Why is nintendo such a shit company?

Why is nintendo such a shit company?

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I don't know, tell me why is sony such a shit company?

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they aren't

Because they make ''fun'' games

So that's why their games are mediocre at best

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honestly, the whole situation is kind of a catch 22 at this point, there's really no way out of the downward spiral that's happening in the western gaming industry, the only real solution at this point is a huge crash and rebuilding it from scratch

If the big companies suddenly start doing the stuff in the op, they won't be able to sustain their overhead and they'll go bankrupt almost overnight, if workers all strike or something or unionize, they'll just be laid off and replaced overnight, neither side can win by giving in to the other side at this point, it's gone too far to be fixed

Based nintendo

>average salary of $80,000

$20,000 + $10,000 + $10,000 + $10,000 + $350,000 / 5 = $80,000 average salary

Woah average salary means fair!

Of the three big console makers, they're probably doing the best.

Like, Sony and Microsoft make more money, for sure, but if either of them had to survive on the backs of their home consoles alone, they'd drop like bricks. Nintendo is kind of a miracle in this day and age.

They are the greatest company in videogame history and it's not even close.

Anyone who disagrees is factually wrong, this is inarguable.

>doesn't crunch time
>doesn't force employees to look at gore and reenact killings themselves
Big yikes

>Nintendo's games
>Posts Game Freak's game

>one in five nintendo employees makes $350,000
Based nintendo

You may be right about Microsoft, but isn't the Playstation Sony's only significantly profitable division?

They killed AM2R and are terrible with fan projects and the like. Just horribly out of touch and that goes along with the online. That being said, still love me some nintendo games

Depends on the gen. I think their phones are more profitable now

In reality it probably means the large majority make $40-60k

And the very top executives make millions

Thus ~$80k average salary

They're Viacom-tier when it comes to copyright and fan projects, they aren't on top for that reason alone

Microsoft and Sony can ONLY survive in the console biz by being huge corporations. This fact really can't be emphasized enough. The reason they got Final Fantasy VII was due to buying a stake in Square. (NOT because the N64 was "too hard to work with")

The PS3 would have sunk a smaller company, and I think has before for the likes of Atari and Sega.

After adding bonuses to pic

Technical College - 2.9million - 3.3million
University Degree - 3.26million - 3.73million
Master's Degree - 3.4million - 3.88 million
Doctorate/Phd - 3.6million - 4.12 million

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>being this retarded

Nintendo does it too fag.

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Ok sweetie

>Thinks Nintendo makes Pokemon games
>calls others retarded

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Nigga thats Digimon

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Maybe out of all their electronics. Other shit like insurance, finance, etc are probably doing fine.

Smash is a first-party title and has to pass a certain age rating. Nintendo has not censored third-party games in years.

At least it improves their design in the process instead of blatantly banning games or forcibly censoring them.

I never understood le fan project bullshit. If you love those games so much make a spiritual sequel that uses all the mechanics and shit you like, but with an original IP so it doesn't get taken down. It's the simplest thing in the goddamn world, but it's easier to just copy an existing project 1:1 then it is to make something new.

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I like how they did'nt even touch the thighs unlike mythra

It's still bad, but at least they aren't willingly doing it for no benefit to them.

Watch the entire thing retard

>work less than 8 hours a day
What’s the reason behind this? Is it that they’re so efficient they need less than eight hours or is it simply not enforced?

brainlet spotted

>barely make a handful of games for their system a year
>most of which is shovelware tier with one or two decent titles
>still charge full price for these games and never allow the price to fall so it's only consumers who get fucked over

This is your mind on so(n)y, holy shit.

I'm an idort friend, only a faggot has loyalty to a single company.

Because they're run by old japs who barely understand how to make good videos, with an embarrassing inability to create good hardware and online platforms.

Based centrist. Sitting on the fence. No convictions. Can never be wrong.


>Nintendo game

confirmed retard

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>he posts after posting "SEETHING about Nintendo"-the post

Is this what you think happened just now? Lmao

But I own a Switch user, hence why I mentioned I'm an idort, I however do not suck Nintendo's dick and am well aware of some bullshit they do and will call them up on it.

Not at all, I just didn't care about your lame ass attempt at antagonizing.

>make the same like 4 games every few years
>put them on shitty consoles with outdated hardware
>laugh as stupid gaijin keep buying this shit
>rake in the doh and party
Weebs and nincels will defend this.

What 4 games.

Now convert that to yen and compare the hours to competition.

>its okay if its a baby company
based faggot i want my son to see huge tits and stay straight

>I just didn't care about your lame ass attempt at antagonizing.

Mario, Zeldra, Donkey Kang, and Pokeman.

based boomer

Why not? a reply doesn't indicate I care. Do you passionately post with every reply?

>they'll go bankrupt almost overnight,
I fail to see how that's a bad thing. Fuck them.

Nintendo is the only company that matters anymore. Sony has shit policies/outlook and Xbox has faded into irrelevance and both have first party games that lack class and create positive cultures around them. Plus there's nobody in Sony or Xbox like Yamauchi/Iwata/Miyamoto. Who's dick are you going to suck Major Nelson? Pizza faced Jim Ryan with that unfortunate hairdo? You're all a bunch of meme playing faggots anyways I hope you all step on a lego.

Literally boiling my friend

Now you're just not making sense. Did it really upset you this much that I said a bad word against Nintendo? grow up lad.

>sony sucks because they keep censoring third-party
why are snoyfags so fucking retarded?

i guess every game in every series is the same

Nintendo =/= Game Freak


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Oh sweetie

>thread about nintendo
>sony mentioned literally in the first post

holy SHIT how is it even POSSIBLE to be this obsessed

how can you live your life constantly thinking about sony non-stop? surely it impacts the things you do negatively

yet there's nothing worth owning on the switch.

You are the retarded,it's censorship nonetheless

The ching-chong bastards over there ruined my fucking life. I was bullied for eating their shit and lost potential to be a decent human being. If it were legal i would have eviscerated everyone on this planet who has even touched niggerturddick crap. I miss my innocence, Yea Forums. I miss it a lot.

you objectively have it backwards. theres a reason most people here play pc/nintendo exclusively.

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>Lets keep this rating low for this children's party game we made
>Lets force another company to censor their adult VN if they want to publish it on our platform. Praise Allah

An attempt at ventilation that will likely be seen as pathetic jannie shit that belongs on reddshit or pisscord.

You're right, they're not gonna go down in history as the greatest because they shut down illegal projects on their copyrighted material lmao

When someone says Miyashitto knows what he’s doing:

He has no clue what’s going on. Online is bad. They aren’t doing anything with the AR controllers they made. Virtual console doesn’t exist, while also not porting GameCube/DS/gameboy games to the system just to keep the system afloat (while they take down roms). And they are going to abandon this system like they do every other one within the next 3 years.
Things they need to do is:
>if you are going to have paid online when the other console had free online, then you need a better service to what you are charging.
>if you are going to make a gimmick like “AR” controllers, make new ip’s centered around them (not just 1).
>if you have exclusives from previous generations, just make ports of them so you can expand your library while you work on new gen games.
Those steps are all that’s needed to make this ONE console have soul. Nintendo IS out of touch.

Nintendo is about as good as companies get
If you insist on procuring a list of their sins though, here you go.
>Ran out of Nintendium after Gamecube
>WiiU trainwreck
>Shit online even by console standards
>No KB&M support
>They haven't purged PokemonC and Gamefreak yet
>Star Fox
>Animal Crossing is mediocre by even the milquetoast standards of life sims
>WiiU censorship
>Gay options in Fire Emblem IF and Three
>Far too few yellow fever waifus for a Japanese company/too many blonde roastoid characters
>Shoehorned micro-objectives in Switch games
>not as stringent with hitting 60fps lately
>Smash roster bloat
>mismanaging Metroid Prime 4
>Too many babies first platformer series. They should cut either Kirby or Yoshi
>lack-luster third party support
There you go.

>kirby should cease to exist
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.

>objectively have it backwards
>this literal thread is exactly as described.

what did he mean by this.

Kirby is one of their biggest sellers in Japan definitely bigger than Yoshi. Why the fuck would they kill one of their golden goose?

>People forgot that Ninti shutted down rom sites even if they planned to not feature Nintendo games
>People forgot that Ninti literally shutted down videos, channels and music of their series


Sony does insurance.

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>Wage cuck cant figure out that people are not optimal for all 8 hours

Fuck off, legit jealous of this and wish I could bounce at hour 6 or 7 when the irritation sets in

Brawl's 02 remix gave me PTSD and I won't stop until I defeat that evil japanese bing bing wahoo company once and for all.


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Thats a good rappresentation of you user.

And how's that related to Kirby games?

I just really want a reason to hate the series.

>average salary
the average mcdonalds salary is probably higher

they work unpaid overtime that's not in the records

If the biggest companies in an industry can't afford to do the stuff in the OP, they SHOULD go bankrupt overnight. Bankruptcy is what is supposed to happen to your company when you have a failing business model.
Get them the fuck out and let some other opportunist come along and fill that economic niche with a company that isn't fundamentally retarded.

god i hate christians


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These pictures about you are nice, continue to bring them and thus prove more how much of an idiot that is taking the bait you are.


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Enjoy your vacation

uh oh

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>he is STILL completely obsessed

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He's not wrong

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Have you decided how you are going to kill yourself?

>I will now monitor your thread

holy shit you didn't understand
hold on a sec for me
thanks lad, I needed that.

Odyssey was the first open-ended exploration-focused 3D Mario game in over a decade

BotW completely threw out the old Zelda formula and did something totally different

>Donkey Kong
Last new release in 2014

Not developed by Nintendo

Try again

Not Him but Kirby

Inb4 Hal labs.

I'll give you that one, Kirby games come out pretty regularly ever couple and don't really change much beyond adding a new gimmick for each entry.

I bet you think not holding one of two opinions makes you a centrist as well you fucking retard. Not having undying loyalty to a corporation doesn’t make you a centrist, they aren’t your friends.

>No kb&m support
>Smash roster bloat
The fuck are you on about?
>No fzero
That's a damn shame. Best racing game ever

They're old too, like 200+ years old. The only thing older would be something like the East India Trading Company, right?

Working is so fucking shit I'm just considering suicide.
I'm always tired, don't have the will to do anything except work out for an hour and sunday goes by so fucking fast it makes me feel even shittier counting the hours until I have to go to sleep to work again

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so would this be cubby instead of cunny?

>work less than 8 hours a day
>in japan
No fucking way

based 3 second attention span poster

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kill yourself pedo

>thread made by snoyfag
>say it's made by snoyfag
>snoyfags seethe and try to cope
every time

No they make more money from semiconductors than anything else

>so angry that he start spamming furry loli porn
But why are you so angry?

I only make $20,000 a year. How do I become an electrician to make more money and buy a switch?

Smash changed 2(?) characters to get a lower rating. That's a long way from massive shafts of light all over your screen, or "Keep Tifa's chest small and ethical."

That's crazy if true that they work less than 8 hours a day


How do I get a good job that pays well but isnt too stressful? I have two Bachelors of science. One in Medical Biology and one in Business IT.

>tfw own pc, switch and ps4
>tfw don't understand elitist console fags

You aren’t poor for 1

>t doesn't understand averages
the average income in the US is 70k but the median is 40k.

>rated e-10+

middle class american lad

Because this is NINTENDO employees working not game developers. Nintendo as in the corporate HQ.

PlayStation routinely takes extremely risky endeavors like selling shit at a loss for years hoping to tank it with other divisions so they can gain large market share later on and rake in cash. If PlayStation was running solo then PS3 would've killed the fuck out of them.
Additionally this is super anticompetitive behavior but governments are useless so nothing ever happens.

Anyway, anyone saw the Iwata-San article?

>Nintendo adjusting content to fulfill the E10+ standard
>Sony censuring already M rated games
...th...they are the same g...guys

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Cool buzzword

Not censored enough.

>will soon be available on the Switch.
Well this webm didn't age well.


I hope they censor any potential banjo kazooie port.

All that yet their only reason to exist is that they hold games hostage on their platform, the only innovative one of which is BoTW.