So what games do you like to play while smoking Yea Forums?
So what games do you like to play while smoking Yea Forums?
Should i smoke? What are the pros of smoking, besides looking grown up
a slow and painful death
halo 2
>looking grown up
Are you literally fucking retarded?
You'll look super cool
there's only one pro
you die sooner and that's it
believe it or not some people do not consider this a pro
constant smoke breaks that let you talk with your coworkers
Just don't. Is a waste of money and health.
And yeah, I've been smoking for 2 decades, so believe me when I told you that you will regret it.
>pros of smoking
Okay bros, i'll stick to vidya and beer then, thanks
fucking faggot
isnt OP talking about lmao weed tho
Beer will corrode you liver
excuse me, faggot?
do not
tell me
Have sex have sex have sex have sex have sex have sex have sex have sex have sex have sex have sex have sex have sex have sex have sex have sexhave sex have sex have sex have sex have sexhave sex have sex have sex have sex have sexhave sex have sex have sex have sex have sex
drink cider
Well, we all gotta die someday
Lighting a cig at lunch or straight after work is the best feeling you'll ever experience in your life. Rolling it is like a ritual, and then... the sweet release of nicotine as you take the first puff. Shit hits you on a spiritual level. I miss being able to do cardio tho...
give me one (one) good reason to have sex
minecraft, sometimes I'll light one up at night instead of skipping it by sleeping
>drink a different type of alcohol even though all alcohol do that
STDs are like soldiers metals that establish your social status as top poon slayer.
Just vape, you won't make others suffer by the nasty smell of cigs too.
I don't smoke because smoking is cancer no matter what form it takes.
The only people who look cool when smoking already were cool
>Feel stimulated
>Allegedly higher testosterone levels
>Lowers systemic inflammation
>Everything else ranging from addiction, cancer, anxiety, COPD, stroke, cardiovascular disease, decreased sperm count and quality, erectile dysfunction
>beer and cider are the same thing
t. never had a drink in my life
Smash with friends and Pikmin 1 or Katamari Damacy if solo
I used to smoke but now I vape.
It took some adjustments but I can see this being a long-term thing.
I sometimes partake of other smokeables though.
>besides looking grown up
I can't remember the last time I saw somebody with a cigarette that looked even remotely serious or in control of their lives
he's talking about how smoking ages your skin, not how it makes you look mature
You’ll get personality.
Increased testosterone.
Enhanced brain capacity.
Look cooler.
In truth smoking feels amazing. The best breakfast is coffee and cigarettes. It will pump you up for a whole day. The problem is that your body gets used to the nicotine and you start to need more and more to match the good feeling you had before. I recommend trying it, but don't make a huge habit of it. Maybe just smoke with pretty girls at parties or something
It’s not really that you need more and more nicotine, just a bit longer breaks between if you want a nicotine high.
Based, smokecucks are street vermin
t. skinnyfat soýboy who never gets invited to parties
you must be one of those fags who think that someone getting drunk on certain types of beverages makes them behave differently
>just smoke with pretty girls at parties or something
So never
I’ve already been through my partying phase and I’m done with my master’s, kys you revolting permavirgin
Meant for
You lose money and that's it and only this you gain nothing but you only $ to look semicool or like a japanese businessman
Not that user but different beverages do have different effects, often based on the percentages of alcohol and levels of sugar/carbs and so on.
an hero, furfag.
sure, you might be driven to puking depending on the beverage, but some fags like think that getting drunk on bourbon makes someone angry, while getting drunk on gin makes a man ready to accept his delicious cock
Cigs? Nadda. A quick buzz that you stop feeling after the 10th time, like coffee but way more unhealthy.
Cannabis? You can feel nice like with alcohol except without the lowered inhibitions and hangovers
smoking weed is fine but ciggerettes only last light 15 min. but it is pleasant
lowered inhibitions are great, though. that's why alcolol has been used for millennia
Fuck off degenerate.
>Enhanced brain capacity.
Does no one else realize this is a joint?
This website was made for degenerates, electionscum.
So how does nicotine affect memory? The chemical actually mimics the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which stimulates nerve cell receptors in the brain. Stimulating these receptors revs up the system involved in attention, learning and memory skills.
nicotine is overated and a normie drug don't bother it's nothing special
fortnite is the only game i’ve played while smoking
It's also a risk factor for vascular dementia. Whatever memory benefit you get when you start smoking is negated in your older years.
I've been a smoker since 2007. More or less a pack per day.
Bought an iqos two weeks ago and I haven't touched normal cigs since then.
Quitting all together is better, but fuck vapes and this seriously feels like smoking a normal cigarette, but without all the nasty tar and shit.
The best games when LMAO'd are Rhythm games, VR, and AAA spectacle stuff
The best game to play if you smoke tobacco is IRL Frogger. If you plan on killing yourself anyway, stop being a pussy get it over with.
>Whatever memory benefit you get when you start smoking is negated in your older years.
Honestly so what? When you are an old expired sack of shit anyways, you might as well become demented and enjoy the last worthless years in blissful ignorance.
>smoking inside the house
fucking retards
>wanting to start a completely pointless habit that's not only expensive but also detrimental to your health
fucking retards
>having shitty habits and defending it with nihilistic world views like "lol we all die"
fucking retards
Beer is for boring people who can't be honest without being shitfaced
Smoking is for pretentious dumbasses who started in middle/highschool because apparently it was "cool"
Weed is for niggers, hippies and lifestyle uneployed people
Splash some cold water on your face, take a jog, eat more vegetables, do puzzles or meditate once in a while etc
I guarantee these will refresh you more than any shitty cup of coffee or smoking ever will,
both, which by the way cause you to be a nervous wreck once you're hooked and stop getting your daily fix.
You haven't been around people with actual dementia, have you?
You sound like the most boring person in this entire thread get a personality or something
As a former cigarette smoker, you should definitely NOT smoke cigarettes. If you need to smoke something, smoke weed. It's less harmful and way more fun.
I have, they often behave like children.
I'm personally an edibles type of guy.
Yes. It helped me bond with my dad when I was younger.
>having shitty habits means personality
fucking retards
I bet you think vaping neckbeards with round sunglasses and fedoras are cool
>It's less harmful and way more fun.
ah yes becoming a slow and stupid greasy stoner with a psychosis sure is fun and not harmful at all
>Smoking indoors
Absolutely disgusting, I bet your floor is covered in ash
Bullshit. They're prone to severe depression, violent mood swings with physical aggression. By end stage they're bed-ridden, septic, they soil themselves.
>T. I've actually worked with geriatrics in both homes and hospitals
I'll never forget the one who told me in a rare lapse of mental clarity: "If I had my husband's gun, I'd shoot myself right now. With this disease this isn't a life worth living"
>>Allegedly higher testosterone levels
please stop reading twitter propaganda
go the fuck outside you pathetic shit lol
>They're prone to severe depression, violent mood swings with physical aggression. By end stage they're bed-ridden, septic, they soil themselves.
Sounds like the average Yea Forums posters though AKA children.
would you rarther be slow or dead?
you leave beer out of this, you fucking wank
Spotted the limp wristed weak nu-male
Well, then, if that's your aspiration just for the privilege of shoving a fag in your mouth, then by all means go ahead.
Imagine getting defensive over smoking.
It has taken over your life.
>>Beer is for boring people who can't be honest without being shitfaced
T.Has never had actually good beer once in his entire life.
>>Weed is for niggers, hippies and lifestyle uneployed people
T.Has also never had decent weed in his life either and is now too afraid to try it.
Honestly, I say this as someone who doesn't drink often, never smokes tobacco and will never smoke weed either due to concerns over possibly causing the onset of schizophrenia(some of my relatives are schizos), there is nothing on this dumb faggot earth more boring then a straight edge faggot.
Life is completely over after you turn 40 anyways so whatever.
As long as it's not pub drinking, fine
but anyone who goes out on weekeds to drink overpriced maltwater with the hope of fucking a fat chick is a financially handicapped imbecil.
I especially LOVE hearing how people can't remember what they did last night but are somehow convinced they had fun
you know all those lame guys breath air right?
maybe you should stop doing that
Out of curiosity. What do you do for a living and how old are you?
Because with most careers, your life ends after college, then begins anew after 40, once you're financially stable.
You really sound really bitter because you’ve never had fun or enjoyed nights out with friends.
Too bad you missed the best parts of life lol
I know Yea Forums is full of actual children but this is a new low. Here's a fun fact, if you're not old enough to buy them, you sure as shit don't look cool smoking them. And if you are old enough to buy them, you don't need to worry about starting because only literal dumbass kiddies can justify buying into an expensive, addictive habit that's hazardous to your health for the sake of being "cool".
I have some faggot in the shop who literally talks about weed as often as he can. Its the most immature thing I've dealt with in the military by far and I've seen some shit.
>Buy a single brownie once a month
>Spend a day off enjoying it
>Never build a tolerance or dependency, it's like the first time every time
Just because weak-willed shits become potheads doesn't mean everyone who tries it does.
>you can't have fun or go out with friends unless alcohol is involved
OK retard
People who want to look cool vape now. People who smoke are just addicts most of the time.
Spending the evening bantering around with your friends after a few lagers is great. Gulping ten pints and playing beer pong with narcissistic cunts isn't.
Most careers where? Quite a few people aren't going to have financial security when they hit their 40s currently. Outsourcing and automation have taken quite a toll on career opportunities for average or slightly below average workers.
Accountant and 24 y/o.
What is the point of being financially stable when you are old and tied down and life has passed by?
jesus christ i can smell you through my computer
have sex
take a shower
hit the gym
I was too. At first, 75mg was all I needed a year ago. Yesterday I took 400mg. Slight (and I mean ever so slight) buzz. How do I rectify this?
it is Yea Forums we are talking about here
>with a fucking filter
take care of your body and if you have good genetics, you'll be more than capable of enjoying the fruits of your labor
Any career with decent demand in the West will allow you to have a decent lifestyle and save up some dosh/acquire some property. Just don't go into meme degrees like liberal arts of gender studies. Likewise, you can learnt a trade or become a technician. Also, don't have kids before you've actually secured a stable income that can cover it. Or don't have kids at all, it takes a load off your financial duties.
Lmao at that coping.
Go out and build some character or something
none, really.
i switched from regular smokes to weed and i feel like im starting to have better breath, and not having to grasp for air as much, also i dont get the urge to smoke like when i smoked cigs.
We called that school joints back in the day
>joints can't have filters hurr im a retard
>this triggers Yea Forumseddit
it's probably a crutch you retard but there's nothing wrong with using filters
I just don't find it interesting to sit in an old decrepit bar paying 300% price for beer when I could buy it cheaper and drink it with friends while having a poker night or whatever the fuck reason you can think for having an excuse to get people together in one place.
Bars and pubs are also full of degenerates, drunkards and whores, so you really can't even argue that you'll have good company.
Why would I need to cope when I'm clearly vehemently against such shitty behavior?
also, telling me to build character means nothing to me when the context for this is a discussion is about smoking and drinking.
You sound like a fucking underage retard with all those lols and lmaos, so I'm not exactly inclined to take you seriously.
not one country in Europe does put filters in a joint. neither do Morrocans (weed central in the Mediterranean). it completely negates most of the effect the joint can have. so no, joints can't have filters, unless you are a retard.
You're proving their point
Lol cope boring old loser
>it completely negates most of the effect the joint can have
Why are stoners always literal retards?
imagine the smell
>get called out
>act even more retarded
OK retard
School joints.
Literally used to hide and smoke them among cigarettes while in school and not get completely fucked because the filter mellows the THC.
well we do that in america europoor
Obviously because you are a bunch of fragile pussies.
only cool kids damage their lungs
Only weak mutts take damage from smoking
>I just don't find it interesting to sit in an old decrepit bar paying 300% price for beer
If you live in a big city and you want to have a beer after work when everyone lives 1h apart, bars are a godsend.
It also helps to get out and see a different environment, some people enjoy the feeling of being in a new place.
>Bars and pubs are also full of degenerates, drunkards and whores
don't go full /sig/ on us. what you are describing is the bottom 1% of bars on a college night.
Only soyboys die from drinking bleach, everyone else gets superpowers
Trust me
Nah. Will gladly have a Djarum Black with the guys before going inside for a game, however
if i don't have any for a week or so i go back to rookie levels
>don't go full /sig/ on us. what you are describing is the bottom 1% of bars on a college night.
there's like 3 bars near me and they're all literal spitoons
Yes I know? Literally pour bleach over my oats every day
>there's like 3 bars near me and they're all literal spitoons
You most likely live in a shithole.
Nah, t's just the bars that are garbage
if I lived in some kind of scottish village with a nice tavern I'd be way more interested in going to a local place instead, but as it stands only alcoholics visit these ones in my city.
The quality of the customers reflects on the quality of the establishment, I suppose
Smoking weed and playing Crash Team Racing and Splatoon 2