Can someone help me do the 3rd floor boss in the Loran Chalice on ps4 bloodborne? I've been looking for someone online for like an hour.
Can someone help me do the 3rd floor boss in the Loran Chalice on ps4 bloodborne...
sure, what's your username
I cant find you
Oops sorry. Its SneedBraaapChuck88
Still nothing. Just add me
Bump still need help
I have never played Bloodborne in my entire life.
I figured. Doesnt mean I still dont need help.
uh brt bro, what level are you though? what boss is it?
just go to the general, retard
Allright Ill help you bump at least.
Abhorrent beast and I'm level 123 now
ok i got a 114 on the way
I'm on ailing loran level 3, gonna ring summoning bell near the boss room
I hope so. Even just joining someone's game takes forever
just to confirm you made a fixed shared dungeon of ailing loran, and you're ringing the beckoning bell right now with worldwide turned on and no password?
Yeah. Want me to set a password?
would make it faster i think
Snakes is the password
alright i'm just standing here, Snakes is password, worldwide, at the top of the stairs down to the boss, ailing loran level 3. fixed shared
so idk wtf
Let me restart my game real fast
You rang the resonant bell? If so idk why we cant join. Thanks anyway though
I would, but my internet is shit for ps4ing
Ailing Loran, fixed shard status, on the third floor right before the boss, with small resonant bell ringing, Snakes as password and worldwide set, and we're close in level. Idfk lol.
Abhorrent beast is the real asshole.
Add me on playstation cobera2. Maybe itl work then
>Abhorrent Beast
Yeah, holy shit. That's the hardest fucking boss in the game. I had to cheese that shit with poison and prayers.
Also go back to the lamp at the begining
Yeah it's not great. I have a buddy who could help me but hes busy. This thing is a dick lol
added and am at layer three lamp with bell ringing, password Snakes
i'm gonna put your glyph in and just go to the same one you're at
So you gotta run through the whole thing?
you know what op, this character is on ng++ or something, i think that matters idk
Lol no shit. Thanks anyways
well i ran past the first two floors already so I'm at level 3 lantern again
Imagine being so bad at the easiest souls game you have to beg for help on Yea Forums lmao
We cant all be as good as you.