Implying you don't play at least one time-passing mobile game

>implying you don't play at least one time-passing mobile game

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I admit I do.

It is Brawlstars.

I don't even have a phone (well excluding the ground line at home with a dumbphone)

Why would I when I can just bring my Switch?

No, I don't. Dumb phonenigger.

>implying you don't play multiple competitive multiplayer mobile games

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I draw on my phone when I'm bored and need to kill time.

I like to play pokemon go when I'm actually in a town or city.

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>DoN't yOu HaVe PHonES?
I don't play on it. Screw every damn shitty mobile game under the sun.

I just shitpost instead

I read manga on my phone
I dont play games on it tho

Clash Royale is the superior Supercell game.

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>implying ever not on my pc when awake

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Honestly Mobile Legends is more of a peer pressure game on my end. Don't play it but every office I worked for has a couple of groups who play it during lunch breaks when they're not watching netflix.

I need my scrabble fix. Whatever, fuck.
Been thinking bout getting an anime tiddie game though.

I don't even have google play installed on my phone.

I don't. I watch youtube """""""""""""content"""""""""""

IDK, the only games I play now are Chess Rush and Clash Royale. The rest aren't fun except maybe PUBG but I'd rather play FPS on my PC.

Is Stardew Valley THE BEST mobile game?
>Modern equivalent of playing Harvest Moon on GBA
>Updated gameplay
>Visuals aren't too demanding
>Time consuming but equally comfy
>No ads since it's a buyable game

Then again its only competition is Minecraft.

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Does a 1:1 1997 Tamagotchi count?

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I have dragon quest iv on my phone but that is it. Might get v too

I play tetris on the shitter. It's not as good as on the gameboy.

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Kingdom rush is pretty great but the newest one is too easy

Yeah, tried FPS and it just seems wrong on a touch screen. Even DS Call of Duty/Metroid was more fun.

I play pinball arcade daily. Pirated version obviously.

Anything that isn't pure shit like FE or FateGO is probably alright. I think card game anime tiddies is the best genre for mobile gacha shit.

I'd like to, but I have yet to find one that doesn't get boring after about a combined hour.
Even games that aren't literal scams based on micro transactions are usually pretty shallow and boring.

I don't. If I knew of one on android that was good, free, and had no ads I would, probably something like candy crush or tetris, but I don't want my phone loaded with ads and garbage.

No, i dont.

Is there a risk to downloading pirated apks? I mean it just seems too easy that you don't even need a torrent. Reminds me of the DS Rom days.

Bootleg mw2 on the ds was fun

Paid games are your next best bet though don't expect much besides what you'd usually expect when playing handheld-tier games. At least those are ad-free.

Are there even any games? I tried to find any decent stuff but got myself a kanji learning app instead in the end.

Only gba and snes emulators

Girls Frontline is good.

The controls are cumbersome and it’s too boring to play on your phone

>Play one mobile game
>Get ads for other mobile games
>Immediately realize they just cash in on character and weapon gacha
>Immediately realize they'll limit the amount of hours you play just so you'll pay them to let you play
I honestly don't see why installing more than one of those kinds of games is a good idea.

Not really. I have Max Payne, Aquavias, Uciana and Hitman/Lara Croft/Deus Ex GO installed on my phone, but I don't even remember the last time I played any of them. Probably before I got my Switch in December.

I play Solitaire like a dumb old boomer. Do you guys have any free games, preferably with no ads, to recommend? I wanna play other shit while I commute or take toilet breaks.

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A lot though most are clones of the best sellers. You got FPS shit, MOBA shit, card games, weeb games, etc. The free games are full of ads and you gain "points" of varying sorts if you agree to watch them. Paid games don't have ads but there's not a lot of paid games worth your time besides the ports of GTA, DS games, so on.

Probably on smaller phones. I can see phones with stylus pens having an advantage over hamthumbs.

I have no clue to be honest. I have a Russian jailbroken version and it doesn't give any red flags when closely examined. Haven't had any problems with any other accounts and credit card info even since I installed it a couple of years ago, but take this with a grain of salt and do your own research. All I know is that I fucking love it and it's actually great for building skill with real life machines. The physics may not be perfect but I tend to do very well in rl pinballs since I got so much playtime on the virtual one.

king of dragons pass, my niggy
its a port though, made-for-mobile games are 99.999% rubbish

I play CYOA "games" mostly. I like a few Choice games, but they don't have much repay value.

Down for recommendations if anyone has any. Been itching for something new.

>Max Payne
Isn't that just that terrible sniper game?

Anyone in the beta for this?

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>Free apps with no ads
That's a unicorn. Of all the apps I tried, the best time wasters are the ones that teaches you stuff like Duolingo. Otherwise, your daily grind games function well as shitter games.

Meant to answer

Looks about as Soulless as Marvel's attempt at an MMO years ago.

>tfw can't play tetris on the shitter because I need one free hand to stop my cock from touching the toilet

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My fucking God, I'm had a drink too much.

literally play autochess or chess rush they dont limit how long you can play and all the in game purchases are cosmetic

Pokemon Go, which just keeps getting updates making it better and better. I don't regret picking it back up a few months ago.

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Can only recommend paid stuff since they're less likely to be boring grinds. Besides the DS ports, you can try the Steam ports like Jydge. Basically a Judge Dredd knockoff universe in a neon-themed world.

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The one that shut down recently? I remember playing Ghost Rider and hitting max level then dropping it

Based pinball bro. Fav pinball? Attack from Mars here but I enjoy Junkyard and the Elvira machines a lot as well.


>not letting your wiener touch the inside of the toilet and improving it’s immune system

This is really the only one I play regularly.

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Yeah, Marvel Diablo.

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Not even big, about 5 inches soft. It is enough to touch the toilet though.
Fuck that, man.

I work from home and my time passing game while I'm waiting for code reviews or for a large program to build is DOAX3. If you're not masturbating on company time I have no idea what you're doing with your life

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Aside from the classic Addams Family and Safecracker, I tend to go back to Junkyard a lot. I played a real life Junkyard in the Netherlands (at the Zwolle Videogame museum) and had a blast. Was actually surprised the gameplay was so close to the virtual one.

The only thing I've used my phone for in the last three days was to check weather updates. I would never even think of playing video games on it.

Always wear a condom when shitting in public places

When would I have time to play these games? If I'm at home I play real games, maybe during the commute but mobile game arent interesting enough to even open them

GBA emulator playing Pokemon Emerald while on train.

Nope, I just shitpost and read manga.

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It's always better to read an ebook in your phone during commutes anyway. Mobile gaming is shit.

Gets old fast. Netflix in the toilet is what's in, old man.

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Or just squat above the toilet and don’t touch anything like a sane person.

Like this?

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Turn based GBA games are pretty good on your phone. I don't get all the hate for mobile gaming. I remember having a Nokia E90 a few years ago. The things you could do with it were nothing short of amazing.

Only a slav would say something as sanitary as that.

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Or like this

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i've tried a couple
non of them interest me after a few days

i cant even stand using my phone to write an email why would i subject myself to gaming on it

Only 2 mobile games I play are Tetris and Bloons TD5. Also play TD6 on my Chromebook sometimes. Tried emulators but the lagdroid meme is real

Most mobile games are too full of ads and would force most people to grind just to get anything decent. When you hit middle tier, that's the dead end for most games. You either need to grind for the best items or pay up to satisfy your needs to match the veterans. It becomes less about getting gud and more on stats and powerlevels, but worse because you're fed ads daily just to assist with your "progress".

Other than that, classic stuff like scrabble, snake, pinball, chess is alright.

yeah I play feh but I never put money on it so it's def a time waster

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9/10 shitsling

>tfw I look more intimidating than those blokes
How do I stop people from crossing the street when they see me, anons? I'm a tall white lad.

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No, Hitman GO is a puzzle game. Hard to explain how the GO games work, but give them a look, they're some of the best mobile games on planet Earth and they aren't freemium poop.

which anime tiddy game is that?

I would try to make this some day but I’ve had diarrhea for 3 years now.

I play kittens game. Fun, minimalistic resource management sim. since it has real time waiting elements, it's fun to play for 1-2 minutes at a time throughout the day. There's only so much I can do in a sitting so it prevents me from getting too invested or lose track of time. I highly recommend it

Live in asia and impose your dominance as a lanky westerner while wearing american flag polos and thick sunglasses

I don't even use apps.

I don't even have a phone that would run one.

I don't, I have normie friends on facebook or instagram and always have my PSP Go with me full of GBA Games, my phone doesn't have games.

fire emblem heroes

Post toilet

Looks ten times better than what I expected

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>Expect nintencats but with sprites
>Get this
what the fuck

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the only game on my phone I've played is the ff9 port. that's during flights or commutes that last longer than 2 hours.

That's a pretty good explanation of what's going on in the mainstream market. I feel like people are less inclined to meddle with the hardware and software and are therefore kept away from the real goodies like good (pirated) single player games, emulators, and other worthwhile stuff such as point and click adventures and actual good freeware. There is a lot of decent to amazing roguelikes up for grabs for example.


I dont even have a phone decent enough to play shitty mobile games.

Used to have GBA emulator whoch I played pokeymans on and N64 one but touchscreen controls were dogshit. Then I started playing Gems of War which was surprisely good but turned into p2w mess. Now I mostly just play various quizes and stuff like that.

They're top shelf, man. Lara Croft and Deus Ex GO are more "advanced" because Hitman was the first GO game, but they're all worth a few bucks imo.

The worst part is that AAA games have tried and fairly succeeded in imposing the mobile progress gating on their already expensive games. We have EA games, we have Ubisoft's Ass Creed Odyssey and Shadow of Mordor 2 unironically preventing players from progressing single player games or even getting the full product unless they pay extra. In retrospect, it's just an extension of DLC-cutting a full game.

Yeah it's called emulating RPGs, I couldn't give 2 shits about gachashit or gay Clash of Clans clones.

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i emulate old n64 games, replaying OoT right now

I got TWEWY on Drastic and I play King's Raid with mods

I have a galaxy S8+ what games are good free on it

I do imply.
They are all garbage also my countr has shitty AND expensive internet, because our retarded conserf politicians think it's just a fad that will go away soon and once company has the monopoly over every cable while the closest competitors aren't even that strong together and have to use theirs

I do have Solitaire installed

i just play dota underlords in the turn based mode

I listen to racist podcasts

nascar or f1

for me its Infinite Stairs

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They're all equally grindy since they're free. Graphics-wise though, your flagships good enough to handle pretty mobile games of it so just find an FPS or a 3D fighting game and play away. Otherwise, play pinball.

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where the fuck do you even live that has that much backwards thinking?

What? You've never played tuber simulator?

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I actually don't.
But I do play path of exile, which is the same kind of grindy freemium shit

As with most diablo clones.


Nah, not while birb still has smelly armpits

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I shitpost and read the news.

Yeah, but the grind it too much once you reach Into The Future. That is unless you are willing to fork out for XP boosts or better cats.

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Pic related
Rengoku II on ppsspp emulator
getting the torrent for this game was hard

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lol I'm dumb

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No, i don't. Fuck off.

You got me. I play Solitaire on my phone when I'm taking a shit.

The sad part is that adults are getting swindled as much as the naturally impulsive teenagers. Even though it's off topic, something that comes to mind is SC6. I bought it on ps4 expecting a solid state of the art fightan game just to realise that even though it actually is an enjoyable game, all the content that was unlockable in some older games (sc2, 3) is just locked behind a pay wall. I guess some people will never experience the joy of unlocking characters and items by playing the game.

Played a bit of DQ1, that's about it

>Rengoku II
Good lad

I browse instagram when I'm out and I don't waiting for something or someone

oh shit, this thing can emulate psp


Sorry yeah it's super minimalistic. I do wish there were some sprites, but it's also really battery-effecient, which is nice cus my Android has a shitty battery

This is the first time I see this game mentioned here
I think I played it as a kid, does it still hold up?

...that actually sounds kinda fun

It had potential just wasn’t very good.
It felt like you got progressively weaker and the loot had to visual meaning a new character and max level character looked the same. Of course you could buy overpriced shitty skins

I tried but I simply cant get into them.

I don't even own a smart phone.

I dont. I play my GBA emulator

How tf ya getting laid then?

I talk to women. How do you get laid with a smartphone?

My phone is old and dying. The battery also won't hold a charge for more than like an hour anymore, so I keep it off when I'm not using it for communication. I also don't own a Switch.

If I had time and energy to play I wouldn't play
mobile garbage.

With a flip phone of course

You just walk up to random women and start talking like some kind of old creep lol?
With Tinder of course grandpa

I guarantee you've never gotten laid through tinder.

>playing phonegames
>all of which are tailor made to psychologically manipulate you into spending moneyto the point where the actual game suffers

The games themselves are shallow garbage, but when you know the psychological design behind them they become unplayable and impossible to enjoy even in the slightest.

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Buriedbornes but I'm also in the middle of the fist Layton game.

Not sure if anyone here remembers this but a while back a couple faggots on here set up a clan for clash. It was fun at first until people realized how shit these clash games are and dropped it

Kicking mexishit meme spewers was always fun

Think again sweetie

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Only trash use tinder. Any decent human being won't even touch that garbage.

I read.

I have. And it was the worst experience I've ever had.

This is actually peak human shitting position. On modern toilets you can lean forward for a similar effect, but squatting is the natural way.

>unironically writes this while posting on Yea Forums

I honestly don't understand how anyone does

every once in a while I'll try a new mobile game and it's just ok, but they're all so simple and sterile that I get bored after only a week or two.

One I kept on for longest might have been Redungeon partly because I have nostalgia for Nitrome and partly because it would occasionally throw new patterns in to deal with and hope to see again. But, as soon as you get ANY upgrades, it gets boring.

You know your phone can display books right? Have you ever thought about reading something you illiterate fuck?

You can get raised platforms used to raise your feet while shitting, making it more natural and smooth.

i play the sonic 1 & 2 mobile ports

Don't assume everyone that goes to Yea Forums is as pathetic as you. While you might spend hours every day on Yea Forums shitposting, many people do not.
But whatever helps you cope.

The best shits i have ever taken in my adult life I had a little stool to put my feet up on, I should really buy another one of those things, I lost it to a roommate.

My poor little shit stool, but it makes me smile to think someone probably has it in their kitchen or next to a book shelf and it is/was caked in like a year's worth of airborne shit bacteria

>reading books on your phone
>reading books any way but the old fashioned way
This applies to movies too

I used to, not anymore. I just emulate now. I'm not so shit I can't deal with mobile controls, not like any game I'd be emulating really requires ultra quick reflexes. Shit i've even 1ccd sexy parodius. Again, not a super hard game but still. People just suck ass if they can't adjust.

>reading books
Boring as fuck you ugly fat nerd

I don't, I listen to music or a podcast.

> Dick touches inside of toilet bowl

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I bet you use condoms too while fucking hookers in their asses faggots

I enjoyed making memes for a couple of years in duel links. Its gone too far into Nu-gi-oh now and the smaller board and lifepool meant even faster cancer.

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>finish peeing before finished pooing
>flop my dick up to rest on the seat

Tried a couple once, but no, I don't.

If i want to kill time on my phone I come here or watch youtube.

Tell me about Mobile Yugioh because I'm thinking of getting back into it. Only reason I haven't is because the new mechanics irk me a bit.

It's not worth getting into, it's been shit for ages

How so?

Merchant for me.

Same thing that kills all online card games, ridiculous power creep.

Last good mobile game was Gravity bike for me

move your ass backwards and this won't be a problem

It was yu gi oh with 4k lifepoints and 3 monster zones. Was fun for the first couple years. The events and free gems rate were pretty good and auto duel is a good addition. But is right

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I have minesweeper

I don't even have a phone.

I read. Mobile shit is literal trash for dumb faggots.

I am the only person on this board that plays Battle For Wesnoth mobile.
It's the best Mobile game that isn't on an emulator of course and a single battle can take a few hours every day for a week to complete.
It is the Alpha and Omega timesink.
Get on my level you casuals.
When Dwarf Fortress is released on mobile you know where I will be.

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What are some good one-time buy mobile games. Something other than things like minecraft or terraria, which you can just get on PC instead

The mobile ports of DQ through 6 are pretty good.

I don't though

I play sudoku?

Only thing that distantly resembles a game on my phone is Duolingo and I haven't even used that in months.

You should go do Duo's 4 lessons a day challenge. Best way to retain what you learned even if it's just elementary english to _____ translating.

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i don't, i usually check discord, twt, instagram, and LINE to pass time on my phone

No? Unless you count Kanji learning apps. Why would I? If I have any spare time, I relax and mentally prep for the rest of the day's/week's tasks or find something productive to do like reading whatever novel I'm working on, assigned textbook readings for university, check the news, or practice writing short fiction.

super monkey ball sakura, on ios

The only smart phone game I have ever played was pokemon go during the summer it released when everyone on earth was playing it

now that's impressive