Why do incełs have a problem with women wanting to dress in armor like this?

Why do incełs have a problem with women wanting to dress in armor like this?

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In videogames, you mean? That looks cool.
>inb4 the manchild buzzwords

I'm not interested in talking about that subject. Delete this thread.

The problem isn't the armour, it's the character within the armour that's usually written to be all powerful and without flaws, that's where the issue comes in. Funny enough the example you posted is well liked by most.

>beautiful woman
>cool armor
I don't see the issue

Faora was actually done really well

Why didn't supes just fucked her

Is that the female Kryptonian from Man of Steel?

they can wear whatever the fuck they want. that armor is objectively ugly-ass skyrim-tier garbage though.

Then why did gamers complain about the latest mortal kombat? I thought people bought that game for the over-the-top violence and not to jerk off.

I think people who use incel get no pussy if think you about it.

idk you'll have to ask them

>that armor is objectively ugly-ass skyrim-tier garbage though.
t. autistic "history buff"

newp, sorry faggo

A series with well established characters with well established designs has significant design changes for the sake of change, and that bothers people?

Well I never

Supes should had fucked her.

>Antje almost was Wonder Woman
>We will never see Faora again
Why brehs?

Nobody cares as long as it looks cool.

I complained because I'm against SJWs dictating what is ok or not to put in your video game characters.
In that game I couldn't care less if the women wear sexy clothing or not though.

maybe if she just took the casting couch like a good goy she would have been a famous star.

As far as armor goes, plate glued to chain mail is really the bottom of the barrel but it's still better than the bikini armors or the maid outfits everybody and their mother puts in videogames. I just played bloodstained it was embarassing.

I love ladies in plate armor

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People actually care about the character in MK? Because I never heard anyone care about them other than how cool or ridiculous they are, like Shao Khan.
Still, they’re the same characters, just wearing less revealing clothing because they’re not in a porn parody game. Makes sense to me.
Is pic-related cool?

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I like it

PeopIe in history rareIy ever wore that much armor. It's heavy as fuck and makes movement nearIy impossibIe.

AII you wouId need to do to defeat her is to sweep her Ieg and she is dead. There is a reason judo fighters don't come in wearing pIatemaiI.

>Because I never heard anyone care about them other than how cool or ridiculous they are, like Shao Khan.

You don't think the costume design might be part of whether or not they are cool or ridiculous, you fucking retard?

The game had a certain identity and whether or not you agree with that identity it was still an identity nevertheless. People were mad because that identity was replaced with something more in-line with something you'd see in an MCU movie for women while all men got a half naked costume.

I don't know, why would people complain about a political movement that threatens their entertainment? Really need a galaxy brain moment here, to figure this out.

The problem with MK was not them putting less revealing clothing in their female. characters.
The problem was them giving in to SJW pressure to do so, it's not good to just let this cancerous politics taint vydia.
The most obvious proof that they did it because of SJWs is that the females are all covered up, but the males are still shirtless giga chads.

I actually prefer it over skimpy armor most of the time, but I do prefer actual realistic armor. . So many dumbasses think that the chestplate is flat against the chest for males.

I think you’re one of those creepy weirdos who unironically jerk off to fighting games, judging by your defensiveness.
Seek some help, sicko.

I thought the designs already looked shit in mkx. The cool factor is gone.

>it's not good to just let this cancerous politics taint vydia.

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i dont see a problem here

no problem at all. thanks for bringing it up, post more.

I want her to scurry away from a conversation, surreptitiously follow her, watch her glance around, and when she thinks no one is watching, unleash a torrent of pee all over the ground

>Why do incełs have a problem with women wanting to dress in armor like this?
You don't see fatties or twinks complaining about pic related, do you? Woman sees hot woman as an adversary, men sees buff men as a inspiration.

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>left is political to push a message
>right is political to push an agenda

see? as long as you understand the difference it's all gucci.

I want to dress in armor all the time, and if I find a woman attractive, there is no way she would be worse in armor.
except, you know, I like them also not to wear anything at all.
a tantalizing dichotomy.

Deadly alliance or whichever one introduced boob physics I lost many faps to.

what I find most pathetic is the little pseudo-intellectual nerd fuckboys who think they're smart and totally perceptive for pointing out design flaws in stupid gaudy "impractical" armour. Like you want to make it clear to all your peers "I'm the smart one. I am the intellectual one. I understand combat and value logic above all" and you go on nitpicking this stupid shit that is made purely for the fuck of it. The overwhelming irony of it all is that you're the biggest motherfucking retard alive for actually believing you're the only one who can perceive the strategic faults of fanservice designs and thinking other people aren't as perceptive as you. Here's a reality check you fucking faggot. Everyone is aware of these things. They don't spend hours whining about it on image boards. Not because they're stupid, uneducated or unperceptive. It's because it's insignificant shit, and they aren't insecure enough to go whine about trivial realism bullshit in what is meant to be entertainment.

Because women in combat roles is joke and tiddies distract from it, if you take away tiddies all that remains is bad joke.

>i think pushing a message that is only one sided isn't pushing an agenda unless the people doing so blatantly say they are

gamers being dense as always
you literally have never gone out once, or even discussed the topic with actual women in person.
t. met my fiancée at comic con and was the one who introduced me to D&D conversions of TES

>latest mortal kombat
Oh look a resetera nigger.

Attached: MK11 no going to be showing so much skin.png (1828x1582, 2.92M)

>boob plates
What are you, an incel?

Those are people who can't stand to see other people having fun

>They don't spend hours whining about it on image boards. Not because they're stupid, uneducated or unperceptive. It's because it's insignificant shit, and they aren't insecure enough to go whine about trivial realism bullshit in what is meant to be entertainment.




>Goverment can fuck you up
>Humans are deep down still savages
>The good guy some times looks like a bad guy
>Destiny doesn't difine who you are

>Lesbo power
>Respect wehman

You literally play as a minority and protect other minorities in The Witcher 3, which I’m sure goes much deeper than that since I only played that game once.

>waaahh my fem studies reinforced my ideas that skimpy armor is totally sexist on women but not on men cuz muh beauty standards, meanwhile I ignore women hold men to certain standards too but they're not complaining about it

I played all the games on both sides and I think you either are shitposting or you really don't have the brains to understand what you just played

It's like having one side present an argument is somehow better than the other side shouting at people what they should like and if you don't you're an incel/racist/sexist and so on. Who knew?

Ah, a basedboi.

Shes only good looking german woman. Everyone else are manfaced trannies

what a dumb postL O L
nobody is shouting though, they include a darkie and people lose their shit

That's some dedication to get past the filters. You really wanted to shitpost this hard, huh? It's almost as if there's nothing else left in your life, you sad piece of shit.

>they include a darkie and people lose their shit
Under a banner of how progressive they are while presenting them as this untouchable being with immaculate arguments. Have a black character but don't pretend the sun shines out of their butt.

>boob armor
No problem with that. Just don't try to paint it as anything realistic.

>they include a darkie and people lose their shit
Last I recall people lost their shit specifically because Witcher 3 didn't have darkies. Or is it only shouting if it's against something you don't like?

The villains in the post-apocalyptic FC4 DLC were two black women.

>I thought people bought that game for the over-the-top violence and not to jerk off.
Then why is every single male character shirtless with nipples showing?

>stir up shit on Yea Forums
>come back later just to go why did Yea Forums get angry over this?
I wish women and faggots would leave gaming forever.

because every male gamer who actually cares about MK and takes it seriously is a closet homosexual, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

that armor is still sexist by sjw standards you retard

Attached: mk11-baraka-concept-art.jpg (1340x720, 136K)

The woman who shared this to me thinks otherwise. It’s stylized, but not the center of attention, like how some medieval armor had some literal boners and Hellenistic and Roman armor had six packs.

>no argument
>just a claim and some kind of "proof"? that he doesnt fit under that claim
My wife thinks you are a fucking faggot

Tell your wife that she’s inside of a computer simulation and the weirdo on the other side of the screen thinks he’s married to her.

You fucking boob, take like 5 seconds to google what you're talking about.
With that said, I had no issues with that. I had lots of issues with people screaming at Witcher 3 or even Persona 5 for not reaching an arbitrary number of black characters. It's not a binary yes/no, unless it's shitposting.

Realismfags are closet SJWs. Change my mind.




It's been a lot of fun watching my friend draw art for her paladin from our DnD campaign. It's a nice mix of practical and stylish.

I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung, want to pull up tough

But seriously though, I was born with a penis and would rather spend my hours of tedium looking at obscenely attractive women instead of whatever women and gays want me to look at.

who are you quoting?

Every incel weeb faggot in existence, you included.

Well, yeah, actually. Real life is way more skimpy than anything you'd see in a movie or game especially during summer where everyone is basically walking around naked and no one gives a fuck. The only times people want to censor women is because women can't handle other women more attractive than them.

Literally nobody in the thread said anything like that you schizo freak. Take your meds.

Clothes literally are censorship though, you do know humans are the only animal that wears clothes

That looks useless too

Incels behaving in that exact manner is the subject of this thread, dumbass. Can't have women in clothes and armor that doesn't make them look like prostitutes, otherwise it's censorship and Snoy's fault.

There's not a thing wrong when the hottest looking vidya character looks like this

Attached: she bad.png (840x672, 1.41M)

I don't, femoids have a problem with bikini armor though which I also like.

Guess we'd better ignore all the people saying they're fine with the armor then. Which seems to be most everyone.

well sjws started it by chimping out about bikini armour, we could have been nice and had both but they're being cunts about it

Nigga women in armor gets me harder than Chinese Algebra.

They aren't masculine.and are either twinks or hamplanets none combat effective

Nobody has but roasties

Thing is when you're beautiful you can wear anything

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>no helmet
what's the point?

Why is her face a box?

If you fuck them you are just as bad as them

How about we filter any uses the words/phrases:
>have sex

and somehow gook moot thinks desu senpai deserves a word filter

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I dont care how covered up they are as long as they don't look like a man.

Because all those words would be replaced with others ones.

God please filter that shit.

This. Faora's armor is top-tier. The only complaint that I have is that she didn't get enough screen time.

wouldn't change anything

>Mommy, hide the words I dislike for me!

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>tfw no redhead barbarian gf

Because they're permavirgin Yea Forumsincels.

are you kidding?
her fight scene was fucking awesome

Any pics of her being stripped and raped?

People don't like you changing established things, brainlet.
This is the biggest issue with """"the left"""" they keep changing things instead of creating things in their vision

no but wesrterncucks do

also, she's beautiful but she has that dyke aura and no, is not the haircut which I love btw

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Nice strawman, maybe you should start making scarecrows

Mein Gott shes hot

Nice deflection attempt.

This isn't any better than any other titty armour design
It's gaudy and impractical

Just like women amirite fellas

>minorities and LGBT: *exist*

They don't just exist do they? they infect and change established things to suit their "message" then demonize anyone who either brings this up or dares to not think like them. If they made their own shit, did their own thing, while letting other shit exist then no one would give a fuck but that's not the world we live in.

C'mon man I'm gay myself and even I know the far left is asking for too much.

>Boob plate

Literally just "Look at me I'm a woman look how progressive I am! Pay attention to me!"

Antje Traue could wear a trash can and I'd still be diamonds

A game with gay and black people isn't pushing nothing. You either accept it or not. The issue is when people rampantly shitpost against developers for adding gays and blacks to their games, ironically gamers are the ones pushing an agenda on developers.

who are these people who who complain about it and why do you care so much about such a small group of people who most have never seen complaining about it?

Actually, I want both.

>Then why did gamers complain about the latest mortal kombat?
Because they changes old designs, covered up the females while putting the males in bikini armor. It's hypocrisy.

>bikini armor
That's not bikini armor user.