Gets knocked unconscious

>Gets knocked unconscious

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He's the only companion I never give better armor. But his skills early on are a godsend so he will always be loved by me


there is no reason not to give the best possible armor

You were supposed to give him a crossbow and keep him with the rangers

his combat skills are shit. SHIT. I've given this man LORDLY Sarranid Elite Armor and he would still fall every battle


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We need a butter armour mod.

Put him in his own group and move him to the edge of the map.

and a pre-battle taunt where your troops slather butter on themselves bare naked

forgot pic

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Do you guys think the new game will mods out the ass or anime waifus?


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Holy shit.

victory cheers are hilarious even more so for the women


just make a default class (like medicus or VIP) and have them stand still at the beginning of each battle

You're supposed to command him to retreat. Then he can't possible die.

>Finally receive a fief
>It gets raided immediately

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I really like M&B but when i got to the point of having 2 or 3 cities i don't know what else to do. I dont feel compelled to suck nobility dicks. it is worth to acumulate tons of gold and then just make you own nation?

>be unaffiliated
>see lords picking on peasants
>give them a taste of their own medicine
>you have lost honor

Same, the post mid-game grind is just too tedious, I hope that if Butterlord ever comes out they make the politics actually engaging.

That sounds fucking stupid.

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diplomacy native and TweakMB are what you guys need.

of course, they always give you the shittiest hicktown ten days travel from the closest castle
