Should Discord admins have this much influence on Yea Forums and the bigger Yea Forums?
Should Discord admins have this much influence on Yea Forums and the bigger Yea Forums?
Who? What? Why?
Sounds like a personal problem OP, fuck off.
who cares about shit childs game
Why are the discord trannies fixated on Crash Team racing now?
What does this expose it sounds like “lol Yea Forums is so dum”
nobody who uses discord should be allowed on Yea Forums but obviously there's no real way to enforce this policy
perhapps you can tell me.
Because they got a taste of blood after getting the “racist” Watermelon Tawna skin changed. They won a small victory, so now they’re going to keep pushing this shit as hard as they can.
what's /ctrg/?
I know this faggot, he's from the Yea Forumskend server
Crash Team Racing general
crash team racing general, I know you are a threadhopper like me, just be quicker on the uptake next time. This one is free.
general thread for the ctr remake
i don't know why op is bringing /vg/ drama into Yea Forums but it's probably because of a mental illness
What is it about discordfags that they feel the need to ruin every community? This happens every time on /vg/.
I wish mods would crack down more on "we're totally not a general guys" generals.
what's the point of using discord when you can use a normal thread? there's even less people there
same I also know that faggot, he's literally a nigger and a faggot with autism. and he has cronies that are also tranny faggots
wait fuck
I liked the cut of his jib though, please don't tell me he's been causing this shit. It's just ironic shitposting right?
My name is cloudy too, that's neat.
I wish mods would crack down more on threads that aren't videogames.
>I know you are a threadhopper like me, just be quicker on the uptake next time. This one is free.
What the fuck does that even mean? What autism is this?
>that image
>"liked the cut of his jib"
you should go hang out in his treehouse user, you'll fit in perfectly
He also is an absolute Nincel
He certainely owns ctr, you can search for his name and every post where he mentioned ctr. Looks like he really wants to shill or something.
i think that's a different Cloudy, the one in Yea Forumskend has a Roll pfp