I can't wait to play the next Pokemon Game on PS5!

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By getting sonyfags to fund their games and merch?

This lol
Played like a fiddle


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>bragging about movies
Can't say you haven't done that before.


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I bet the Switch isn't even powerful enough to play Detective Pikachu LUL

it's the movie...it wasn't even made by game freak or nintendo, it was WB...what?


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Based double-converse-redflag reverse-metatroller.

>Hey Sony user, know what pokemon is? Its a game you can only play on Nintendo! Enjoy the movie!

>Pokemon finally comes to Sony
>it turns into a movie
Like pottery, it rhymes

In all honesty the ps4 is just a billboard for everyone else at this point.

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>Nintendo gets the game
>Sony gets the movie
it writes itself

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>implying that anyone with a PS4 is dumb enough to spend 60 on Sword and Shield
Dumbass Nintentoddler, no one besides Switch babbs would ever think about buying the new games

Black hands typed this post.

They were dumb enough to buy TLoU twice.

You can keep the game, lmao.

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>It's actually real

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>Seven Deadly Quirks wallpaper

> buying the same game for 20 years is the same as buying the same game twice

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my brother said it was, and I quote, "meh". Should I sit down a couple hours and watch this shit?

>Implying that isn't a good deal with how S&S are turning out

You're right, over those 20 years pokemon changed for better or worse.
TLoU was a straight port with no new content.

God damn it, user

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wait, why is "pokémon" written in french?

>$20 to watch a movie

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Underrated post

story is legit nothing new or interesting
i watch it for the pokemons and they were alright

There was actually more change in the two versions of TLOU than 20 years of Pokemon. Holy shit, I bet you're gonna buy SwSh.

>Its a game you can only play on Nintendo!
most people play on their smartphones nowadays and nobody says nintendos to their consoles anymore

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Yeah all that funding has sure done wonders for the games.
oh wait

Nintendo can keep those abominations. A good PKMN game would have sold me a Switch. Now I refuse to get one due to how low effort the new ones are. Conversely, I saw Det. Pikachu twice and loved it.

>pre-order fucking movie
>20 bucks
the fuck man
also if you bought it on playstation platform, isn't it mean you can only watch it from there? or they let you download and watch anywhere?
whole thing seem like bad decisions one after another

kek dilationstation fags btfo

>There was actually more change in the two versions of TLOU
A system change doesn't count. Other than that they're the exact same.
No new characters.
No new enemies.
No new story.
Just the exact same thing twice.

Remember when pre-order had a meaning, aka reserving your copy?

Why is it on digital now? completely removes the point

>preordering a movie

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if you have any interest in Pokémon its round a 8 and if you don't its a solid 7. Simple popcorn flick that don't need foresight to go in, no cliff hanger ending or after credits trailer.

>he doesn't pre-load his movies

Sony are pretty scummy like that.

Thanks for your money Snoy


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I see. Time to crack open a bear and enjoy a simple flick then

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holy shit

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>or after credits trailer
And yet they're somehow planning a sequel.

If you watch it more then once and know a bit about Pokémon, check the background in every scene you might find a refence or Easter eggs hidden through out the movie they were clever with some of them


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>pre order a stream
I mean with the a digital game you have the excuse that it can be preloaded sometime before release, but for a movie stream?

was explained after the release. WB bought a 3 movie deal with the license but didn't want them connected do to uncertainty so we get Detective Pikachu, a movie that will be Mewtwo's origin and a movie bout Red from the first games. when DP prove to be a decent success they confirmed they will do a sequel to that movie

>playstation now selling literal movie

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the movie is fucking garbage though

Cant believe you done this


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Detective Pikachu PS4 HD Remaster when?

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put me in the screencap

>Sony gets another movie
What is so surprising about that? All they get is movies anyway, and now Sony players are paying for Nintendo



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Fuck off stop trying to copy the success of other anons

The playstation store always had movies...


We know, movies is all they ever had.

Based and kino post

So straight up sony will be giving Nintendo money every time someone buys it on PS4

one post in
OP already fooken destroyed

Imagine bragging about getting a fucking 2/10 popcorn flick

Than why do you say it like it was the first time they ever did it retard

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>snoyfags so mad they think everybody is the same person
LOL, have sex.

>pre-ordering a movie
ishygddt, what year is this


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>WB and Nintendo literally pay Sony to distribute some shit movie for them
snoy bois on suicide watch xd we did it bros

I'm not a Snoyfag, just pointing out a fact that shouldn't be surprising, even XBox is the same
Also dilate


I own a PS4 and this just makes us look very bad.

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I'd laugh but the Switch is fucking dead, so meh.

Take my (you)

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Wait a minute.

So you're telling me that Nintendo is now taking a cut of that PSN revenue? The revenue that makes more than Nintendo?

Does this mean that the revenue generated through PSN... doesn't go to Sony?

well OP? how will (You) ever recover ?

Nintendos first sony game is in line with sonys guidelines:


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Holy fuck this thread backfired in OP's face and I am loving every laugh


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You don't have any idea how shit works

>proud of fucking buying the same game twice

Fucking obliterated

its over bros, sony won

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Man I realy think Moot went too far banning baka desu senpai when all of these meme terms now currently exist and japmoot isn't going to do anything about them. Remove the filter -.-



wrong, mods have only ever filtered words that trigger the left. "s o y" was wordfiltered after only a couple weeks but "incel" and "have sex" are targeting right wing and natsoc so the mods welcome it.



It is what it is what it is.

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It works like Sony gets free money every time some retard downloads this trash

"shake my head", "to be honest", & "family" are not left triggering words.

Yes they are because they embodied the vocabulary of chads and womanizers during that time.

stop using images on an imageboard?

>"have sex" are targeting right wing and natsoc so the mods welcome it
Except it started off as an Yea Forums meme and got stolen and spammed by faggot Yea Forums retards.

Your dad would have probably liked it more. The female co-star is surprisingly attractive for a 3dpd, and her you get to stare at her fine ass for roughly half the movie while she runs around in the most magnificent pants.

you should be filtered

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not an argument

The state of Sony in 2019 how can they recover?

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>but "incel" and "have sex" are targeting right wing and natsoc so the mods welcome it.
That's bullshit. It's targeting weebs and NEETs who are leftists on welfare.
It's also being told normalfag nonvirgins, or people shameless enough to pretend to be. Nothing could out you as an outsider harder than using these phrases.

U whiteboys are ight.

This thread didn't go as planned, eh OP?

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>reaction images are a timeless trait of image boards
>neo-Yea Forums hates it

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Put best fish in the screencap.

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hahaha fucking wrecked.

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Ayy lmao

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check the dates fag

lol good one op!

the absolute state of snoyboys

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at least the movie runs better on PS4 than your shit games on your fisher price tablet faggot

Okay this is pretty good

OP Here. At least we have GOOD Games evert week, A PERFECT ONLINE SERVICE, NO Censorship whatsover and 4K POWER

Fuck off NintenNiggers. Go back to your containment website .

angry man is angry


Op got destroyed

put me in the screen cap

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Is this the COPE of the century?
Snoyfags literally trying to brag about movies

>2010 isn't neo-Yea Forums

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OP’s post was marvelous. It was a genious satire about fanboy bragging about getting others exclusives and paroding sonyfag acttitude.
Answer it seriously is kinda dum, at least we still good some good responses

>NO censorship whatsoever
Either Sonyfags are too stupid to read or this is the world's worst falseflag.
The only reason I'm not saging is cause the 1st reply is so good.

I can't believe OP killed himself over this.

based I guess but I dont know what OP was trying to gloat about in the first place

OP on full damage control

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A PERFECT ONLINE SERVICE* leaks your credit card*, NO Censorship *censors you game*

This entire thread is wild

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Wow, the plane just burst into flames before even leaving the runway.

ok the other two were okay but this is gold

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Yeah, keep trying to make fun out of me, durr how will OP recover etc.

In the end, you guys lost your precious and exclusive Pokemon

I can't wait for Gamefreak to make games for Sony in the future, with the power of the PS4, the definitive edition of Sword and Shield will come out and destroy Nintendo as a company forever.

But hey! You guys shat on Masuda for no reason? Why would you guys want Pokemon to not be a Nintendo exclusive franchise?

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