What's that...

What's that? Of course I only play as clown/jester characters in every game they're playable in(including customizing my Avatar character as a clown/jester), sympathize with clown/jester villains like Kefka Palazzo and Dimentio, and have Lola Pop from ARMS and Nights(Sega) as my waifu. How'd you know?

Attached: Clown.jpg (900x1350, 320K)

>multiple waifus
Clown behavior, indeed.

kill jesta

Attached: map of v.png (1694x1124, 174K)

And I have even more in my clown car.

Attached: ringling-circus-museum-7.jpg (300x225, 31K)

This summarizes all of Yea Forums. There's nothing else people do on this board.

based clown poster

I'm here for 2Clowns

2Clowns eh? Here you go.

Attached: D3Vw3iFWAAEekpT.jpg (1068x1200, 118K)

Attached: D6ukQdOWkAE-bqm.png (550x800, 404K)

Those sure are some giant balloons.

Attached: tumblr_patysuHwfD1t0lt8go4_250.gif (250x235, 709K)

>having multiple waifus
you should feel bad clownchad, thats just rude.

Attached: gabriel-ramos-sept14sketchsmall.jpg (1920x2484, 666K)

B-but it's a polyamorous relationship.....

Attached: a9c6ee505b08bda609f752d67e1df179.jpg (1536x2048, 259K)

Now enough clowning around, post your favorite vidya clown characters.

Attached: Kefka_(Dissidia).png (683x1038, 936K)

Attached: dbnng4y-080b955a-8914-4f45-98e0-d6beb4748b87.jpg (600x800, 209K)

Is this a fetish? If it is then where can I find more

There's a clown thread on /aco/ right now.

Attached: big ol' honkers.png (909x1920, 1.35M)

>talks about jesters
>No mention of chuckles from ultima

Clown fetish is a thing, yes. Unfortunately, it's a rather niche one, so you'll have a hard time finding some material for it. Both 2D and 3D.

Attached: 1562907232999.png (540x698, 217K)

Attached: 2b_the_clown_by_mechnub_dcv0504-fullview.jpg (1920x2225, 288K)

And so I arrive, like a sudden windstorm at a kindergarten picnic!

Attached: dimentio spin.gif (247x206, 237K)

let's get pumped

Attached: 1521083864924.gif (572x848, 113K)


Attached: HonkHonk.gif (2952x3047, 1.76M)

Why are clown girls so attractive?

Good looks, fun personality and supreme taste in fashion.

Attached: 1563325239536.png (711x1199, 413K)

oppressor mk 2 owners post update

Attached: 1447627975582.gif (270x263, 3.91M)

And super colorful

fuck you

SCREE- honk honk

Attached: 2C-S.png (1000x1687, 483K)

You didn't represent my threads, faggot!
The ones about actual vidya that die in 12 posts...

Attached: 1455172082700.jpg (537x536, 123K)

That, too.

Attached: 27cf1c71df7d5787ba011f157d81f568.jpg (878x1239, 85K)

Can someone explain how the Clown 2B thing started? I feel like I missed something and then one day it was everywhere.

Found OP's Facebook

Attached: 12379208d971393ef6a8bc5eecd51a07_original.png (580x819, 231K)

>regular arms

Funny enough, I saw the gameplay trailer for it before and it looked pretty fun and interesting.

Attached: sample_286eacf881501fbb634710f590405712.jpg (850x1114, 133K)

Much better, thank you.

Attached: wow_gay_by_nyakka_dcf6ii9-fullview.jpg (1024x576, 67K)

You sure about that?

Attached: 1518480901.rabid_lolatwintellevolleyballb.jpg (1680x1020, 1.01M)

Someone post the clown mother/daughter comic.