Make perfect girl protagonist

>Make perfect girl protagonist
>She is a dyke

Why do they do this on us? It's like they want to make straight white men suffer so hard nowadays.

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if white men werent such bitch ass niggers, maybe women would prefer them over literal vaginas and literal niggers.

>they want to make straight white men suffer so hard nowadays.
But they do, they hate us cause they ain't us

Truly the real victims are us straight whites, right guys?

straight white gamers are indeed the most opressed minority


Why does Western society hates straight white men so much? What the fuck did we even do?

this but unironically and unfaggotly

This "girl" is ugly and a huge cunt irl.

Get fucked nigger Cara is perfection

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Why does it matter if theyre a dyke? Theyre not real. You cant have sex with them anyway.

you like men

self-insertfags are mentally ill

Have sex incel

who cares

>He doesn't like this

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This, when they announced the new white male OW hero I looked all over ResetERA to post screen caps of people getting offended, we truly are the most persecuted group

she looks so inbred with those eyebrows

>White women envy us
>Envy turns to anger
>Corporations pick up on this
>Media and corporations push "kill white men" because women account for most of consumer spending

cute boy.

>imagine being so gay that you call this fine woman a "dyke"
The hell is wrong with you, OP

>she looks so inbred with those eyebrows

you're a pedophile we get it, you like round bubbly faces with childish traits.

hello bargain bin Sacha Grey (lowest of the low)

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That's some hardcore deflection over the fact you're a ragging faggot.

>it's another incels getting mad at lesbians episode
lmao, lesbian couples are cute, why are you people getting upset over it?

Liking this = gay?

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>What the fuck did we even do?
Might I present to you: The entirety of western history.

white and jewish billionaires want most people to be brown

She straight up looks like man you closet faggot

>that five head

who wouldn't like a hair line that receded?