Hack and Slash

>Hack and Slash
How can an entire genre not have a single good game in it?

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Diablo II you fucking nigger


diablo 2
torchlight 2
guild wars
demon's souls
dark souls

None of these are Hack and Slash

Go play xmen origins wolverine pretty boy

Splatterhouse remake but that's kinda into beat em up territory
Are these bait?

This is Yea Forums you creampie recieving nigger.

Minecraft Dungeons
How can an entire genre not have a single good game in it YET

Bad taste

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depends on what version of "hack and slash" you subscribe to.



are you confusing hack and slash for beat em up

>African-american racial slur

No but you are confusing Hack and Slash for ARPG

Is Gauntlet Dark Legacy hack and slash?

Yes they are you retard.

Never heard of it.

No they aren't you retard.

Yes they are you retard

hack and slash is another word for beat-em-up. It's when they have swords instead of fists

>there are not good hack and slash games
>no, I get to define what hack and slash is

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Play Grim Dawn

Fuck no, these games have always been called hack and slashes. The fucking term refers to action oriented RPG sessions

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tell us what you define as "hack and slash"
dnd games with a focus on hand to hand?
beat em up that uses swords and shit?
top down with loot?

ARPGs aren't hack and slash bro

>hack n slash somehow became two different genres that still use the name

You retarded? It's a Hack 'n Slash

Metal gear R

is Hack and Slash DIablo, Zelda/Dark Souls or stuff like Devil May Cry? It's a pretty vague term.


yeah 2 is the bad one
whats your point?

dynasty warriors

They're Diablo clones
They're beat'em ups

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Those are called Musous though

Wrong, weeb

>beat'em ups
That's for games where you have different attacks with an emphasis on skill and move through rooms defeating enemies, usually until you reach a boss.
I don't think Diablo clones fit that description because they aren't skill based. The RPG elements are more important.

It's pretty pointless to use "hack-and-slash" to distinguish games like Light Bringer and Shadows Over Mystara from beat-em-ups like Final Fight and Punisher. They're all still fucking beat-em-ups, so just call them that

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Whatever man

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this worse than listening to hipsters argue over what genre of music a song is and they just start making up words and slapping core on the end of them.

It's called 4channel newfag

>Hack and slash made the transition from the tabletop to role-playing video games, usually starting in D&D-like worlds.[2] This form of gameplay influenced a wide range of action role-playing games, including games such as Lineage,[3] Xanadu[4] and Diablo.[5][6]
>Distinct from hack and slash role-playing games, the term "hack and slash" also began being used to refer to weapon-based beat 'em up action games, such as the Golden Axe series.[7][8] Journalists covering the video game industry often use the term "hack and slash" to refer to a distinct genre of 3D third-person, weapon-based, melee action games, including titles such as Sengoku BASARA[9], Devil May Cry, Dynasty Warriors, Ninja Gaiden, God of War, Genji, No More Heroes, Bayonetta, Darksiders and Dante's Inferno.[10][11]

>Not one good Hack and Slash game posted yet

Okay, define these terms before we discuss this any further:
>Hack and slash
>Action RPG
>Beat em up

>Hack and slash
Dynasty Warriors
>Action RPG
Dark Souls
>Beat em up
Streets of Rage

>Action RPG

Really, nigger?

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>Action RPG
>Dark Souls
good to know that spelling out action instead of using the letter a results in a whole other genre

>Hack and slash
A game where you hack and slash
>Action RPG (why did you say it again?)
An RPG that's action oriented
>Beat em up
A game where you beat things up

They're not the same

>torchlight and diablo
>the same combat as souls
>the same randomized loot system

>brainlets don't even know the difference between ARPG and Action RPGs
what the fuck has Yea Forums become?

Ok ffs Warriors franchise hack 'n slash, Diablo & Dark Souls ARPG... but different kinds.

>Never heard of it.
Why are you trying to argue about a genre you don't know shit about?

This, Jesus christ..

>Not playing one random 20 year old game some random user has nostalgia goggles for means you can't argue about an entire genre

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Alright, I'll bite. Whats your alternate meaning for ARPG?

Autistic role-playing game

Gauntlet isnt 'one game' zoomie.

Ok kid.

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What's your favorite shooter lads? Mine's Contra

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Metroid Fusion

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

my favorite shooter- my answer, of course, my peanus weenus :D


Well you have spammers like WoW, Torchlight and Diablo which usually focus on gear and then there's Action RPG's that usually have the more conventional focus on stats... in a way.

Sekiro is my favorite spectacle fighter.

>ywn scissor her
why was I even born

Metal Gear Rising : Reveangeance


>games where you can grind your stats to 1hit enemies are now hack n slash according to Yea Forums
>games with stats
is this the lowest this board can get?

>making fun of dudes who like to be fuck by other dude

Hack n slash is an rpg term you dope. Beat em ups are beat em ups, theyve always had weapons

I never even mentioned beat em ups what are you on about?
Also nobody gives a fuck if it the term came from an RPG, the original word already lost it's meaning, use what most people are using and stop being an autist

Hack n slash either refers to action rpgs with more action/dungeon crawling than roleplaying or beat em ups that mainly use weapons, those are the 2 main usages of the term so idk wtf youre talking about when you imply that Diablo style games arent hack n slashes. Also it was only applied to beat em ups because said beat em ups (Golden Axe, D&D) resembled action rpgs to begin with.

The dynasty warrior games, if you mean musou type, over the shoulder third person hack and slash, are the premiere hack and slash games in my eyes. You're hacking and slashing through dozens of soldiers all at once, it's great for feeling really powerful and just destroying shit.

>Gauntlet Dark Legacy
>Reading comprehension