Objectification of women video game characters is NEVER okay. It's disgusting and gross, like for real

Objectification of women video game characters is NEVER okay. It's disgusting and gross, like for real.

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have sex

Stop posting lolicon pandering characters you goober.

Women are only good for sex anyways, you can not not objectify them

Nah, it's fine.
I like big, big tits. Tons of cleavage.

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Misogynist pig.

I want her to scurry away from a conversation, surreptitiously follow her, watch her glance around, and when she thinks no one is watching, unleash a torrent of pee all over the ground

i'm all for artistic freedom, developers have all the rights to design sexy females and traps to please the straight male audience and likewise they should also be allowed to put Fabio Lanzoni's lookalikes in their games to please the straight female and gay male audiences if they wish, i don't give a fuck about that

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>Objectification of women video game characters is NEVER okay.
Why not?

>It's disgusting and gross, like for real.
Says you.

Women make up over 60% of all gamers, so women and gaymers actually outnumber male gamers by a wide margin.

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It's problematic and dehumanizes women.

itt pedophiles

i need one of those boxes

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>It's problematic and dehumanizes women.

Video game characters aren't human

What if women want to be objectified?
What if they are using that to their advantage, like a spy, or even a Twitch "streamer"?

Are you telling women what they can and cannot do with their bodies?
Are you saying that women aren't allowed to be sexy?

You sexist pig!


>i-it's ok when men does it
>i-it's ok when animals get objectified
dilate harder


But video game women don't have that option. They are made for the presumed straight male audience; i.e. the Male Gaze. And that's bad.

I honestly prefer it when chicks are in less revealing clothing

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>Dehumanizing women
>Sex is part of the human experience

Have you thought of the fact that it's normal for men and women to view each other sexually?
It's been our biological imperative for millennia.

I wish we'd see this attitude applied a little more to the other side. My stance on creative liberty prevents me from getting too worked up about costume changes, LGBT representation, POC characters, and all that other SJW nonsense.

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can one man have such shit taste?

I've seen plenty of women like those designs
Is it really for a straight male audience?

>video game women don't have that option
because they're not real. They are somebody's work of ART.

Have kids

remove everything above good and everything below okay tier then you're not retarded

>Stop making the art that I don't want you to make

This is literally the argument 99% of the time.

>But video game women don't have that option. They are made for the presumed straight male audience; i.e. the Male Gaze. And that's bad.

So what?

Protip - most women like sexy women as well. Insecure bitches are just a vocal minority

Indeed, which is why we should band together to outlaw all gatchas games, especially hentai ones, seeing that they basically reduce girls into collectable cards.

If you wanted a sorceress thread you could have just called it that

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nah it's great it gets incels to argue with one another.

2B is at the top

>Posting lolicon
shame on you

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So, which dragon's crown party members are fucking one another?

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Dwarf is fucking everyone, sometimes he DP the Amazon with Gilius Thunderhead

Suck my dick OP

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I suspect no one is fucking Wizard.

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>people replying seriously to this post
>no one pointed out those girls got bulges

Amazon doms Wizard
Dwarf fucks Elf
Fighter and Sorc have drunk sex

>Is it really for a straight male audience?
Dev here, I make sexy character designs because they're the most fun to make. The audience isn't really on my mind. I don't design something along the lines of pic related while rubbing my hands and going, "Oh boy oh boy, I hope the presumed straight male audience is going to get a boner to this!"

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At the most base level I suppose you're right. But just like us lonely dudes have a personality outside our cocks some random chick has a personality beyond her tits. It would be great if we could just get along as we're all brothers and sisters of mankind, but alas such ideals aren't meant to be on Yea Forums.

>she has emotions bruh
yeah and so does the cow I'm eating, don't care
>It would be great if we could just get along
yes it would, but we can't

>dehumanizes women
You're aware that the direct implication of your statement is that in the event of a sexual assault on a woman who chose to put forward her physical or sexual appeal (easy examples would be prostitutes, strippers or even just women dressing provocatively when going to a club), the dehumanization can be blamed on the woman (since she chose to "objectify" herself) rather than on the aggressor, right?

It also implies that strippers and prostitutes are somehow less human than regular people.

all feminists have done by trying to force their bullshit into video games has turned me from a tolerant man who respected women to a man who now hates women and considers them absolute sub human garbage. so congrats feminists you really won me over.

I'd accuse you of weakness of character but find myself in the same situation.

>But video game women don't have that option
i'll ask them for their permission

>have sex
this is a white nationalist dogwhistle meaning "have more white babies." please don't say this here, or are you a racist white supremacist?

Unironically same. Guess I'm the ultimate contrarian

What about womenification of objects?

>Odin Sphere and Muramusa girls will never get the same attention as Dragon's Crown sluts because they don't have huge milkers

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Yooooooo big tiddies thread right here, let's go

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It's a shame too since they're more attractive than any of the DC sluts

Slow down there, user. There's a huge difference between what a living person chooses to wear and what an artist creates.

The argument goes that a woman is free to choose what she wants to wear and should be allowed to do so unmolested. When an artist creates a character design with a revealing outfit, the character has no agency in the matter and no amount of cooked up in-universe explanations for it can ever change that. It's not about what's being worn, it's about the expression of agency.

That's how it should be. You design sexy characters, I'll deal with my boner.

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Oh, so you actually think robbing fictional characters of their non-existent agency, and not the imagery itself, is what impacts society?

This is better than anything I could have expected.

Why is being attractive synonymous with objectivity? Are real-life attractive people guilty for walking around in public without wearing a burka?

On top of your delusion, your argument still sets sexualising oneself as a deviant behavior that requires additional justification to be acceptable (since if it wasn't, it would not require any more justification than any other "choice" a character "makes").


I wish I could suck Sorceress's big tatas.

>And that's bad


Why does that matter?


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have sex tranny.. oh wait you're physically incapable

>the character has no agency in the matter
they’re a fictional character without agency to begin with, so this is a completely moot point.


I dont really have a high opinion of women like probably most people here
What I do find problematic with especially anime but also vidya though is that they make women TOO beautiful. It sets unrealistic expectations and lets be real, most people are pretty ugly. Men that get too absorbed in waifus and shit like that might start looking for women that simply dont exist. Atleast I feel that way sometimes.
On the other hand this problem seems to already be inherent in alot of women, but I think alot of men that have healthy expectations in regards of looks, might find them somewhat distorted if they get too absorbed by these media

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Objectification is such a bullshit phrase, anyways. Boobs on a beer bottle is objectification. Boobs or ass on a woman is just how she looks. Everyone on this board always seems to want to marry their sexy waifu, or have her beat them up.

I don't know, I just don't buy the whole objectification thing.

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you see... sexy women know they are sexy and will try to show it off any chance they get... because it just makes them feel good for their self esteem that there are lookers. They just love being good looking. It's not disgusting or gross. It's sexy. Despite what leftist sjw want you to think... there are real women with big tits like that.

Ugly women who never go to the gym to make themselves look good will scorn and hate sexy women. They will try to create the illusion that it's not acceptable for any man to enjoy the view of sexy women. Their logic is that if men won't look at ugly sjws, they'll make a world where it's considered bad for them to look at any women.

Thus they shill this idea everywhere include this very thread that it's disgusting and gross for men to look at sexy women.

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Absolutely fucking based and extremely redpilled

fuck you.
a lot of women use selfobhectification and dont care about it

my first baito thread?

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True, but only because women are disgusting and gross. The only characters worth sexualizing are male. Females are worthless trash.

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>It sets unrealistic expectations and lets be real, most people are pretty ugly.

user... most good looking people put effort into it to look good. Go to the gym for half a year and you'll come out looking great too. Maintaining beauty takes effort. And that's something most leftist sjw will never acknowledge because they don't want to put in the effort themselves, they rather drag everyone down to their own ugly level.

Most people don't put in the effort, but at least they don't act like retarded sjws and try to drag everyone down.

Same goes for men, honestly. I can't ever hope to look as rugged and chadlike as Kiryu, yet I can accept that. He's a fictional powerhouse of a man.

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What I think is you're comparing apples and oranges.

A woman who chooses to wear -whatever- is expressing her agency to decorate her body as she sees fit, assuming the choice is made freely. An artist who chooses to draw a woman in the exact same getup is making a very different choice, and quite possibly expressing something very different. This distinction matters, and is the reason arguments about how a real woman and a video game character wearing exactly the same outfit should be treated the same, do not hold up.

thing is they're not real. It's not objectification of a person, its personification of an object. Feminists get this backwards but what else is new lol

Same. I used to think that good men and women were equally rare. Now I realize that all women are inherently vapid parasites, and that they simply didn't evolve to have traits like passion, virtue, or a sense of justice. Thank God I'm not one of those cucks who blinds himself to how terrible women are out of thirst and desperation.

Y'know, Cortana from the Halo series is SUPPOSED to be naked, right? I never even noticed until the devs said so, and it really didn't change how I viewed her character. It's still an amazing design that will stick in your brain for years.

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Why does Yea Forums always, without fail, continue to fall for obvious bait threads

>It sets unrealistic expectations and lets be real, most people are pretty ugly. Men that get too absorbed in waifus and shit like that might start looking for women that simply dont exist. Atleast I feel that way sometimes.

Most people grew up with a mother. Many have sisters, and female classmates. Almost everyone sees women on the street at some point, or working at a business. And yet it's somehow anime characters that look like none of the above that are setting expectations?

This bait in particular almost feels like therapy, really. It just allows us to really speak our minds without getting assblasted off twitter or whatever.

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What if the artist is a woman?

>women make up over 60% of gamers

only if you include mobile games.

based and also redpilled

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>"quite possibly"
>implying other possibilities exist

user this thread is clearly an anti-bait thread. user posts a bait thread about how sexy women are bad to get people to post sexy women. This is like shitposting 101.

That's a good fucking question.

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It gives us a chance to sharpen our knives a little so we can cut the BS.

Objectification of men video game characters is NEVER okay. It's disgusting and gross, like for real.

As far as what's being expressed goes, it doesn't matter. What an artist draws and what a woman wears in the real world have relevant distinctions. That's it. I'm not making any value judgments, bad or good, about what's being drawn. Just that a drawing of an outfit on a character, and a person wearing that outfit in the real world are not equivalent expressions, and have to be evaluated differently.

> like for real.
But it is a non-real character?

>how do you do fellow males

Women do not have personalities.

>it's not my fault the feminists FORCED me to become a degenerate irrational hateful incel fuck that dehumanises women because they don't give me the attention I want!

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