ITT: party members that nobody hates

ITT: party members that nobody hates

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shame he was useless

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I think Robo would've been a better choice. Frog is flawed to some degree.

i don't like robo

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Plenty of people hate this useless retard.

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Shock is the most easily-obtained 9999 ability in the game

The level gap between him and other members of your party alone makes him shit.
Not to mention that Shock is greatly limited by his MP pool unlike, say, Thievery which is piss easy to cap.

thievery takes insanely long to max out. it takes the longest to max out of the guaranteed 9999s by far.

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While is necessity as far as gameplay is concerned is debatable, I'd like to point out that everyone loved him when the game came out and the only people calling him problematic were born long after the game's release.

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Mah boi. Probably my main husbando, definitely favorite ME character. He deserved his own series and not to be tied down by Mass Effect.

fuck Marcus. That guy and his horrible aim gave me more game-overs than the enemies did.

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That's cheating. Every party member from IX except Quina and Amarant are lovable

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Guys the reapers are literally moments away, having been literally part of events and 100% assured of their coming, will you go out while I'm stuck denying the batariancaust and prepare the galaxy?
>Muh genofag-e rage
>Muh genofag-e guilt
>Muh suicidal remove robutt race
>Muh robutt race
>Muh students
>Muh sister
>Muh priiize
>Garrus literally swallows his pride and goes to his father and goes "holy shit forget our family edgyness, the galaxy is fucked" and manages to get the stick-up-ass Turians to actually prepare.
What a leg, and unlike Liara doesn't have the shadow borker network to get it done. Zaeed is excused by literally being a mercenary and the likely event that any mission he's involved against the reapers would likely end with "and I was the only one in the galaxy who got out goddamn alive" everyone else dicked about. Bonus points to Samara who literally could have walked into the asari temples and said "give me your shit or I'll be forced to kill you" and they'd have done it.

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So is his entire right arm robotic or just the forearm. Where does he load the bullets.

To be fair Samara went directly to the front lines IIRC. But yeah, the fucking drama between the races was fucking stupid, especially the Asari with their whole "waaah the other races might find out we hoarded Prothean tech".

>ME2 is about collecting a crew.
>You ditch this crew in ME3
The fuck was the point of 2

To ditch them in 3

To stop the collectors from paving the way for another easy in for the Reapers.

2 is my favourite, and even I'll concede it technically serves as an intermission. Plot wise you foil a reaper plot that would have theoretically wiped humanity off the face of the galaxy, but in terms of "stopping the reapers" you only get that tiny fucking DLC where you oven bake the Batarian race. We also all know now that the "continous story that has deep branching impact on the end" was at best an embelishment.

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>free crits

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