Nintendo will no longer change for Joy-Con repairs

>An internal Nintendo memo reviewed by VICE Games shows the company will no longer charge for Joy-Con repairs, will refund those who already paid for them, and being out of warranty no longer matters.

Repairs are now free and if you've already paid for repairs in the past, you can get a refund

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Other urls found in this thread:

based!! what happened to Nintendo that they stopped being Jews and stealing money from their customers???

Will they fix my DS4s?

Is this the RROD of our generation?

Specifically in this case, tons of bad press (I assume)

Joy-Con drift lawsuit

The lawsuit has them scared, eh?

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This is most definitely a good thing
My joy cons haven't broken, but there isn't much you can usually do for controllers that go bad

In a way it's worse than RROD. RROD was caused by a manufacturing defect, where around 50% of consoles would eventually be affected. Joycon drift is caused by a design flaw present in all joycons. 100% of joycons will eventually be affected by it over the course of use. If Nintendo never releases a new model, these things will be worth serious bank in 20 years because they're all going to stop working.

But you guys told me nothing was wrong with the joy-cons and it's our fault they were messing up

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Years later and I still can't believe those kikes shipped New 3DS's without charging cords. What the fuck was their problem?

the shills will now change their narrative from
>joycon drift doesn't exist, it's just a snoy meme, the dualshock 4 is the controller that actually drifts!
>BASED nintendo being pro-consumer as always!

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To make it cheaper.
The 3DS had the same ac adapter as the DSi.
They figured most of their buyers already had a chord from their DSi or old 3DS.

It's a design flaw inherent to the joycons. The cheap chink joystick part they use scratches against the contact that detects its position, and eventually wears it down. This causes the input to drift and eventually stop working entirely. There's no way to avoid it, and no way to fix it besides replacing the part. People who say it hasn't happened to them yet haven't used their joysticks as much, or as roughly. It will eventually happen to all joycons with use.

Is ther any alternative for joycons?? mostly for portable mode i already know the controller pro exists

Is this the hourly seething at nintendo thread?

No, red ring was caused by multiple factors, namely poor manufacturing tolerances and low cooling capacity
It's hard to say how many early production models are still around, but their manufacturing yield was under a third. The issue with joy cons is a more easy fix since it is caused by outside factors, meaning DIY repairs do work.

>>joycon drift doesn't exist, it's just a snoy meme, the dualshock 4 is the controller that actually drifts!
Never saw this claimed. I did however see people claim that this outrage was overblown. Like many thing you see posted here so maybe it was done out of habit.

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>Years later and I still can't believe those kikes shipped New 3DS's without charging cords.

Where do you think the lower price came from? You pay less, you get less.

I see this as an absolute win

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good thing i didn't buy a second pair of joycons. they HAVE to fix it for future revisions right?

While leaving new customers in the lurch. There's making it cheaper, and there's purposefully not packaging the one item that's going to let you use the product for longer than a couple hours out of the box. The justifications suck. It was a stupid, stupid decision not to include it.

The debt issue in Japan gets more tense every time US debt gets out of hand since we owe them more than we do China, and they owe us almost as much.
So when the Japanese gov. decides to leverage in favor of multinationals more than individuals (even more than they already do), acts of goodwill follow because domestic consumers in Japan have been capped in their spending for about 40 years now, and if you lose their limited funds because of horseshit, you lose your company's image to the Jap government.
The good news is that Japan benefits from the Trump administration about as much as 3/4s of the US does, which means their nonsense domestic economy can continue as long as he does.

Free repairs are nice and the refunds are actually pretty ridiculous, but what does it matter if nintendo doesn't actually fix the design of joycons? They won't fix joycons forever, when the next console is out and they inevitibably drop support after a year then the number of usable controllers for this ridiculously popular console will only ever get lower.

Why? If they fix the problem their product will sell less. If they leave the defect people will have to keep buying new joycons. Your average soccer mom isn't going to mail her son's joycons to Nintendo, she's just going to buy new ones at Walmart. The RROD was bad for business because it would permanently destroy entire systems, this defect is good for business because it just disables an easily replaced peripheral.

I saw that claimed multiple times since the article about Joycon drifting came out last week

>everyone sends in their joycons at the same time
>two months to get them back

What if the joystick on the Switch Lite drifts too?

Attached: BARGE.gif (600x543, 84K)

Is this the thing where the cursor moves on its own? So I have to mail my joysticks to Japan?

Never trust Nincels.

>If they fix the problem their product will sell less.

The fact that they are now offering free repairs and FUCKING REFUNDS for prior repairs says that nintendo cares more about the product than the idea of profit via planned obsolescence.

If nintendo doesn't actually fix the design flaw it'll make them lose money if this is their new plan going forward.

System becomes a brick.

The Lite is a scam anyway. Buying a real switch without a dock is cheaper than buying the lite.

You're fucked and retarded for buying lite.

They send you a shipping label that's directed to a repair center in your country.

US only or everywhere?

It's definitely gonna keep me away from the lite and it's making me tell people to wait until we find out how the joysticks are designed before getting one.

If the switch lite has drift issues too then they can fuck off with that console.

Has this actually been confirmed by anyone or is this just a "we have information" thing and no one has actually experienced it?

You're not understanding. They're offering free repairs and refunds, but 90% of customers won't bother with those. Repairs take effort to set up and mail in, and it takes time before you get the joycons back. The average person will not bother doing all that and then having to wait. They will do as people always do, choose convenience, and buy a new pair of joycons instead. People will also buy multiple pairs of joycons just to be prepared for when theirs drifts. It's completely counter to logic but it fits consumer psychology perfectly. We like to stock up on things we anticipate there will be a shortage of, even if those things are trash, defective products.

They will make money on this. Especially because the profit margin on Joycons is astronomical. It's made of the cheapest available materials, and the parts are almost all Chinese stock parts available for use by any company. Even if only half the people went "fuck it I'll just buy a new one", they'd be in the money because the Joycons are insanely overpriced.

>Never saw this claimed.
you weren't looking hard enough, then.
the immediate nintendofag response to joycon drift articles is always "BUT SONYYYYY!"

Apparently it's planned. This is the very first we've heard of it so there will probably be some new information later.

Does pro has the same problem or is it just the joycon?

Think I should file my repair request before all the rest flood in or should I wait until it's officially announced? This seems like something they'd very quietly implement without actually saying though.

Is this the correct link/page if I wanna get the drift fixed for free? Is so, if In Eastern America, how long would it take to get them back?

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Cool, hope this means they're working on an actual adjustment to it's design to prevent this from happening again

oh nononono nintendobobos!1!!!

I sent in a drift issue last night. Granted I fucked up my joycon myself by slamming the joystick and spinning it to win an Atelier minigame , but I wanted to see if they could repair it.

They didn’t even ask for the serial or more info, just sent me a shipping label.

The memo? no, not confirmed.
The drift? Yes, it's confirmed at this point. See this for information:
There is a design flaw present in every joycon's sticks that means the joysticks inevitably grind the silicon beneath them to dust. This breaks their functionality, can't be prevented, and can only be fixed by replacing the part. The most likely cause for why this happens is simply that Nintendo cheaped out on the part, it's a generic chinese joystick part.

Nincels really like to cope huh? Jesus christ just look at the FREE damage control those bootlickers are capable of.

only falseflagging consolewarriors were saying that, it's been a prominent issue for just about anyone that owns a switch. 4 of my joycons have drift, 1 of them the button inputs also died despite only moderate use and being kept in great condition. Not sure if they'll fix button issues for free, but fixing drift free of charge is something, even if long overdue as there's a clear design fault.

Holy fuck why didn't they do this shit back when I was working there? You anons have no fucking clue how many calls I would get alone regarding Joy-Con drift and this was back in late 2017-2018 late. I'd imagine the call volume regarding this has skyrockted since then. Must've been a shitshow for them to budge on this because they usually don't care about publications writing articles on stuff.

t. former Nintendo employee that did customer service. Also ask me stuff if you want

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thanks a lot manbabies
nintendo is gonna go bankrupt because you children couldn't take care of your toys

Pro controller has same issue, but you can delay it with electrical contact cleaner.

how was customer service? aside Joycon drift what were most of the calls about?

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obvious consolewarrior falseflag
none of these posts at all deny joycon drift issues.

They were recently sued over it. So their legal department probably recommended they do something.

It seems that the pro controller does occasionally drift, but it's nowhere as common as joycon stick drifting.
There's been many complaints about the dpad on it though.

>tfw live in colombia so I'm screwed with no support

the only people that claimed it were shitposters and falseflags, anyone that actually owned a switch and pair of joycons for around a year or more was agreeing that the problem needed to be sorted out, myself included.

threatened with a lawsuit, but not actually sued as a suit was only just filed.

How cheap did Nintendo make these joycons that they would rather do repairs for free than risk a lawsuit/ revise the joycons for higher quality builds?

One of the few things I can remember off the top of my head (and stands out) was the Bayonetta 1 code fiasco. Bayonetta 2 for Switch came with a Bayo 1 code, but somehow they ended up printing almost all of them wrong. The procedure at the start was to send their original code over to our back-office and they'd get back to the customer about it. The situation got so bad they were letting anyone on the floor hand out codes on the honor-code basis since the back-office was dying. Would've been a great time to snag a free copy of Bayo 1.
Makes sense, our legal department didn't fuck around so they probably went into panic mode after the call volume probably skyrocketed. Office actually tracked what issues would get the most calls/chats which was neat

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I had it happen to my pro controller, but it took well over 1000 hours of use and it rarely happened. It seems cleaning it fixed the drift though.

can you get them fixed for free in europe or is this only america?

when will snoy fix my broken ds4

Sent in a ticket just to see how it goes. At worst they say no, at best I can finally play games without wanting to kill myself wrestling with the camera.

What exactly causes the problem anyway?

None of the parts are particularly expensive. Even the fancy "HD rumble" is just a fairly common technology called a linear resonant actuator. The various bluetooth/IR components are stock pieces tacked on. The shell, buttons, and even some internal components are just plastic. $80 for a pair of them is outrageous, but still cheaper than buying a whole new console, so it's considered acceptable.

Does this count for SEAfags as well?

What's the best third party switch controller to buy?

Mayflash adapter.

Hori is making joycons designed for Daemon X Machina, which I'm pretty interested in.

>bought new ones last week cause of drift

fuck my life

God dammit I'm so tempted to trade in this Switch for an Xbox

I was really interested in that Hori controller at first but apparently it only works in handheld mode. They can't be used wirelessly at all.

I want a Lite because the original Switch is so fucking flimsy when you hold it, but the drift issue is making me cautious.

if you at least dedicated 2 minutes googling you'd know how to fix them with contact cleaner for $5 or less

The fix doesn't usually last long, right?

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Fucking finally I can use these dumbass pills again.
What about pro controllers though? My right stick has a very very slight drift downwards