Why do gamers LOVE to drink this literal poison?

Why do gamers LOVE to drink this literal poison?

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It's just caffeine bruh

It's like drinking a mana potion

Haha us gamers am i right my fellows?

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Why do people LOVE to care about how others live their lives?

Mind your own fucking business.

Long as someone isn't hurting someone else who gives a fuck what they do.

Just so i would die sooner

Damn, right. Hope you get a heart attack soon so we can get rid oof your existence

Because gamers or "Fucking faglords" as I call em are none too bright.

And I hope you get bone cancer and die slowly, useless faggot.

I never saw the "gamer energy drink" meme in real life

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My taxes go towards your inevitable heart attack /diabetes you fat piece of shit

tastes like ass
i'd rather drink soda

There's nothing wrong with Energy drinks suck a dick onions master.

Sipping on coffee all day is probably a lot worse for your body.

fuck off boomer, nobody believes in your cancer meme anymore

We don't it's just a meme, bro. Why does everyone assume the worst out of gamers?

I drink one every day and I shit blood. I'm still not stopping any time soon though.

>drinking high sugar and high caffeine shit and then standing on a chair for 2 hours.

you just fucking want to destroy your body.
if you just want extra performance for the final boss or a tournament match, just drink 1 coffee, which contains a limited amount of caffeine, no excess sugar, no unkown substance surrounded by shady paid research papers.

i have a friend who has been
>alcoholic since age 14, arrested and went to clinic. used to carry bottles to school in his backpack
>smoking tobacco
>smaking weed
>drinking redbull daily

he managed to quit all of those and he confirmed that redbull was by far the hardest to quit and the most addictive. and it fucked his teeth more than the other ones.

>coffee is worse
>not a pint can full of artificial chemicals

Water for me, please.

>Why does everyone assume the worst out of gamers?
Gamers are the most opressed minority, literally everyone else takes a shit on us for absolutely no reason
It's about time we RISE THE FUCK UP

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I drink Monster zero a ton. It tastes good, gives me energy, spikes my anxiety to help me feel alive for an hour or two, and lets me suppress my appetite.

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How does anyone get addicted to Redbull? It tastes like freaking ass.

>have energy drink
>crash a few hours later
>feel twice as tired as before

It's just not fucking worth it

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I only drank them for three years, never more than one a day, and they completely destroyed my insides. Don't get addicted.

What artificial chemicals? Energy drinks are just sugar and caffeine

ah but for me it's the Monster Zero Ultra
no sugar, no damage

>things that actually happened

So does beer, yet people drink and get addicted

so true

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it contains addicting chemicals. the taste doesn't matter in the long run.

Who drinks energy drinks aside from hicks and frat boys? I've never seen anybody else drink then.

As a person who's a Nurse and working towards their NP, you're objectively wrong. While coffee can put stress on the kidneys it has the potential to eliminate free radicals because of it's antioxidant properties.

Energy drinks are made by minorities. Enough said.

Hell yes, Ultraviolet drinker here. Shit's the best.

What chemicals?

then do something against it except whining about how one should live his life

>you just fucking want to destroy your body.
Yeah, I do. Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

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Pic related is what energy drinks contain
>Vitamin B
>Taurine (literally produced on the body)
Literally nothing special or harmful, it's only bad if you drink a lot everyday because of high suger and caffeine.

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This goes for all of you. If this is not your gamerfuel then you are not a real living being and are only meeting the bare minimum requirements of humanity.

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My taxes go to your ugly mug and you don't hear me complaining. If you cannot accept the fundamental principles behind taxation expect to be judged by the same standards.

caffeine for one

I tried a monster white once because of the memes, it wasnt that good

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sugarfree redbull/monster is basically just stronger coffee...most of the scary-named ingredients are totally harmless unless you drink literally hundreds of cans per day
(the caffeine would probably kill you first)...if you drink the stuff full of sugar then yeah it's poison.

here's a good explanation by the king of manlets


>imagine the smell


>tfw switching back to monster assault from the zero ultras
so much better

>energy drink
>literally drains your energy

Water is fucking boring and I like my Monster more.

That's it? Guess i'll keep drinking then

You better be a woman or a very cute man.

coffee water and whiskey master race

this, the original monster is better, and both get the same job done anyway so it's either commit to the meme fully or pretend you're part of the meme

Caffeine, bvitamins, and all the other crap in there give nutrient deficient people that subsist on gamer fuel and microwave meals the energy to stay up and function despite having no nutrition

But I don't eat celery sticks. That's for fat fucks.

Best energy drink coming through

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>artificial chemicals
Sounds scary, Linda. I'm never going to vaccinate my kids now.

Sugar Free Red Bull is the perfect energy drink even the regular Red Bull contains a lot less sugar than the competition.

>tall skeleton body
>drink one energy drink after years of not
>ended up in the hospital

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Mind your language, young man.

I wish I was able to quit sugar and red meat, but shit just tastes so good I can't imagine a good day without them

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Food is for fat fucks. I subsist on nutrient injections and gamer weed

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You see, if I drink a coffee to focus while tanking a boss, the chance of shitting my pants mid fight goes up by about 500%. If I just sip on a nos im fine.

because it slowly kills me

Do people really give that much of a shit about their health? Why?

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Why is everyone hating on this guy? He's telling the truth!

Stop playing video games, work out every day, don't eat meat, go outside every day for AT LEAST a few hours, don't binge watch, stop eat ass, stop buying your stupid weeb shit, and don't browse Yea Forums for hours on end.

Do all that (and more) then you'll be super healthy goyim, trust me. Who cares if you'll enjoy or not, at least you'll be healthy. :]

>standing on a chair

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>don't eat meat
>stop eat ass
you cant trick me

Why would you quit meat? Did you fall for the meat gives you cancer meme?

Why do you want us to eat ass, user?

He wants you to stop eating ass

Only red meat, not all of it. I don't like the damage it causes to the environment and I kinda feel bad for the animals, they're mammals after all.

No, people are always looking for a way to be better than everyone else on here, now maybe if we can throw regular exercise and stretches into the mix, it could do this board some good.

because they haven't discovered espresso yet.

I had a friend who was all about pic related in the glory days of UT2K4. Is it actually any good?

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>they're mammals after all
So are pigs.

Cowfarts wont make the poles melt

I don't exercise and never will.

>ctrl + f
>kidney stones
>no results

My boss at work drinks energy drinks every single day. I have never seen him drink water. He has gotten kidney stones twice now in the 4 years that I know him. Drink water kids. Once you beat the caffeinated jew you'll feel a lot better. I can't even bring myself to have more than a couple sips of Coke now, it's literally garbage for your body in every way you can think of.

Because gamers are literal children who never matured.

>who gives a fuck
I work a night shift with a bunch of zoomers and the office fucking stinks of this shit all the time. They all have bad skin from dehydration and just look ugly which makes hurts me directly.

This. Tax is fucking theft.

Based and aquapilled

There is also a lot of people posting saying it just sugar and caffeine but what we don't know and never will know is the actual harmful effects of these things. Similar to how excessive masturbation causes hair loss. These soft drinks most certainly do something very harmful to us but research is paid off. To hide the truth. Stop drinking kiddies drinks and wanking and start drinking 15 litres of water a day and riding women.

I was thinking more about the amount of resources they take up, a huge part of what we grow on the fields is used to feed them and the process of growing meat is very inefficient due to energy levels etc.
Are pigs not red meat? Maybe I'm retarded then


>Are pigs not red meat?
I actually just looked it up

>Some meat, such as pork, is classified as white meat under the common or gastronomic definition, but as red meat under the nutritional definition.

Because I'm not a faggot.

>beer tastes like ass

>it's literally garbage for your body in every way you can think of.

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We arent about to run out off food or water any time soon

>Why do people gauge the good & bad of lifestyle choices? Like omfg so annoying just leave me alone WHO CARES??
That's retarded. I could easily make some roundabout argument about how you complaining about complaining is the exact same shit.
And canned sugar is always poison.

based and anti-sugar pilled

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enjoy feeling weak, man

Aww, maybe you should have thought about that before wanting """""""""""free""""""""""" healthcare. Now go cope somewhere else.

>I can't enjoy anything in life that isn't plain water
Must suck for you.

>drink energy drink
>feel no different
>drink coffee
>feel like vomiting

I just want to feel awake dammit.

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That's a funny thought process, does it make you feel secure like it's meant to?

What's the most energy drinks you've drank in a single day? 4 classic monsters for me, I had difficulty speaking and constantly lost my train of thoughts by the end.

When I was in high school I bought a shit ton of monsters, downed them right before my finals, and then kept one. My plan was to down the last one if I thought I was going to fail/not finish in time and gamble a heart attack.
I wasn't a smart kid.

I drank two Spike Shooters way back when. I felt like I was going to die because my heart kept going nuts, so I ran until I couldn't feel it anymore. I'm sure I was dying that day.

That's a funny thought process, does it make it feel smart like it's meant to?

A crummy energy drink? They should be fetching a pail of water!

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i unironically like the white monster but i don't chug them every day like some sorta addict

They kinda taste like a weird green tea drink.
I enjoy them too, but they always dry out my upper lip for some reason.

Enjoy fucking your body for the rest of your life after coming off it, even just accidentally.

How so?

Because, even while cripplingly addicted so the high is very minor, your brain functions better on caffeine than a normal, completely unaffected brain.
Games are a mental activity so mental stimulants are going to be used alongside them.
Canned drinks can be drunk at home, where it's impossible to get a decent cup of coffee.

>he can't make good coffee at home

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>home, where it's impossible to get a decent cup of coffee
u wot

Because Fat gamers do not get energy naturally because they dont exercise so they need caffeine to stay awake.

From what I've seen Yea Forums are mostly based skeles and not disgusting fats.

Hey, I may never exercise but I'm no fatass, faggot.
However I do drink a lot of energy drinks, mostly for flavor and not energy.

sleep more

Sleep is for the weak-willed and people with jobs.

get on my're level

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He's just a stupid motherfucker that doesn't even know what the fuck he's even talking about,.

based absolute unit

I like Nutella a lot but hate milk, am I still on your level?

Why do people consume

>Red Meat

Dont they know its literal poison?

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based shitter

Aside from giving you bad acne and an increase in fatigue you can end up with heart disease. Otherwise the negatives are specific to other abnormalities (if you’re pregnant, gallbladder disease, etc.) all in all, if you’re trying to be healthier a diet isn’t the way to go. Eat less and work out, that’s literally all you have to do.

>unironically drinking cow's milk

you need carbs with caffeine, otherwise you're going to get hypoglycemic

just drink water fat retards

No, faggot.

I see I struck a nerve.

If you are not fat you can still be unfit as sin and still need caffeine for energy. Your body is not producing enough Serotonin(I think is the one) without exercise to stay fully awake throughout the day. Try taking a mile walk daily as a good start and then move into actual exercising.

Also I tell myself its for the "Taste" as well when I am addicted to Soda but I know the truth is just im addicted to caffeine. I have tried quitting before and it started to taste worse but I relapsed and am going to start again soon, I recommend you all join the water/healthy drink gang as well so you live long enough to see real VR MMO's and whatever other future tech you are looking forward to

if the poison tastes so delicious i cant be blamed for consuming it

>eat like shit
>drink like shit
>get fat
>get diabetes and heart disease
>lose limbs and die 30 years early

I'm glad the newer generations seem to be a bit more health conscience.

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This entire fucking meme is viral marketing and it baffles me that so many went along with it.
Just shows how far gone this shithole is I guess.

>expecting me to read all of that shit
>expecting me to exercise or leave the house

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They're not YOUR taxes, they're the government's taxes, that's how property works - when you hand something over to someone else you lose the right to dictate how that something is used.


now that was a meme

Do you have a proper espresso machine at home? Not one of the fucking prepackaged cup things, a proper one? Because if not, your coffee is literal shit not worth throwing to your animals.

You realize taxpayers are already subsidizing emergency rooms right? Even in the "land of the free"? american btw

Nigga, some old dude lived to be 103 or some shit while eating exclusively McDonald’s for the last 73 years.

Ritalin is healthier than Caffiene and I mean it

Lifespan and health is literally 80% genetics, 10% lifestyle, and 10% luck.
As long as you don't fuck up your body with hard drugs you'll be fine.

>eat like shit
>drink like shit
>stay skele
>still get to die 30 years early
living the life right now desu

Tried the sample, shit was gross.

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When they can just drink their own piss for free.

One guy out of what? Almost 8 billion? You wont get that lucky. Health is about setting the dice in your favor. Some will get unlucky and some will get more lucky without setting the dice in their favor. That does not mean you shouldnt try to manipulate the odds into your favor.

I do not leave my house to exercise. A treadmill and mat and dumbbells work fine.

Coffee is healthy in small doses but not how people drink it these days

It makes me feel like I don't drink poison you rascal.

Energy drinks are great, it gives me boroderline panic attacks and they feel nice.

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meant for:

Beef is good for you

>expecting me to get a treadmill
>expecting me to exercise at all

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>Decide to try Monster and redbull for the first time after decades of hearing about it
>Taste like some cheap ass industrial candy
>Has less effect then my usual expressos
You failed me again America. I don't know what I expected.

>standing on a chair
Show us your battlestation user

I mean I thought the same before I started and it sucks at the start and to be honestly I still hate it but I hate it less than I did and I assume over time I will hate it less than I do now. You DO want to live to see tech that makes life actually fun right?

Also Vinigarette makes salad edible taste and texture wise for me so try that before writing off salad. Baby spinach is better than any lettuce as well.

I didn't know Barq's made an energy drink.

>You DO want to live to see tech that makes life actually fun right

You are supposed to mainline it you dummy

I've drank them for a decade now and I am fine. I exercise almost daily however.

Why not?

Do waterfags drink water straight from their taps or do they boil the water first?

Pussy, that's only 600 mg of caffeine.

>muh ebic energy drinkies
Just drink coffee or take a caffeine tablet bro

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>literal poison
Soda is poison
Alcohol is poison
Fast food is poison
Candy is poison
Why do humans eat this shit????


Shouldn't the sugar free ones be alright?

gravity filter nigga, tap water is suicide and boiled taste weird

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Mix Monster with some Coke or Dr Pepper and get the best shit you ever drank, trust me.

Because it's engineered to be addictive

I'm not falling for it.

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Not in the US they don't

It's kinda like sprite but better.

I have my own Well that I will drink water from but I usually just drink bottled water

No I'm serious, I mixed Monster with Dr Pepper a while ago and it tastes like heaven.

I don't and shouldn't drink energy drinks. I had heart surgery.. But before the surgery I will explain what happened before.

>never drink coffee or anything with caffeine
>naturally more sluggish than most people due to heart defect
>drink energy drink
>feel like a literal beast and easily angered
>can move "fast as fuck boy"
>feel like a super hero
>the effects are so strong on me I feel it over 6 hours later getting the jitters
>the amazing feeling only last max 50 minutes
>rest is 5 hours of annoying jitters

I have not had a energy drink since my heart surgery. I'm guessing it's mostly the same.

Universal healthcare, not going bankrupt because some one hit me with their car is great not fat fucks like you ruin the system. Unhealthy food should be taxed hard like cigarettes so you fat fucks end up paying more than using

I don't like drinking piss.

tastes good, has a lot of caffeine in it, it does what it says on the tin, keeps you awake

all alcohol tastes like shit, if you disagree you're an actual alcoholic. the only nice tasting drinks are the ones where you can't taste the alcohol

The fuck is that?
>UK version of Monster

Personally I try at least one of everything I can find.
My favorite use to be Strawberry Lemonade Wired, but eventually I got sick of the metalic tinge to it.
Then it was Kiwi Apple Redbull back when it was called their Summer Edition.
Then my #1 was White Dragon Tea Monster.
And now since they've changed it to taste like a god damn ashtray I have gone with Cranberry Redbull as my #1.
I have an entire section of a wall devoted to the energy drink's I've drank.
I've started to just create a ring around the tops of my walls with new ones.

monster reflexes
plus it's ultra white

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I just drink them at work because I'm a closing night cook and night dishwasher

They're so fucking awful but the whole kitchen runs on them and they know it, staff often bug the bar to buy redbulls on shift

i buy bottles that don't have fluoride in them, and when i drink coffee i use milk


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Caffeine and sugar together means that unless you've got tachycardia you will automatically have a good time until the sugar/caffeine crash. It's really no wonder that shit sell like hotcakes.

>Rainbow Unicorn flavored
This can't be real


I just bought a monster can just to see what's it all about, I'm a regular coffee drinker but never drank these energy drinks, what am I in for?

>place has so much underage that there are fags defending drinking energy drinks on fucking video games

And to think I thought the doritos shit back in WoW commercials were just memes.

Fucking assholes trying to pretend like they care about us by over exaggerating the unhealthiness of energy drinks. No fucking asshole is going to tell me what I put in my body you smug faggots.

Are there any energy drinks that don't taste like ass or are absolutely terrible for you?

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Well they say you're bound to die anyways, poison or not.

why do gamers LOVE fur lined hoodies and jeeps without doors?

You may have reading comprehension problems on top of that anger management issue user.

What if you load a bong with an energy drink?

If youre the person I was replying to I was just trying to agree with and go on these faggots bashing my favorite beverage. Sorry I'm hyped up on like 3 Nos right now.

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i'm proud of the fact i can gladly say i've never ever done energy drinks in my life
congratulations on your early deaths, anons.

>what is fruit beer, cider etc

are you fat though? a healthy person drinking an energy drink once every couple days is better off than the fatty who eats tons of sugar but 'stays away from that energy drink shit'

cider tastes like piss too dude, it all does, because it has alcohol, and alcohol tastes bad, because our body knows it's poison

nope, borderline underweight.

While I am the person you were replying to, you probably shouldn't go above the recommended daily intake. It's your funeral chief.

I wanna live my life up your ass. What now?

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No one knows when their gig goes over though. Also, I am personally kinda determined to extinguish my own life if it gets too shitty, and being old doesn't generally seem too cool as various illnesses do creep up on people anyway.

For starters, there's not even a singular uniform piss taste and not all piss tastes bad, but I guess you're too ignorant to actually do some research.

>Taurine (literally produced on the body)

>thinking energy drinks are any worse than soda
Did you watch 60 Minutes again? It's literally just sugar, caffeine and taurine/guarana. It's not some weird mix of chemicals that kills you instantly. I drink 1 a day, or 2 if working night shift, because I cant stand coffee. I dont drink soda, so my daily intake of sugar is still at the recommended level.

hangovers are literally the symptoms of ethanal poisoning.

*dies at 50*

Good quality Matcha tea has high caffeine content but it's not an energy drink

Why? If you eat healthy and dont drink soft drink, but have 250ml of energy drink a day, what about that would kill you by 50?

this thread


i like monster ballers blend and rockstar revolt citrus

only two sips i personally enjoy

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The thing is, energy drinks are probably way less harmful factor than regular night shifts. Unsteady sleep schedule can really fuck you over.

People consume lots of gross unhealthy shit in their lives. With energy drinks, the focus is on staying awake for late night gaming.

I've always thought those tasted terrible so I never drank them. I don't drink soda either because its too sweet.

You're probably right about that. But shift work is way better for my mental health than 9-5 shit, I had to do that for a month during training for my job and I wanted to fucking did. Plus theres plenty of jobs that are necessary for society that are 24/7, and someones gotta do them.

I stropped drinking monsters after they have me a heart attack in school

I like drinking monster zero ultra mixed with gin. It feels awesome don't do this.

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>all these fucking normies in this thread
god i hate this board sometimes

>congratulations on your early deaths, anons.
why do people say this as if it's some kind of wake up call or whatever?

Nothing says HARDCOR like slowly killing yourself with caffeine and taurine. You're not a fucking casual, are you user?

it's tasty

Only if you drink garbage mainstream shit, yeah that literally tastes like dirty wash water. But you can't even begin to imagine how flavorful good beer is.

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Have you never been to a festival incel?

I don't want to touch it with my hands but I'm perfectly okay with it touching my insides.

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this is poison but a big ole cuppa sweet tea is healthy because it's got antioxidants :^)

Don't forget the daily Starbucks """"coffee""" that's literally just water and 100 grams of sugar ;)

The antioxidant in tea is caffeine.

>falling for the starbucks jew and not making your own delicious espresso at a fraction of the cost

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do you get commissions?

Starbucks is easier and tastes better.

i just plug caffeine pills and eat sugar by the spoonful 2bh

And unlike other shit it kind of gives affect.

Starbucks uses shitty over roasted beans. You have plebeian taste buds.


Nectar of the gods

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>drinking coke or coffee, this is fine
>drinking something that combines both of them, literally lethal

these are a jewish psyop designed to make CHILDREN addicted to guzzling caffeine and overdosing on B vitamins leading to them having permanent diarrhea and so growing up physically and mentally stunted from the constant malnourishment
it's no surprise that the monster logo spells 666 in heebrunes (look it up)

I drink water

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