What Fightan games are (you) playan right now, user?

What Fightan games are (you) playan right now, user?
This image is lewd enough to get this thread past 20, right?

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none now post her butt

is skullgirls a good starter game for 2d fighters? the only other one ive ever played is soku and i really wanna get into the genre

Fuck that, i want to see her belly grow

Samson loves to eat after midnight when Fillia is sleeping

Skullgirls is a great starter, If you have friends. You'll get your ass handed to you online. Very cheap and has a great tutorial to teach you basics and various terminology you need to know. It's a very solid game on it's own as well has a small compact cast with a lot of uniqueness so it should be simple to find a main.
Another great starter I'm gonna shill is "Under Night". Same points as Skullgirls, Great Tutorial, Small Cast, and fun. Plus it's also gonna be at EVO so you can watch that to learn some new tech and get more into the scene. A negative is it's not as cheap as Skull Girls I suppose. Yea Forums even host games for it every weekday night so it's easy to find matches.

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Play their demo!
Buy their game!

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I can do both if you talk about fighting games!

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SamSho. Using Jubei and Nakoruru.

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user, it's not Thursday yet.

Bless you for not being a gorilla

>He doesn't play maximum UNGA
Come now user. It really is the only way to play.

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playin goobers and unist while adapting to stick
playing pic related and carmine in their respective games

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I, for one, got back into fightans with Skullgirls, but the overly long combos put me off after a while
I'd still give it a go because the tutorial is great and you can also try other games if you don't like it. I'd recommend DBFZ if you like the tag mechanics or Guilty Gear Xrd if you prefer 1v1

I really have only been playing Tekken, lately. Took me until 7 to get even a semblance of competency with King, despite always liking him from the beginning.

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>tfw fatfag who loves fighting games
>but not Skullgirls
>can't actually talk about Skullgirls in the fat threads
>can just be thirsty and ask for more fat booty
I've been playing a lot of SamSho. Game is great. You can pick up a character and pretty much know how to play them in ten minutes of training mode. I love how low-execution the game is - it's all mindgames and reads.

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I want her to scurry away from a conversation, surreptitiously follow her, watch her glance around, and when she thinks no one is watching, watch her unleash a torrent of pee all over the ground.

>character is visually appealing
>has a great theme
>ticks all the personal taste boxes
>I don't like the playstyle
Why must F.A.N.G. be this way?

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Play Bob in Tekken 7 you goof

I don't play Tekken, because absolutely none of the characters appeal to me. It's nothing against the game, but I just don't like any of the character designs.

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That's tough. There aren't many games with that body type in general.
Gridlock in R6 Siege?

I'm not talking about fat chicks. I'm just talking about Tekken as a whole. My taste in women doesn't equate to my taste in characters.
My favorite fighting game characters are Ed, Vega, and Urien. Nobody in Tekken really does it for me.

I haven't played a fighting game in years, but i wouldn't mind getting back into them. I just don't know which one would be good for relearning basic shit.

Unironically Skullgirls

Under Night Unironically. Pic unrelated cause I'm now contractually obligated to keep posting Filia.

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Unironic mind.

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I was thinking about getting skullgirls during the steam sale, and i'm sorta kicking myself for not because it looks like fun. The other one that caught my eye was guilty gear but i haven't looked into it.

if I had to pick one, I'd go with guilty gear xrd
it's my all time favourite

Guilty Gear is another good one. It's more complex than the others but still has plenty of tutorials and trials to help you learn.

I'm gonna be honest with you and say Guilty Gear is a little too overwhelming for someone very new to fighting game. There's just way too much shit to trip you up. It's great to go back to later once you've learned a bit though.

I recommend Skullgirls because it lets you fight 1v1, so you don't need to worry about team mechanics, but it's there for you to learn after you've got a handle on the basics.

Alright, i think i'll pick up skullgirls first and then maybe i'll give guilty gear a go after that. Thanks guys, if you have any more suggestions, i'm all ears.

Necalli in SFV, attempting to learn Chaos in UNIST, waiting on PC Samsho release. I'm just trying to figure out exactly what I should be doing during a match other than just anti airing and punishing since if the opponent isn't behaving like a moron I don't know how to go on offense to actually win.

I was playing SamSho before MUA3 dropped. I like Ukyo and Wu.

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Console release when?

>all my 2D thick / fats got wiped
Feels bad, man.

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Ignore what the others said, rev 2 has a much better tutorial than Skullgirls which is pretty fucking hard for a complete newbie

bump for fats

Sorry this took so long. Let's end with one more Filia.

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Why do I love fat chicks so much?

Fatfaggotry is degeneracy. Post more, so I can jack off.

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No, talk fighting games or fuck off.

come on man i just fapped an hour ago you can't be posting shit like that

Y'know what? Fine.
I've been playing a lot of SamSho recently. I feel like Ukyo is a lot of fun, but his game plan is too high-risk to be viable. You need to read hard to win with him, considering a whiffed Tsubame leaves you extremely exposed, and that's his primary method of attack.
He's a lot of fun, though.

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>no one playing her
>no tournament results
>JWong, the most prominent player at the moment, called her trash
What a shame. I mained her since muscle girls are life but I didn't expect she would be this unpopular and lowly rated after release.

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I feel like tiers practically don't exist in SamSho. You can win the game with only deflects and heavy attacks if you play right. Darli is just sorta gimmicky.

i like dbfz but i keep getting bored by how long the combos and blockstrings are. i love the dbz characters i just wish i didn't have to wait a decade for my turn.

i'm really excited for granblue versus tho. the roster is certainly shaping up to be an arcsys roster. absolute trash and tiny as fuck. i still liked the gameplay during the beta.

I wouldn't say that, there is no way Genjuro and Shiki can be seen as equally good, but I get what you mean. I still plan to play her, sadly characters I like tend to be in the low mid to low tier so it's not anything new, but it's just a shame. I was planning to play Wu, Jubei, Charlotte, or Kyoshiro initially as I like ranged fighters and zoners but I just love Darli's personality and nautical aesthetic.

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I guess her instakill move is way too obvious now that everyone knows about it.

>japanese fighting game developers making the brown girls be shit tier
Why are they like this? How do we get them to stop?

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It's too predictable, though it has one hit of superarmor that catches some people off guard. As said Darli is just a bit gimmicky. Her hammer is honestly real awkward, I use it pretty sparingly, and her super armor is nice but not enough. She's too good to be complete shit but not stupid enough to be amazing, she's just okay.
It really is an injustice.

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Street fighter IV

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why is her birth canal pulsating


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She's thinking of me.


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I grinded vsav like insane these past months and now I can 1-hit GC and Tech Hit on reaction and not prediction.
This game attracts trannies but the execution requirements to be able to compete are so high that it filters them.

tekken 7

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