What are you small screen niggas playing? I've been emulating the GBA Fire Emblem games lately, though on my Wii.
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FFTA, playing it on real hardware was a fucking mistake
Why? Too small of a screen?
I've been playing Summon night swordcraft on my DS. Rasho is an asshole so he's cool.
I remember this was one of the last GBA games I bought, around 2007. Also got the FF 6 port and a Super Robot Taisen OG game. Can't believe that was 12 years ago, m8s.
We are among the world's first vidya sages. Revel in the privilege. Soon, I shall also attain the Wizard class.
I don't do nno, missed out on both the GBA AND emulating.
Got me one of these and I’m planning on playing though all GBA and Mega Drive game’s that missed out on. Currently playing Megaman Battle Network 1, Golden Sun, Tactic Ogre, and Rocket Knight.
3ds Samus return
Switch dqb2
Vita freedom wars
Gba Holden sun
How you enjoying it? O got a gba micro. Wish I had a cart
What's this boomer?
I have this too, I love using it during subway rides to work. I wish I didnt make the mistake of getting a Bittboy first though.
replaying LBP Vita
>Played Golden Sun 2 years ago, realize I needed some gold password so I didnt have all the djinns and psynergies, drop it
>Last year decided to play it again, some glitch happens after 20 hours that doesnt let me load the game, sadly drop it.
>Kind user tells me what I must do, had to erase some saves, but at least I wouldnt have to start all over
>Play on and off, some shit happens that erases like 5 hours of playing in one sitting, take a rest
>Go back to it, play for like 3 hours, fix the boat, p unch some pirates, get some psynergies and forge some weapons
>Game glitches out of nowhere, realize I didnt save at all, take another rest, have yet to return to it.
Its like the game doesnt want me to ever finish it. I guess its my fault for not saving regularly, but damn it shouldnt be this hard to finish this 20 year old game.
What is wrong with your emulator user?
>playing MMBN3 on my gameboy so comfily on my bed at night when i should be sleeping because I have school tomorrow
Things were so simple yet so great back then
I was playing Most Wanted, but those cops frustrated me too often. Ended up deleting it instead of suffering an aneurysm.
Shovel Knight mostly.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
I really do miss the frameskip options that emulators provide.
Battles can take ages without a speedup button.
Just finished binge playing Battle Network 1 - 6. Was a fun experience.
i dont know, im using mGBA.
Lumines and Tetris DS for almost 15 years now, probably another 15 more at least
Damn, MMBN became a reality with all the devices out there that can be connected to the internet.
Its been ages since I played this series. Didn't some of the earlier games predict the amount of cyber warfare/terroism/crime/etc that we have today?
Honestly surprised Capcom hasn't tried to make a gay mobile game out of Battle Network.
Honestly a lot better than what I expected (and for the price it better). Most of the emulation runs great, can even run PS1 games decently. I’m just mainly using it as my GBA emulator.
A chink emulator console. LDK is the series name I believe.
You think out of all the things that would fit the idea of a mobile game they would try it with this. Damn shame though.
The entire series was one big warning sign about the encroaching Internet of Things
I don't want a mobile version, but I'd love a reboot for the series. (Has to stay 2D though.)
But they did. Twice.
They even made anime seasons about those games.
Wut. Do you mean that DS series?
is this the first or the second one? i remember the first one being absolutely amazing and being a little disappointed with the second.
for all the shovelware gba got it has its gems
MMBN3 was the only game i played on gba for YEARS
its like that game had infinite replay value
Fire Emblem 6. It's not as good as 7 but it's keeping me occupied til the Three Houses release
3DS is alternating between Mother 3 and Pokémon Gold right now.
Any DS/PSP adventure/RPG game that doesn't require precise controls for android emulation?
some games are just cursed, user, I have a similar problem with Chrono Trigger, every time I reach the endgame it's like a trigger some doomsday device that wipes my hard drive, phone or anything else I'd be playing it on, just some terrible bad luck that forces me to start over.
How long are these games? I remember it took me and my brother over 80 fucking hours to beat the third game when it came out. I think half of that time came from my brother wandering around because he was nearly illiterate though.
i had to be around 12 when it came out and it took me awhile to beat it too. i do remember wandering around quite a bit. that and some of the boss fights actually required you to git good to finish them
if someone played it now i wouldnt be surprised if the main story took ~20 hours. and then you have those 6 stars you can get from the endgame
I vaguely remember the zoo puzzle in 3 taking us hours to figure out. They were very comfy games, think I might replay them soon.
Spent 70 bucks for a proper non-bootleg copy of Pokemon Emerald with a new battery, playing it on my old red SP. I'm having fun, but it makes me sad to remember a time when Pokemon wasn't low effort ass.
>Third game will never get translated
knights in the nightmare for PSP