I want to make a clone of Stardew Valley

I want to make a clone of Stardew Valley.
I want it to be good.
What are some things you wish Stardew Valley had, but missed? What are some things that could have been done better?

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I mean, have you played any of the harvest moon games? Rune Factory? River King? there's dozens of games that do it better.

better waifus

Yeah I played Rune Factory on the DS and Harvest Moon on SNES. Never heard of River King but I'll check it out

What's the best waifu in a vidya, ever?

>I want to make a clone of a clone of Harvest Moon/Rune Factory
Hey faggot, how about you play those games first. That should give you an idea of how it should be done.

controller support that isn't ass and decent writting

Loli waifus and anime style = boom you are rich


>Better combat
>Better writing
>micro management
>fail state
>better girls
>better mod tools

>Select a fetish
>Write character around fetish

10 bucks says you have never made a game before. If so, you literally couldn't make space invaders.

I hope you have a good looking art style, user.

No gays
better waifus
nothing western, tumblr or SJW
cute and funny girls I can marry
sex scenes
no niggers, spics, mudslimes nor uggos

Make it so your significant other has more than 1-2 lines that they cycle through throughout the entire game. Make it so every year isn't the same thing over and over for replayability factor

My main gripe with SDV was that I couldn't date the best characters and everything felt like a repeat once you'd already seen it the first time around. Also, the fatigue bar is garbage, I want to be working on my farm, not worrying about what berries or food I'm gonna have to acquire to replenish my energy before I can even start farming

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I kind of miss the cooking festivals from HM, shit was fun to make. You should be able to sell your crops or baked goods directly from a farm stand.

More cooking, more skill levels, more uses for harvests, more events past year 1.
I'm still hoping 1.4 brings content and it looks like its around the corner.

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>Not wanting a hijab girl to "save" with the power of dick
>Not wanting a short colored hair lesbo to "save" with the power of dick

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Not passing out at fucking 2AM would be nice

>More dialogue and changes in dialogue as you progress throughout the years you play. (second year dialogue could be different than the first year's, for example)
>More festivals.
>More secret areas to discover.
>Lots of farm layouts


Oh, and also fuck losing items and gear if you get knocked out in the mines
I'd rather get a game over and restart at the beginning of the day since I'm gonna do that anyway if I lose something important/rare

>try to start up Stardew Valley so I can mod it a little
>won't start

sci-fi setting. Don't think I've seen a farming game with one.

Closest thing I could see was Innocent Life for PSP

Make the characters interesting and less "realistic". The only problem I had with Stardew was that the characters were so fucking mundane, boring, and depressing that I just felt like I was the only one who wasn't miserable. Really conflicted with the whole theme of the game.

>loads more late gameplay stuff, someone else mentioned this but make it so years just don't feel the same
>more in depth social stuff, maybe there's certain people that befriending will put you at odds with, or choices that you're presented with throughout the game
>no poorly tacked on combat
>more difficult farming
>comfy looking town with a consistent architectural style and good layout. Were you going for a sort of American locale like SDV had I'd suggest using a New England federal look
I think the more complex and in depth social stuff is the way to go and that if done right could move the genre forward from a stagnation that it has been in and meld in more proper RPG style stuff

yea, could have a "sleep" meter that can be replenished with naps/going to bed for 8 hours, no set schedule for the main player. That would open up a whole different world at night.

The farming aspects are basically perfect, but more would always be nice. The lone exception is raising animals isn't really worth the hassle.

Most of the NPCs aren't very interesting. Better NPCs are mandatory.

Fishing sucks. Improve it or get rid of it.

Looking for treasure and artifacts for the museum is cool in theory but having it be based around random spawns where you can still dig up stuff you already have that's not worthless is bad.

You need more stuff to spend money towards.

Combat could be more interesting.

Please give me a plainspoken hick country rough-n-tumble country gal tomboy waifu.

Less fagginess and less niggers