If you cum in her, would she get pregnant?
Sylvanas is a banshee inhabiting her corpse. She voided her bowels after death and i doubt she cared about cleaning it up after.
why does she look african? doesnt suit her at all.
>Getting a tattoo of yourself
I never thought I would miss legion.
and dont forget about the maggots and other insects that would be living inside of her.
Didn't think she could get trashier
>implying her selfish ass doesn't have alchemists make up pesticides for her pussy
actually no, she wont be. She'll be cold both inside and out. Just imagine a block of ice.
Hot in a super sexy way.
I want to rim her unwashed ass.
just be careful. she's a corpse so if you tongue her too hard her anus will fallout from the rotting.
>Make an entire quest line to devalue Vol'jins decision.
They're going to do it. She's going to be a raid boss.
Even hotter!
I want her to scurry away from a conversation, surreptitiously follow her, watch her glance around, and when she thinks no one is watching, unleash a torrent of pee all over the ground
>She's going to be a raid boss.
It's not "going" to happen, it WILL happen. She is literally the last raid boss for BFA. The game literally spells it out for you. The only difference to this from the Garrosh one is that the player actually has some sorta choice on whether to support the warchief or not.
This but with a huge meaty dump.
I'm just annoyed by it. When Cataclysm was maden the quest devs went too far with her and created a massive salt stream that has been gnawing at blizzards C-devs since forever.
Now that they're desperate, they're going to listen to retards again.
This entire ordeal of shit-for-brains writing has pretty much wiped out most horde leadership.