Have you ever had a heated moment while gaming that you regretted later?
Have you ever had a heated moment while gaming that you regretted later?
Other urls found in this thread:
literally who?
>this is news now
Stop posting this you nigger
>isabelle or snake player
First off: why the fuck is this news
Secondly: Twitter screencaps are not vidya, fuck off nigger
At least they're not calling this abomination a "girl" anymore.
We shouldn't go after kids for edgy humor they'll grow out of. I feel the same way for most of you teenage, underage posters
Based tranny
Quadruple Nigger: ChinkMax
I was walking down the sidewalk and I heard someone yell a racial slur from inside their house. Called the cops and hes in jail now. I did good.
Kinda fucked up to do that to a 15-year old.
I've had plenty of "gamer moments" Sadly, society sees my justified hatred of women and minorities as evil
Big difference between making fun of stereotypes and saying you want to lynch people.
After pic related happened, I'm not surprised
Asian Gorl just moments before putting on her strapon
the guy she beat is a pedophile, why don't they focus on that?
knew most racist whitebois are just tranny freaks
Do they actually consider this news?
Ok, this is actually pretty funny
Yeah let's just ruin this child's life forever because they spouted off an edgy meme, why is the world like this now
what a goober
Having a relationship with a 17yo doesn't make you a pedo. Also, trannies aren't girls.
Stupid edgelord kids deserve to suffer for their stupidity.
Gamers. Say it with me. Loud and clear.
What a fucking nigger.
He already ruined his life by snipping dick and taking hormones so who cares if others do too
If you join the lynch mob enthusiastically enough, it keeps them from digging tor the skeletons in your closet temporarily.
Report your friends and neighbors for wrongthink.
Every game should have a "Nigger" button.
I call people nigger all the time but I make it a habit to go through my discord and delete any risque messages in case I get famous.
I'd love to have a bug planted on these twitter warriors 24/7 just to see what kinds of things they say when they're in private conversations
Victim olympics.
>private Discord server
If it's private, then why would anyone care?
It's wrongthink you idiot
You're not even allowed to think the wrong things anymore, what makes you think you're allowed to type them?
bitch nigger
I honestly can't stop saying "nigger". It's becoming an addiction of mine. Hopefully heated gamer moments won't become illegal in the future or else I'd get in trouble.
I’m glad this shit wasn’t happening back in the 2005-2010 era of online gaming
What a fucking ni
are they talking about Bocchi?
those deleted messages are still logged on discord's own servers. also you can't delete them from other people's screencaps
>those deleted messages are still logged on discord's own servers.
Would look pretty bad on discord to leak private information like that.
>also you can't delete them from other people's screencaps
Prove it's not edited.
Deleting them from your end doesn't do shit dawg, at this point just own up to your nigger hating behavior
Why is this news
Give me the microphone.
Listen up.
I'm sick and tired of all you ecelebs runnin' your twitter drama
Every single day you come out here, you make the same damn posts "Trump" this, "Incel" that.
Well guess what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna take my mouse
I'm gonna click on the reply button
I'm gunna start typing in the reply box
I said I'm gunna start typing in the reply box
I'm gunna call you a faggot
A speed run watching fairy
An autist
A twitch donating beta male
A no good fat son of a bitch
I'm gonna solve that captcha
The one with the fire hydrants
The one with the stoplights
The one with the crosswalks
The one with the cars
The one with the busses
The one with the STOREFRONTS
I'm gonna click submit
I said I'm gonna click submit
I'm gunna shitpost your feed
Send all you cringey sons of bitches home
I said I'll send you back
i constantly scream nigger if thats what you are asking op
it wasn't an edgy meme or humour though, xir was just throwing around nigger for no reason
actual true story
>Friend is a semi-famous streamer
>Not saying which one because fuck you guys
>Plays a bunch of meme joke games on twitch but never played any fighting game
>Wants me to be on his stream to "teach" him to play ranked in Tekken 7 because he thinks it'll be a funny "bit"
>tfw I literally can't stop myself from screaming FUCKING NIGGER whenever I lose while playing ranked at home
>I might actually ruin his fucking life if I go on his stream
I watch njpw so I don't care
>shame shame shame, end this mans career!
Based Stone Cold
>Would look pretty bad on discord to leak private information like that.
Not really. Anyone with half a brain knows discord messages are not really private.
>Prove it's not edited.
Don't need to. The evidence of Bocci saying nigger was literally just screen caps of her messages on discord and nobody questioned their authenticity. Same with the Harvard kid who got his admission pulled for saying Nigger on a google doc.
Whenever I read "FUCKING NIGGER" I hear it in Tana Mongo's voice in my head youtube.com
She is literally a child
Why is this fucking news
> I literally can't stop myself from screaming FUCKING NIGGER whenever I lose while playing ranked at home
Also known as being edgy for humor. Or do you think 'lynch niggers' was a serious instruction.
hang in there buddy
haha man "lynch niggers" what a classic
Who gives a fuck
literally who?
This but unironically
Absolutely fucking based
Literal teenage edgy humor isn't actually funny therefore it was a serious instruction to go out and actually lynch black people
Can't wait for the "twitch celebrity caught mumbling what we think is a racist slur on the bathroom" tweet
> comfortable with lynching niggers
> not okay with his own gender
current year is hilarious
It's just a really satisfying curse word. The worse/more damaging the curse is in societies eyes the more satisfying it is to say when you're upset. Go ahead try it. Next time you stub your toe yell "FLUFFY BUNNIES" and notice how shitty you still feel. The time after that yell "FUCKING NIGGERS". You'll just feel all the pain just melt away.
I guess even trannies aren't protected from saying nigger.
Imagine not even being able to say shit in private servers without getting in trouble
>say nigger 30 years ago
>career over
>say nigger as a joke
>career over
>say nigger in private
>career over
>dumb kids deserve to suffer for being dumb kids
my god, why do people care.
I feel bad for kids these days, everything they say or do is documented.
Shit's going to be fucked in 20 years when people decide to investigate other people.
gay play a real fighting game
Hell, putting a password on a chatroom controlled by a 3rd-party corporation counts as "private" nowadays?
Saying "niggers" but apologizing for it would've probably been okay. Saying it but not apologizing, he could've maybe survived by playing the victim card. Saying "I lynch niggers" and not apologizing, that's not going to fly in a community that's like 30% black.
Cancel culture is one hell of a drug.
This person searched the word in a discord they were in to find dirt on them lmfao
Apologizing for it almost never makes it okay. It just ends up getting used against you even more.
These days? I have backups of all my Trillian logs.
maybe dont say nigger
it's not hard
maybe stop giving a shit
it's not hard
>when he says nigger
It must be a surreal feeling to be a black smash player and knowing every smash player you play against hates you or it fuels them.
>Saying "niggers" but apologizing for it would've probably been okay
It absolutely would not have been okay.
Onsokomaru is a fucking nigger
Apparently it is cause you just said it.
The actual good player(Stroder) in that discord who also said nigger, apologized and seems to have gotten off scot-free.
brb forwarding this post to your friends, family and employers.
> nigger not censored
> basedboy is censored
why cant i make fun of basedboys to
>get mad at someone
>call them a name
>you are forever branded
Shit man it's like people being crazy sinners all over again. Will the second coming of jesus wash away all our nigger sins?
Or you play with people that don't care and spend half their day fapping to hentai
>implying I have any of those
stop saying I can't say it
it's reverse psychology
nigger nigger
nigger word lmao
Thank god is just an amerimutt and europoor problem.
>and spend half their day fapping to hentai
But I was told those were the racists
Good. Fuck trannies and fuck the faggots here that disagree
i am black and i think thats stupid. say whatever the fuck you want, it's just a word. so fuck you
shut up, Nigger.
But that’s Smash Bros
>refering to good video game players as prodigies
We have failed as a civilization
>Breaking News: 15 year old acts like a 15 year old
you fucking niggers need to go to Wakanda to get a pass first, fucking idiots. Why don't you just google a guide before it you start complaining about broken nigger mechanics?
Only because everyone is focused on Bocci right now, and he made a twitter thread profusely apologizing about his use of the word in most cases apologizes don't actually help. I doubt a simple "yeah I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said this" would have sufficed.
>saying anything even remotely offensive on your internet accounts
people are so dumb it hurts. This shit happens way too often. Jobs even do internet background checks. If you're going to be edgy make throwaway accounts or be anonymous
Minor swearing online why is this worthy of sharing?
>Oh wait, a transperson said it? NVM ban the N-Word.
What a fucking hypocrite.
The funny thing is, this is white people snitching on each other. I think that is kind of pathetic desu.
>Fuck trannies
What are you gay?
dont bother its a bunch of off site basedboys playing Yea Forums, notice how they act exactly how leftist think the alt right does and imitate certain phrases from /pol/
It happens all the time at most jobs.
stop being offended by a word when you're not even a nigger, nigger.
Good. The smash community is hot fucking garbage and needs to sink already.
Who knew literal discord trannies are actually based
It's hilarious how many virtue signallers are in that thread with Etika's logo. They can condemn a dumb kid that said edgy shit when they were 14 but it's cool when a grown ass 30 year old man did the same thing.
It's not just nigger though, If I say a tranny is mentally ill the same thing would happen. It's pretty stupid
Who are you quoting?
there is literally nothing wrong with saying "nigger", or even "lynch every single nigger on planet earth". you should be allowed to say literally anything at any time, no matter what.
of course youre also allowed to say "lynch all white people", not that i give a damn what faggots write about my race lmfao
Shut your coon ass up.
This is the way Yea Forums dies
Just give her her own space already!
Damn you smashfags just grind my gears, xhe is a young person in the industry who did something in a PRIVATE discord server, what the hell is wrong with you guys
This, Etika would be disgusted by grown adults bullying a child over the nigger word. He openly advocated for everyone to be able to use it.
> not getting nigs to curb stomp trannies for you for fun
what happened to this place its like old tumblr with gay guys instead of landwhales
no, it wouldn't
there are degrees of what is socially unacceptable
It's going to be a real shame when bad things start happening to 'journalists'
A real shame
Based black niggerman
Because white people are cowards.
Holy fuck the smash community is transphobic its fucking disgusting
the N-word
Can confirm. I really do want to rise up now that they've put that idea into my head.
Bocchi is /ourtranny/
>the nigger word.
The phrasing of this feels really odd to me
Based African-originated male
>Jobs doing bankground check on offensive things you said as a teenager on a discord channel for a video game
You're acting like she/he was being edgy on Linkden or Facebook with their real name attached. This logic just perpetuates asinine culture where people need to be "canceled" for saying anything remotely offensive even in private messages. Also we're talking about a literal 15 year old child.
Fuck this guy up He's being a nigger
Reminder that a lot of well respected top Smash players would casually say fag and rape back when they were 15.
This, the joy of totally free speech is that people will reveal themselves early anyway
Fuck you I love you thanks for finding humor in these shit threads.
Many of them were the same people who said mental illness didn't excuse Etika saying racist/sexist/anti-semetic shit before he killed himself.
Oof. Yikes. You really just said that? I'm sending this to all your potential employers and friends, your life is over you problematic bigot
The thing that pisses me off is the people passing judgement on these fifteen year old CHILDREN are late 20s boomers — who NEVER had to abide by these ridiculous rules and said whatever dumb shit they wanted when they were freshmen in fucking high school.
>caught using racist slur in private
these are the words that should be focused on
if you don't see what's wrong with this, you are literally mentally ill
And you will never be allowed to so long as you utter the forbidden word.
They're a tranny hes already ruined his life.
Shut the fuck up newrmie. Yea Forums protects its own. Bocchi is based.
Only 15 year old boys act like that. Why would a 15 year old girl like bocchi say nigger? Strange...
No matter how strong the wind howls, the mountain will not yield.
>oh no he said the N wrd, he needs to be arrested right now.
Americans really have reached this stage of "freedom".
This shit was unthinkable 10 years ago, its like the inquisition or some shit
It's the truth you fucking soiboy
Based and slup gawd.
Rules for thee, not for me.
I see you've never had female friends in highschool.
Some of the girls i hung around were way edgier than any guys i knew.
>late 20s boomers
>the second clip in this video (19 seconds)
>tfw this was right after melee's comeback into the mainstream so they quickly shifted into "esports mode" but boss didn't get the memo
>teenager girls would never say nigger
I do tranny
Now dilate
Soon enough they'll be able to read our thought waves emitting n word energy
Good. I don't give a fuck what Yea Forums thinks about trannies and black people but fuck zoomers. Fucking soiboys deserve to get fired/canceled for being retards online. If you're gonna say a word then just say it with your friends irl. Of course this board wouldn't understand that seeing how no one here actually has friends and will forever be a permavirgin.
Oh boy I sure do love video games
Faggot deserved it for having a punchable face and being a cuck who backpedaled
>Yea Forums will accept trannies as long as they say nigger
Yea Forumssetera when? We're already taking over
>Smash prodigy
Oh dear lord my sides.
Based basketball American yu cool bro
Your friends are pretty much trannies. Why would I associate with any woman that's so unfeminine?
yeah but what if im whte but identify with as black becuse I understand the black maans struggle, can i say the n word now?
>Fucking soiboys deserve to get fired/canceled for being retards online.
He says while posting on Yea Forums(nel). What a loser.
Who is that?
there was literally a major Melee crew called "Death By Rape" and nobody cared
the 2010s SJW uprising changed everything
is Bocchi actually a tranny or are you just memeing because she has a man voice?
are actual Human Beings of Increased Skin Pigmentation even bothered by some kid saying nigger? if they are: yikes, what a bunch of pussies. if they aren't: whats so terrible about saying nigger?
We need more users like this instead of screeching about their tranny boogieman for the one millionth time today
>wanting people fired and canceled over single word online to ban it even in private messages
What a nigger.
Thanks for removing all doubt.
Based melanin-enriched individual
this kids a fag
But they weren't trannies and in fact they made trannies and fags uncomfortanle so it was based. Ultizoomers are fags Meleechads are rad.
But what if it's a mountain of feathers?
t. zoomer
You have to go back, nigger.
>HEADLINE: Private citizen overheard uttering speech crime in a private setting
Who gives a fuck?
>say slur in private, life ruined
>trump says whatever he wants, is president
So what's the difference? is it the confidence/attitude? Or is it dependent on the amount of power you have already? Really big ecelebs can pretty much get away with anything aside from a mild penalty. And jontron got out of permanent hate by basically ignoring media for a year.
I wonder what happens to people when they get unpersoned.
I agree with your post but why the fuck do you have an image of shrek doge saved that's one of the gayest things I've ever seen
>"Death By Rape"
9-year-old Yea Forums prodigy caught using racist slur in public image board. click here for more: vocaroo.com
>Isabelle main
>puts out
>has a dick
>says the hard r
Literally the perfect woman
>who gives a fuck
Apparently everyone
how long until its a crime to not be enraged about speech crime?
Trump never said the N word
This comes to show that apologies will only be used against you. This will raise a generation that denies shit more than your favorite politician; the honest are rooted out in favor of sycophants
I have literally no social media presence at all. Only even got Whatsapp because I got tired of having to text and recieve texts from my manager.
Are you genuinely autistic?
Get conservative Bible thumpers on your side and you can get away with whatever you want.
At EXACTLY 9:00PMEST I m going to post the n word in this thread. The ONLY thing that can stop me is a reply to this post that features triply repeating digits in the last three number values of their post number.
You have less than an hour.
trump came from money and works for himself. He plays by a different set of rules than the average joe
oh no a racist slur, god help us!
>in private discord server
holy fuck why is this news, what people do in the shadows (as long as it isn't affecting other people's lives) shouldn't be anybody's goddamn business. I know it's not a popular opinion in the world at large, but people should allowed to be racist assholes in the privacy of their own home, or I guess in this case the privacy of their own discord server.
I swear to christ everyone's just out to ruin everyone else's lives anymore, it's not even about proving how "woke" you are it's just about who can keep their head above the water the longest before they're also forcefully drowned by this callout/cancel culture.
true. when you cant get fired its harder for shit to hurt you outside of reputation
>Yea Forums torn between their fiery hatred of trannies and their fervent defense for being an edgy faggot online
There's no way he hasn't said nigger with the hard r in private, he's just a businessman so he knows not to say it in public.
do the nigger criss-cross
whenever you say nigger to someone in person, make them do the same to you.
now you both hold equal power over each other and won't rat each other out. feel free to continue saying nigger in the other persons presence or listen to them saying nigger as much as they want.
there, I fixed the problem
Perhaps if you take the seventh number from this post and substract the final number from it.
not really its just gay guy Tumblr now
Wait. if its a private discord how did it become public? did someone from her server expose her?
>fiery hatred of trannies
This board wants to fuck trannies even more than /gif/
That's probably one of the only words he wouldn't be able to say and get away with. It's funny when you realize he would face more consequences for simply using a slur than saying he grabs women by the pussy and calling africa a shithole and telling politicians to go back there. But you're right that power and influence can shield you from cancel culture, we live in a clown world.
private discord is an oxymoron
hello redd*t
You're conducting an interview with Samuel L Jackson and he suddenly insists the interview will not continue until you say the N word. What do you do?
zoomers are obsessed with niggers, they love to listen to them and talk about them all the time
posting this while its still legal.
man will i hate myself for this post in 30 years when my life will be wrecked over it.
they post invites to their discord all the time
she is not a tranny
That is all.
Proceed, Mr. Jackson.
shut up nigger
Fuck trannies but ALSO fuck niggers
What the fuck is her problem?
Guys I don't know what to think anymore
I don't want to call myself right-wing because most of the GOP are hypocritical retards
But I don't want to call myself left-wing because of shit like this
And I don't want to call myself a centrist because most of the people who are centrists are full of themselves and wave it around what do I do
Yea Forums is anonymous for a reason
i'm so sorry. you have been cancelled. you've been mass exiled from all your friend groups and now have no support structures or pathway to improvement. thankfully, this is the healthiest solution and fixes everything every time
>centrists are full of themselves and wave it around what do I do
by doing exactly what you hate them for lmao stay cucked fence shitter
what would happen if he DID say it? They can't impeach him for that.
Go full anarchist
I'm pretty sure everyone has said Nigger out loud before in public or private.
IPs are still being tracked and logged mate
she is a girl btw
why are you concerned that much with labeling yourself? unless you're running for public office who gives a fuck
>he doesn't know
Also that's not him.
I've literally never voted in my life, fuck politics
>cousin used to date black people
>dumbass young me walk into the room saying whats up niggas
>everyone just laughed it off
shame it doesn't happen anymore these days
Is she even a fucking tranny? I've only seen people say that here.
It's a tranny. A man in a dress. A mentally ill trannoid abomination of nature that will burn in hell for eternity when they eventually neck themselves in their 20s.
"She" plays Smash, do the math
She's not, though. She's an actual fucking girl who was born female.
So its a public discord and they gave out invites.
I don't think we should ruin this kid's life over it but It's her own fault for not being more careful about who comes in her server if she does like being a edgy little shit.
That's wrong though.
It would absolutely accelerate the process and tank his approval ratings more than anything else he could say, probably even moreso than admitting to any actual crimes. Short of admitting he flew on Epstien's plane to fuck children I really struggle to think of anything worse Trump could realistically say than the word nigger.
>kids says nigger like every other fucking teen since the beginning of time
>commies and shitskins face when
What are you called if you manipulate both the right-wing and left-wing for your own benefit?
you can already lose your sponsorship if your parents used the N word before you were born
pretty soon any ancestor too
I really hope no one digs up my msn post history because I probably said some fucked up shit
it's kinda funny how back in the day you could have said all kinds of bullshit and people either forgot or didn't care, now what you say is on the internet FOREVER and people will demonize you if you fuck up once
also this thread is trash kill yourself OP
Being apolitical is the thinking man’s approach in an age where literally anyone can be labeled as a politician
>Trump could realistically say than the word nigger.
I mean he's said grab her by the pussy already. Black people never vote republican anyway
It's her own fault for not being more careful about who comes in her server if she does like being a edgy little shit. Doesn't matter if she's 15 or 25.
honestly I work with about 50% white people 40% black people and 10% asian/etc and as long as you aren't being a malicious asshole and telling them to fucking die or something it doesn't matter what you say.
I was just fucking around with a new asian hire a while back and called him a chinaman and he looked me in the eye and said "hey white boy, we prefer the term chink"
no he isn't lmao
i know but what the fuck is her problem
a jew
literally honking over here lads
literally is lmao
This can only be the inner workings of...
how can someones last name be Diabetes?
At this point he could literally say "nigger babies deserve to be raped" and his cult would still defend him.
right wing is the place to be right now. left wing too easily allies with liberals and accomplishes nothing. right wing is home to paleoconservatives and traditionalists who are more likely to genuinely oppose the capitalists who are destroying the world.
reported this post to the authorities. enjoy prison you racist fucker kthxbye.
Literally North Korea
>it's a fucking tranny
nvm I hope the leftards eat this freak alive
Saying Nigger in the current culture climate is infinitely worse that saying you grab pussies. White people care just as much if not even moreso, even republicans will condem Trump's remarks as "offensive" even if they won't say it's racism. Not as easy to do when he's literally saying Nigger.
>genuinely oppose the capitalists who are destroying the world.
>gives trillions in tax breaks
Whatever you say, my Nigger friend.
: ^ )
Just call yourself a libertarian
at least McConnell is fighting back
The right wing is a zionist shill force right now.
step the presses! 15 year old boy acting edgy never before seen in the wild!
>right wing now
> genuinely oppose the capitalists who are destroying the world.
Anyone that denies the fact that never said the n word when they were younger is a fucking liar. Kids especially teenagers are edgy rebellious fucks.
gonna order me some papa johns right about now lads
the left dont support freedom of speech, thats the right
The captcha part got me, I swear to god I can't imagine how many hours of my life I have wasted clicking on stupid traffic shit for Google OVER AND OVER I CLICKED ALL THE BUSES YOU FUCKING SHIT
Congratulations you're a normal ass human being
lmao underage detected
Unless you say anything about the President that isn't kissing his ass lmao
fuck off nigger
people have never been censored for talking shit about the president, thats literally freedom of speech in action
they are not mentioning gender because it doesn't fit the narrative
>t. nigger
Lynch niggers, and tranny faggots like you
*glass shatters*
>be kang descendent
>used to chimpout over the word 'nigger'
>acheive ZEN and realise context matters and its best to treat words like water against your skin
I missed the days when I could have great racial bantz with the cumskin lads, then outrage culture took over.
imagine being 15 years old and already being a tranny
ruined your own life before your brain even developed fully to see how fucking retarded you are
true tragedy
>fuck trump
>maga hat
Holy based
in what context can you use that word and have it not be offensive
>I don’t like when you say nigger
Or if you’re reading it in a book
How did he get away with it?
>Scream about how the internet is evil for even looking at the 15 year olds videos because "THEY DONT LIKE THE ATTENTION"
>Do this not even a month later
Really... makes you think.
I still love my bocchi gf (male(underage))
yeah those are fine. how does that apply to video games though
He could say "African babies are being raped by [Muslim extremists]" and he wouldn't face any consequences if he didn't use the word nigger.
this is how he responds to anyone saying he can't say the n word
He's Irish
i messed up the timestamp fuckfuckfuckfuck 4:13
A friend of mine tells me that someone called me a 'nigger' behind my back, but he'd probably still say the "n-word" most likely. There's situations like this too.
Matt definitely wants Kamiya to fuck his bumhole
You have to go back, reddit.
Wojak posters, what do you expect.
But scientists and university professors told us that kids must make radical life-changing decisions at a young age, user.
Don't you trust the scientists and university professors?
It's a fucking leaf poster. I know it.
He will soar across the stars.
>Don't tell me how to do my job, nigger.
He's self employed and isn't reliant on sponsors. Also I don't think he's ever said it in one of his review videos.
Bocchi was almost the equivalent of a YouTuber influencer at times. Good. Fuck him.
>Lilly Diabetes
excuse me?
What happened to just calling someone a bitch? Did it lose it's effectiveness?
Okay there is definitely a giant group network out there that spams these companies with this shit, literally no thinking human would give one shit about that.
It's not nearly as taboo so yeah kinda. You also have to be more creative for it to have the same punch as nigger, like 'bitch boy' or 'baby bitch' or 'bitch nigger'
Racism doesn't actually exist prove me wrong
sounds like an n-word pass to me
Zoomers are the worst edgelords
Honestly Jews displacing a shitload of Palestinians because of their religion is stupid
I aint antisemitic but they're literally forcing their religion onto others and invading their homeland
Could you imagine if Christians did the same thing be it past or present?
>in private Discord server
Then why couldn’t that shit stay private, unless they are saying and doing racist shit in public I could not care less
don't be anti-semetic now user, remember the 6 quintillion
lol she definitely posts here
Don't say anything bad about Jews or Trump will get angry
>Smash Bros prodigy
Yes, christians never forced their religion on anyone ever.
who is pic related
>someone is gonna screencap all of this and expose us
someone sure did
shut up nigger morgan is our based queen
Based and redpilled
Random Korean girl from instagram. People meme'd her up to be some Japanese woman that killed herself.
>a discord tranny is a /pol/tard
How not surprising at all
trannyism and othergendering is a teenager fad like cutting yourself was a decade ago
Based and enlightened melanin-enriched American
you hurt their feelings.
>outrage over something edgy a 15 year old said
kids have been edgy for all of human history, putting them to the same standard as an adult is absurd. if anything, it contributes to the anti pc culture movement and gives ammo to the right.
>didn’t even do it
If he's mature enough to decide that he's a woman then he's mature enough to be held to saying nigger
>Have you ever had a heated moment while gaming
>that you regretted later?
fuck no. nobody regrets it. they only regret being caught and getting #cancelled.
totally disagree with the implicit premise that they are equivalent. a teenager might discover they are gay, but that doesn't mean they have the comprehension of the complexities of social maturity which is only achieved as an adult.
the N-word
>putting yourself on women's hormones requires less maturity than not saying nigger
Always wondered how facebook plugin comments worked on other sites
the N-word
Not even remotely the same. At 15 you're still in school and forced to interact with other kids around you. It's only common sense that they are going to say and do think others around them do because they are basically forced to witness and hear it all. Do you honestly believe you were the exact same when you were 15 as you are now?
*honk honk*
>sins of the father
>still no formal apology
>if those israel niggers weren't so retarded, they would have ACTUALLY gotten away with ruining his entire life
This genuinely makes me question how far the pendulum has swung.
>games journalism
A 15 year old said something racist? Stop the fucking presses!
At least when it swings back Hitler will be proud
>Do you honestly believe you were the exact same when you were 15 as you are now?
If he's mature enough to decide that he's a woman then he's mature enough to say nigger
>Isabelle player:
>15 y.o. racist tranny
>Snake player:
>28 y.o. pedo faggot
apologizing makes it worse 100% of the time. the best thing is to just lay low, reduce your public presence as much as possible, and hope it blows over.
they are completely different that are concerned with different aspects of the brain and experience different environmental pressures.
I can't tell if you're badly arguing from a position of hating trannies, or if you're arguing from a position of actually thinking he deserved being publicly lynched for saying nigger.
>replying to @Sargon_of_Akkad
>Can choose to be a women
>can't choose to be a nigger and say the N-word
how come?
I have no idea how anyone could actually come to this conclusion
>impressionable kids are encouraged to listen to rap music
>start repeating the lyrics
Stuck in that early 2018-era /pol/ mindset
>who are more likely to genuinely oppose the capitalists who are destroying the world.
you mean globalists.
the only thing left for journos before unemployment is reporting on political correctness of literally whose like if they were politicians
i've said it before and I will say it again: revoke journos right to use the internet
By being severely delusional and sheltered
>believing in hell
by looking at how "leftists" fell in lockstep behind Obama, Hillary, CNN, and Google
Globalism is just the logical conclusion of free market capitalism.
>putting them to the same standard as an adult is absurd.
It is absurd true, but it's also absurd that we demand kids to learn enough high profile math/science that they could technically create dirty bombs if they wanted to. Or that they are running some of the same anti-terrorist drills that adults do at work.
PC culture unironically has little to do with this. The bar for standards is slowly rising across the board and the kids are going to have to deal with. Also don't forget that edgy 15yr old is one year away from being able to drive car in a prominently adult driving population.
>paleoconservatives and traditionalists
they hate "globalists", not capitalists. the right is totally and vastly fine with capitalism, except for the tiny fringe minority like neo reactionaries or nazbol who can't really be considered either "right" or "left",
You can run on for a long time.
It's a good thing you put leftists in quotes because you would look pretty stupid otherwise
>not mature enough to have sex
>mature enough to cut out genitals permanently
>Globalism is just the logical conclusion of free market capitalism.
No its fucking not, you need smaller groups and representation or else the system collapses in on itself. Especially for a system that is only effective when the upper echelon is close to the bottom percentage. Once globalism is introduced the "trickle down economics" turn into a light mist.
>15 years old
Are they really going to hold this kid accountable for this?
Reasonable people are already well aware, it's just normal sociopaths and armchair authoritarians looking for any excuse for their 2 minute hate brigade, even if it means going after literal children for clout.
>they hate "globalists", not capitalists.
same thing
nobody is fine with capitalism except dumbass libertarians who are dying off. industrial capitalism must be destroyed and replaced with traditional lifestyles
capitalism doesn't give a fuck about any of that shit. The only thing that matters is the bottom line. The race to the bottom for labor that has fucked over first world workers is strictly a capitalist ideal and the shit that would prevent it aka taxes, regulations, etc. are seen as anti-capitalist in nature
neither of them really deserve full hatred
Trump has a gorrillion dollars and owns his own company. None of this matters if you have money because the only thing they can really do is get you fired from your job. Same thing with Notch
post picture of you holding game my melanin gifted friend
the N-word
I think we cannot consider maturity as a large monolithic thing, different things in life require and demand different levels of reasoning and maturity to be accomplished. driving is easy and can be accomplished by even those with the most rudimentary emotional and social maturity, chris chan can drive, but the demands of the social world are quite different and have a higher and require further development and experience.
I do agree this has nothing to do with "pc culture", but I believe this is more an expression of general outrage culture which then plays into the hands of anti pc sentiment. though you do make a good point that perhaps generally society expects young people to be more mature then they are capable, but I hope this can be reversed because I do not believe this is ethically a good thing.
he's being ironic and edgy.
Yes it is. If you want free market capitalism and hyperindividualism you can't complain about globalism and demand governments care for the welfare of it's citizens without being accused of being a socialist or communist. Reminder that capital has no borders
>. The race to the bottom for labor that has fucked over first world workers is strictly a capitalist ideal
Yeah until you realize your consumers are penny pinching because you don't pay them. Robots aren't going to give you money when you employ them.
> the shit that would prevent it aka taxes, regulations, etc. are seen as anti-capitalist in nature
That just stops smaller businesses and leaves globalism unphased. Regulations costing a company millions can be a drop in the bucket. While a mom and pop shop can't expand once they hit the "wage cap"
oh no a 15 year old said a bad word. Better
#cancel his future! 15 year olds should know better!
I'm not even sure where this "free market globalism or socialism" thing came from.
And No the only reason globalism flourishes are the retarded regulation that makes it desirable in other countries.
>tax the fuck out of a company
>they leave and go to china
>"This is globalism at work guys!"
I'm going to say the N word in exactly five minutes and there's nothing jannies can do to stop me.
This shit is news in murrica ? LOL
>it's also absurd that we demand kids to learn enough high profile math/science that they could technically create dirty bombs if they wanted to
Not really. Wanting teenagers in math and science is not really comparable to expecting them to be fully matured socially.
>PC culture unironically has little to do with this.
It literally has everything to do with this, and holding kids to the exact same social standards as adults and expecting them to just "deal with it" will not end well.
>Also don't forget that edgy 15yr old is one year away from being able to drive car in a prominently adult driving population.
Just like the 16 year old girl is only one year away from being able to have sex with the adult population without it being considered child rape, and only one more year away from being fearured in pornography without breaking any laws.
well said comrade
let's be real he did it on purpose and then played innocent and it shows
>Smash prodigy
Why are you surprised? Did you forget that Trump is holding a position that can exonerate him of sending men to their deaths and various "on the fence" humanitarian crisis?
That level of untouchability can only be countered by the highest levels political radiation possible.
>as a black man
t. Pedo
Have you tried yelling "Nucking Figgers" before? Personally I say "filthy naggers" most of the time.
It's the exact opposite. The reason globalism flourishes because of the lack of regulations giving multi national corporation free reign l.
>company operates tax free
>no obligation to take care of its employees
>They hire out of China anyway since they can pay workers they're pennies and no American is going to work for that amount with zero benefits
>I do agree this has nothing to do with "pc culture", but I believe this is more an expression of general outrage culture.
What do you think PC culture was?
>They hire out of China anyway since they can pay workers they're pennies and no American is going to work for that amount with zero benefits
Compared to how much they normally make, the pay they make is wonderful. I have no idea what the numbers are, but I wouldn't be surprised if they get payed more in their own wage/expenses compared to american's working the same factories.
>Once globalism is introduced the "trickle down economics" turn into a light mist.
That's always what it was. More of a piss mist really
A lot of people say this as an excuse, but I can't imagine anyone thinking it's more satisfying to scream "nigger" than a simple "FUCK". The word doesn't have strong consonants that would make it satisfying to use.
Didn't know swaggersouls used Yea Forums
That depends on who's around you. It might be a private discord but if everyone else there is uncomfortable with edgy racist humour then I'd say that's just as bad as doing it in public. It's only ok in private when you know everyone present is aware you're just joking and nobody will get actually offended by it.
>I have no idea what the numbers are
You couldn't have made it more obvious.
Unless you're American internet politics and real life politics are completely separate, you should still vote unless you really are completely unopinionated and don't care what happens
Yeah I'm sure you would be surprised to hear Chinese factory workers don't have labor unions. Why do I even bother with you retards.
the N-word
that is the 2nd best option.
the best option is going on all the right wing equivalent wank discussing how oppressed and what a victim you are, how you are actually a liberal but a free with the right about literally everything. Whilst collecting appearance fees and plugging a patreon/ dime a dozen youtube channel that just says random toddler shit about US politics.
I consider myself left wing but because I don't use sites like Twitter or anything I never really have to associate myself with these kinds of people. Well actually I don't really have to associate myself with anyone at all, labelling yourself is optional.
>You couldn't have made it more obvious.
All I remember is that an entire days worth of good food is 50 cents. A lot of people move to china to do their work. Mostly because the cheap living expenses and cost of food.
Main reason the cost of living is so high is the retarded regulations on buildings. You will never see a competitive apartment building because its like the taxi system.
>Yeah I'm sure you would be surprised to hear Chinese factory workers don't have labor unions.
I'm sure you think labor unions actually saved the average Joe American. Infact I bet you learned that from your Union Teacher.
>if everyone else there is uncomfortable with edgy racist humour
Then they should just say so, and probably make it against the server rules.
That's not what actually happened:
Maybe stop destroying someones life over a fucking word.
>dude like, just don't commit crimes and you've got nothing to worry about
Fucking boot lickers lol.
>A lot of people move to china to do their work.
We're talking about factory workers you dumbass.
>Regulations are what causes outsourcing! Based China
Read a fucking econ book lolbert