X2 is happening eventually r-right?

X2 is happening eventually r-right?

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I wanna make a family with that alien

>we'd love to port X but it'd be too expensive
>we just don't have the money ;)

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but you will get generic cell shaded anime adventure with "Xenoblade" in the title.

Unironically top 3 favorite games of all time. What a fucking masterpiece of world design.

>Worst selling and lowest rated of the franchise
>Getting a sequel
Dont think so, Tim.

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It better.
Fuck Rex and fuck XC2.

>>Worst selling and lowest rated of the franchise

uh Tim, XCX has a higher rating than muhanimusales2.


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Torna was better. Cope. Seethe. Have sex, and Cringe if you're am*rican.

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Not in Japan. Metacritic is a joke poisoned by amerikek sensibilities so it doesnt matter

>Not in Japan
the series also sells far less in Japan than the West, if it wasn't for Project Rainfall or whatever the fuck it was called the series wouldn't be a blip on anyone's radar.

Honesty I ain't even mad. If they do make a sequel, they will probably listen to all the japanese feedback and turn the game into a 20 hour tutorial.

It's better they not touch XCX, since most of the most of the original team won't be working on it.

I'm playing it now, it's fun besides ALL THESE FUCKIN MANDATORY SIDEQUESTS AAAAA

How does it run with cemu?

so well that they never fixed anything other than purple rocks

>Xenoblade X2 is just Xenoblade 3 with a different name because they listen too much to all the feedbck that just boiled down to "it wasn't enough like the first"
I hate that this is probably what we'll get

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Now, let's see if my i7 4770 can get at least 30fps.

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you should be fine, since I can get 60fps at 1440p on an i5 4690k

>Chooses to just watch them get killed
>Somehow Elma and Lao approve of this.
Okay, Lao's a bit justified, but Elma cmon