I love how fucking angry you guys get discussing this good game

I love how fucking angry you guys get discussing this good game.

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Back it up or fuck off, tranny.

I like it :)

I think its a really good 7/10 game. Just has some really apparent flaws that hold it back. If BOTW2 improves upon what BOTW needed improving upon I really think it could easily be one of the greatest games of all time.

It's alright, but the writing is awful, the sidequests suck, and crafting needs a rework.

honestly i wish every open world game had the "climb up anything" feature. that's the biggest draw of this game. it's just fun to climb shit like a monkey

>good and not goat
back to discord you go tranny

Best Zelda since MM. That period of time from TP, PH, SS, and ST was rough.

I know people really wanted big setpiece dungeons but I couldn't care less about dungeons so it was nearly perfect for me.

I don't think I've ever heard a legitimate argument as to why this game is the best game ever made. Does it have alot of cool stuff in it? Yeah. But it just can't compare to my favorite games.

I'm dilating right now. Try to stop me, /pol/ incels :)

Based. OoT, MM and BotW are the Holy Triforce of 3D Zelda games.

I hope we explore morw ruins in the sequel.

It's a solid 7/10.

Keep dilating, bitch nigga.

OOT and MM are the only good Zelda games. People just pretend the rest of the Zelda series is good for some reason.

This game is only worth playing on a PC with mods.

Go play almost any Spider-Man game.


it's Yea Forums, they get angry discussing any game

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Spiderman 2 is one of my favorite games

Great tech demo solid 7/10 empty open world meme ubishit copypaste towers koroks shrines nincels btfo shdhfsisncdkadjch

Hey bro, I wouldn't mind doing that for you with my penis if you catch my meaning.

You're right, what a dumb thing of OP to say. It's not good, it's fantastic.

You have to put yourself in the mind of a nincel. Many haven't experienced the modern open world games that most of us are now bored with. To them cookie cutter Ubishit is a mind blowing revelation.

So it's Nintendos fault you bought so many open world games you got tired of the genre? No one forced you to buy every asscreed game that came out.

As someone who played BOTW and doesn't even consider themselves a Nintendo fan, the game does alot of cool stuff. The only issue is that half the time the execution is half-assed or the difficulty is heavily nerfed, so kids can play it. FFS look at the master mode. I don't think they even change the AI to be harder. they just give enemies regenerating HP, while still making them susceptible to the same old tricks. The gold variants of most enemies don't even learn from older attacks.

For example, I find it stupid that your weapon inventory is limited, but you can carry an infinite amount of items without even a slight burden.

Its obvious why they make you upgrade your weapon space. If you started with full weapon space you could run straight to a high level area, grab a bunch of broken swords and ruin the game.

His point is that you can ALREADY ruin the game with an infinite amount of food.


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You probably """play""" snoy moviegames don't you?

I'm not complaining about that. I'm complaining that they didn't put this same restriction on items. You can stock up hundreds of billions of items of food and never ever run out. Shoot, I didn't even know you had a limit on cooked food until around the fourth divine beast. Wtf were they thinking, letting you stockpile three pages worth of OP healing items? That's more than every single one of your weapon inventories COMBINED.

First of all, no you can't because until you've done a bunch of shrines a lot of enemies can one shot you rendering food useless. Second, that takes a LOT more effort because you have to go collect a ton of ingredients and then go monotonously cook them all.

I thought it was very boring. I couldn’t get into it whatsoever

Personally I never had this issue because I didn't sit there and grind food for an hour like an autist and instead actually played the game.


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Enter her name in R34.

The fuck kind of argument is that, you dumb fanboy?
>First of all, no you can't because until you've done a bunch of shrines a lot of enemies can one shot you rendering food useless
Bonus hearts.
>Second, that takes a LOT more effort because you have to go collect a ton of ingredients and then go monotonously cook them all.
Not really, it's very easy to rack up on food and slam them together in a pot. Even before you realize how broken truffles are, you can still make a lot of strong healing items. And if you think that's monotonous, why wouldn't that also apply to weapons?
I thought BotW was about exploration? Am I supposed to intentionally cripple myself and not collect anything ever? The onus is on developers to balance their games properly. If simply exploring an area and gathering nearby items is enough to break the game, it's a poorly balanced game.

No one is angry, disagreeing with you does not make someone angry. I seriously want to know what led you to the conclusion that typing normally on a keyboard is an indication of anger, were you angry when you made this thread?

>First of all, no you can't because until you've done a bunch of shrines a lot of enemies can one shot you rendering food useless.
That is so untrue. I went through the game with three hearts, and I didn't see a single enemy who did more than 2 damage until after the second divine beast, and even then it's nullified by durians that give you a bunch of hearts after cooking them.

That's the thing user: I didn't grind food either. I literally found way too much while playing, to the point where it just became tedious. I was cooking up insta heal meals left and right, and like I said above, I didn't even need too many because when you only have three hearts everything is a full heal. I just think it trivialized the game by being too easy to collect and hoard stuff. Why couldn't it enforce the same restriction as your weapon inventory? Imagine being forced to choose between healing items and buff items, or materials to shop with. The game never makes you think about it, so you can greedily hoard everything. After a while it became mindless.

The worst part is that they already had a solution for this in the form of korok seeds. You barely even use half of them, and the rest are filler. Being able to use them to expand your item inventory would've been really cool, and would cut down on wasteful korok seeds, further incentivizing exploration.

I need this too

princess zelda? I'm not seeing anything man.

>just look through 5000 images bro

Post uncensored on /r/

I do not believe for a second you played this game. If you get too much food in botw it's because you want to get too much food. It absolutely does not happen naturally. You literally have to go out of your way to waste your time rooting around for and picking up random shit off the ground, trees, etc. Killing monsters doesn't give you food so it isn't something that happens naturally.

go back to trannyera faggot

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I looked you're full of shit, you probably don't even know the source either.
We're looking for the source too dude.

>If you get too much food in botw it's because you want to get too much food.
Or I just feel like collecting everything nearby? isn't that the point of the game? To explore and find stuff? I was hoping there would be a challenge over the horizon, but I wasn't met with that at all. Having said that, your argument also applies to weapons. You don't get them naturally. You have to go out and find them. So why isn't your weapon inventory infinite?

Oh you just "feel like collecting everything" huh. That's the games problem - right. Let me go further here. The game does not force you to sit down for 15 minutes cooking all that random shit you collected. You decided to do that.

By that logic, weapons should last infinitely and never break. If you choose to only use one weapon, that's your problem and not the game's problem. You chose to not use other weapons. Having the game restrict you with weapon durability is bad according to you.

What is there to get angry about? It's easily the best Zelda game ever made, nothing comes close.

Only thing about this game that makes me angry is the missed potential.

>BotW has some of the best girls in the series
>Only a handful of good porn for Mipha
>Literally almost zero good porn of Paya

And yes, I’ve checked all the usual suspects and beyond. I’ve seen everything there is to see, they just don’t have as much quality porn as they should, and that’s bullshit.

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Make the combat better and add some survival elements to it and the sequel is perfect


I love how much this average game gets defended in response to the smallest criticisms because Zelda is a cult.

Oh right, still you should also post it /r/, these threads will eventually die and posting it here risks it being considered "off topic" and getting you banned. For some reason it would feel weird to do it myself

How is it good? The story is ass, the combat is whatever, bows are overpowered, weapons break just as you’re starting to have fun, the shrines suck.

I thoroughly enjoyed my first playthrough, never beat the game but sunk in about 100 hours and got 3 divine beasts, then I got the urge to do The Great Plateau and Eventide Island again. Anyways it's a solid game but holy shit the breaking weapons thing is a fucking meme, it really does detract enjoyment from the game. When I'm in a combat shrine and I have to look at my inventory and be like "Three of these weapons will undoubtedly break during this battle, which three am I going to waste" it sucks so much fun out of the game. At worst, they should have had degrading % weapon condition that can be seen by the player and repaired as needed, and when it reaches 0% you can keep it and repair it later or toss it.

Other than that, no other major gripes except the Shrines could have looked different based on location and had varied decorum and entrances / colors other than "blue puzzle room"

I didn't realize how much I missed them until they were gone. Exploring the overworld in BotW is a joy. Doing shrines is just tedious, and divine beasts are boring.

Master Mode is so lazy
All it does is make the start of the game tedious since you are too weak to fight anything, but after that it's pretty much the same game only that enemies have annoying health regen.

I've always fancied dungeons and story structure more than overworlds and freedom, but I'm glad fans of the latter got their day in the sunlight.

Twilight Princess had the best of the former.


I mean it's no Terraria, but then again what is?

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>and the lord said “I will deliver to you all the countries of the world I will carnally penetrate your asshole with my giant cock and Israel will be yours and your descendents will be born from the semen dripping from the bleeding asshole. Go and spray your semen all over the assholes of men


I don't get angry. I simply don't understand what's supposedly so fantastic about it and whenever I ask I have a hoard of Zelda/Nintendo fanboys accusing me of heresy.