Daily pirates are bad reminder
Daily pirates are bad reminder
I'm a privateer not a pirate.
Good thing I'm a buccaneer
I only pirate games where the devs disagree with me politically
Don't worry OP, i've seen the error of my ways. I won't pirate anymore.
G2A just has too many good deals to justify pirating anyway. I'll be a buyfag for now on.
Let's be honest, if you never pirated a game, you clearly don't like videogames.
on who's authority?
My dick. I only steal pornography.
>A Dose of B^U
Buckley’s a fag, but nothing in the image is wrong
I only pirate console exclusives once I'm given the ability.
He's right, you know. If you feel the need to explain that companies MAKE you pirate you're just virtue signaling.
Not video games, faggot.
I pirate cause demo aint exist anymore. If game is good i buy if game is bad fuck off. Thats all.
Carry on
>pirating videogames is not videogames
>I WILL judge you for that
oh no, a random stranger on the internet doesn't like me
whatever will i do
>I will judge you for that
I don't care lol
Just think of all those poor, hardworking devs who'll never see a cent from you. I mean, they never WOULD see a cent from you even if you bought it because it's all sucked up by the corporate assholes hanging above them, but it's the principle of the matter.
>rent a game from a friend
>rent a game from a store
>buy used game
enjoy it buddy
>download a game from internet
> this is what shills actually believe
for every pirate there are 10 "influencers" convincing thousands of idiots to play games they never cared for, see FF7R
>pirate game
>never olay and delete file
De vi lish
Alright, that's enough Yea Forums for me today.
who gives a fuck i've pirated every singleplayer game that i've play lol suck my dick
>pirate the same $60 game 10 times
>devs lost $600
>I won't judge you
>you're a prick
Sounds like judgement to me
Corporations push open borders and faggot shit. Fuck them.
I have almost 300 games bought on Steam and around 75% were tested through piracy so I can be anything but cheap.
>become a functioning part of the work force
>still pirate just to save money
I pirate the game, give it 0s and thumb downs on all possible sites and talk shit about it on forums and discussion boards even if I enjoyed it.
take that Buckley, you shit eating bag of vomit and cum I hope you'll get ass cancer
Anti-pirate fags are obnoxious cunts who should mind their own business. No one wants your moralizing. Also, normies (in the first world) don't pirate anymore anyway. People who used to download movies now watch netflix.
>not pirating AC: Black Flag just to get the full experience
your loss
more like, a surprise discount
Every time I'm interested in a game, I put ten notes marked with "pay for game" and one marked "pay x10 for game" in with 1000 other notes that say "no pay for game".
The surprise of my eventual purchase is a gamble worth taking.
so there's 1 in 1011 chance you'll buy 10 copies of the same game?
Pirates were the absolute scum of the earth. Why did they get so romanticized?
Yes, you can see why this is a perfectly reasonable way for corporations to enjoy the product I publish called "money"
>that passive aggressive
I've never beaten a game I didn't buy. Most games are terrible and just can't be finished. If I like the game, I buy a physical copy. If there is no physical copy, because pc is too good for that, their loss. Haven't come across that yet. Roms don't count.
>everything that represents objectively terrible behavior is considered "cool"
Supposedly, the counter-culture movement of the 1960s is responsible for this.
Pirates were whitewashed earlier than that. Treasure Island came out in 1883 ffs
>a dose of buckley
well that brings me back
Because colonial era piracy was romantic. Go off to blat some Spaniards for the king with your farmboy mates while filling your pockets with doubloons to give to your starving family upon your triumphant return. They were treated more like war heroes than thieves.
>posting a dose of cuckley
>caring with an ugly canadian thinks
Who cares? Why does whoever this person is think his judgement is a thing to fear like some sort of godly overseer being?
Fuck outta here
What if I don't believe in the legitimacy of modern copyright law?
You wouldn't download a car.
Nah, I'll pirate what I want. What the fuck are you going to do about it?
You wouldn't download a shield.
I never understood being for piracy. I am only for it if you cant buy the media in your home country. Piracy isnt stealing, but I think alot of us can agree it devalues a product. Why pay x amount when I can buy a counterfeit for less or get it for free? Everyone, rich or poor, should have the opportunity to defend their creations/IP's
>posting anything cuckley said
Fuck that nigger tho
That guy sounds like he wants a dose of cock and cum, like the faggot paypiggy he is
I absolutely would
>worked till the point where rebellion was the only way they had a chance to survive
It'll comeback and it'll be even worse.
was it kino?