Reminder that Tigrex is for immense bullying

Reminder that Tigrex is for immense bullying.

MH thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hey partner!

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Tigrex is for capture and releasing unharmed.

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Can Tigrex really handle himself in the mean streets of Tokyo?

Tigrex is for hugs!

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I liked it more when elder dragons were seen more as mysterious beasts than extremely dangerous animals with magic powers that are at the forefront of the story. It sort of loses the coolness a little and now I just sort of stop caring about them in World

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I'm glad that they haven't overdone Black Dragons in the same way they did with Elders.

I'd rather Tigrex join Nergigante, Rathalos, Zinogre, Tobi-Kadachi, Lagiacrus, and Zamtrios take turns fucking me than me bully him.

You know, with all the stupid crossovers both series have done, I'm surprised we haven't had Kiryu punching a Tigrex to death in Yakuza or something

>A huge chicken

Yeah, I hope they become postgame fights in the next game and instead we focus on all the other monster types instead for the campaign.

I want a Greatest Dodogama

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So, monster hunter 1 and G, when Lao, Kirin, and Fatalis were the only ones? Cause Dos was all about the Elders and that's the game that introduced the classification in the first place.

based and cuttlepilled

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how dare you post my gif, I demand this thread be deleted right now

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can't catch me hunters

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>muffled it aint mes in the distance

Pickle and Bagel sitting in a tree.


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I think its about time we have daily MH threads until iceborne. Activity's been dead low since there's no shitposting and discussions' been done to death

we stop having* sorry

If there’s nothing to discuss they’ll just die naturally until there is something to discuss. Trying to coordinate threadmaking on an anonymous site never goes well. Just leave the threads be and it’ll work itself out.


threads never die when there is nothing to discuss, they just get more creative with their shitposting.

What other notable pets have i missed in preparation for my dream zoo in Iceborne that i can brag to other people?

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How did zorah leave tracks anywhere without turning the surrounding area into a volcanic crater

He's a wascally wabbit.

>no queen wiggler
>no great gastronome tuna or great fish in general
>no tsuchinoko
>no forest pteryx
>no cactuar cuttings


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but we do have something to discuss. The newest Acidic Glavenus gameplay video is out.

its been like that long before world you casual pleb faggot

It was probably rocks getting blown super far away from his volcanoes giving you a general idea of his path.

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Very carefully.

This man is lying. No pickles around, please slow down.

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>>The gimmick this time is that his tail isn't sharp, it's moldy.

Who's the top in this relationship


>Weeb Glavenus
>those quick flick tail attacks with a followup swipe so you can't exactly roll forward in front of him
>that long range stab
>stylin' and posin' after each slashing blow
I think he's going to be a far more interesting subspecies than the original, like Tigerstripe did. I pray to god the three upcoming subspecies will be too. Subs with good unique twists to the fight make me complain less about the reskinning

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it's more like his tail is actually glorious folded 1000 times shar but for some reason mold/spikes keep growing on it so he has to brush it away with his teeth. Maybe it's because of Rotten Vale's air?

I'm thinking he will focus more on combo slices (literally Vergil's namastedge) rather than one hit spinning damage like what OG Glavenus does

Is it possible that we might get a Glavenus subspecies and rare species? It would not be the first time. In MHG they added Tropical Raths and Metal Raths. In MH3U they added Ivory Lagi and Abyssal Lagi.

Did you not see any of the SDCC stuff? When his tail has all the acid crystals on it he’s the same speed as regular Glavenus and inflicts a debuff, but when he sharpens his tail and removes the acid crystals he loses the debuff but gains ridiculous speed and tons of new moves. It actually looks like a pretty good subspecies all things considered.

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Glavenus was the flagship of a prior game like the Raths and Lagiacrus too, so it’s not unheard of.

Reminder that the Cookie Leak is NOT accurate

All non-elder flagships get 3 or 4 versions eventually. Pic not related

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>Is it possible that we might get a Glavenus subspecies and rare species?
looks like you missed the memo. Let me tell you that THEY'RE ALL IN. ALL THE BOYS ARE IN.

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The cucker has been cucked. No little Steve Jr ever.

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Valstrax is THE best elder dragon and you can’t convince me otherwise.

i have never played monhun, can someone red pill me on pic related ?

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How do you reliably get Hero streamstones again
T3 elder investigations?

>Acid Glav is such a fucking weeb he's doing actual katana stances for his attacks
>Anjanath looks like a Nue
>Yukumo layered set
>brought back both ninja slut sets
>The entirety of Ebony Odogaron
>hot springs with cute monkeys
I'll actually be shocked if the Hoarfrost doesn't have some kind of secret misty peaks-like area that's only unlocked via story cause they're going full YOOOOOOOOO this expansion.

To the user who helped me get P3rd on Vita, thanks again. Playing through right now and having a good time. Feels good not having to claw.

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No I did not.
But you know what, that does sound like an alright gimmick considering the variant will likely have to shelve fire/blast type attacks.

And if it doesn't have a flaming bursa, will it spit caustic bile rather than little pools of magma?

>cookie leak
>not accurate
Why? Because some fag posted a 120x77 picture of fake leaks when the Zin, Velk, and Tigrex icons were posted in hi-res?

do teo, he is fun, he is fast

So basically every single game after the first one, then

Seregios is cucked because they never really give variants/subspecies in the game they're introduced, and then in Generations/GU they avoided subspecies entirely. He will probably get one in Iceborne

But he's not even in Iceborne

>he actually thinks they're not all in

It's a big water fox lizard that lives near hotsprings and turns everything in a 200ft radius into a slip and slide with its soapy slime

>He uses gadgets
>He uses the slinger
>He mounts
>He uses enviormentals
>He restocks mid hunt
>He uses the wheel
>He uses cats
>He doesn't stand still while healing
>He clown suits

Zinogeres Bff

Apparently he loses the breath attacks entirely and focuses solely on sword attacks, but we still don’t know what debuff he applies and he seemingly leaves clouds of it behind when his tail hits the ground so there’s probably something there to make up for the lack of breath/spit attacks.

Acid is usually def down (Jho drool, Seltas projectiles) but since they haven't specified what it is yet maybe it's something real nasty we haven't seen yet like Sharpness Down

>spends 40 years trying to find a reason why dragons are emigrating to an entirely new land with little results
>a young newbie hunter joins your team one day and one-ups you by finding the answer to literally everything
These guys suck

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>sharpness down
>inflicted by his unsharpened tail
Oh fuck it makes sense. He smacks you with his unsharpened tail then once your sharpness is fucked he sharpens his own tail and lays into you.

What would a seregios subspecies even do

That's been the case for literally every monhun. Old hunters bad, new hunters good.

It was 40 years of a tropical beach vacation with the pretense of work. Don't tell the guild.

Be perfectly adapted to cuck Rathalos subspecies.

There's already a regional variant called the Bazelguese

They’re completely different t monsters.

So what, would it be Blunt Edge where your sharpness consumption is doubled, or a passive state where your sharpness bar automatically drains?
On that note, implementing negative armor skills into statuses might be a fun idea

got some 4 reward luna
which failed with randoms

>He doesn't use a moded PSP to perfectly recreate playing the old games
you are but casual scum compared to me

instead of shotting bleeding spikes it shoots exploding ones

Its a shame negative skills are gone completely, could've actually been more interesting in World's system since you couldn't avoid them completely by clownsuiting

he's in

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Do ATs next week. Vaal Hazark is probably the eastiest. Xeno is easy if you have guard/pierce/heatguard/health aug HBG, but you must get used to rarely sheathing even if you'll die in one hit.

What if getting hit by his acid effect your weapon too, meaning sharpness down-blight until you take time to sharpen the acid off your weapon similar to him

>working up a new character in World
>go fight and capture bazelgeuse on an expedition
>the handler decides that now is finally the time to tell me I can carve defeated monsters for rewards

I still get a "Dodge their attacks! You don't want to take hits like that head on!" prompt every time I start up the game. How do I make it stop?

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be glad you turn off her """"""""advice"""""""""""" completely in iceborne

does it go any faster?

Please Capcom bring back underwater in MH6 and then allow us to fight Ukanlos underwater

>*goes really slow but blows everything up*

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Is AT lunastra any different from tempered ? Planning to make the gamma armor

What is this?

>have flying mounts and engineers who can convert a grounded ship to an airship using materials from an easily defeated monster mere miles from your crash site
>stay stranded for 30 years until some fresh off the boat asshole stumbles onto you more or less by accident

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tigrex is that friend who gives autistic screech when nothing goes his way

Nah no difference other than a supernova being an instant cart if you don't dive. Oh and if you don't have wind pressure resistance, you won't have the chance to dive

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we had listfag, we had furfags now we have avatarfags

of all the anons that avatarfagged, a pukei got you?

AT teostra shows up during her fight for about 5 minutes. you can wait him out, but its annoying to have to wait the time. better than getting ass-raped by 2 AT elders though. other than that, her ground fire doesnt seem to do any more damage, but she's slightly more aggressive on the physical side and her supernova does a little more damage than usual. i recommend taking farcasters, so that when she novas you can just warp back to camp and run back

I want to get into Monhun but I don't want any overlap with my boyfriend and his friends who play it.

What are some neat weapon choices that aren't hunting horn, switchaxe or charge blade?

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I'll keep that in mind, thanks

Aren't the puddles of bullshit more frequent/deadly? I died to diving in them during the nova than the nova itself. Health and travel path are a thing too.

Literally any of them, they’re all fun in different ways.

is one thing to post screenshot from game, is another thing to make an oc based on that monster

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why some people refuse to use cannons in arena?

That's because MH never gave a shit about story but thanks to the gaming audience's fervent attempt to present gaming as something akin to an art form, now game devs need to shove in some shitty plot device to have a semblance of a story and what better plot device than mysterious beasts with world ending powers eh?

i never got the cool drink and her supernovas, does it actually works? lst time i tried i continued getting damage why the game suggest you having cool drink when hunting a lunastra?

too much effort when I could just hit the monster in the face

Have you fucking played 4U?

bow and lance are my favorites, bow has big damage potential but requires a lot of practice and skill to use properly, lance has big block shield and meh damage but really aggressive pressure through constantly attacking. lance moveset is VERY barebones. that and the slow move speed turns off a lot of people. if youre a beginner, i'd recommend something like hammer, longsword, or sword and shield

yes drink cool drink, it's for the passive heat

lunastra actually generates a heat aura around herself, so if youre not in a lava area you can still take heat damage

You know, given the shit that's happened from MH1 all the way up to XX, the state of the fleets isn't even unusual.

I think it's best to just use Farcaster

oh, so that's how you avoid that annoying damage

>he doesn't know about pukei handler
Nigga? That shit predates the launch of the fucking game.

i never thought about that, does it also work with behemot meteor?

It is better to solo luna.
and nergi.
and teo.

shit, most elders are easier when solo.

You live IF you get inside the tent. I don't think you really have enough time, though.

Once the meteor starts you can't use items.

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I think so too. And Akantor. And maybe Gigginox. They need to milk the gen 2 flying wyvern skeleton more. Right now we have just 3 monsters using it and that’s small time

By the time he's casting the meteor you can't use items

Just give it up. He's never coming back. You'll get Khezu and you'll cry about it.

Zorah is the only AT I haven't exactly fought. It's way too boring and no one joins me in the hub or SOS because of that. Can it be done solo? I just want some Zorah Gamma and Origin layered

I don’t want either of them but just 3 monsters using that rig seems really small and not worth the effort, and the cave area is littered with poison shit so I think it has a higher chance than Khezu. Unless they’re both in and we get a docking turf war

poor handler
well shit, figures they thought about that. i've seen people use the jump gesture but i can-t never seem to manage to last as long as i can off screen and also move, not sure what am i doing wrong, i do it and move an inch before landing

>LS gets a 45 iframe counter
>SA has no iframe moves

Defend this.

Is it bad that I never use mega armorskin or demondrug? I use the regular ones along with the rest of the buffs, but never the megas

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Or 3 or 2.

>Help us Kushala is causing radical weather changes
>Help us Ceadeus is causing earthquakes
>Help us Dire Miralis is endangering the port
>Help us Shagaru is causing monsters to get pissed off

The only mysterious elder dragon is fatalis and that's due to some breadcrumbs of lore about how they are intelligent, hate humanity, and killed off the previous, much more technologically advanced civilizations before the current ones in the MH universe.

dude is just a faggot trying to scrape up literally any complaint he can about world

>a monster that keeps coming back and japan really likes
>a monster that doesn't come back and no one likes
Besides 3 monsters, plus subs, is 6. And if they throw in Akantor and Ukanlos that's 8. I don't know why anyone ever thinks Giggi "I was abandoned to third generation and never seen again" nox is ever coming back.

the megas require you to farm for very little benefit. I have a stockpile of hundreds built up im saving for iceborne. they really should just let you farm the ingredients.

considering emulating MHFU again. I played it on PSP years ago and got stuck on Grank because I insisted on using shitty Bow.

How long would it take a fresh character to get to Grank using LS?

What makes you think the 3 currently in are gonna get subs or have old ones return

same, is a hassle getting the items required to combine them and i made few but don't want to use them except in case of emergency but later what if you fail that important quest because randos kept carting? they should increase the harvest limit

It looks a bit slow, still.

I use them on occasion but generally stick to the regular for the day to day hunts.

Where's the one where he goes so fast he disappears?

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Oh, so they're just going to give Glav a sub and stop there right? Especially when they have easy ass subs like Sand, Green, and Brute.

Double HH is fun, tho.
Play hammer. It's simple, it's unobtrusive, and while you start as a solid contribution--getting gud will radically change your party for the better. Bowguns can do something similar, but it depends on how you play them.

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AT Elders

>going fast enough to disappear
not in a million years

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Sometimes he disappears into Jho's stomach.

I barely even use the regular drugs, it's been a long while since I've actually needed to spam those things in world.

lagi was fun in GU
I hope he's the same in world

The only buff item I use is might seed, I literally don't use anything else partly because of laziness.

dodogama makes me miss tetsucabra a lot, i hope they return him or atleast drilltusk since the armor is cooler

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AT drops them?
How is it compared to say, 4 reward box T3 invests?

i wish teostra would fuck off with his bullshit , whys he deflect arrows and attack super fast when enraged. i want to see each dev no hit run him if they cant nerf his spam and vulnerability to fash pods. what else are you supposed to do when a monsters fucking flying? jerk off? run away?.... ooh fun.

AT drops them like crazy. It's much more faster, but its also a whole lot more difficult.

Her aura builds up a lot faster and will roar before using her nova

Fuck those. They barely add anything new to the fights. They need newer ones. Sand Barioth is ok, needs more tweaking. But green and brute literally only have a single new move between them

SA is swag

Deviants are probably not coming back until we get another anniversary game.

mad cuz bad

crystalburst? dragon pods? thorn pods?

People think the "S" in SA stands for "switch" but that's actually a common misconception, it actually stands for "swag"; the SwagAxe

Use the tons of slinger ammo laying around.

Same but with might pills.
Hopefully. Lagia set is one of my all-time favorites.

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get bubblepilled

Back in the fucking saddle. I quit after Ukanlos 8 years ago.

>name my char
>is there a 60fps patch? never emulated MHFU

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das rite muh nigga

i really wish i can be good with HH, i've seen videos of people hitting on the monster head at the right time before playing their tunes it looks so cool

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all those slinger pods are finite, like really finite, ive beaten teostra and lunestra plenty and ofeten its only teamates that cart unless he roars into an ultimate or one hit wich happens.

they arent balanced monsters with weaknesses that matter to pugs. they attack too fast and arent really vulnerable to much. if a monsters flying it should be counterable. whats the counter to teostras flying? six flash pods? just fucking waiting till it stops? yes both are counters but only one is an active counter. every move should have an active counter if i predict a sustained takeoff my flash pods should paralyze the fucker for 10 seconds. risk reward. git good at something ive beaten sounds like the drooling advice of a slobbering retard. uh no offence.

Does anything happen if you let the handler's stamina run out on that deviljho quest

I know it's probably nothing but I sincerely hope she dies

Stay classy.

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she probably gets impregnated by deviljho

Quest fails I think but no special scene or anything

mad cuz bad

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MGS Peacewalker at least had the crossover event where you can fight Rathalos, Tigrex and Gear REX.

Jho is a bro and he can honestly keep her


unironically kino

>The hungry hellspawn created from the combination of both jho's and the handler's metabolism

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Peace Walker was my first exposure to MH lmao. I hated Rathalos even back then.

I broke through the wall I was hitting in 4U

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w-where did he g

i swear there was a doujin about it i just can't find it, sadpanda doesn't have it last i checked


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w-woah, w-where'd he go?

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man the mhw community is cuntish.i bet iceborne has dissapointing sales. because all you pros are the only ones winning. except i am too but i see glaring faults.wich apparently if youre pro you dont see unfair strengths.

for any starcraft2 players the anti armor missle was once considered balanced. and it was uncounterable in a game entierly about counters.

what did he mean by this

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Actually it won't sell like crazy.

Actually it won't sell like crazy.

So this is what it looks like when Lagiacrus and Zinogre mates, huh? Interesting.

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git gud buddy

>listfag is now pretending to be a casual

Hello! Today I wasn't as active in the thread because I was playing the game. I think I am no longer rusty which is nice, but... how are you supposed to defeat AT Nergigante without a shield? I am a Lance main so I didn't have too many issues, but I have no idea how you're supposed to deal with those instant flying slams when you don't have a shield crutch. We failed a lot of quests when he one shot randoms with that move.

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Do you think he is in?

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No. They'll put in Amatsu instead.

I wish Iggi did more of these pinups instead of her digital garbage.

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I don't think he'll be a launch monster but if they add Lagi maybe they can add him in an update later on like they added Jho.

what's going on here

learn his pattern where he floats before he dive bombs and also practive your superman dive. That's it.

based strokeposter

literally just use the rng cannon cluster bomb set like you would for any other hard monster.

No he's in

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I have no clue. I randomly got that weird glitch when I fought Ivory Lagi.

I use greatsword and i don't have issues soloing him and i only block one attack sometimes

>Pick up IG because I crafted Gae Bolg
>It's actually fun as fuck
>Proceed to ruin tempered Nerg and get carried on AT Nerg when just yesterday I was afraid of doing tempered
I should have picked this weapon sooner.

It took me around 150 hours, because I clocked 200 after defeating Ukanlos. I took my time doing the village quests and other optional stuff though, if you know what you're doing and you're lucky with materials you can probably do it in around 70 hours.

You don't NEED wind resistance, you just need to not be right underneath her and preferably already have your weapon sheathed. And also have most of your health. You can dive the initial blast, suffer through the wind pressure and heat, and then dive the last part of the attack.

If you bring two of them you have to bring all of them

when do the event quests reset in world? i need to know how much time i got left to farm AT Nerg.

SA user here, roll hit roll hit para spam combo repeat.
The only trouble I have is when he went into the lair, the environment there is quite hard.

>tfw smoothly kill AT nerg with a Kadachi IG of all things
>he proceeds to rape me 6 more times until I get a kill via being a bitch with bombs
I have no idea why that happened. Probably got too confident.

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>but I have no idea how you're supposed to deal with those instant flying slams when you don't have a shield crutch.
mega potions :^)

They’re weekly, but they’re rerunning every seasonal event for a week (so five weeks total) before Iceborne so he and all the other ATs will be up for over a month straight.

Thursdays and next week is the festival so all events will be available

Never forget

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Gypceros is fine on his own merits, Monoblos has no relation to Barroth other than being a desert charger, Tigrex is not nearly as much of a replaced monster as Nargacuga is, and Nargacuga is better than Barioth anyway, everything else is 100% correct

absolutely positively fucking based and tripilled
diablos is better then nibblesnarf though

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>Uragaan > Barios
they both fucking suck, and can stay at the bottom of the tier list as equal as long as i care

>Implying Uragaan and Gravios are comparable
>Implying Tigrex is similar enough to Barioth and Narga to make him obsolete

wrong texture load. it happens sometimes, esp if hes playing on CEMU

>Playing a bootleg version
As expected

Here's peak MH vid

>not this

>tfw no more annotation saying "do it faggot"
RIP annotations

back in the days where GS full charge would just stun on head 100% of the time that you could stunlock with it

wasnt lance also OP that you can just poke heads all day? for stun lock?

>tribabs trying to claim Narga, the flagship of 2G

FU was basically stun 4 days the game which is why hammer and GS are top tier

Iance was good but suffered from average damage output

>Implying 3U didn't save Narga from the terrible game that was FU
Stay mad.

there were just a lot of early weapon with enough damage, from early to late
like, iirc you can get that chrome razor or sth (just a normal metal GS with claws) as soon as you are ready for Tigrex, and roll with it til you get Gaoren's, then Akantor/Ukanlos
stagger threshold was rather low too, but you can still stun-lock in 4U iirc
im still pissed that the Star platinum(?) hammer was reskinned. it just kinda lost the meaning behind "clashing fists" quest

>3U narga was so bad they never brought him back

>Lucent Nargacuga was so awesome they couldn't allow him to be tainted by future, inferior generations.
Stay mad

Imagine having monsters so bad that even Lao Shan Lung and Khezu can get into future monster hunters. No wonder tribabs are always mad. Their monsters have been proven mathematically inferior.

>he think Narga:"lol, spike" edition is awesome
even deviant narga is more fun, and thats a hell of a low bar

I'll be honest with you, Lucent Narga was kinda ass, like the other user said even the deviant was a little bit more fun

There is nothing worse than tribabs. No other group, before or since, that is worse, even P3rd and 3U babs.
Narga was peak in FU and P3rd. Narga in 3U was dogshit, and Lucent saved it with its interesting mechanics


Tribabs have been living with insecurity since 2011, matched only by XXbabs with the announcement of World. They crave the recognition of being a grandpa, but can't handle the bantz when they show up to the retirement home.
>b-b-but muh Barroth on launch
He'll cry, but it'll fall on deaf ears, because grandpa will just laugh and go back to talking about jerryrigging xlink kai to do White Fatalis with his friends, not because he needed help, but just for the fun of it. They'll talk about all the weapons tribabs never got to use because they were cut from the game and all the monsters the tribab had to wait until 4th gen to see.
>b-b-b-but muh soulful underwater chanting
Truly the tribab doesn't understand that the grandpa still knows the joys of Pokke, and the comforts of that small hub in the mountains. He hears the song, even without sound, and all grandpas know.
The tribab will never understand. He's lost to a generation that no one cares about.

>let's put this monster's weakest hitzone on the tiny ass tip of their tail that is constantly moving and eventually gets chopped off entirely

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Never forget

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>he doesn't use brightmoss instead of flashpods
Never gonna make it in Iceborne

Same shit different day nigga

I think Khezu should become a flagship monster, much like how Diablos became a flagship monster.

Attached: 1499292963987[1].png (400x300, 35K)

Diablos isn't a flagship, just extremely popular in Japan. Plus there's a meme in Japan that westerners hate Diablos so that means they need to like him more.

I think Khezu should be skinned and turned into purses.

Bloodbath Diablos is a flagship, so how about a Bloodbath Khezu.

This chart needs to be updated. Bing bing wahoo poster was proven to be listfag.

Bloodbath isn't a flagship, just popular. Stop confusing the two.

I think Khezu is better at walking into flagpoles than being a flagship monster.

iirc Diablos was the very 1st monster they created, so there's a certain sentiment to it

Gen zoomer would be listfag

But he is? well X/XX flagships are rather conventional with how there're 6 of them, but he's featured on the same tier as the fated 4 and Valstrax on the logo

>All these butturt FUckers
I can't wait for Tigrex in World to show all the new players how dogshit your monsters are.

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Ignore this retard. He's the autist from yesterday that thinks only daddy Capcom can tell us what a flagship is despite secondary flagships existing since 3U.

>autist pushing his secondary flagship meme again

>manage to solo every AT (besides using cluster spam)
>complete every achie
>still missing 4 great fishes for the wildlife background
So this is the true endgame i immagine

I'm baffled a game like this (with a lot of obscure shit, achievements like titles and collectibles) has such poorly done wikis. Usually these things attract the most clinically impaired autists and you have precise guides and lists within a month

So the MH6U flagship will be Baleful Khezu, it roars 3 times as much and it's AoE inflicts deadly poison + paralysis.

Attached: a568eeafb92af9f24611e2b454d2cc73.jpg (599x449, 41K)

Greatfish are the true rare gubbins. I have three times more attack decos than great whetfish.

It's going to be a new monster all together called Risotto Faggu who spills pasta everywhere.

You're looking in the wrong places. The game's wiki wouldn't have that sort of crap in it. Unless the editors are real bored. You should be looking at the meta achievement sites for achievement whores, which aren't dedicated to any one game in particular. Those don't have any gameplay info, but have detailed ways on how to get the cheevos.

So basically Zenith Espinas?

>ninja slut
Narga armor was confirmed censored on the dev diary so fuck that shit

>Frontier shit

Attached: U wot m8.png (536x296, 249K)

FU stands for Freedom Unite?

How do i get Attack Gems?

How so?

indeed, whetfish is one of the 4 i'm missing along with goldenfry, tuna and bomb arowana.
for achies yes, but those are attainable. I was talking more about guild backgrounds and titles. For example i found out on some obscure website that if you kill a specific monster 50-80 times you get 4 more words to use in your title. Things like that. Which is absolutely useless anyway, but still, some would think that collectors would jump on this boring obscure stuff

Well it's kind of close to what you're talking about. Fun though.

You get one for free tomorrow by virtue of a freebie pack, and another from the Witcher quest if you complete both side objectives (Pukei + Gajalaka), but only one from the latter. So that's three Attack decorations.

Attached: khezuthingken.png (375x375, 8K)

farm tempered elders and hope for the best.


Attached: Monster_Hunter_Freedom_Unite.jpg (220x377, 37K)

iirc you do the emote as soon as it appears on the sky.

More like Faggots UniteLOL

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You'd think it would've gotten a Deviant at least.

>if you kill a specific monster 50-80 times you get 4 more words to use in your title
That's just how it's been in the previous games for the past decade. The game just assumes you know that already. Anyway, when you go to edit your GC, it says the requirements for the titles you have unlocked, and those usually start at like 10 monster hunts, which isn't too many even for a new hunter. So you can extrapolate this knowledge and assume you'll get new titles for 20, 30, etc. hunts.

i've always unironically called it Fuck You because i couldn't bother to google it


I found pretty much all of my greatfish and rare endemics by looking at their spawning spots while running past in a hunt, farting around in expeditions was both boring and soulcrushingly fruitless.

If you have your weapon sheathed by the time he starts casting ecliptic, your hunter will do a small flinch animation at some point. The timing on the jump is right when your hunter finishes the flinching animation and returns to the neutral position.

You're right, updated

Attached: MH boomer zoomer graph.png (1257x821, 144K)

That's just confirmation bias. I've caught all of my great size fish on expeditions.
>boring and soulcrushingly fruitless
That's the 100% completion collector life for you.
not him, but yeah. FU's high rank one in comparision

Attached: NargaSBM.png (515x622, 451K)
It's not censored
it's probably listfag, he's full of shit either

>That's just confirmation bias
Oh I wasn't saying it's not, just that multitasking in such a way made things less of a drag. Didn't help make the flowering cactuar less of a drag, little cactus shit.

It's literally the same design. They just used a niggress huntress model in the demonstration video, so you can't see her thighs so well.

Looks like PC wins again because people are just going to mod in the old armor set if they haven't already.

How can consoles compete besides showing how much more casual the game could get 6 months early

wheres the censorship fag

Phantom Flutterfly

World needs to be a little bit lower on the autistic scale

There is none, you got baited by listfag

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well yeah, no point redesign an old, popular set
and we also have a tons of lewd set (Odo, Val, Kulve), why bother censor it?

>you live in an age where Odosluts, Kirinsluts, Nargasluts, Bariothsluts can live in harmony
life is good

i didnt even said there's censorship mate, you are attacking the wrong side of the fight

Attached: bros.png (2000x1636, 1.32M)

Goldenfry are in the same vale area as the cats and petricanths in the smaller pool near the middle

Please do not fish for petricanths in the Vale. They're far more common in the Elder's Recess at the eastern camp while also giving you a shot at Great Platinumfish.

You DO have a Great Platinumfish, right?

best barioth set is not for lewd and sluts

Attached: bariothG.jpg (850x637, 77K)

if only this piece of shit would stop spawning and stealing the spot for one of the greats i'm missing.
i go there too sometimes but usually jump between Elder's 8 and wildspire 6 because they cover the remaining fishes

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>Vale. They're far more common in the Elder's Recess at the eastern camp while also giving you a shot at Great Platinumfish.

I got my petricanth randomly on an expedition one time

>Please do not fish for petricanths in the Vale
Just fucking jump between the two maps. No reason to load into Astera to reset the Recess map, when you can double your efficiency by loading into another petricanth spawn spot in the Vale.

>Grav Khezu, Mono and Tigrex
>bad in any way

Not a case of nigress hunter. The thighs are covered by black scales, lol enjoy

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It's unfortunate, maybe next game
also god fuck these slow loading capcha images

That's because it is, it's a really bad game

>just jump between the two maps

Wrong again, shitter. You can reload the pond by entering and leaving the tent.


>black scales
Looks like the same fishnet that's on the belly.
>makes it even hotter
It's a win-win situation.

this video never even showed the worst part of FU, the constant never ending stream of vespoids/congas/bullfangos/genpreys/cephalons

I don't understand how people have trouble with Nergigante, he's basically a reskinned Gore with no projectiles. I guess the fast hop he does is kinda bullshit, but all you need to do is just take your time and observe his moves while fighting him, or stunlock him if you're a TA faggot.

FUCK YES HAHAHA one down three more to go. fucking goldenfry piece of shit fuck you
>You DO have a Great Platinumfish, right?
I have 3 unfortunately because it keeps spawning instead of the great Bomb. At least they give some nice money

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>Khezu is in
>Khezu whelps will be endemic life instead of account items
>You'll be able to catch them and keep them as pets

Attached: ReallyNice.jpg (200x255, 9K)

imagine telling lies on the internet
you can literally see the mesh in the twitter video

Attached: you.png (1093x707, 1.08M)

>over commit
>bad camera control
i know this is satire, but c'mon
and that Plesioth refusing to go into your trap? well its still here. god fucking damn it

I'd miss that they're a bunch of assholes that make me bleed to death while I go back to camp to deliver them

It's how I got both when I fished on Xbox. Catch the fish, enter and leave the tent, then catch again until you get what you want.

PC tard here, did I miss the chance to get the rocket greatsword? I don't see it in the crafting menu

Don't worry, you have this freedom video for that.

That leg looks a little TOO dark for black skin. The front is the same thing. I believe Capcom chose a black woman on purpose to avoid pre-release backlash.

>vespoids being able to zero in on you ESPECIALLY during climbings and egg quests
>congalalas farting and bellyupping being more than 70% of the fight
>bullfangos charge in general
>CEPHADROMES accompanied by 5 smaller ones constantly *uwu dives on u*
>blangongas accompanied by a hundred respawning blangos whenever he roars
>velocidromes the same issue as blangos

Festivals are starting on 25th, all events will be live and you can get it.

They've done it with every set considered slut sets.

fuck this Frontier-tier garbage. Be forgotten till the end of time with you.

Just jump into the water after him user.

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ah yeah the optimal boomer hunter experience

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besides the Street fighters collabs correct? i still farmed 2 additional tickets for both luna and nergi just in case but eh

yeah how bout no, it's clearly mesh, but the combination of dark net mesh, dark skin, a shadow being casted between her legs and twitter's video compression makes it difficultly to see

don't forget the small crab fags, which somehow run faster than fucking usain bolt

Yeah those aren't happening.

I agree.

Though Gravios was split into 2 monsters, Agnaktor and Uragaan. Tigrex is also a fine monster, nothing wrong with him past 2nd gen anyways, he was fixed up nice and good for P3rd.

what the fuck
i still only got one tix each fuck me
are they important?

I hate this stupid reddit monster so goddamned much

So we will finally be able to have Khezus at home.

>Capcom was fully aware that Plesioth was shit in the water
>made Green Plesioth's gimmick that heads for land when enraged

Looking back, that was pretty smart of them. 3U Green Plesioth turned out to be one of the most hated monsters in the series and it was 100% intentional.

my god i still have ptsd from the time i had to fight him in FU village
>limited bombs and sonic bombs
>had to farm Kutku for more
>that fuck just kept swimming around and around
>soniced him, the cephalops immediately mobbed me
>40 min
fuck that thing, hope he nevers appear again

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Gog is also pretty mysterious mate.

>Kushala king crown left
Do I even bother

Yeah, i unironically had way more an easier time fighting the large mons than the 'pseudo-large' ones because of the hazards
While Yian Garuga might seem bullshit, you also can exploit their AIs by repositioning a certain way, forcing headturn/tailswipe for ez moves

i've farmed 7 tickets per AT since the usual gist is that you'll need 5 for the armor (1 ticket per piece) and then 2 more for the layered armor. Besides a couple exceptions. And as the other user were saying, on console there are 2 more layered armors available, which are the Sakura set with the extra Luna tickets and the Ryu set with the extra Nergi tickets.

Unfortunately they aren't coming to pc, they would have by now, but i still have a sliver of hope and since i like killing ATs i farmed the extra tickets anyway. AT luna and AT nergi ar pretty easy if you go solo

Fucking hell i only managed 1 hunt in like 10 SoS

I actually had a lot of fun with Yian Garuga in FU. Then Capcom forcefed the bird cocaine in 4.

What were they thinking?

FU was proned to to a lot of cheese
>village Kutku can be shot from a cliff in area 1 (2?) without anycare
>so is Khezu
>Rathian can be shot from that small cliff leading to the cave, or locked into the mountain side
>Plesioth can be AI-cheesed by standing sufficiently far from him, and walk side to side
>so is Gravios. all the piercing bow and water bowgun kill them
>all the head lock
i was a tiny scrub back then, so discovering those cheese was the shit

Playing GU, does anyone have any tips for Nargacuga?

Fuck, i remember reading a couple of these cheeses way back when GameFAQs was a thing

never Sos on ATs. Never. Always go solo for the clear it's a billion times easier and you can abuse mechanichs like fortify.
if you're a shitter like i was before getting the hang of it, create a defensive set with Cluster spam. you can clear every AT under 10 minutes solo with the exception of AT xeno which cannot be cluster spammed efficiently. Once you've done this you'll feel more comfortable to go back in and kill them for fun with other weapons

I want to try Charge Blades. What are good ones? Jho or Lunastra ones good?

You can pretty much i-frame through any of his attacks, he's good practice for it since the i-frames are a lot tighter than in Dark Souls or something

which weapon are you using? Narga is ez-moddo with Adept/valor LS, but dont use it if you want to have fun
for your other, more normal style/weapon
>generally, aim for his hindlegs for an easier time
>tail swipe: the hit box is really tight, so practice your iframe
>tripple pounces: just walk to his side

thanks for the advice mates

pretty much gotta dodge through the tail swipe, the rest of the attacks are fairly easy to dodge

Narga's fight is strongly based on its tells. Learn them and figure out the timing for rolling its attacks (which are easier than most other monsters, and includes the roar) and you'll be fine.
Good luck fighting that fucker in Jungle where you can't see what the fuck it's doing half the time, though.

just wait for events to come back around

When's the PC summer event?

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Diablos is still the best IIRC, you could try Luna/Xeno or even Nerg maybe

Kulve has what are basically upgraded versions of all the "meta" diablos stuff but good luck getting those now that the Kajarr shit in in the pot too.

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>they havent learnt what a shitshow expedition weapons became

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>tfw we may get a zorah subspecies like we did with jhen and dalamadur

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Let me dream of it not happening for a little while longer.

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Is Kulve available right now on PC? Or it event type thing?

Evasion +1 wrecks him

It's not currently active but it'll be when all the festivals are for the whole duration.

Are we getting Kulve Taroth for more than a weak? Blasphemy!

You can mod and add the ability to forge kulve shit.

I dunno. Zorah was very deeply integrated into the story, unlike the Mohrans, which just wander the desert randomly and sometimes attack the city on the border.
Another Zorah wondering into the Everstream, because Xeno (who's now dead) was drawing them there with their bioenergy pheromones and whatnot? Unlikely. Unless they're willing to make a completely new stage to fight the sub-species in. Which also seems unlikely. Unless they just stop giving a shit about the story and just make a sub-species to reuse assets and inflate the playtime.

nah, let him learn his tells
narga has always been the superb teacher of iframes since FU, the tightest hitboxes in a game entirely comprised of shitboxes

5 weeks straight of Kulve, like every other AT and event. The only things lasting 1 week are the festivals, rotating as previously shown

It happened during the Appreciation Fest iirc, so she’s back even longer now. Hopefully when they launch Master Rank Kulve they rework the way her loot pool works and let you forge the MR Kulve weapons.

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the feeling I got when I finally managed to consistently iframe the tail in FU and beat it was the best feeling in that game

>Hopefully when they launch Master Rank Kulve they rework the way her loot pool works
no they wont and you know it. they'll add a third layer of new MR weapons diluting the pool even more. calling it


Why are Bowmonkeys so bad? You'd think the fact that they don't have to engage in melee would make them safer, but out of any given party it's always the Bowmonkey that carts.

Attached: disdain.jpg (550x936, 104K)

I have no idea. I was running tank on the EBehemoth with the thing targeting me and my bowgunner still somehow carted to the thing.

Not having to engage in melee IS much safer. They just overextend so much, it doesn't help them.

It's harder to cheese monsters with bow with multiplayer stagger valves than singleplayer

I have the opposite problems in MHW at least.
>bow user joins
>massive damage shots that hit weakspots only
>chain fucking status out the ass like 2 para 2 sleep every time
>also hapens to be THE best weapon for stunning monsters add 2 stuns per hunt to the list

Monsters don't even do anything anymore and the rest hasn't even contributed yet.

how slow are your hunts going if you can fit that many statuses in there?

Learn to read nigger

you can be used as plural

Then your post makes no sense since there's only one who would deal lower amounts of damage while increasing everyone elses since in multiplayer there's absolutely no bigger damage increase than CC.
Which is even more true for bow since they apply quickly and have impact mantle with them.

I just want to know how long and what kinda of hunts this guy is doing that a bow user can pull off that many effects.
Most hunts outside of AT take about 3-8 minutes.

>hunts outside take 3-8
Lol, more like 2-3 minutes. Turns our you were the slow one all along. Based retard user.

Stuff like Nergi takes like 2-3 minutes, stuff like Lunastra takes most groups like 5-8
That's where I'm coming from.
This isn't a dickwaving contest, I am genuinely curious about in which scenario a bow user can come in and dominate your hunt so much.
Can you not have a regular conversation without seeing this as a personal attack?

Why is Iceborned so fucking trash? Instead of making new monster they are recoloring old shit.

have you not played monster hunter before world

15 years late, I see.

This your first Monster Hunter, kid?

You being retarded offends me, though, so it is a personal attack. Your posts made no sense.
>stuff like Lunastra takes most groups like 5-8
>That's where I'm coming from.
So you projected that one single monster in your mind in all your previous posts which I guess made them as retarded as they are?

>I am genuinely curious about in which scenario a bow user can come in and dominate your hunt so much.
Because it's a bow.

The only hunt where I actually enjoy them joining is Kulve since melee usually has trouble hitting the horns in the Fury phase and trying to hit the horns makes them vulnerable to dying to the lava breaths. But I have been doing AT Nergi today with randoms and ranged randoms were dying left and right. Several groups had Longsword guys and I was sure they'd be the ones to cart but they actually did very well. I was pretty jealous because I crutch on my shield a lot for that fight, since I play Lance or CB. I feel like I'd get destroyed if I tried Longsword on AT Nergi myself but I've been trying to learn by doing regular Tempered Nergi and other Tempered investigations. Sadly I suck at timing the iframes of Foresight Slash in multiplayer and I am pretty bad at it solo as well, so I don't want to risk it yet.

Attached: snek.jpg (788x1280, 152K)

Does people still play this game?, I've been interested in it since it was announced, I've been trying to convince my friends to invest on a capable PC to play it since around the same time, but they're always broke.

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Alright so you don't want to give a real answer.

What answers are you looking for? That bows can apply para in mere seconds and then shoot stun dmg with no damage penalty at the head of the monster while also doing the most damage?
That's like a 20 seconds window where the monster does nothing and bow does full damage for 3/4 for it if you take the transition phases in between into account. If the hunts runs for 30 seconds then we're at one sleep and one para and stun while the next stun already builds up.
What is it exactly you don't understand?
Do you need any more play by plays?

Are you just memeing? You seem like genuine double nigger.

I fucking hate how bow plays now. Greatbow with old bow gameplay when?

it's still one of the top 15 steam userbase 1 and a half year later

>Power went out because of heavy rain
>Miss all of the thread

Attached: 74076862_p14.jpg (1268x1464, 515K)

Me too bro, me too
3-4u was going the right way with it, then X came with a get-out-of-jail free card that is adept bow, and world just crank it up with all the movement creep
>ywn cheese giginox/duramboros with fire focus rain in p3rd again

Attached: 6865E6D4-D8E7-4A50-81DF-5941480C0604.png (320x320, 8K)

I'm sorry cute Tigrexanon. Welcome back. Next time you should phonepost and we can distract you while the power is out so you don't get bored.

Attached: lunateo.jpg (1280x835, 246K)

>No little Steve Jr ever.
>what is bazel

Co-op games like Monster Hunter are significantly harder to kill in playerbase, if not impossible if the gmae lacks a server. With the older games even still having a fair share of stragglers, MHW is doing more than fine and right now would be a good time to get into it as the next five weeks return all the events before the expansion hits later this year.

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I like dragon piercer, but I would like the different charge levels and shot types to come back

>anything I don’t like is reddit.

I don't have a data plan so i'm fucked without Wi-Fi, managed to have fun playing GU before falling asleep anyways.

Attached: 57191771_p14.jpg (1217x862, 236K)

>be Dragonwood bow chad in FU
>be Bug bow chad in Gen 3
>be Dalamadur bow+full lagi armor with Normal up +6 OOO charm gigachad in 4U
>take a break in Gen because Aerial HBG finally made Pellet good against monsters not named Diablos or Zinogre
>come back to see World bow become anime trash

I want my slower paced bow back. Fuck this spammy shit and FUCK PEOPLE WHO USE ARC SHOT AND STUNLOCK TEAMMATES.

Attached: 5 - ev3QgJc.png (512x512, 374K)

mate, i don't even use flash bombs sometimes even mega pots because im to lazy to craft them in any monhun
even if it's 10 seconds with 100% rate

Gore Magala? More like WHORE Magala!

Attached: 1562847863809.jpg (2056x1942, 293K)

Chaotic Gore Magala? More like Gay-for-Dick Whore Magala!

Attached: bore magala.png (743x533, 24K)

The strange young man in the chemistry lab that's always giggling to himself.

Attached: Cjs3gUfUgAEy7JA.jpg (500x312, 49K)

Attached: chore magala.png (774x509, 18K)

How to make best monsters
>Make a monster
>Don't give it eyes
>It is now a best monster

factually wrong just because of this dickhead

Attached: 1558781639588.gif (500x500, 352K)

I'm gonna be mad as fuck if Gore and Shaggy arent in Iceborne.

Attached: 53849324_p10.jpg (1028x861, 204K)

But what if a best monster evolves into a monster with developed eyes?

Attached: pray.jpg (1280x1280, 305K)

My pard is destined for greatness!!!

Attached: DeIPfxXVQAAT-m_.jpg orig.png (904x1253, 932K)

>Factually correct just because of this dickhead

>autistic screeching


>people actually believe this blatantly wrong picture

Attached: 1512650860265.jpg (648x589, 112K)

Narga was already shit in P3rd, cretin.

Time for lewdposting?

Attached: 1465308394345.jpg (1257x824, 281K)

Aside from Kut-Ku, Gypceros, and Tigrex, the rest really suck.

Dodo is back and angry. He's tired of being bullied!

>not waiting for Gobul mod

Maximum pleb

Also, using gifs in this day and age instead of webms? Smh

Attached: 20190718094737_1.jpg (490x92, 10K)

I'm gonna help out on this one, Pard!

Attached: 1563871178977.png (684x657, 179K)

>Not posting the superior version

Attached: 1563928244380.png (1257x824, 380K)

Dodo no. They have corrupted your pure gentle soul.

Attached: 1558994066970.jpg (800x591, 54K)

And then Handler dies to an angry tree man

Attached: 1549884859913.png (700x437, 793K)

Attached: those look like pukei-pukei tracks.jpg (278x75, 11K)

You did save me right Pard?

Attached: Dz2xrPKU0AEyGt.jpg (748x800, 96K)

First try too, even.

Attached: bueno.png (1024x768, 1.07M)

Saved Pook first time without any trouble, then i read online about all the people bitching that keeping him alive is too hard. I thought they were just shitters but on replays i can't keep the fucker alive no matter what, I don't know what the fuck I did the first time that I'm not doing now but its pissing me off.

Based. Needs to be shaped more like a dick. If only this artist knew the way their monsties were being used...

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That pic reminds me of when i duoed wfatty with a friend. Enduring surrender db destroy him with that 600 dragon ele.

Too bad the sound effects of it in world are gutted, no weapons have their own unique sounds like they did in 4u.

Monsties aren't for fucking you degenerate. They are for cute only.

the artist has drawn chibi plane porn and some of these monsties are already pretty sugestive, i don't think they care

Attached: 48102068_p25.jpg (1061x948, 258K)

Man, that witcher quest has so much SOUL
didn't expect MH of all things to collab with Witcher

MH will collab with fucking anything, now that it's finally big in the West with World they can do more collabs with Western properties.

It's also the only time one should ever turn on english voice acting.

Nothing lewd about monsters.

Attached: 1425515183793.jpg (788x651, 179K)

I mean, this is literally the first time a collab extends to more than just a monster reskin and some transmog or cool weapons
a whole hunt scripted, with displays and full voiceovers and even BGMs ULULULULULU all included, when did that ever happen?

Attached: 1518565262197.png (400x400, 136K)

From this month's GameInformer

Attached: MHW - 1 - 20190722_193703.jpg (3000x1687, 1.51M)

Monsties are absolutely for lewding.

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He'd better be inside of me

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Yeah, that part is a first. Seems like they're gonna be doing one or two major crossovers like this per game/expansion from now on alongside all the smaller scale stuff they've always done. They've probably had tons of ideas for crossovers that they couldn't realise before, but now with the amount of money World has generated and the faith Capcom has in the team they're being allowed to produce stuff like the FFXIV and Witcher crossovers and release them for free. It's actually quite surprising how well the game has done and how much Capcom are pouring into it.

>it's real
I would commission monstie porn if I knew moonrune.

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Incorrect. As you can see that Zinogre has no fuckhole (or any holes for that matter) down there so he's clearly not designed for lewding. Cuddling is ok though.

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What are the odds that people haven't tried that and he simply declined.

As someone who hasn't played MHW, could someone explain what the deal is with the pukei handler thing? How'd it come about?

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Barioth looking so damn cash
>that perch pose

Chibi. Plane. Hentai. I don't think he'd decline some monstie action.

I would too if i wasnt a poorfag

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Handler is so uggo and disliked that a literal retard toxic chameleon is better and people prefer it to be their assistant than her
It helps that Pukei turns out to be a bro in the Witcher collab quest

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A happy poison belching green contraption is much nicer than the actual handler.

What if he thinks of his monsties as really pure? What if he only has a hardon for objects that he projects his animism onto.

Handler vaguely resembles Pukei because of her headwear, and Pukei is very popular amongst the fanbase especially in Japan for being cute so memes about the Handler being a Pukei or replacing her with a Pukei cropped up.

Then I'll post some of these in a request thread to have them modified for lewdness.

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I don't think they've ever done commisions anyways.

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No it's just calling the handler ugly by comparing her to an ugly monster.

The story that started it all
>you're out on a hunt while the handler is giving instruction from the northwest camp
>scout flies highlight some tracks
>"Those look like Pukei-Pukei tracks! Fresh too! He must be somewhere close!"
>"Look around fo-hey...I think i hear some-"*sounds of struggle*
>"Urgh! Get off me you dumb lizard! My hunter will be here any second so- hey! Watch that tongue!" >"Where do you think you're grabbing!"
>"M-My pants! Give those back! I nee-nngghhh!"
>"Oh, god! Please get to camp quick! I can't ta-oohhhh god!"
>*Heavy Moaning*
>"P-please stop! You don't even deserve to be made into armo-*moan*"
>You finally make it back to the northwest camp and the handler is pantsless and the rest of her clothes are shredded.
>Shes left quivering in a daze and totally covered in wet sticky slime.

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literally just a recap


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There is a commission art piece of Handler being transformed into Pukei Pukei

>All Frontier monsters are gonna be lost to time

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I just realized I am slowly forgetting all my memories of my dead grandmother

The popular ones will make it into mainline now that COG is kill, and Taikun Zamuza topped the popularity polls iirc.

I doubt it, they'll probably just bring some of them into the main series now. I think the only reason they didn't before was because Frontierfags got pissy that Lavasioth and Hypnocatrice weren't exclusive anymore.

I wish I could do the same for my memories of MHW desu


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Godspeed user.

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stupid fucking cats why do you feed it more fuel


It's the right thing to do.

You won't forget me when I'm gone, will you user?

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my god if only they had eliminated the handler out of the equation, these story stuffs would have been much better

You'll be one of the Iceborne updates

Where's p3rd and 3u

I will, what a forgettable fight.
>start of the fight is a literal snoozefest
>after that it's just a dumb mix of Rath and Diablos moves

S Penis would be kind of underwhelming as a post launch update. Maybe Analpatisserie instead?

Attached: anorupatisu.png (1280x960, 698K)

>any flying wywern as free update

Say hello to your World 2 flagship

What about this asshole then? There's no Dromes in World for him to SUCC but he can just suck Pukeis or Kulus instead.

Attached: baruragaru.jpg (1195x668, 181K)

>using greatsword
>join nerg SOS with one person
>he's using the bow
>lol that's fine
>2 more bow users join after i do
>monster is constantly jumping around the entire area
>i can barely get a hit in before it jumps away again
fucking bow users

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Oh look, the 947234239th blind World hater with hints of BING BING

Narga armor is 100% the same, we already have full 360's of it ma dude. Here are a couple of screenshots I took, all I did was edit the exposure/contrast on the dark thigh areas and her back mesh. It's all mesh, it's just that selected a WE WUZ.

Attached: 1538640345889.jpg (2511x2046, 982K)


If they introduce Lagi, him and Mizu would be cool

so is there anywhere I can buy this thing, i got money to throw at

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I wouldnt mind Tori in a mainline game

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So this is why there hasn't been much technological progress in that world.

Dat jiggle physics. So sexy.

Same, he's pretty cool. Kuarusepusu too.

Attached: kuarusepusu.jpg (2560x2133, 917K)

I mean, Japanese names for the mainline monsters aren't exactly elegant either, but Frontier monster names are just physically repulsing. Just reading them leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

The only good Frontier monster that can be possibly implemented

Yeah he’s one of the worst offenders. The one I have the most trouble with to this day is Keoaruboru. Doesn’t help that he looks fugly and is a siege to boot.

I just got mine through a scalper last week

A lot of pre-G Frontier monsters are perfectly fine, but post G monsters are kind of a mess. Baruragaru is extra cool because he came out during G, and is one of like 4 or 5 G monsters that aren’t completely retarded.

where? and how much you paid for it?

Nerugigante and Iverukana isnt bad for Frontier names.

Speaking of nip names, mainline names are pretty fucking cool
>Naruga Kuruga



my god p3rd (and Mizu japanese) names were weirdly long

I'm kinda miffed they localized "Raizex" into something so plain like Astalos

RIP, I won't forget your game being peak ridiculous MH.

Attached: fatty begone audioless.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

バルラガル is a combination of barbarous and the Spanish word for lizard, lagartija.

Therefore, Barlagar

Attached: dude google translate wizards lmao.jpg (250x209, 13K)

MHWIB leaks
The following information comes from leaks that came out of the MHW localization team: IB.

List of monsters that will initially be in IB.

Macroralis - マクロレアス

Velkhana - イヴェルカーナ

Beotodus - ブラントドス

Banbaro - バフバロ

Gouromak - グーロマック

Silver Rathalos - リオレウス希少種

Gold Rathian - リオレイア希少種

Crazy Bazelgueuse - クレイジーバゼルギウス

Ebony Odogaron - オドガロン亜種

Fulgur Anjanath - アンジャナフ亜種

Shrieking Legiana - 凍て刺すレイギエナ

Dusty Paolumu - パオウルムー亜種

Acidic Glavenus - ディノバルド亜種

Damask Tobi-kadachi - トビカガチ亜種

Jade Barroth - ボルボロス亜種

Nigth-hag Pukei-pukei - プケプケ亜種

Zinogre - ジンオウガ

Stygian Zinogre - ジンオウガ亜種

Flashing Zinogre - ジンオウ希少種

Brachidios - ブラキディオス

Savage Deviljho - 怒り喰らうイビルジョー

Nargacuga - ナルガクルガ

Tigrex - ティガレックス

Lagiacrus - ラギアクルス

Barioth - ベリオロス

Sand Barioth - ベリオロス亜種

Acuminate Barioth - ベリオロス希少種

Rajang - ラージャン

Furious Rajang - 激昂したラージャン

Oroshi Kirin - キリン亜種

Who is the first girl?

>Crazy Bazelgueuse - クレイジーバゼルギウス

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You'd actually want to swap Bazel's nip text to 狂い弾けるバゼルギウス and follow the naming tradition of the elder-level monsters