2080ti stuttering

anyone else have nvidia SLI cards and been having issues with stuttering lately? i have 2 2080ti's, fiber internet, and a low ping.. and suddenly for the last few weeks ive been having issues with stutter on games that i play in 2160p... once, i was able to get it to stop by disabling sli, but ever since, that doesnt help either, and shouldnt be a solution anyway lol.. i got the newest driver today, problem still persists. i am pissed. i am royally pissed.

Attached: stutter.jpg (780x486, 39K)

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>i have 2 2080ti's

Attached: 1562716244086.jpg (647x644, 54K)

You deserve it for buying these expensive as fuck cards.

stop being a jealous peasant.


I'm not the one having stuttering issues >:^)

maybe not right now...

I was once told that SLI does jack shit for gaming, it doesn't "double the power" as common sense might suggest. Was I memed on or is this true? And if it doesn't allow you to play 32K 200fps then what is it good for?

Attached: 95456148.png (726x590, 49K)

>20 fucking 19
You just got jewed

SLI definitely improves performance, but it's closer to 150-175% gaming performance for two-way SLI. 3rd card is where you start seeing diminishing returns and 4th barely improves performance. 3 and 4 way SLI also introduces stuttering problems from what I've heard.

Post photo of your cards plugged in or I can't help you

Stadia wants to help.


Stadia can not help me.

Works on my machine :)

nvm fix'd. Mods pls close the thread

Fuck you.

That’s like the peak you can hope for and only with some games at a high resolution. Most of the time you’re getting far less. I can’t imagine spending 100% of the cost for best case 75% performance and average case 30%.

before the stuttering, i was getting 120fps at 2160p. id like to get back to that.

C:/System32 is fragmented, delete that to refresh the cache

>he fell for the SLI meme
l m a o

>SLI in 1990+19
heart jej

oh.. I meant +29 has it really been that long

this thread would really fly better on where people actually know their shit

>he bought a 2080ti
>When a 5700xt is a third of the price for 80% of the performance

Or money

Send them in for RMA, your cards might be fucked in some way. If you still have warranty then they'll fix them or send you new ones.

But that's not true, at best it's 70% of the performance and only at 1080p.
Navi cards are much worse than RTX and GTX at 4K, which user is playing at.