Unpleasant person enters the server

>unpleasant person enters the server

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>enters the server

Is this 2005?

Literally all games have matchmaking now.


>it's you

>character models all use the same face

>voice chatting with a friend
>"oh btw I invited random faggot you don't know"
>they talk for like 15 minutes, don't say a word
>mute the window and go play vidya without saying anything

Attached: 1539651682946.jpg (819x581, 64K)


>they see your dicklet

I never watched this series but how many Chaikas are there?

>unpleasant person leaves the server

Attached: 1430616728442.webm (960x720, 2.47M)

always one too many

I think you're the faggot here, why can't you be social?


>Literally all games have matchmaking now.
why? It's so gay.


Kill yourself normalnigger. I am above you.

chaika a shit
the guro-bait dragon girl was cuter

>tfw you kick that Yea Forumstard

>anime profile enters the server
ftfy tranny

normalfaggots only talk about cod and sports, wouldn't associate with one regardless

some crazy wizard made a spell that turns random women into Chaikas who are programmed to bring the wizard back to life, which results in a bunch of chaikas. The good guys have a chaika, the bad guys have a chaika, random villages have chaikas. There are chaikas everywhere.

These are my Chaikawives

Attached: chaikas.jpg (640x787, 154K)

control. matchmaking forces players to buy dlc and not mod/hack/pirate.

You could've made a new friend but instead you're retarded

anime is okay but hentai doujins is where its at

I know i told this guy to be social but the only convo i hear from these discord gamers, is "Woah crazy" "dope dude" just one liner after one liner and the distant clicks of mice and keyboards

I have enough friends. I don't need more. Is this a difficult concept to grasp for a normalnigger?

And they're worse for it.

No. Normalfags are like Aldritch from Dark Souls 3. Just consume consume consume consume consume consume consume endlessly and without thought.

>has friends
youre a double normal nigger

someone like a nigger?


this happens so much seriously

tfw it's me

Attached: MGS4-Old-Snake-Shadow.jpg (800x450, 76K)

>tfw feel bad for beating on casual server denizens in cs:go but don't enjoy comp
I don't want to be THAT GUY who just flickshots everyone to death with the awp or uses the other team's heads as a nail-driving board for the ak.
I just want to have fun.

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