Why are there no ragequit penalty in fighting games?

Why are there no ragequit penalty in fighting games?

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More importantly why isn't there a new Darkstalkers game yet?

Them ragequitting is victory enough

Why the fuck are there no Morrigan RPG or Morrigan centric action game yet?

what the fuck is wrong with her lower half in that image

She was in a shmup once

The style of Morrigan I can get behind.

There was a phone game. But do you really want Death By Degrees: Scotsposting Edition?

Capcom doesn't trust anything that they view won't be or what they think won't be a booming success, on the level of RE or Street Fighter. Remember the Darkstalkers Are Not Dead shitstorm? Topped PSN and Xbox marketplace, but it wasn't enough? Yeah.

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After SFV, might not make a VI.

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There usually is a quitting penalty though

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Post that Perler of her one getting hurt sprite

This is an incognito feet thread.

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With one image and a character that isn't barefoot?

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I fucking hope not, honestly. I've heard mixed shit on the mechanics, but the visuals and god awful single player were more than enough to make me avoid buying it.
I'm still mad about what they did to Sean.

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I've become used to seeing a penis there too don't worry.

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"You know what they say about big feet, right?"

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Literal mental illness

The bigger the foot the bigger the loss if the diabetes takes it.

>Liking a part of the body is an illness
u r gay

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Devs are too lazy for it. Fightings are played p2p, both players connect to each other directly, and you dont know who you can trust.
It will require authoritative server that can receive results from both players, analyze, remember them and decide who should be trusted.

I bet your favo arcade game is Spider Stomp

>It's a new Darkstalkers game
>It's being done by the Guilty Gear team

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>Arc Sissies shit on SFV when SFV's game design is from a Guilty Queer player

Maybe you cucks should've actually gave a shit instead of blowing Kike Z and Conman off at the time. Dumb fuck.

>Not a single soul mentions SFV
>The beaten housewives of the fgc cry out for attention anyway
Kicked dogs bark the loudest

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I think a new Darkstalkers will likely turn up to be soulless.
Not happening.

For what its worth, that was before they got a new group of execs.

Mortal Kombat does.

>implying Arc Sissies aren't the same seething furfags that are bitching over no Street Fighter Furfag Otherkin edition
And the manchildren that have others rent free in their tiny sized brains are usually the most passive aggressive.

A new Darkstalkers if done well could be amazing, but that's only if they put effort and passion into the project. I fear Capcom would likely just go a try to make a quick buck out of it instead of creating a product to honour the originals.

the penalty is you dont improve

>You'll never play the following games on Xbox Live Arcade ever again
>Street Fighter 2 HD Turbo Remix
>Marvel vs Capcom 2
>Darkstalkers Resurrection

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What do you mean? In SFV you lose double the ranking points you would have lost if you just lost normally, plus, if you quit too often you get a red skull symbol next to your name and only get matched with other quitters. I want to say Injustice had a system where you would temporarily lose the privilege of playing online alltogether (iirc the period became longer and longer the more you quit). The new Samurai Shodown game is set up so that it's utterly unplayable if you ragequit because it matches you with people from the other end of the globe and makes you suffer horrendous lag spikes. Irregardless of whether or not you ragequit tho

>judges fighting game by rumors, single player content and graphics
Yup, people like you are the reason why sfv has so bad reputation...

In sfv if you ragequit you lose ladder points as if you lost. If you ragequit a lot, you will lose rhe handshake icon which in practical terms mean slow player queue aka one math per an hour instead of one match per 30 seconds.

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stop playing gt goku

I swear every fighting game fan I've ever met is either super chill or has terrible mood swings and anger issues. There's like no in between.

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thats my experience about most gamers in general tbqh

Wasn't it Smash that punished ragequitters by intentionally pairing them up with others more prone to ragequitting?

I have only played darkstalkers for about an hour and I want to fuck Morrigan so badly.

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Murata is so fucking based, i love him

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What are you going to penalize them with? Five minutes wait before joining another match? A frowny face on their name?

You put them in gay baby jail like the Mario Royale dev did.

They bought Samurai Shodown.

You again?

More importantlier, why isn't Morrigan sitting on my face yet?

This is such a fucking stupid meme.

I like this webm but I'll be the first to admit that those boobs make no sense.

I always found it hilarious that companies jump through 10000 hoops to try and curb rage quitting when the easiest thing to do in the world is just hit them with a loss and give the opponent a free win. Rage quits are mainly to preserve records and give a middle finger to the opponent to deny them a win anyway, just cut out the incentive entirely.

>B-but what if my internet goes out?

Then too fucking bad. If your internet goes out nearly enough to have a sizable impact on where you rank in a fighting game, then your internet is shitty enough that you shouldn't be playing on it anyway.

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Oh, it really is you again. You know your repeated use of certain phrases and pushing of ridiculous false narratives make you stand out like a sore thumb, right? You might as well get a tripcode at this point.

This, If they really wanted to give leeway about the internet dropping give a single game a day or something a pass. But if your internet is so shit that you'll be dropping games more than that you probably shouldn't be playing online anyways.

MvC3, unless Wii U did that too

You can't know who disconnected from a P2P connection. Any system that tried to know could be easily broken so you could send "my opponent disconnected :^)" packets over and over giving everyone false punishments.
But someone tell me if I'm wrong

I agree. For one, how do they even tell what's a rage quit and what's someone having internet problems? Since players can be all over the world, some schmuck might be in an area with a storm going on (or adjacent to one) and having outages to either electric or connections. While there are certainly obvious signs for habitual quitters like bailing after being killed x amount of times or quitting the match at a certain point to force the game to cancel the rest of the session in order to not take a loss, the systems in place for punishing actual quitters aren't ever going to be refined enough to know if it's someone deliberately leaving or getting disconnected by happenstance. Might as well just make it that actual/seeming quitters just get hit with a loss and the players who remain get free wins, and focus the rest of resources on dealing with actual poor players like cheaters.