Why is japanese humour so unfunny?
Why is japanese humour so unfunny?
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thats funny
that's fucking hilarious
It's pretty funny when you understand how japanese culture and overall interactions between people work in there.
You're basically a dumb fuck who knows nothing about japanese culture or their humor and wanted some filthy frank instead because you're clearly a troglodyte.
still better than borderlands """humour"""
I'll take this over Lamar saying nigger in GTAV being the height of American humor.
Are you implying western games have funny humor at all? Last time they did it was around 2005.
The japs seemed to like it though
He probably needs laugh tracks to know when to laugh too.
name one japanese joke that made you laugh
pro tip: you can't
They explain the joke too often.
Japanese creators have a very low opinion of Japanese audiences (which is mostly justified).
literally your picture.
It's the entire sentence that's funny, the "niggaaaa" just seals the deal
Literally your picture. Also Tekken has got some goofy stuff in the endings.
to be fair, that's a melodic as fuck nigga
okay vine brainlet
Do people really watch that retarded virtual youtube garbage unironically?
how many FUCKING times do you have to post THIS???
the epitome of Jap humor is gay shit
I know at least ONE 2hu loving weeb who likes Kitzuna AI. He's a pretty based weeb though. Learned the language through classes and actually moved there. That is how I found that video.
LARPing weeb or seething jap?
>Ass Catchem
What's the reason for this site being creatively bankrupt nowadays? It's all false flagging console wars or making the same shitpost thread for the millionth time.
shut the fuck up weeaboo
I'm laughing..that's not a turkey, that's a chicken.
Why is Japan so weird when it comes to food? The way it's handled in their games you'd think the characters only get to eat once a year and it's a major event when they do.
>Japan being good at writing anything except stories where schoolgirls fight giant demon bugs
>meanwhile, the epitome of western comedy
Funnier than what passes for humor in America.
Its a long story, stretching beyond the boundries of the site itself.
All those girls are guys
okay go back to your vines
why are you only using this image if ALL japanese humor is so supposedly unfunny?
You don't know me nigga.
>Ayo shut da fug up, wiboi! *smacks his phat lipzzzzz*
it's a good example
lmao he said it
In 40 years people are going to look at TBBT the way we look at sitcoms from the sixties.
>This is so boring
>How could people have found this funny back then?
>It must be a product of its time
Intentional subversion and status quo enforcement influences 16-year-olds to take up the torch of epic trollering
he keeps changing his word choice to dodge my filters
fucking kill yourself already
>epitome of western comedy
except even normies criticize big bang theory for being lame. stop being a weeb apologist.
Him and that guy that just posts a picture of his gun and his keyboard in /mkg/
I don't know what people get out of posting the same thing 800 times.
definitely a larping weeb
But they're still japs
Le mayo he le mayo mayonnaise
12 seasons
I see movies where guys who look like that get cock in their asses.
go back
stop camwhoring.
A decade? Tell me how
Only thing I've ever laughed at from Japan
This could pretty much be a Monty Python sketch
They don't make fun of white people enough or the orange man, very unfunny!
That's wrong. The show is hella goddamn popular and rain for like a million seasons.
shut the fuck up Onsokumaru
Stop watching gay porn, faggot
My wife's started to re-watch this on Netflix.
Even though I never actively watched an episode back in the day, I recognize almost everything going on in the background because It was everywhere back in the day, constant re-runs you couldn't escape. I hate this gay Jewish guys putting on nerd blackface for normies and baby boomers to laugh at references instead of actual jokes bullshit.
Fuck Chuck Lorre. And fuck the legion of untalented Harvard hack writers pumping out shit like this.
stop making this thread you autist.
fuck getting 3 strikes is hard as fuck
>Double Rainbow XDDD
Because explaining the joke is built into their humor.
based Japan
I'm gonna make that turkey your boss.
>these fatasses are the people spamming "lol EOP" on threads
Lmao I forget about that shit.