it.

haha yeah we're such chads huh girls :))) feeling cute :) anime reaction image :))

Attached: OH NO.jpg (612x212, 25K)

Primal is probably the chillest. Aether is a fucking cesspit, and Crystal is infected by it due to Balmung.

>he didnt unsub after completing the msq

>nothing but seethe, cope, dial8 shitposting

Not to mention the game heavily hinting that it's referencing real world physics in certain aspects. The way the flood of light is explained to you is as if the concept of Heat Death was being explained. The fact the light starts to go from "high to low" is the most basic foundation of how energy works in our universe as well.

Further you can extrapolate from these that there is no such thing as 'light vs darkness'. That's just a mundane perception of scared normies that don't want to be eaten by fucking sin eaters. Light and dark are just different points of ebb and flow within the same system.

Making WoL versus WoD literally a matter of perception and circumstance. It's all just aspected aether in the end.


I can't completely agree with the WoD bit but I do think Emet was wasted. Still at least in the end I do still appreciate his inclusion as a character. Overall I have to agree with the content bit, it's a subpar copy of Heavensward/Stormblood and only being forgiven cause of the story itself.

>the normal eden fights can be solo healed
>a large portion of healers can't even duo heal them
how the fuck are these players so bad?

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it's pretty difficult to form a coherent argument against the word retard, you got me there man

Emet did more than Lahabrea and Elidibus combined in the whole year he was around

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i know this is a joke but i legitimately feel like if i don't get everything done on tuesday it's too late to finish it off for the week
i got a dumb brain

so a typical Yea Forums thread for any game nowadays?

>titan fight can be duo'd if one tank is a PLD

Thankfully that shit did not happen to me, friend of a friend sent him this, and he sent it to me

Check his fflogs if you care for that shit for a hearty kek

shit is an exaggeration but you're definitely not playing completely right
you're about 1000 behind good if your gear is up to date

it's easy if you aren't a retard, actually

titan has literally been 2 manned

>tfw you're a fuckup and end up being the death that wipes the run
>even though everyone else died several more times than you throughout the fight

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>The Diadem. Which was also tied to relic!
Diadem was never tied to any relic step.

I mean they can say all they like, possibly even try something, but I'm not particularly worried or afraid of some headcase soiling himself at my doorstep.

It's the fucking god damn internet, mentally unstable people are literally everywhere, grow some god damn balls already, you're meant to be over 18 to be posting here.

How can something be subpar of HW when it was literally nothing to begin with?

Now this is what I call shitposting.

fuck he did it twice
he can't keep getting away with it

He’s got no Enrage, so that’s not as surprising as it should be.

no, that is completely fine. You're only level 72 after all.

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I mean even if that were true, there was more to my post which still BTFO'd you so badly you started whining about getting called a retard instead.

>I haven’t logged in for days and days. It’s boring as fuck.
>It’s no Heavensward.
HW had shit for content until 3.2
Pepsiman was killing statics, 3.1 was literally Diadem and LoV, and the only things casuals could do was grinding fates to level alt jobs, grinding fates for Anima or Zodiac Weapons, or grinding fates for the Yokai Watch event.

I don't know why the fanboys of this game are so rabid.

That's the LGBT community for you

Reactionary versus forward thinking.

Reactionary players will never keep up under true duress. They don't understand the concept that damage could happen later. They only understand the idea of damage when they see everyone's bars drop. They can't preheal. They won't put up a regen effect ahead of time and just let it tick and move on to save other resources (as they only understand people's health is low NOW. not that it will be full if they just leave it). This means they only use the most basic facets of their kit in the manner of a blunt instrument. If UNGA BUNGA doesn't work then they are fucked.

user do you mean Eureka?
Too late for what? You'll be able to clear Savage as long as you have some Tomestone and some Normal Raid which at that point you'll have Savage gear that only serves to beat content you already beat at a lower iLvl. Gear is destined to all be glamour since all that matters is the +1 to clear content you already cleared, you're not gonna "miss" anything.
They couldn't even have functional races like in Heavensward or even add a proper lineup of weapons for their new classes like HW or SB. The fact that they're following the same setup and somehow managed to get stuck in a "We'll patch as the expansion" goes on throws up red flags user.

wont happen due to lore

>catgirl wants to erp
>sickened, but curious

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>Further you can extrapolate from these that there is no such thing as 'light vs darkness'. That's just a mundane perception of scared normies that don't want to be eaten by fucking sin eaters. Light and dark are just different points of ebb and flow within the same system.
Well yeah, that's how Astral and Umbral have been explained from the start. They're polarities of aetherial activity. Darkness is just the extreme active pole and Light is the extreme passive pole. Healthy aether is in a balance that flows from active to passive in a normal cycle.

It's a mentally illed dude

The game finally has a chance to surpass WoW cause Blizzard keeps shooting itself in the foot. The rabid fans hope that if they meme it enough FFXIV will take the limelight not realizing that Theme Parks have pretty much stagnated alongside WoW. At best it will forever sit side by side with its Spiritual Mother of a game.

>Emet did more than Lahabrea and Elidibus combined in the whole year he was aroun
Are you pulling shit out of your ass or something? Lahabrea was behind the entire Gaius ultima scheme which included all the beast tribes he affected in ARR, and then the Ishgard scheme, and Emet mentions he had been constantly body hopping. Cutscene/content wise, Emet did less, and had less screen time. Emet walking out of nowhere and saying "ascians founded the empire" and laughing at Varis, is not doing much.

I'm not trying to get people to completely agree with me, but I agree with the Emet being wasted part. He was far more intelligent and powerful due to him not body hopping frequently, and founded an entire empire from his body; it doesn't make sense for him to die faster than Lahabrea in my opinion.

Don't blame yourself for being the last death in a cascading failure. It's more likely your death became inevitable, in some fashion, because the fuck up of others threw off the encounter further down the line. People being shit makes it harder to do your own job easily.

>user do you mean Eureka?
HW relic needed items that could only be obtained from Diadem.


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He left the DPS. What kind of team leader is that?

>Had a Ninja die eight times on Tycoon

At least he stopped detonating the lasers and instead just got hit by two or more every single time.

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It actually was, it’s just that you could buy the crafting mats for the shit like the Franciscas from people that actually went in that shit to gather. At a premium, of course. Latter you could just buy the crafted items with GC seals.

>Pretending like 90% of great porn isn't made by mentally ill dudes
How underage are you kid?

No it didn't.

>do big pull in Malikah's Well
>WHM lets me die
>I still had Rampart up
>tells me to "pull less"

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Votekick that slut

>i reported it

don't post when you have no idea what you're talking about

Could always see if it's your thing.
And as long as they keep it in character and not bring IRL shit into it, it sounds like fun.

Report him for not participating in content.

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>Do some dungeons as Red Mage
>Everyone plays flawlessly: other DPS is another Red Mage or a Summoner
>Do some dungeons as Black Mage
>Healer keeps dying, other DPS is a melee

Every single time.

>Lahabrea was behind the entire Gaius ultima scheme which included all the beast tribes he affected in ARR
Everything Garlemald did was Emet-Selch. Provoking the beastmen into summoning primals, the Battle of Silvertear Skies, Dalamud and Bahamut, that's all Emet-Selch.

Can someone tell me what's the rDPS that is showing on fflogs?

I just really hate WoW trash and will derail any garbage MMO thread until they go back to /vg/.

It totally did. You needed pterodactyls to make leather straps to craft the Adamantine Franciscas. Those pterodactyls needed to be fished in the diadem.

>needed items from Diadem
You fucking what user? I know for a fact this wasn't true given I had my MCH Anima always up to date. Eureka was the content that tied itself to fucking open world.

Any game that has a General is not allowed to be talked about on Yea Forums

That includes all of Final Fantasy

>two autists wasted an hour doing Titan, it's possible with 2 men
Just like it's technically possible to drink an entire gallon of milk in one sitting. You can do it, but you're fucking stupid for doing so

Is Aether that bad? How is Primal better?

Same story, funny how scholars never do this shit to me when pulling the entire room, but when that lazy fucking whm is in my party there's wipes everywhere.

>Those pterodactyls needed to be fished in the diadem.
And purchaseable from diadem, you do not need to do diadem for the relic.

The fact that it DOES happen is already too much. I frequent multiple vg threads like the feg, mhg, and gbfg and never, NEVER, have I ever seen autism on the level of xivg.

ignore the others, you're mostly right.
but despite most of that, i still loved the expansions story.
started off being between HW and SB in quality (medium) but the ending put it over the others, even if it did a lot of stuff i hated.

You bought the shit that was needed off the market board then, user. It wasn't LOCKED to diadem, but you did need shit from it.

That's how much DPS you contribute from the raid, and how much you receive from raid buffs.

>i-i-i-it doesn't count if you could just buy it from someone else who did Diadem to get the items
The relic required Diadem

Why is monk like eating glass now?

how can you tell who wants to erp?

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>and how much you receive from raid buffs
So just normal damage?

Except Emet stole the show while everyone's fondest memories of ARR and HW dont involve ascians one bit. Even the Lahabrea fight after Ultima was a complete joke and afterthought


Emet also approved project meteor and banishing Gaius to Eorzea

Now you're moving the goalposts.

but we did and its still here? and guess what happens if this thread gets deleted? ill just make another

Reuse is garbage because it only gives back the first ingredient on the list. Most of these items are worth less than 5k gil so it's not worth the cp/effort. Only real use is crafting primal weaps and stuff, assuming first ingredient is rare.

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Nah dog, at the very beginning some crafting mats could only be got from the Diadem. They went back on that when people got pissed and made it so you could get them in other areas or buy them with scrips. It really makes you wonder why they did that shit with Eureka.

Yeah, it happens. In this case it was definitely my fault, but it was recoverable. Co-healer was newer and seemed to panic after I went down. Everything went to shit real fast after that.

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I really enjoy this game's group content despite the honestly extremely overrated story, but holy fuck the community is absolute cancer.

Where do you see it?

pretty sure it's all extra damage added by raid wide buffs given to the source of the buff instead of the recipient

I am happy to have XIV threads die if that means all the other generals spamming Yea Forums are gone too.

>Even the Lahabrea fight after Ultima was a complete joke and afterthought
That shit was pure kino back in ARR.

Fragmented, but there's Golden Ratio on Ultros.

At this point it can be argued he is right but for all intent and purposes no, the content was not locked to Diadem. Being locked to Diadem means you would have to personally enter like you did Eureka. It's all semantics in the end.


Well, if you're on like Balmung or Mateus, plenty of the people standing in the Quicksand in Ul'Dah are up for it. Otherwise I don't really know. Just ask?

Post trading cards.

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>ohaiyo, g'raha tia

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WHMs cant really heal you on the move.

My Lord Moderator has declared NO VIDEO GAMES. Surrender yourselves and abandon thread.

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>tfw the climax of the story is ruined because I play on Crystal
>had to go back and try again later

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Doesn't change the fact someone does not need to enter the diadem to get the pterodactyl strap.


it's really not fine
that's sigmascape tank dps and less than a level 71 white mage that doesn't have their hyper cannon yet
telling someone it's fine that they're barely competent is fucked up

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They were desperate to move away from the HW cast bars mage rdps. BRD got a good system, MCH got a crappy one. It's great now so I'm ok with it.

I mean if you feel like speedrunning content that doesn't have an enrage, go for it. Might as well upload your parses on a dummy too.

>can keep people up with just sacred soil and whispering dawn
>I can be semi-afk and heal just fine while mashing broil over and over
>I can just watch porn on the other monitor

don't get what all the complaining is about

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Do I what I do and just avoid all forms of communities in this game. Stick with your friends and only them. Use party finder only when necessary i.e. for Ex Trials to fill out remaining spots.

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I agree. ban Smash from this board at once.

Bunch of retards ran scared from Primal and Aether worlds that got moved to Crystal went right beck to Aether.

Nah, I been playing since ARR early access and Lahabrea was never kino. Titan was kino-er than the Lahabrea fight

>get reported for attempted rape

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What is it about Dzemael that makes tanks retarded?

Gaius wasn't banished, he left. lmao

When did he say he did all those things alone? How would Lahabrea not be a part of it when he was clearly a part of every other primal and also trying to do the same exact thing as Emet. I don't recall Lahabrea not being a part of this.

SOMEONE had to or else it wouldn't exist

You parse niggers are worse than the ERP people.

10 more than*

But that brings us back to the original sentiment; HW had little to no content for months after launch, and having an entire patch dedicated to Diadem which was optional bollocks for an optional piece of equipment perfectly showcases why HW early content was garbage.

Who thought this AoE homogenization was a good idea? Are they just trying to make the game braindead simple for the ps4 players?

Is it even useful? I mean. I can't see it be. You have to stand still for 15s and even then it's only 500 potency. You can do more in that amount of time then just standing there.

One last bump...

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>playing with the white background
You deserve it.

You know what really went wrong? SJWs like ResetERA's Cenozoic FC (more like Cuckzoic) pulling hunts early and cucking about killing white males.

It’s more all the good people already did that shit. WoWfugees got funneled into Crystal because they locked Primal and Aether for like a month.

>a smile better suits a hero
absolutely kino

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He did steal the show but he had the least screen time and visible involvement in anything.

Lahabrea merged with another Ascian too and you fought them, that was a damn good fight.

>lol jk i'm fine
deeply upsetting

It would be a dusknigger.

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You play with white background until you complete ShB you nigger.

Uninstall the game. WHM out of all healers has the best "on the move" kit for healing single targets,

Nobodies dies while moving you fucking idiot, he let me die 10 seconds after they were gathered up and we were AOEing while he sat there fiddling with his dick with 10000 MP

?? he took Ala Mhigo for the empire, then acted as its viceroy until he "died".

How do I join a static

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become the warrior of Larpness

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>You play with white background until you complete ShB you nigger.

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LMAO, not anymore with all the bad rep the trannies are giving to the game.
People will start associating XIV with babies who don't take criticism and overall toxic community

Yes and back then everyone was running diadem for gear and for pterodactyls because they were also used to craft the new glam set.

So you did not have to step into diadem to finish the relic at all.

not at the start of the dungeon they don't.

Forcing Eureka for Relic grind isn't a better alternative user. As it stands Heavensward, Stormblood and Shadowbringers will all follow the same setup in the end. The question now is if ShB's "Diadem/Eureka" will be made mandatory or optional. The thing that is going to set each expansion apart from this point is how good the story is and how its quality hides the fact that its all the same mediocre content from a WoW-clone that has removed all depth from stats and gearing.

The First is infested with light, so if you have the light menu it reflects on the interface.

By being competent on a useful job at a reasonable schedule.

Should I play tank or good ranged DPS?

But notice how these same people dont actually jump to MCH or NIN, the more technical jobs in SHB, because all they want is damage with an excuse to bitch. MNK still needs tuning, but it's in a much better spot than it was at any point during HW or SB

Remember, this is who you talk to on a daily basis. These are the people that think there is nothing wrong with the game.

>AST in its current state

Aether is fine, you just need to keep an eye out for Cactuar retards, mostly. Gilga can have dumbfucks too, and Goblin as well, but they are much more rare.

Stuff on ground bad.

>People actually vote abandon Hades
Jesus fucking christ that is goddamn sad. Thank god I'm not on Crystal.

DPS. I want my insta queues back.

god fucking dammit just tried titania on party finder what a fucking mistake
how people fuck up this fight with every mark helping them?
this fucking thing is easy and people still fuck it up

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If this is your way of getting immersed in the game it's pretty silly.

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Lemme see.
The shadow-worshipers in the Greatwood taught us how the First feels about light and dark spiritually. You might think this was obvious, but it was still refreshing to see the invertation of the usual themes. The idea of a cult of darkness that is sincere and wholesome is fresh and well worth the time spent. The viera village, however, was unnecessary on the surface. However finding ancient ruins for the ancient murals provided an important breathing room for lore. Time not completely wasted.
The miners of talos-trolley-place was pretty filler, but we still got a nice short emotional scene, again showing the misery of living in a world filled with Sin Eaters. Not too much time wasted here.
The dwarves having a pointless dwarven feud was probably the biggest waste of time. We could've done without it. Building the giga-Talos was important and showed us how we've helped bring hope back to the First where it was a dying world.
Sahagins passed in the blink of an eye. Time didn't even get wasted there.

All in all, the "filler" was incredibly light this expansion, with the only things I can say are truly filler was dealing with bunnygirls, getting the miners back on their feet, and talking with dwarves. Compared to everything else in XIV? Easily the least filler we've ever had, making it the densest stretch of XIV ever.


>decide to set a slideshow of my great collection of anime tits play during raid since we have omega on farm
>too distracted to focus on the raid because of the glorious tits
>die to the simplest mechanics
>"user, what wrong?"
>have to turn off the slideshow because my brain is too weak to not fixate on anime titties
i wish i had your power

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What the fucj is this????????

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>People will start associating XIV with babies who don't take criticism and overall toxic community
Honestly I think this has already happen, though obviously anecdotal I can't count the number of times people have put down my suggestion to play the game due to their view of the community itself. Generally regarded as bad as or sometimes worse than WoW itself. A shame really.

Crystal here, never once wiped on the fight, even on my first time.

Not without lilies, which SCH has WHM beaten hands down due to excog, lustrate and aetherflow being more available than lilies.

I swear to god everyone comments on how easy WHM is to play but nobody knows how to play WHM.

>bout to unlock the crystal tower
gonna be my first raid, im a sprout, what can i expect brahs?

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You're silly.

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>Threads were pure comfy and filled with discussion shortly after the expansion came out
>Now it's almost only shitposting and false flagging

someone edit the final cutscenes with emet selch as janny and the wol as tuxedo frog

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That was a terrible fight. You kill another literally who Ascian and then Lahabrea is killed by Thordan. It was incredibly underwhelming and Thordan's fight barely made up for it.

I've been enjoying leveling it. I think parts of it are going to be a little clunky just like in Stormblood, but if it's less clunky than TK I guess I'm all for it.

I still wish we generated Chakra a bit faster, but more crit later in the expansion will help make up for that. Deep Meditation should be our level 60 ability or something.

WTF you fucking shitter there's so few of us and you have to make us look like shit this revelation has literally pissed me off

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>The miners of talos-trolley-place was pretty filler
The stuff with Magnus was extremely relevant to Thancred's character arc.

How was everyone's Eden runs today?

I had a wipe on Titan again, but it didn't bother me that much. It was cleaner than last week at least.

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Okay so as a BLM what I see there means that's what I did by my whole self, yeah?

We have to do this until the Jannie goes to bed.

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>everything else was filler

What are you, stupid?

It's pretty fun.
Take your time to read the story.

Should I go for chest/pants this week or get the other things like head/gloves/belt etc from Eden?
I've never done raiding before so no idea what I should be prioritizing.

20 minutes of face rolling.

Just be yourself :)

Eureka made relic a fucking joke compared to ARR/HW relic steps.

Would I be able to get into the raiding scene if I've never raided before, because I see PF asking for raid experience?

Why is it always the healers that are prone to meltdowns and insane walls of text?

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What the fuck I can't believe Koji copied this!

Fuck off

>if Shadowbringers' story wasn't so good, it'd be bad

I mean... yes?

i woke up way too early then fell off like a dumbass on voidwalker
the rest were fine and i got the minion and an orchestron roll

The dwarven feud nonsense was literally just so you could go on adventures with your bro for a bit, and sets up a pretty significant scene later.

Prioritize stats, not ilvls. Crit/Direct Hit/Determination/etc

Yeah I completely agree, not having deep meditation with chakra is complete garbage

This same shit almost happened to me while trying to complete the MSQ
>be tank
>me and other tank say FIRST TIME HERE along with another DPS
>I have no idea what's going on
>tank dies and it switches to me
>I didn't realize the tank buster and died
>we wipe
>SCH comes out and says "you should have popped a CD after the first 6 times the buster came up
>I say I wasn't tanking the first 6 times
>they just leave
>entire party is like "Wtf" "did they seriously just leave"
>we get a WHM and clear perfectly second time, me and OT in complete tank dancing synergy

This game is full of babies

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what do you expect? that's literally how XIV is designed
you get a raid soon and then it's another 8 months of shitposting about nothing

Starting to half think it's someone spamming reports on the OP to get it auto deleted. There was some autist that did that on vg to posts he didn't like.

Because they think they are special.

The names of the ascians were taken from FFXII so I imagine some retard took them all for his fanfiction.

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No wipes. I did die in every raid once except Titan.

Can someone explain the Summoner rotation to me like I'm 5 years old?

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I'm 28 years old. Too late to join in on the fun? Can i even make it to the high level raids and dungeons and stuff?

I can't speak for other monks but I haven't jumped ship because I want to play monk, for better or worse. If I didn't I wouldn't have played the job through its lowest points.
Damage wise, monk is in a fine spot. Fun wise, it needs a few tweaks, and something to do during RoF window that isn't 2x BT or your normal 123 456 combos if PB is on cd. That's why TK rotation was fun, you got to do something special.

There's a lot of small reasons rather than one big one.

The biggest problem is the class plays the same as it did at the literal start of 2.0. Anything it's gained or lost over time is just window dressing. The rotation is unchanged. If anything, you've lost meaningful ways to deviate from this very plain and procedural rotation with every xpack, and SHB has continued the trend of removing even more ways to deviate. Less moves that aren't your main rotation. Less CDs. Chakra is a joke of a system they might as well remove and no one would be able to tell the difference.

Add to this that basic counter design runs against how monk plays. There's a lot of little things that conspire to rob you of your positionals, and you are the only class in the game where every single move requires a positional. Not to mention a severe penalty attached to missing them. You can memorize an encounter and mitigate it but you're still actively fighting against it. You cannot accomplish your basic rotation in a peaceful manner. Every moment is a minor struggle against the game.

No one is penalized as heavily for losing their self buffs as monk is, and no one takes as long to rev back up to full speed as monk. This hangs over your head constantly. You know it's true. Even if a BLM somehow, against all odds, drops Enochian, the CD on it is so low they can just hit it instantly. A MNK is potentially 4 sets of rotation away from their real strength. Three moves per stack of GL. You have been given new moves to prevent it's loss, but they are halfassed at best and won't even work in some encounters. Even their CD's to help skip past the rev up time involve a song and dance to use optimally rather than simply launching you back to full speed like every other DPS gets to.

And all this and you aren't even the strongest dps in the game.

Oh and enjoy your antama fishing. I hope you memorized those server ticks, guy.

>MFW AST main

I could deal with the less than spectacular healing output if they didn't suck all of the fun out of the card system.

Switching to WHM has showed me how truly awful things are.

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Who cares about insta queues.

There was already a detailed critique posted here and from others, if you've got nothing to say in rebuttal you're just as retarded as others think you are.

does main quest structure ever change from
>major/minor event
>5-10 filler quests that are barely relevant to anything and are clearly there just for padding

currently in heavensward. and story isn't all that great. it's certainly better than ARR but it's okay at best. there's some stuff that just doesn't make a lot of sense and some other stuff, particularly the way some characters act, that is kinda retarded and hurts the story 'cause it really feels forced just to keep the story going in a set direction.

I'm guessing it's the WoW shills.

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yeah, that's why it's lower than your actual dps since you don't have any raid buffs
i don't think one is more "accurate" than the other, you're just looking at different things and it makes certain classes more fairly represented than what the normal dps numbers are showing

Free trial up to level 35.

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no wipes at titan but my brother playing as healer had to use lb 3 since both tanks kept dying the entire fight and when he was going to do the jump everyone but me him and another dps survived

>some wanderer from Balmung ruining all the hunts on my server
we should've let Emet nuke balmung

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What the fuck, Sasaso is nice as fuck why would someone do this shit.

>Amon: My, my, such unruly guests.

I haven't been able to clear Eden 1 yet, missed out on the first week's loot as a result. I hate Crystal.

YoshiP is a man with a vast heart.

Is this serious? All these people only like Shadowbringers because they can mod Viera into tranny shit. Only a fucking tranny plays a tall female with bunny ears to emphasize it's lacking femininity.

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What the hell is going one here

Then you're acknowledging that without a good story to mask the mediocrity of content that the expansion would be trashed for offering nothing new and recycling a boring formula? At that point then you would have to answer the question of how can you call a game great if the gameplay aspect is mediocre at best and only being held up by story?

Are you a fucking retard? I cleared everything but Titan in one pull on Crystal.

Do I still meld crit for SCH or is det better for the start of the expansion?


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based Morgan

everything bad is wows fault

ShB it becomes role quests which is a group of questing like that with no skills done at the end. You gotta complete one of them to complete the MSQ though.

Your job quest is relagated to a side quest that has no reward and is only done for the lore.

>Kicking someone for BRB
I mean the dude is a raging faggot but you deserved him.

I can't control the other 7 players in the group user. I can't solo this shit, even if I do everything right it doesn't matter - we can't clear.

The first point is probably fair, I only started in Stormblood and I think the rotation is fine but I haven't been doing it for a decade.

>Add to this that basic counter design runs against how monk plays. There's a lot of little things that conspire to rob you of your positionals, and you are the only class in the game where every single move requires a positional. Not to mention a severe penalty attached to missing them. You can memorize an encounter and mitigate it but you're still actively fighting against it. You cannot accomplish your basic rotation in a peaceful manner. Every moment is a minor struggle against the game.

The True North changes seem to have helped a lot with this, in my opinion.

>No one is penalized as heavily for losing their self buffs as monk is, and no one takes as long to rev back up to full speed as monk. This hangs over your head constantly. You know it's true. Even if a BLM somehow, against all odds, drops Enochian, the CD on it is so low they can just hit it instantly. A MNK is potentially 4 sets of rotation away from their real strength. Three moves per stack of GL. You have been given new moves to prevent it's loss, but they are halfassed at best and won't even work in some encounters. Even their CD's to help skip past the rev up time involve a song and dance to use optimally rather than simply launching you back to full speed like every other DPS gets to.

The other thing I'd change is making forms from form shift permanent and or having you always default back to Oppo Oppo form when the timer runs out, or when Perfect Balance ends. It's one of the only things that irks me about Monk. It sucks when you run out but when you're going it's pretty fun.

Play the free trial. The game starts slow, take your time with it like you would any other RPG and you'll probably enjoy it.

>vast heart
Oh he definitely will tell you to play another game but you know what he'll never say? To unsub from his game because he still wants your monthly sub. You'd be a fool if you think a businessman would want you to stop paying monthly when you're not playing.

Glad you agree user.

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>recycling a boring formula
At this point if you came into ShB expecting anything other than the same formula the'eve been using for over six years it was pure delusion from your part.
People who are still subbed to XIV know what they want and they like what SE is giving them

>Always love the aesthetic of paladin
>Gunbreaker is more fun to play


>my, my, such unruly guests

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>feel free to take a break we'll demolish your house though :)

What games or JRPGs do you guys play besides XIV? I like Tales of and Persona.

How about not queuing up for shit if you know you have shit to do in a few minutes?

A minute or two is fine, but every time I get some faggot that needs to AFK, it's multiple times throughout a dungeon for several minutes at a time.

>sasaso shut your face dumb little bitch

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Only trannies have houses.

I like you, user.

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>Even their CD's to help skip past the rev up time involve a song and dance to use optimally rather than simply launching you back to full speed like every other DPS gets to.
This is my biggest problem with monk. Some jobs can just jump right into a fight, others need a little extra to get to full effectiveness, but monk? Hol up, lemme charge up my chakra. Hol up, gimmie 6 seconds to form shift into coeurl form. Aw shit, the count down is longer than I expected, lemme cycle through the forms again so the coeurl timer doesn't run down before the pull. Aight, I'm good.

>guy tells someone to fuck off over a macro
>other guy spams it a few more times on purpose
>guy has meltdown

Ok cool, thanks. My rDPS is actually pretty much tied with another BLM parse except that guy is literally top 10. I guess that means we both played the same, except he got padded harder.

Suck it up, chump.

>t. shitter without a house

This, we waited two minutes. More than that is excessive, "brb" should literally mean a minute or less.

>My my, such unruly guests

People need to stop being sick fucks and sexualizing her.

Cast ruin III -> ruin -> tri disaster -> dreadwyrm trance and spam out all of your skills that don't trigger a global cooldown except the refreshed tri disaster. Use your OGCD skills only when you're using an instant cast to set them up (ruin IV, dreadwyrm/phoenix phases and only cast tri-disaster in the last second before your debuffs expire.

Doing it properly means you will only need to manually cast your damage over time spells once shortly after phoenix expires.

>tfw shirogane came out and I beat some shitter to a medium house and bought 2 seconds before somebody else

I bet that was you


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>staying subbed to a game even when you aren't playing so you don't lose your house
imagine being this much of a cuck

So what happened to the stolen valor faggot?

Sorry about the bad groups, but I'm just saying don't blame the DC. I've had successful EX runs and DF stuff on Crystal, and some shit runs, same as I did on Aether. Genuinely don't understand how you can't clear it with a whole week of time though.

>Got the Hades card second try
get dabbed on lucklets
reminder that you're missing out on a source of LORE by not being an epic TT collector

Attached: hades.png (356x337, 118K)

Is the enmity meter a good indication if who is the highest dps is?


True north is a patch job you won't have all the time. It's good for clutch times where it's a really fucking bad idea to chase your positional at least. If nothing else it stops monks from being forced to play suicidally as a basic expectation, but it only highlights the fact you have to deal with this constant pressure no other DPS has. Two stacks of TN is barely enough for monk but a ridiculous luxury for everyone else.


Why? Is she a real life person? Is she based on a underaged real life person? No? Back you go.

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they really need to give a stoneskin 2 type thing where you can get 5 chakra out of combat, shits annoying and has been annoying for like 4 years

yes, but only if no one has died, and only for the DPS.

>wanting to kick someones friend for brb'ing
>doesn't like when he gets called out

Also, can we appreciate how despite people falseflagging cats every time
This is a male lalafell
This is a female duskwight
And this is a femroe

Crit and direct hit, you're never meant to not be casting broil unless its to reapply your DoT and weave in some heals.

It was actually an Au'ra

Why, I mean now that enmity problems is non existent.

>we know what we want
>we'll still call it a masterpiece cause the story was good, who cares about the gameplay being stale
Kill yourself, you're just as bad as the WoWfags who are further killing the already stagnant MMO scene with your themeparks.

Google is faster.

Now since there isn't any aggro manipulation on anything but tanks it can be if you ignore the OT and healers

I just checked the lodestones, no au ra.

I kicked him and finished the dungeon with three new normal people, just took me a minute to figure out how because I never get grouped with crazies and have never had to kick anyone

Attached: kick.jpg (499x234, 86K)

user, if houses are for trannies, why would I be in a residential area? It's probably one of your tranny neighbors.

Think of the pixels! Won't somebody think of the pixels!

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Got it first run on day 2 of the expansion. Lucklets like you need to stay quiet and not act out of place, especially when they're this slow.

based, I hope he was seething

>Also, can we appreciate how despite people falseflagging cats every time
I play female Miqo'te, I don't pay attention to falseflag shit at all. Snowflakes play all races.

That's pretty neat.

Chakra should have been an entire subsystem intigrated in to how monk plays. Instead it might as well be removed and replaced by a completely normal cooldown you use off the GCD for a bit of extra damage. They even added an elaborate system to build charka mid combat but the same effect could be achieved by literally any damage CD on a timer.

Fuck off Ryneshitter, i'm sure /vg/ would love you and you should fuck off to there

32 with kids, I play 2 hours, 3 days a week and longer on weekends, it's doable for sure

Not every individual narrative needs to be impactful to the main story, it's supposed to either set a tone or help characters develop. The trolley quests are an example of that: they're mostly meant to show the lives of those people living in a condemned mining village, even if all it did was just move you a couple meters through a tunnel.

Dwarvs had enough development through quests and the healer role quest. GUN is perfectly fine. Emet got killed faster but had by far much more impact in the overall plot. I didn't mind the whole light absorption thing but I understand why some would find the trailer missleading.

In general Crit > Det >= DH > SS > Piety

If you want specifics,
- Crit gets better the more you have of it
- DH is technically better than Det for damage, but Det affects your heals while DH does not
- You can meld Piety if you're struggling with MP, but having more than you need is useless to you

Big yikes.

How's the grind for ARR/HW relics right now?
Also how simple is MNK's rotation currently?

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Well don't go telling everyone.

How about no?

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So if stats are literally just +1 progression with no real depth why the devs feel the need to hide the Stat Weights?

>Offtank DRK falls for Big Landslide each and every time it comes out
>We wiped 3 times, meaning he saw it 7 times.
How do these people exist

If you know how to play monk at 60, it's practically the same thing except now you start in fists of fire and switch to wind once you have GL3 and are about to refresh it

I should note that, while the person in contact with me mentioned it had to be elevated to actual developers, it was still probably some nameless shits on the lowest layer of development possible. I just know I finally went to sleep after having the conversation with support and woke up the next day to my character restored like nothing happened.

"Behaves as if deleted but is still present." In their words.

I will never do a relic again. I the whole ordeal fucking haunts me.

based Ryne poster

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holy shit my sides

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>Emet Selch
>killed off faster than Lahabrea
That's because lahabrea avoided the WoL as much as he could.


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ARR relics are sort of annoying just because of the FATE books, HW relics are a total joke

Whats the most samurai looking female armor in the game?

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is this game good for farming up a harem of e-girls or should i stick to overwatch for that

>get home from work and log in
>want to run the eden raids for gear
>but also want to practice innocence ex
>also kinda wanna run titania ex just for fun though

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30 years old, in a static with a bunch of 30+ people with big-boy jobs. We raid for 5 hours a week when we're lucky and we managed to clear all the raids in Stormblood while they were still relevant
Although the hard part is going to be finding like-minded people who share your schedule

I would be too, I would get so nervous about my character getting hacked or deleted. One time passwords are great.

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>any of this taking more than 2 hours

Iroha's armor.

>Det affects your heals
This is literally NEVER relevant, you will never be in a situation where you'll be thinking "oh boy if I hadn't healed that guy for 5% more on that heal he'd be dead!"

You can literally solo-heal extremes with little difficulty right now, don't waste your melds on Det.

>don't play through as healer first
>know nothing about the dwarves
Poor design, story should not be gated behind jobs.
>show lives of people in condemned mining village
How was this different from any other place? Everyone was condemned thanks to the Flood and Sineaters, you experienced it everywhere you go.
>far more impact on overall plot
Lahabrea was also essential, but not in the storytelling way. I can see why people downplay Lahabrea, but it's important to see why each Ascian is different, Lahabrea however, had a ton of impact on the ARR/HW plot. Excluding Nidhogg, he was pretty much working behind the scenes almost everywhere you went.

Auracite is starting to feel like a cheat code.

>I understand why some would find the trailer missleading

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Which server so I can avoid?

There are a lot of girls playing XIV, but most are damaged. But everyone that plays MMOs is damaged desu.

The Genta set or the legacy warrior set

When would the best time to play shadowbringers be?
Should i wait until next patch or just play now?

Oh man, if I healed that tank for 5% more we would've cleared Titania ex.

>Poor design, story should not be gated behind jobs.
Nah, fuck off. There's always been vital lore in job quests and the role quests being about the Warriors of Darkness just encourages you to do them all. Especially with the reward quest you unlock after doing all of them.



>unironically playing a female character

No one here does this, right?

Attached: sigh.jpg (652x365, 46K)

End of expansion. Do it for the story and then just fuck off cause its a glorified single player game.


What job should my female lala be?

>most are damaged
The easier to make fall in love with me then.

The question is whether it's as fruitful as the game I already use for this purpose.

I just want to know how edgy can I be in this game story wise. I just want to be an edge lord.

What would have happened if the WoL could handle absorbing Innocence? What would Emet-selch have done?

one wipe on E3. got all 4 of my tokens first try. lost a roll on the Force your Way roll by 2, losing with a 95

>limited time event
fug. is there a way to get it or am i shit out of luck

Why would I play a female character ironically?

Is that the new GAF then?

Absolutely based

No he didn't. Emet invited the WoL to come to die in his abode, everyone just followed the WoL. We were in Emet's home, there was nowhere else for him to go; then Y'shtola, Alisae and Alphinaud pissed him off. He resolved to kill everyone, and he nearly did, because at that point we were doing as we said, "stopping him".

Attached: he's not wrong.jpg (1920x1080, 292K)

Of course not. I play a futa


He would have invited WoL and their friends to his abode. Thancred and co weren't useful to him, but he said he would have let you bring them just because they were your friends.

You can be very edgy appearance-wise but in the story you can't like kill innocents or shit like that. the protagonist is actually the most helpful and friendly unedgy person in all the land

Some of the dialogue choices make you a huge snarky asshole but they aren't until Stormblood and Shadowbringers.

you are literally the dumbest cunt alive

any healer

No one got in to my account.

Literally I handed in the last thing needed to make the relic weapon and left the zone like normal. I got hung up in loading then suddenly dropped to the main menu. Went to character select, and while my name was there nothing showed visually. No model. Nothing like where I was or that other stuff. Just blank. Not even COULD NOT RETRIEVE. Just blank. If I try to log in it.. goes to a weird load screen not used by any area in the game.. then just drops me back to main menu after a while.

I had to get on a backup character I had on the same server by sheer coincidence to make a GM call. At first they thought I was asking about that character and just kept teleporting them to the nearest town and JOB DONE in their mind. We rescued you! It took some specific wording to avoid auto responses.

What causes a character to just be LOST mid zone transition? Who the fuck knows.

But then what? What happens in his abode?

>Self inserting in a video game
>In an mmo of all things
Only mentally ill people and children do this. Which are you?

Nah you fuck off, Race lore was never gated behind jobs. Additional lore was gated behind jobs, not "oh you just met this race of Dwarves in MSQ, too bad you're not x job you can't learn more about them". This is the first time they've done that and it is poor design. They deleted job quests, just for that.

You can tell an NPC that you wish they all died and then tell him to fuck off and complete his own quest.

>there was nowhere else for him to go
Emet is from the source, his real home is on the moon with elidibus.
He could've just fucked off back there, or even anywhere but he chose to stay and fight and got fucked.

Meanwhile lahabrea saw that he got defeated when we rescued thancred so he decided to fuck off and go work on his plan with thordan instead.

cringe if you have actually paid any money to generate any of the images that pollute the XIV porn scene

Your mother.

Why wouldn't I? I RP and my character is really fun to play as.

Is it on the Cash shop yet?
Since that's pretty much the only way unless they rerun a second time.

He would have tried to make you understand his plans and would've told you the truth about the ancients. Of course, there's nothing saying you would have actually agreed with him anyway.

wah wah things are different mommy help me i shitted my diap again mommy mommy

Regional lore has always been presented mostly through side quests. If you want to know more about the Viis in Fanow you also have to do their sidequests etc.
The difference in the mining village is that they're in the frontline against the sin eaters, in a barren desert with little resource and their only economy, mining and talos, was dead because the miqo'te engineers left for Eulmore. Their struggle is different from that of the Blessed or the poor in Gatetown. There are differences and contexts.

Not yet, they'll put it in the mogstation soon enough i'm sure, been almost 2 years

you don't need to self insert, simply identifying with a character is enough, and it's far more mentally stable than "I stare at my characters ass 24/7 I like the outfit options etc" whatever bullshit gymnastics you have to go through to justify your gender dysphoria
basically what I mean is dilate

>oh you just met this race of Dwarves in MSQ, too bad you're not x job you can't learn more about them
Yes you can, by doing the two dozen fucking sidequests in Tomra. Lamitt's role quest hardly has any fucking race lore except that they'll exile you just for taking off your helmet.
>Race lore was never gated behind jobs
It absolutely was, but more than that there's major MSQ lore in job quests. Have you never done MNK, DRG, or SMN?

>"It's poor design"
>"B-because I d-don't like it and I s-say so!"
user. Sincerely. Find help.

He probably would've begun to reconsider his thoughts on whether or not the post-sundering people were worth anything or not.

The role quests are leagues better than the bloated and pointless job quests in SB and I actually cared about the full role story that unfolded as you did each quest. I pity that you are unable to see how much better they are

I'm that one brown futa cat that's usually fucking y'shtola. Maybe you've heard of me.

More of what I was looking for but probably a one off thing.


They used to be from GAF. Now they changed to ERA as in the toxic safe space ResetERA.

There was no reason for him to leave, he NEEDED the First destroyed to continue the calamity on the Source. Did you forget that's where the Crystal Exarch came from?

Lahabrea did not create a home on Eorzea, and was far weaker than Emet. When we defeated him he needed to find another body to continue schemeing, we essentially stole his body, what was he going to do? Fight us weak? ??


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How tough is getting the Luminous Crystals nowadays?

Lahabrea is actually the strongest. Even in his weakened form, you still needed the help of Hydaelyn to suffocate him with her light.

I used to watch this video on repeat while spamming dungeons

I have heard of you, but I personally doubt it's you.

Why did we learn more about the Eulmorians and Fae folk than we did about the Dwarves?

We explicitly learn more about Fae folk than we did the dwarves, it wasn't rushed. Why was that? Oh right th-they're wrong b-b-because I s-say so
Kill yourself if you reply with no argument

>simply identifying with a character is enough
Changing some words and saying the same thing doesn't change as much as you'd like, user. Why the fuck are you identifying with a video game character you've made? What kind of either utterly childish or utterly narcissistic drivel is that?

>and it's far more mentally stable than "I stare at my characters ass 24/7 I like the outfit options etc" whatever bullshit gymnastics you have to go through to justify your gender dysphoria
No user, sane people don't pretend that the pixels they move around the screen somehow represents who they are, the fact that you've jumped to all these inane assertions about what people who play female characters must be thinking or doing just goes to show how much of a headcase you actually are.

But hey, you already tossed in the white flag in your last post, so I guess we're done then?

ah, this tranny is passive aggressive too
it's all coming together

To any: Au-Ra, roe, hroth, male elezen
Please, take a fantasia potion or stop contaminating the servers with your ugly ass characters

>There was no reason for him to leave
Except, you know, not dying.

He just got his ass kicked and yet instead of choosing to fuck off like lahabrea did after we defeated him at the end of 2.0, emet selch decided to chase after the kill and got fucked.

We got help from the Crystal Exarch summoning 7 fragments of the WoL to fight Emet, plus the Scions helping you finish Emet. Emet was the strongest. Lahabrea had to merge with another Ascian, and was absorbed by Thordan.

spotted the tranny

tranny tranny

Me too, good taste.

Attached: It does not matter.jpg (349x416, 64K)

but i look good

Attached: pic of me.png (654x831, 1.15M)

>Why did we learn more about the Eulmorians and Fae folk than we did about the Dwarves?
We learned what we needed to learn about the Dwarves, just like other beast tribes in the past. We learn the rest in side content. The Dwarves were not the focus of Kholusia, because that focus was on Vauthry.

>We explicitly learn more about Fae folk than we did the dwarves
Hahahahahaha. No we don't you bumbling moron, unless you somehow add up the three fae races and compare them to the dwarves as a whole, but you'd need to be incomprehensibly retarded to do that so I imagine you're just bullshitting.

>Reply to my baseless empty claims with an argument!!!!
Jesus fuck you don't even know how to have a normal conversation do you?

Kill yourself you inbred fuck.

>male elezen
Imagine having taste this shitty

Attached: 1474645744324.png (551x491, 261K)

They might rerun it, they do that sometimes with certain events.

No thank you, it's less of an eyesore than any lalafell or cat

>7 fragments of the WoL
We don't, just 7 heroes from other shards.
Lahabrea was severely weakened and debilitated from Hydaelyn. Emet even says the reason he fucked up so badly is because he never cared to look after his health.

>Oh shit I got BTFO better resort to the classic! Namecalling!
How droll.

yeah, you type like a tranny lmao

Stop samefagging tard

From whence comes such expertise, tranny?

Are you dense? Ignoring my post doesn't make you right. He NEEDED to kill the FIRST to start the EIGHTH CALAMITY.

Lahabrea came back in hopes Thordan would kill us for him and got absorbed, he wasn't just running away all the time. Emet had no other choice, he was stronger than Lahabrea at that point, and it showed. Also the RUINS of the Ascian homeland was there, it wasn't fabricated, it had been there before. There is no known Ascian homeland ruins in the Source. They all have some of their own plans and methods, and we ruined Emet's.

from seeing embarrassing trannies like you shit the bed

Why the fuck don't they throw the other major MSQ dungeons in the main scenario roulette? You know like aetherochemical research facility, ala mhigo, and amaurot, the dungeons that are required to finish their respective expansions?

Lahabrea suffered from delusions of grandure. He probably figured a little thing like rapid body hops would never effect someone as great as he was.

>No we don't you bumbling moron, unless you somehow add up the three fae races and compare them to the dwarves as a whole, but you'd need to be incomprehensibly retarded to do that so I imagine you're just bullshitting.
>t. I skipped cutscenes so you're dumb

lmao retard, you're the inbred here.

> Doing weekly Raids
> DPShitter ree's about immediate pull on Titan
> Notice 1 kill on fflog for me
It's not even an ex or savage wtf.

Oh my, trannies everywhere you go? How horrifying! How do you live with yourself boy?

The Fae are four different races united under one banner. It's a kingdom, not one race. You're a fucking idiot.

chill dude
go stare at your characters ass and dilate

We are all fragments, whether I say 7 heroes or 7 fragments, it means the same thing. Did you miss the part where Emet says we are all fragments? Ardbert is a fragment of us too. Anyways, Lahabrea was severely weakened since before Hydaelyn due to body hopping, that makes him weaker than Emet. We didn't fight either Emet or Lahabrea alone.

>Oh no I got BTFO, and I got laughed at for my baseless claims... better call him names!
You did mention something about killing yourself if you replied without an argument boy. Better get to it.

Fuck off, tranny cat

The not-chocobo's are not fae user, there's only three fae races. Frogmen, pixies and dogs.

Yeah and we learned more about pixies alone than what we learned about the dwarves. Lali-ho, beard helms, and mining. Nice story content.

>replies without an argument

He said it himself, us defeating the sin eaters only delays the inevitable. The rejoining would still happen.

He could've done the same as lahabrea and fucked off to plan something else to fuck us over and cause the calamity. Instead he became emotional and took us head on and that cost his life.
That's why he died in a much faster timespan than lahabrea did. Lahabrea did not take us head on and on the few moments he did he had an hostage (thancred) or help (igeyhorm).

How do I do a countdown? I don't play tanks.

Because they're in the 50/60/70 roulette and expert roulette respectively (will get a new "80 roulette" in 5.2 to take its spot), while story dungeons less than the level caps will be in leveling roulettes.

You are right about Ardbert being a fragment, but not to the ones helping us in the fight. They were just heroes from the other shards.

Such a vivid imagination! I recon you must be terrible company if you're so accustomed to escapism that it comes as naturally as this.

You're a fucking idiot because there's more to learn about pixies OR mol from the MSQ than dwarves. Just because you need to cherry pick to make up nonsense doesn't make you correct.

what about beavers

Please just leave.

Under party, it's where the ready check is also.

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Wiped 3 times on Eden prime because both healers stood in front of pure light and we had no dps ressers. Not even kidding.

Also wiped on Leviathan because healers died to who knows what and no ressers there as well.

just stop doing
being anonymous is no excuse to post embarrassing shit like this

You can exterminate the cats or the lalas.
Which do you pick?

Attached: cat.png (559x531, 452K)

I get that, but those dungeons could technically qualify as main scenario as well since they aren't optional and aren't used for leveling. It would just help break up the same old routine

Everybody is a fragment. Nobody is whole on any of the planets. Emet does not consider anybody whole, only Ascians. We are fragments, and the other 7 are fragments even if they aren't OUR fragments. It's in the dialogue...

Tranny tranny tranny

>replies without an argument
>Citing your own failing again because you literally have nothing to actually say but you can't stop posting
Every one of my posts has contained an argument, user. Maybe you shouldn't be asking for things you can't even identify?

The Tupac Amaro are considered Fae because they acknowledge Titania as their king. They even had one of the relics.

>Yeah and we learned more about pixies alone than what we learned about the dwarves
What did you learn about the Pixies that wasn't in side quests? That they may be the spirits of dead children and................ oh, that's it.

Lalas, even though they're my second favorite girls. Miqo'te are too damn good.

>just stop doing
dude, not doing

>tank mains switching from tank to healer for the instant queues
Special snowflakes

I know this thread is about to die but is 8.4k dps good for a i430 brd? This is all with self buffs, no food, pots etc

They're a fucking annoyance

How the fuck do I deal with this autist in my FC?
>easily the most talkative person whenever he's online
>except he doesn't actually talk to people, just has one sided conversations and narrates his own shit
>once spammed the chat for like an hour straight about his failed attempts to solo clear t9
>fc member asks if he wants any help
>"no thanks, I loathe people"
>keeps begging for hunt info in chat on a daily basis but refuses to join a hunt ls for the same reason as the quote above
>Keeps talking about how ShB is his least favorite expac, something about how he didn't feel anything up until Zenos derailed the plot at the end, which is whatever I don't care, but it overwhelms a lot of other people's conversation
>other fc people are starting to get really creeped out by his presence and I think a few left cause of this one guy
I seriously wonder where the fuck these people come from. I don't even know how the fuck he got in, he just showed up one day.

I'm talking about them not being a fragment to the WoL.

is spellspeed completely useless to a rdm? like to the point where you're better off without it?

>be monk
>tank starts countdown
>it's 5 seconds

Attached: 1513083171282.jpg (498x456, 69K)

Fuck off cat nigger, your disgusting kind has infested the server enough.

>v arguments
>fucking idiot
>you're stupid
>no argument
>this is dumb

you might as well go post on /vg/ if you're not going to write anythin

Definitely lalas.
Cats don't make cat only FCs, cat only LSs, cat only runs and don't act like autists when lots of cats are together.

I myself am an intermittent EVE autist. I think preparing, jewing, and strategizing is more fun than shutting your mind off and grinding.

Kick him. Tell some else to kick him.

That's usually why I never wait to start form shift and just do it asap

Speak with an officer who can boot him, other people clearly don't like him. Or, if you're not too attached to the other people there, just leave.

Kick him or just block him, it's that easy

If you're the leader, kick him. If not, bully and neg him constantly but not in a way that makes you seem like the villain.

>Be tank
>Other alliance starts countdown
>Turn off tank stance so I don't cause an aggro fight and get the raid AOE'd
>Boss aggroing DPS instead and no tanks are in tank stance

Who the fuck started the countdown?

Attached: Happy Erza.gif (338x338, 757K)

Cats, just because of the sheer abundance.

Not many people play Lala's on NA, thus they're easilt avoidable.

Now if you said Viera however...

Attached: 1539136575631.jpg (792x821, 166K)

>Implying this has ever happened


>what is afflatus
>what is sprinting with the tank and casting a cure 2

I should leave this FC.

Attached: 1561184584307.png (656x529, 640K)

Detected the lalanigger.

>tank is afk without saying anything
>stand there form shifting for like 3 minutes sweating every time I go through my third form in case he abruptly comes back and pulls

Attached: fam.jpg (256x256, 8K)

>spirits of dead children
>each king is ascended by the tiara, shoes and dress after one is killed/dies
>pixies only focus on the today not the past or future thus they don't meddle in human affairs
>pixies turn humans into green tree people
>pixies love decorating things with grass and flowers like retards
>pixies use tons of illusory magicks
>all faeries and those who live in il mheg are united under titania
>titania commands Bismark
>pixies stay away from the water
>except for fuath all fae are extremely fond of humans

I can even name more shit for the long eared things, and I did no extra side quests

I've already named far more than you could learn about dwarves, and can name more cutscene skipper.

>posts zero arguments again
>names nothing

>Average Aether players

Meanwhile Crystal is literally some of the fastest dungeon runs I have ever been in with complete randoms.

I bet it's an au ra

XIV is shit, wasted 250 hrs

About pixies we learn
>they know magic and shit
>like to play around and prank people
>they are allegedly reconstituted souls of dead children
>Have their own language
Should be noted that we learn most of this through the Scions, who explain their past dealings with them, while there had been no prior interaction with the dwarves

About dwarves we learn
>Reclusive, kept mostly to themselves throughout all the shit the First has gone through
>Society of craftsmen and miners
>Very ritualistic and traditional
>Extremely alcoholic
>Long time feud with another race of dwarves
Nobody in your party has much to share about the dwarves, if you cut out Urianger's ramblings from living with the pixies for years there's not much left that YOU actually learn about them.

Now get the fuck out you inbred moron.

I stated twice that you were right about them not being a fragment to the WoL. I just said they are all fragments.

I could say the same for all the people picking Lala's over cats.

I play Male Elezen

I should play eve.

You know you can read your own posts, right? Or is there some other reason you're this oblivious to the irony of it?

>play on crystal
>do hades for fc mates every time they come up, do hades at least once a day since launch
>have only wiped once

the only constant is you

What the fuck is this autistic dwarf fae argument?

here: >We got help from the Crystal Exarch summoning 7 fragments of the WoL
>of the WoL

you're a cutscene skipper, you just added extra stuff to what I wrote that's way more than you learn about dwarves.

Looks like a highlander

Lore wise Lalas are the cause of most of the realm's problems. Cats are just slutty and sometimes annoying.

that is genuinely based, stay mad faggot

That isn't your FC, you are reposting an image.

that's the most manly looking highlander girl I've ever seen, oddly enough

We have gone far past that, I stated three times that you were right, but that they are still fragments.

Just some Lalanigger that doesn't want to level healer and is mad that you actually have to do other stuff except blow through the MSQ to learn lore.

Sorry user I'm too tired, I just glossed over you saying you got mixed up. My bad.

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Can you trade with people from other worlds? Same DC.

>hey guys the lalas have cool things like lala only FC's
>hey guys the lalas have cool things like lala only runs
cringe, lalas stay winning baby

>every single meltdown posted on this thread was sponsored by non au ra and non cats
Really makes you think.

It's okay, it happens. Get some sleep tonight.

Depending on how you play it can be heaven or hell. I enjoy it because I like robbing decaying alliances, Yea Forums users until they quit, and shitty PvE babs.

user chill.

Also I love how grossly padded your list is
>The king of the fae rules the fae (bismark)
Woa what a discovery, such knowledge we have obtained of the fae.
>each king is ascended by the tiara, shoes and dress after one is killed/dies
Congrats this has nothing to do with any particular group of fae, in fact YOU would have become the king of fae after defeating Titania had Feo Ul not taken the relics so there is no excuse for this at all. Furthermore if you're going to mash all the fae together like this why not combine everyone living in Kholusia as well you dumb fuck? Here you are literally doing what I told you nobody would be dumb enoug to do.

Holy fucking shit you are actually retarded aren't you?


>trying to educate my doctors

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It's 6AM, but thanks user. I'll try.

imagine being this desperate to defend your shit tranny races
>look another race has a tranny!!

user, you are absolutely retarded.
>You just added extra stuff!
Haha yea and you just typed words! What an amazing thing to say bro! Check the fucking time on posts as well next time you absolute imbecile.

Lalas > Cats and Lizards

You see, lala users are usually pedo bros, they mind their own business and just want to do cute stuff. Cats and Lizards tho, specially lizards are the ones you have to be careful with, from trannies to mentally ill men, the worst of the community

>picks 2 things completely relevent since we've only seen pixies as tiania
>wahhhhhh im right look at me mommy i did it

lmao xD stop skipping cutscenes

Kill yourself

I didn't try hard at all.

This might not be a great place to ask but I'm looking for some sort of monitor/TV to play XIV on my PS4. It's just too small on my current TV and there's not enough space to really see the whole map. Suggestions?

Can you run me through Hades?

>we've only seen pixies as tiania
The Titania you fought was literally the first fucking king since Voeburt fell. So the only other Titania would have been you if Feo Ul hadn't taken your place. It's entirely irrelevant.

>no argument
>no argument
>no argument
>ad hominem
>ad hominem
>ad hominem
lmao learn how to speak english, you were proven wrong and now you're having a melty and pretending it doesnt exist like your vagina

Based XIVfags

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You tell him tranny bro!!! Want to HRT later??

>pedo bros
im no pedo, im a lala because i like cute things and being little and still kicking ass. speak for yourself nigger