Oninaki demo is out on PC, Switch and PS4

Oninaki demo is out on PC, Switch and PS4.
Have you played it?
What did you think?
Why aren't you downloading it right now if you haven't already?

Attached: oninaki-3.jpg (1152x648, 191K)

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I played some of it, I stopped upon reaching the town. It's a massive step up compared to I am Setsuna and Lost Sphear, won't pick it up at release but I definitely will when I have the time and it gets cheaper.

I bet you have a lot of friends.

Fun and unique. I'll cop it but ONLY if they improve the fps.

Attached: IMG_0785.jpg (1440x930, 67K)

Not sure what I was expecting from the people who made I am Setsuna, but I was still somewhat surprised when Kagachi actually executed the kid's parents, I thought the kid was going to stop him.

Bro same. I guess morals are different when you can see the dead.

It seems like a pretty interesting setup. The idea that you mustn't grieve and that you will reincarnate upon death makes it so that people are much more willing to die, presumably too much sometimes. I hope they do interesting things with the concept.

Plays like a clunkier Ys game, it chugs on the switch in handheld mode (don't have the dock with me so i dunno if tv mode is better) but at this point what are you seriously expecting.

WTF is this, looks like trash.


Attached: ss_6c7454c18eb0b2964ba0616f6b793e157cc27c27.1920x1080[1].jpg (1920x1080, 526K)

It's very low budget but Square Enix will try to sell it at almost full price as usual.

So it's another Octopath?

No, Octopath Traveler was a legit mid-tier game with some production values put behind it. We're talking barely-glorified indie here.

>charging $50 for this
Lol square thinks it has the masses of sheep like nintendo has who buys anything they make no matter the price.

its good

If the game is fun and has decent length and/or replay value, then $50 is fine no matter the graphics.

God this game is boring shit...

I'm surprised by how much I liked it, Setsuna and Lost Sphear were trash. Unfortunately it comes out a week before Astral Chain and has no physical version in the west, might pick it up when it's on a sale.

It's on sale right now :^)

dunno if it's because I'm using a DS4 but the interact button seems to be circle/B instead of X/A like it says
the other inputs for combat (circle/B for skill, X/A for action) are correct so it's weird

seemed ok. definitely not getting it until it's like half off or something though

how long is the demo?