It's $15 on Steam right now, including all the DLC. Tell me why I shouldn't.
It's $15 on Steam right now, including all the DLC. Tell me why I shouldn't
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it's F4
>paying for bethesgay games
>go to restaurant
>eat shit
>"but it was 90% off!"
Nice try, Todd.
because it really is that bad.
It is the bottom of the bad curve. Not bad enough to come full circle and be so bad it is good. But no qualities to stand on it's own. Gunplay is improved since 3. But not enough to carry it from it's insane list of flaws. the story is bland, the sidequests are bland, the map is bland. the decision making is non-existent.
the game is a solid yawn out of 10. The time investment is not worth even installing it.
I bought Skyrim 3 times just to make todd happy. What you gonna do bout it faggot?
You could pirate it for free at any time
do whatever you like
just make sure to kill yourself when you're done
it generally looks like vomit
>buying DLC for any reason ever
cause New Vegas Ultimate is 5 dollars right now
Because you can get Fallout 1 and 2 for $5 total.
>buying old fallouts when the money goes to Beth
just pirate it
Fallout 4 is great on survival mode and realistic damage mod
Recommend me some mods or some """mods""".
What kind of restaurants do you go to that offer shit?
I have over 100 hours in Fallout 4 and almost all of it is from mods. This is genuinely one of the worst written games I've ever played in both quality and RPG skill use. Your build is not taken into account for anything important, your 10 int genius god will still be treated like a retard by the scientist faction. Building stuff is fun but ultimately pointless because your peasants don't actually have any needs. Robot DLC and the raider DLC are okay but not even close to anything in NV or the good FO3 dlcs. They tried to shift focus to the "looter shooter" aspects but all the loot, dungeons, and enemies suck balls. Crafting is also garbage and I frequently found myself using the console to bypass it.
Gay and bluepilled
>What you gonna do bout it faggot?
Laugh at you.
>Fallout 4 had no redeeming qualit-
How did this piece of shit get game of the year?
Honestly if it was any other game I would say to get it. But Fallout 4 is genuinely bad. Do not buy this game.
it's fine once you acknowledge the fact that Fallout 3, 4, and 76 are all set in alternate universes.
someone get me it please
>That mediocre DLC that looks like gold compared to the game its attached to
my ancestors are smiling at me. Imperials, can you say the same?
holy shit what a year of disappointments. I almost forgot.
Do you think this Skyrim SE is worth $11.75 for someone that played a grand total of 2 hours of Oblivion before getting bored and is pretty lukewarm on Fallout? I thought Fallout 3 was fun when it came out, I did beat it. I love Fallout NV. I hated Fallout 4 and 76.
It's a legitimately bad game.
Ive always wanted to get the DLCs but even with 67% off they are expensive if i buy them all. And I dont think the season pass even includes everything and that is 16 bucks even with the sale madness
Todd get off Yea Forums.
yeah, it is better than Oblivion. But both take a long time to warm up. It is between fallout 3 and NV i would say
Skyrim is legitimately better than all of those games is probably the second best game Bethesda ever made.
If its $15 with all the DLC that's a good deal. Just don't go in expecting it to be a good Fallout. Just play it as its own little sandbox- bonus points that you've managed not to spend too much on trash DLC.
You can get it for free
exactly his point retard.
He wouldn't go to a restaurant that offers shit. Just like you shouldn't buy games that are shit.
I mean if anything this would be the only time to excuse buying it. It's a shit game, but at least you won't be paying 30 dollars for a shit game.
But if you still want a reason why not to: Bethesda doesn't deserve your money.
don't fall for Yea Forums's bullshit user, There's a reason Skyrim keeps being remade/remastered/ported. It's a good game, only contrarian idiots say otherwise. But if you don't really get lost easily in high fantasy, it might not be your thing and that's fine. I'd say it's 100% worth $11.75, even if you don't put a ton of hours into it.
Why do you faggots hate 4 so much? Is it legit bad or it just didn't live up to your pie in the sky dreams?
>shit writing
All of Bethesda's writing is shit.
I played the original game when it came out but never played the dlc. is it worth going back to or is it shit?
Did FO4 win a single GOTY award being released in the same year as Witcher 3? I seem to remember W3 taking FO4 to the cleaners
if you want to "buy" it get it on g2a
FO4 was the first of what has been a disturbing string of AAA games for me where I had more fun with my head canon than the horrible main storyline forced upon you. These developers have become so focused on making an open world they've ended up forgetting how to make a compelling narrative. It's nice that their worlds are strong enough to build upon but they never do anything with it themselves. It's disappointing.
It removes RPG elements from an RPG. Unless you're retarded and enjoy western RPGs for "gameplay" then you won't like it.
Alright, you guys won me over.
You think it's good because it brought back basic features that the base game should of had, It's ok at best.
I eagerly await your thread a month from now where you've either spent 500 hours on it or curse our souls in a blisteringly autistic 500 word manifesto
>blisteringly autistic
Found my new descriptor for everyone who praises Bethesda.
Where'd you get it for that price, user?
I used DLGamer.
>Seriously considering buying the creation club thing for the power armors
How much of a faggot am I?
That makes you an omega faggot just download them on nexus
Those were also free on GoG for like a year.
Not interested in the settlement building, so the game offered pretty much nothing to me.
>Quakecon sale
>-75% on whatever but not on quake, doom and old wolf games.
Thanks, Todd.
It's not all that bad the companions are by far the best bethesda has ever done
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