Hey partner, WE did it!

Hey partner, WE did it!
WE defeated Xeno'jiiva, partner!
WE'RE such a good team, I can't believe WE made it this far!

Handler hate thread

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she cute

Shame about the face, but decent body and thighs.

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>dub fags

Yeah, I'm thinking you should have sex.

Oh, sorry.


Handler hardly even speaks with jap voices enabled. God, I hate zoomers.

So why does everyone pretend this uncanny goblina isn't ugly as sin? Is it just to deflect any criticism for the game? inb4 people start posting mods and fanart to cope.

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With Handler?

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>he didn't immediately set the voice acting to monster hunter language

Am I the only one who unironically like handler?

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i want to facefuck the handler

That in the base game?

It's not her delusion that she's useful that pissed me off, it's the fact that the admiral and everyone else says we make a great team and none of this would have been possible without us even though she's literally a fucking hindrance at every step and spends every hunt, no matter how difficult, flicking her bean at camp.

The one time she COULD have done something (Zorah quest) and fired off a ballista or something brainless she literally just sat around and complained about how not weak he is.

i think she's pretty cute, but unnecessary and annoying. imperfect girls attract me more than plastic anime models with nuclear tits

She's one of those "Cute because she has believable flaws" types.

we usually just use memes to keep focus away from her face

>everything i don't like or understand is a zoomy boony


Attached: Moe IRL.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)


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I miss Chinkmarm

Sorry user, truth goes that MHW attracted a lot of children who don't even understand games.. let alone that series.

I love handler so much bros.

>Cuter in 3D than in "2D"
How could this be

Capcom's fanbase has zero standards on anything.

>search for palico in astera after arrival
>Oh look! Hey you!
>Hey you!
He's name is Miow you twat!
And why is he running to you and not ti me. BETRAYED!

The problem with Wyverian is that it doesn't sound like an actual language, it sounds like gibberish. All they needed to do was cipher an existing language to make it not sound like complete shit.

I've actually grown to like her English VA after playing in Japanese only. It's not too overbearing and can be kinda cute at times. Shame about the actual in game model though .

same, she's such a qt

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guys, we're not talking about the elephant in the room. the handler spends all of her waking moments eating some fucking 4 persons gourmet meal, and when she doesn't, she's putting herself in danger when you are around her so you have to save her ass. however, since she spends a lot of time eating, she should have gained a lot of weight (she's doing zero exercise to burn her calories). this is quite a conundrum because it defies a fundamental law of physics: where does all the biomass she consumes go?

Dude, what? Most of the early mods for PC were fixing the handler's looks. How the hell would pretending she's attractive deflect from the game's flaws? What are you smoking, and is it a list?



The Handler is the one that sets up all your quests and monster info and fills out your map with all the material locations, and takes all your rewards to your box. Everything that just happens that you couldn't hunt without is the Handler's doing.

I bought MHW in the launch but i just played for 2 weeks before going to a hospital for 3 weeks and that killed my hype for the game.
I'm to late to start playing again? I want to buy the iceborne expansion

She's living through you. A lot of Yea Forumsirgins do the same thing here. Fuck "we"fags.

girls don't poop

That and there's way too much dialogue. Wyverian isn't great for long cutscenes.

>guildmarm will never doodle your noodle

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That's a smug tigrex doodle

I love her senpai.

My pixiv bookmarks disagree with you

Hot af desu.

No one wants to be honest and get dogpiled on by the rest of the posters

>where does all the biomass she consumes go?

It's really annoying how they shove her in your face constantly. The very last scene of the campaign is just her stuffing her face, for fuck's sake. It's so anticlimactic and pointless.

hey boy, want to become a man?

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i want to fill her little womb with cum.

oh fugggggg

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fetal alcohol syndrome

>You'll never smoke big hookah bong rips and be comfy with elder dragon lady

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Your pxiv bookmarks disagree with me.

More like cute best girl syndrome.


well i wont kinkshame you then

but how can you make me suddenly grow up, miss?

I miss anal pound

I don't hate the cocksleeve

How many 'boys' has she asked that question to and is she clean?

Yes please

You’re welcome.

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i'm gonna need moar.

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who was she modeled after? or is that ugly face original

Reminder that guildmarm is reserved for Brachydios only.

Honestly this pissed me off the most about the handler. That's MY cat, back off!

Why is there still no pukei replacer for that shitstain yet?

Will Ice Borne add a skip cutscene feature?

>not drawing the dragon talon feet
what's even the point

I want to take off my pants and use her mask as dildo while she's wearing it and then take a dump

do you have a single doujin to back that up?

Brekkist on pixiv. I don’t think that’s part of a set or anything, unfortunately. Still quality though.

Already confirmed that it won't. They work exactly the same way as in the base game, and there are just as many of them.

Great job in the office today, Bob. See you on Thursday.

>Didn't finish the game

I think the problem is't the handler, but your point of view. Of course she doesn't do shit for you, because you wield a human size greatsword and swing it like baseballbat. You have to think more "canon"-wise. She is there providing all info you need if you ask her, she is there to cook for you on quest. She uncovers most of the mysteries, storywise. Of course all that is nothing you need, but that's your problem. She went with you to the Xeno fight, in a safe distance in camp. But she always went out with you, unlike some other hunters or people you meet on your way.

Your precious guildmarm would look the same if they ever rendered her face larger than 5 pixels.

That's hot.

post the one where she's wolfing down a huge meal covered in semen

It’s okay, it’s censored.

you take that back

fat retard


Personally it just gets tiring that she reminds you that you're a nodding mute. By extension, she's a n external part of the player that does all the talking while you do the walking.

So what you're saying is that she's the player character's faithful, dutiful, loyal housewife?

...Man everybody hating on her ITT is a faggot.

>not playing in German
Ok retard

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Handler bullying!

Useless piece of meat.

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>Live action movie Handler looks better than in-game Handler
Now THAT'S impressive

Cumdumps are useful

I mean come on: after a long hard day fighting giant dinosaurs sometimes you need someone to pound your troubles into

That's what the captured Rathalos is for

>the other character is bad so its ok if this character looks bad

They're both shit. Cope.

>wanting to fuck a cuck

The handler is cute and shouldn't be bullied


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>using language in mh
>chingchong no less
>calling anyone a zoomer

I've never got this meme. Sex is EFFORT. Why would I need someone to dump my cum into after a long, hard day's work? I'd want to sleep or something, damnit.
Using someone as a sex stress toy, on the other hand, I understand. brb rubbing one out

> Is it just to deflect any criticism for the game?
That isn't criticism, that's just bitching you can't jack off.

if you didnt use monster hunter language i want you to die thank you

It'd be nice to relax and enjoy a rest while she sucks your cock though.

>Come back after a long break and try out the Witcher quest
>Completely forgot I was using MH language
Hearing Geralt speak it was something.

You know. I always wondered what would happen in the witcher collab with that on.

>listening to a literal mutt language
you might as well put it on spanish

What causes a grown man to defend a company that gives no fucks about them and intentionally gives them incomplete products. Not only incomplete, but with intentionally ugly faces?

What causes a grown man to cry about a game when he can drop it and play another?

...is not allowed

Having to deal with more of her shit is easily going to be the worst part of Iceborne.

Attached: marm.webm (1280x720, 1.4M)

>5 fingers
>no talons
it's shit

hey pard

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