Fictional violence glorifies real violence

>fictional violence glorifies real violence
>fictional sexualization glorifies real sexual objectification

why is that the west completely understand how untrue the former statement is, but is extremely paranoid about the latter and believes it's 100% true?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>why is that the west completely understand how untrue the former statement is
It doesn't actually

only ugly people complain about beautiful people.

Ive never bought a mk game

>expecting meat eaters to have any kind of moral consistency

It's just a meme made up by bitter women to shit on anything that is made for males.

Ugly women and "women" complain about beautiful women, you mean. I'm a fat fuck and don't care how buff and sexualized guys are in muh vidya.

Feminists do not care about violence

I don't mind MKX Mileena, or any of the girls outfit, now MK11 took things too far

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>b-but attractive men are a power fantasy not objectification!

Thats just for vidya.

Its ok when Hollywood and Netflix does it.

Op quick clarification, when you said the west did you mean anything west of the middle East or did you mean THE WEST (america)

funny enough you can objectify imaginary characters that don't exist.
Whole twitter sheep gaming hysteria is based on one failed assumption, that characters in the game are actually real with feelings and shit.
Only mentally ill retards can not separate fantasy from reality.

okay, I mean 90% of the western gaming industry understands that fictional violence doesn't make you violent
just because it's okay to for example kill people in games it doesn't mean that anyone will get the idea that it's okay to kill in real life, vast majority of devs and journalists understand this

yet 90% of them believe that sexualization is a problem because, "if it's okay for a game to sexualize a female character then people will get the idea that it's okay to sexually objectify real women"

Obviously I meant *you can not objectify imaginary characters

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Violence is core to MK's identity.

Sex is not.

>be man
>born ugly
>try hard and succeed in literally anything else
>be woman
>born ugly
>devote life to sabotaging beautiful women out of spite

>Sex is not
Except for all the times where it was?

mk ninja girls should have some kind of leotard /dancer styled designs, it's part of their iconic looks and what emphasizes their female assassin concept. Mileena in mkx looks like some generic thug

Attached: mileenaconceptart.jpg (1440x970, 247K)

wasn't specifically talking about MK but all games
on the other hand your post is just plain wrong. The game always had (or at least tried to use) sexy female designs before MKX toned it down and MK11 removed it completely

I like vampiress Mileena

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>he thinks only the clothes got changed
>not the lack of tits or ass or ugly faces they added
BAKA nigga

Sucks for you, they are actually pretty fun.

good for you, they suck


Care to explain?

you can watch the fatalities or other cinematics on youtube and not miss out on anything

gameplaywise MK was always ranging from mediocre to straight up bad and never had any uniqueness to it (with the exception of the ps2 games which were sadly the clunkiest of all)

People aren't attracted to objects, only other people.

Someday I want to make a game that does to political correctness in gaming what Postal (To be precise 2) did to violence in gaming.

Sexual objectification is just seeing people as someone to fuck and nothing more. This entails 0 regard for their wants, needs and feeling. It has nothing to do with objects. It's something that I've accepted that I do sometimes but I don't go around lying to myself that it doesn't exist.

I don't think you understand what sexual objectification means
it refers to treating a person really lowly, like if they weren't people but objects, for the sake of one's sexual gratification

saying that this can't exist in real life is absurd, but saying that fictional sexualization glorifies and encourages this behaviour in real life is just as nonsense

This, its made up shit like white privilige

I used that all the time.

>why is that the west completely understand how untrue the former statement is, but is extremely paranoid about the latter and believes it's 100% true?
They understand. They're just lying to push their agendas and make money off people.

If you really want to expose the SJW's lack of seperation of fantasy and reality just make a videogame with a sexy female character who is okay with being sexualized, dressing sexy and flaunting it, and another female character who is a total prude and who chastises the other one for doing so.

Watch the double standards as they claim only one of these is "correct" and acceptable, despite both female characters and their attitudes being imaginary and up to the whim of the creators not the stuck up SJW's, its then you realise they want things to be only their way, failing to get the point of fiction.

Fuck I meant to quote

Guys I fucking was joking.

>Sexual objectification is just seeing people as someone to fuck and nothing more
>it refers to treating a person really lowly, like if they weren't people but objects, for the sake of one's sexual gratification
What you guys said is objectification is just being an asshole that doesn't care about other people's feelings.

Now just look at how the objectification argument is made against video games and other media.
They take a piece of media that contains traditionally attractive female characters, and say that's objectification.
Tell me how could that be objectification? Seeings as literally everyone is attracted to people based on their appearance (at least at first)?
It's not real. It's just a thing they say for political gain.

>but saying that fictional sexualization glorifies and encourages this behaviour in real life is just as nonsense
Forgot to add something along the lines, yes this is also nonsense.

So Yea Forums, besides shills, is the 10% who dont believe big tiddy anime girls dont make pedos?

I love Mileena

Attached: sexy mileena.jpg (1000x1550, 300K)


did the retard that made that image play the game

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>you can watch the fatalities or other cinematics on youtube and not miss out on anything
ok you can do that for any game retard and the games are fun stop crying

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>DLC costumes released months after launch when they realized getting woke was liable to make them broke

>posting DLC

>b-b-b-but dlc
look more retard good to see you

Attached: Mortal Kombat XL_20190101110939.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)

I dunno, why does Yea Forums always whine about politics in muh video games and muh SJW leftist agenda? I thought video games don’t influence your thoughts?

Now compare it to her MK9, Deception and Deadly Alliance outfit and lets see how different it is.

Then why didn't you post a picture of Mileena?

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Are you implying that costume is in any way comparable to ?

why dont you go back and play those game then retards stop crying

kys NRSnigger
don't reply to NRS shitskin, it's pointless

Why don't you learn proper grammar so people don't realize you're a chink shill so easily?

you still posting this shit you assblasted fag?

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>stop crying
It's you isn't it? that mad as fuck user that spammed every single MK11 thread with images of Kitana while screaming SHES FINE PLS BLELIEVE ME GUYS. Kek do you live on Yea Forums just waiting for MK threads to pop up to white knight or some shit?

Any kind of media influence your thoughts, it just doesn't turn you into a murderer or rapist.

you all look retarded

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and all of a sudden, you're a sexist, you didn't ask for this, you didn't choose this, yet there it is

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Knew it. How are you handling that MK11 flopped? that even Soul Calibur is beating it on Twitch these days?

hold on retards where mad killing was in mk11

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You are asking why the absolute retards that obsess over that and throw tantrums about idiotic shit are retarded.
The answer is because they are retarded subhumans.

My favorite story regarding MK11 is how some of the art team ended up suffering severe distress over all the videos and images of dead bodies they had to look at to get the gore just right.
Boobs bad, traumatizing employees good.

Her outfits were the least of her problems in MKX

that looks so bad why did they even bother?

It doesnt exist. It's an abstract concept ugly women made because no one likes them

>How are you handling that MK11 flopped?
nice head canon

Attached: mk11.png (742x436, 64K)

>the employees chose to traumatize themselves instead of making skimpy outfits
And some people still think people like that aren't mentally ill.

wow you kinds are still mk11 wow

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>Implying the incel community isn't the exact same thing

>defends latest piece of shit made by West, that includes: movies, games, cartoons
>not books because obvious sub 70 IQ
>you can easily spot him because he doesn't know syntax or punctuation and replies with simplistic bait or umad lines
>big RWBY fan
>never plays multiplayer in fighting games yet sits in /fgg/ because obviously his opinion is extremely valuable
>big capeshit fan
kill yourself you son of a shitskin whore

>released in a month with no competition
>and still couldn't beat the previous game let alone a PS1 game

man this is some good assblast

There is a difference there though. Its why bayonetta is well received among a lot of feminists (not all obviously but ive seen a surprising amount defend her) while shit like DOA gets trashed.

Thats because men can idolize/aspire to another. Women are envious and rather bring down others than ascend themselves.
You know this one is true

you will never be white and your mother will always be a whore.
Kill yourself NRSnigger

why dont you go back to /fgg/ and cry about games you dont play

after MK11 shitshow I'm pretty sure there never will be another MK game.

Doesn't matter, what fucking difference? Its all fiction, DOA is just as fine and acceptable as Bayoneta

There won't be anyway as Boon stated he wants to do something different after 11 and with the sales of 11 not being able to top X it was sunk regardless.

its funny how retards still think nobody likes mk11
>m-m-m-m-muh mk9 costumes

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(((wect))) is no. 1 porn distributor

This is absolutely 100% true. There are literally hundreds of studies confirming this

>telling me to go back to /fgg/ when he's literally sitting there waiting to start shit
all you can do is parrot dumb trash you heard on this site. You're so fucking stupid, literally waste of goddamn air.
Kill yourself NRS shitskin

>with the sales of 11 not being able to top X it was sunk regardless.
Did it not? I remember a bunch of shitposting about how it was the best selling game ever or something a month or so ago.

so you are literally going off first 3 day sales saying the game flopped dumbass

it is but retards like this wanted the game to do bad to beat the bad sjw

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Nope, the user white knighting MK11 in every thread even posted evidence of that for us here So post a follow up that says it outsold X then.

yeah I'm not buying that piece of shit
>make series of games for 2 decades
>jump animation still same trash and punches/kicks feel like you're hitting opponent with wet noodle
And obvious disaster in story mode, it's not going to be a good experience from gameplay perspective or from narrative.

where you that mad somebody posted images of a game you forced yourself to hate for fanboy shit

Holy shit, how good was III for it to be top 2 sales in the series? Or is it counting all the re-releases too?

hay retard it took years for mkx to get to 11 million not 3 days you simpleton

Well, they do make their lives revolve around sex (even though they get none)

you can tell when some retards are trying to hate a game when they are nitpicoking a jump

It's possibly including UMK3 in the sales as well but I couldn't say for sure, either way MK3 was a MASSIVE hit, everyone went fucking nuts for it.

So you don't have a follow up is what you're saying? kek

you really wanted mk11 to do bad didnt you

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I'm going to take a shit and it's going to smell better and be smarter than you.
Let that sink in, then kill yourself

>t-t-t-the game flopped believe me

fucking fridge body

No actually I wanted it to be the best MK ever, I was hyped as fuck for that release trailer even if the music was shit. But then it was one bad thing after the other and now I'm more depressed with the whole situation than anything. It's not the MK I grew up with, it's a monster wearing its skin.

Still waiting for that evidence user.

yap looks like you where

you still haven't shown anybody the game flopped you want people to go off your word

kys NRSnigger

assblasted nigger i will be back im going top post some mk stuff on /fgg/

>I can't read a thread
I'll link it once more, and it was posted by you white knighting faggots as well which is funny it couldn't beat MKX, making it a flop.

are you learning new words? Are you actually capable of learning something besides "assblasted", "retard" and "u mad"?
That's a surprise, but not really. Kill yourself you son of a shitskin whore

i dont think you know what a flop is retard

I dont doubt MK11 sold well but why did they have to put it on sale one week in if it was doing so well?

man this is some good mad and all over a videogame

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kill yourself nrsnigger

>can't outsell the previous title isn't a flop
Yes I'm sure WB are quite please with the latest, and more costly game, under-performing.


they didnt retard what are you going to do post more wallmart shit

you retards are bad at bait

And yet I'm still waiting for that evidence that says otherwise. If it's done so well you should have found lots of it by now.

>the game did bad
>i said so

Still waiting

lips or no lips?

Attached: mileena lips.jpg (1350x720, 259K)

Mortal Kombat essence always was it's violence, not sexualization.

>b-but the first games had lots of sexy girls
Mainly because they had to put them on simple outfits for the sprites to work, there couldn't be pieces of clothing flapping around. You can observe the same thing with the males characters.

You picked the worst example to whine about.

>when short skirts don't cause rape but video games with women in short skirts do

Doesn't matter, Mileena is the best regardless.

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Lips are for plebs

retards go play doa

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best answer

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>Mortal Kombat essence always was it's violence, not sexualization.

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Nice fanart, but I don't see how it goes against what I've said.

You're not wrong about this, but the people who desperately try to deny that woke = broke more often then not are simply never going to give ground for various reasons.

It sold less then the last game in the series while still likely costing as much to make or more. How is that not doing badly?



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It's official you idiot.

Prove it's official.

It's in the game you utter retard.

its in the game its from fool

Still waiting.

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Is this the level of the common shitposters on Yea Forums nowadays? You're so stupid you can't realize it's not official artwork.

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The original games used real life, digitzed actors. The other oldschool MK games were on the PS2, it had nothing to do with sprites faggot.

this you fucking retard

Oh and before you complain about not wanting to watch the whole thing, it's at 21.15

Tr-Trolled! H-He was just pretending!

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I haven't played MK in forever but I always liked Mileena.
Think she'll get resurrected ever?

Thanks for the (You)s kids.

Attached: goyim.png (500x445, 232K)

There are a lot of Mileena clones with theories that the one killed in X wasn't the real Mileena due to the lips so she'll be back.

If the series kontinues? Most likely, but after 11 I really don't think I want them to.

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I fondest hope is that the devs for Killer Instinct get to make future MK games which will eventually lead into MK vs KI. It'll never happen I know but a man can dream.

Why are there so many of these threads right now


It's a refreshing change from all the Smash threads.

some 12 year old wants to shitpost

Fictional violence isn't real violence. Fictional sexualization IS real sexual objectification. Not too hard to understand.
>post more wallmart shit
what? I didnt follow mk11 that much but I seem to know more then you lol

>drawings are real

Because 11 made the girls shit and I'd not let Mileena get ruined.

You can get it by playing the mobile game, which is free. There is no complaining


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why are women so jealous of fictional characters anyway?
did they can't compete against a piece of paper and some lines?

>MK thread
>Is the same politic debate and the same user who says that MK have bad gameplay

you sound like a bitch

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Explain why user. Not shitposting, I really want to hear your opinion about that and why is sexualization bad

You sound like a shill.

Now you know what all the "stupid poltards" were warning you about

It made Skarlet and Cassie to look cool. That’s an improvment

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Cassie is a downgrade from X costume wise as a sneaking suit is better than armour, and Skarlet's Alt is decent but it could stand to show more skin.

Why Yea Forums hates MK so much?
Overwatch also is SJWish and is still getting threads
>Bad gameplay
True in some titles, but later games have been good gameplaywise, and even so tons of game with bad game that is praised in Yea Forums or like Deadly Premonition (which is kino), Yakuza, Senran Kagura, etc.
>Bad animation
I agree but 11 fixed that aside of jabs and jumps

was that picture supposed to look not ugly?

its just retards that want to hate shit and retards crying about sjw games

how is she ugly or are you going to shitpost more

I don't hate MK, I however I don't like MK11. I'll talk the previous games all day long.

Attached: MK4.jpg (900x980, 146K)

>I'll talk the previous games all day long

Attached: MY SIDES.gif (540x310, 393K)

What's wrong with that?

absolutely disgusting

Attached: JapanVSwest.jpg (647x589, 106K)

>Overwatch also is SJWish and is still getting threads

Overwatch has good porn tho.

Dear US American,
The word is "sexy", not "sexualized". You sound like a fucking idiot.
Best regards,
Everyone Else


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>What's wrong with that?
a loot

Attached: Mortal_Kombat_vs._DC_cover.jpg (1000x1251, 920K)

Yes, Kitana is supposed to be beautiful

So, what do these people think of strippers or porn stars or models? Those are real women in professions meant for the women to be objectified. What about twitch thots?

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why are you pigposting? it's against the sharia law, ahmed

The series has had blips this is no secret, MK11 is the most recent one after all.

Because feminism dumbed down women.

I'm honestly disgusted that Ed Boon thinks asians look like that. Have they not seen the Mortal Kombat movie and how sexy Robin Shou as Liu Kang was? This was before ((they)) took over. Based 90s.

>I'm honestly disgusted that Ed Boon thinks asians look like that.

The average asian is fugly like that.

how is that a manface

Attached: kitana 1.png (710x393, 353K)

you sound stupid as fuck

>she has a manface
im starting to think some retards dont know what that is

Good thing Princess Kitana is not your average nobody

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>incompetence is the same as willfully producing garbage
Now post her concept art.

At least I'm not dumb enough to actually buy MK11.

I guess you missed the point but whatever.

nigga are you retarded

Attached: tumbn2rlt2VJQV1rmrxg0o1_400.png (400x284, 132K)

wow that looks like shit
do you people really fap to this low quality turds?

I know for a fact by the amount of "this is my waifu x, say something nice about her" threads that your post is completely not true

>Openly admit of never actually playing the games
>"Hurrrrr its sucks mediocre"
Every time

Just look at the butthurt jealous feminists that got the Formula 1 grid girls out of a job cause of their jealousy, even though they didn't find anything wrong with it

Funny thing is is that they inadvertently took away jobs from those women.

the reply to this is of course- "male gaze bad"

How naive

I wonder what mileena's pants smell like haha like when she takes them off haha

>but is extremely paranoid about the latter and believes it's 100% true?
Because it is.
Source: people complaining the game no longer sexually objectificates women.

>you still posting this shit you assblasted fag?
>posts same exact image as retaliation in every MK thread for months
Its funny how I know exactly who you are

>All the SFM Porn is mk9 Mileena an not mkx Mileena


>right pic is barely passable in comparison to a literal fuck up that everyone agrees sucks
Omg you actually clicked post!

It's amazing how NRS just cant seem to figure out how to model shit at all even after all this time and with WB behind them all the way. Its even more amazing how they let a single designer(according to their own words) sway basic design elements away from a character because it made them feel weird drawing it.

>expecting meat eaters to have any kind of moral consistency
I'm glad you agree that Hitler did nothing wrong.He was after all a perfect showcase of vegetarian and naturalist.

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its all burgerland's fault and all its fucking castrated devs and their martyr complex


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The real issue is that they dont have any issue with graphic violence ,but the moment a character shows some skin they all go nuts. Is awful people.