Can't we have ff xiv anymore that's it?
also ff xiv thread
Can't we have ff xiv anymore that's it?
t. seething wowcuck
Mods schizophrenically flip between encouraging it and banning you for it.
Welcome to the post-moot world - a disaster greater even than the seventh umbral calamity.
are people actually getting banned for it? I thought they just deleted the threads
so is the xpac good
are the story and bosses worth 40 bucks + sub tip
>blue hair ribbon
here, fixed
You go to /vg/ with your trash dead game seethe. All of the wow threads die under 70 replies anyway.
What the mods do and don't ban your for is a complete crapshoot these days.
I've been banned for posting webms I saved FROM this board in threads the mods stickied.
What is the funnest DPS and why is it SMN?
They do the same with smash threads r-right?
>implying that wasn't intentional
if you reply to this post a moderator is obliged to ban you
ShB is top kino with one of the best ff villains ever. It's worth it
funnest dps is MCH and BLM, the former was reworked and is just super fucking fun now and BLM is the same fiery bringer of death its always been
SMN newfag here, how come the job is considered bad in 5.0?
But the funnest dps is WAR
Still RDM
Some people like to suggest item sets and gear that does more than just raise your stats. What could that look like, on a job to job basis? Concrete examples only, no vague shit.
RDM is fucking naptime tier
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
>tfw you will never bully this nerd sexually
Why even live honestly
your game will NEVER be popular or good no matter how much you spam the boards
>just like your dad will NEVER accept your tranny final faggot mental illness
lol stay seething tho
goddamn,the Exarch is prime marriage material, I want to just hold him down and hold hands while he fills me with his love and affection
Ironically, BLU kinda has that. It has three different 130 sets that give different stats preference. You could go full Crit, full Spell Speed, or full Det, or mix and match to your liking.
The idea would be to go all in that by having Tome/Raid/New Tier gears all have specializations that allow you to go all in on one style if you want.
Maybe you should cool down to think about some good bait.
I just wanna talk about the game without the actual tr*nnies lurking on /vg/
We have a thread up.
Villains are good but the protagonist character """development"""" is weak as piss.
>"BAWWWWWW Thancred hates me!"
>"You should tell her you don't hate her."
>"I don't hate you."
>"Yay, no one hates me!"
I want to make his dreams come true and take him on all the adventures his heart desires
Then bang the holy shit out of him with such force that his crystal starts to flake off
How does it feel knowing your in the minority with your seething ass self.
Cry to mommy u stupid fuck
Opinion on Dancer?
My heart flutters whenever the tank big pulls as BLM. Nonstop Flares, Fouls and Thunderclap procs. Watching all those health bars burn down in unison is cathartic.
Doesn't materia do that?
Can someone redpill me on MCH? I wanna learn that or SAM.
>we have literally been helping Hydaelyn commit genocide
Fuck this shit, I want to go live in magical roaring-20s.
big guns or big sword
That's just an added boost for customization, I'm talking having three different Body pieces of the same level for say a Mage that is either specialized in Crit or SpS or Det, same be done with all other pieces.
Buffslut, but it's fun as fuck.
Raid people's opinion is mixed on it, but very few people deny that it's fun to play.
Play SAM and become an Ascian slayer.
Parsetrannies are upset it went from near the top of the DPS pack to near the bottom.
It’s also kind of clunky with a strict rotation and could use a couple of QoL fixes IMO.
I find it pretty boring in the 60-70 range. Does it actually get "busier" at 80?
Fishing for procs gets kind of old.
I want to level a MCH but I just cant be bothered when I have to level a tank, healer and caster for role quests too.
My concern is over the raid peoples opinion. I enjoy it and feel like I am good at it but it means nothing if it ends up just being slated as shit.
their animations look really shit
,I'm told they're both fun as fuck. Every class seems good right now except Astro
Not trying to reach to far ahead, but where do you think/want the next expansion to take place? More Garlean upheaval in Garlean territories or traversing the other shards.
>tfw Hrothgar don't actually look like this
>all we got are manlet, hunched over cats
Flourish (72) and Saber-dance (76) fill in a lot of gaps in the rotation, yeah.
>Ran Eden 7 times today
>Rolled sub-20 on the token I wanted every time
Help me, I've been turned into a lucklet
I don't understand why they made them hunched.
Their poses that make them stand tall, look great.
Probably Garlean stuff I imagine those cutscenes in Garlemand were setting up plot for the next story
Garlemald will be the next expansion, and they might as well get it out of the way. At least it'll probably have a lot more Gaius and Estinien.
controller chads ww@
>AOE lands on you
OHNONONONO MY LEY LINES MY DAMAGE. Meanwhile SMN is eating the boss's ass with dots and pet actions. Sorry your class is balls bro
'cause they reused the Roe model, just slapping a lion face on top of it. They couldn't be arsed to make them look good, they don't have the technology yet.
Do you think it'd be more entertaining than Bard?
What did she mean by this?
>get super lucky with thunder procs, forget about flare and just shit thunder constantly
I'm not entirely sure if it's more or less dps but it feels too good to not do it
Oh, you know
>your game will NEVER be popular or good
it's already popular and good though
How can people be so bad at the game they can't even manage to play it with a gamepad?
>Go for legs week 1, chest week 2
>Get all my tokens in one run each due to unopposed rolls
>Less competition next week for the tokens that were popular week 1-2
4D chess, enjoy your monotonous fights while I farm up Lignum Logs and become a Gillianaire
ban this namefag
We're going to the New World out west of Eorzea, we're not going to Garlemald.
7.0 will be us going to the Moon, already confirmed at FanFest.
I wish FFXIV would drop the subscription and become B2P.
Well, obviously. They're not even the same race, so of course no one would look at them and think that.
Thanks Shiro, and tell me again what happens to people when they get killed? I forgot
We go over this every fucking thread petcuck. We can afford to be moving more often than you can now. You lost.
I like how that quote makes complete sense in context but the meme is good.
so is NIN actually fun to play?
>E4 the big daddy ATV
>Other healer is a slutglammed viera SCH
>A mentor to boot
>Absolutely garbage, failing every mechanic and constantly dying leaving me to solo 3/4 the fight
>Tanks aren't much better
>After 1 wipe finally manage to beat the boss
>Roll 12 on boots
>Useless fucking SCH wins them
I don't think I've been quite this mad in awhile.
If you enjoy difficulty, yes
>finally have a reason to fish again after over a year of it being worthless
Forgot how comfy this shit is
Ya well... Bahamut's cooler than flare
What changed? I left FSH to rot mid Heavensward.
the rule of mmos has always been that shitters get the loot.
As a FSH and CUL two fish are important in making end game food, rose shrimp and sweetflesh oyster.
I wish there was a roullette for dungeons and raids and shit you havent done before, just to more straightfowardly get through all these damned duty quests.
None of the good food in the past couple of tiers wanted fish, but now the top end crafting food and the highest Direct Hit food for tanks both want fish.
I really need to level my DoHs and DoLs, are there any good guides on efficiently leveling them all from 70-80?
>You obtain a Landslide orchestrion roll.
Has anyone been banned for using SS Tool?
If you enjoy difficulty and don't want to feel rewarded for it, then yes it's an amazing job to play
>go to the New World
>can't see anywhere because of the pipe smoke
>ceruleum fuel plants everywhere
>only accepted currency is MGP
>Rotate collectables
>Gather Beets and Lignum Logs inbetween
>Turn white scrips into Material VIII which sells for 250,000
>Turn ephermal collectables into Aethersand that sells for 15k
Why the FUCK didn't I start gathering sooner this is stupid good money
Time for death, Meowie
How much do you guys wipe in roulettes? I'm leveling another class and I can't tell if I'm amazing at healing or just suck at tanking
Besides the bald idiot autist no. Don't fuck with the position coordinates/weather in raids because I had it locked me place and was weird to my friends in uwu one time and we just laughed it off. Also don't user the haircut man since it will send character data to the server.
Man I hope Graha doesn't have a crystal dick too
I cried. I told myself I wouldn't. I put the game down, and cried.
I'm like two hours in. God fucking damn, what an upgrade over Stormblood. She didn't deserve that fate. She didn't even end up like a sexy evil sin eater. She turned into a monster, in front of that fucking UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SHIT FUCKING AU RA. Bros...
>materia and 15k is stupid good money
I know this is still shit but BLM makes me feel like I got a big dick
the deaths are from first attempt where we wiped
1.5m a day feels pretty good
>17 minute encounter
jesus christ
>barafags wanted big buff cats
>got orcs with fur
Hahahahahahahahahahaha get fucked freak
only if youre retarded enough to use it while in the barber
gtfo outta here before you get shit spoiled
I want to marry Alphinaud!
god i wish normal mode had enrages
we got a group together and the tank had no idea what he was doing
I mean as steady income it's not terrible
can't decidce between sch or ast help me
>keep getting off “”””””tanks”””””” in E1 who keep hitting the group with the double fuck off laser
For what purpose?
>got everything on my first run
See you next week!
But since when is "not terrible" stupidly good.
That user hasn't even touched on "stupidly good" income.
>that feel when your favorite job is shit
That's all this fucking game is, weather it's normal or savage, duty finder or party finder. It's all the same shit. Always play with friends.
Isn’t SMN all about AOE? So far we haven’t had any fights that cater to that play style.
>one tank starts a countdown before pull
>the other tank ignores it and pulls one second in
Absolutely based.
AST is not only the worst healer, it's also not fun to play. They'll be getting some big buffs I imagine but if you want to be good right now SCH or WHM is the way to go
>tfw you swapped to new jobs then just wound up leveling and playing old ones.
Sorry WHM but I still enjoy AST regardless of the performance differences.
Now I'm debating if I should care about BRD or SMN since RDM turned out to be frustrating.
>All the Whalaqee everywhere
So many native jokes in the future
>level MCH
>like it
>switch to DNC
>love it, get purple and almost orange parses
>practice it a ton, get told job is shit
>switch back to MCH
>doing low blue parses
I should just stop.
Not really. I mean there's garuda and shit like deathflare and akh morn are aoe but it's no more aoe than BLM.
>mfw have both FSH and CUL at 80 already
What gear should I go for this week of Eden, I got boots and two accessories last time.
Because everything else is pretty good and balanced.
You should play what you like because the game is designed with that in mind.
Just play DNC then.
Be you are self.
my opener on mch is around 14k and my steady dps is always above 10k. are you utilizing drill and air anchor when they're up?
NIN opener is literally crazy devil may cry tier now
Are you guys hidden in FF logs?
Oh never mind. That too.
Please keep in mind that the people who upload to fflogs are doing so voluntarily. There are a lot of shitters that play this game, but not all of them upload.
I'm not saying that every person who uploads is a hardcore hardline raider, just that the process of uploading cuts out much of the "noise" at the lowest end of the spectrum of the game's playerbase
Reminder that 75th percentile is bad.
Me too user, fags lose their minds chasing day one big ticket sales on gear without realizing food and potions are where the real long term profits come from.
I've played a lot of WoW, once word gets out that the math for them is solved, no one will want to play with one.
I do. Maybe I should just play it more and see if I get any higher.
What's the best type of loot to roll on in eden? Are the accessories better than Innocence?
Yeah that was dumb as fuck. And the trolley part was a fucking shit in my asshole too.
The top quarter isn't bad.
It's not particularly good or praiseworthy, but it's nowhere near bad.
Man Yoshi really loves FFIV doesn't he
i am not good at this game why DNC is shit?
How do i find an FC or a static? i dont wanna reach endgame and have no friends...
There will be balancing buffs next week.
Nothing is currently set in stone.
Accessories are the same as Inno, so just roll on a single accessory and get a ring.
It's fine it usually means they are on the right track and just need to pay attention to a few other things to improve.
check the PF
avoid mass invite FC's.
The fuck are you talking about, Im fully satisfied. Im only disappointed that there aren't MORE playable races like this.
I really doubt DNC will be getting any buffs.
DNC even including the buffs they bring do the lowest DPS in the game.
>FSH is my only class under 70
How can people stand leveling it? So boring and no fish catchable under 80 sell for anything.
The other gatherers are boring too but at least everything sells decently while leveling.
I'd call 80 average, 90 and above good.
>b-but muh percentages
You have to remember most people playing this game as fucking retarded. The actual percentage takes them into account. Hell, they are the bulk of it.
>being better than three quarters of the people clearing content is still bad
I do not understand
SMN lost two powerful buffs and several utility skills AND is weaker at personal DPS now. That's all there's to it. A couple potency buffs is all we need.
Of course, retards are also whining that it's too hard to play, but it's easier now than in Stormblood unless you were a shitter who didn't keep your pets on Obey and didn't pet swap. Hint: 95% of SMN players are shitters.
Don't respond to questions if you don't know the answer.
I see. Then, what about the other three tokens? belt, and head/foot gear?
Any level guides for crafters yet?
What's NIN's opener now? I haven't really bothered looking into it since I figured it'd take the tryhards some time to work it out.
Not that I expect to shoot up in DPS given the state of the job but it'd be nice to know how right/wrong I'm doing it,
She's actually pretty old, but only young by elezen years who live up to 200 years. She mentioned she is due for a growth spurt, thought she wont grow as tall as him.
>I'd call 80 average, 90 and above good.
Then you'd be just as retarded as the majority of the playerbase.
Parsing higher than 75 PERCENT of people who parse is not bad.
I died once and got 5800 with unmelded ronkan gear on titan.
>i dont wanna reach endgame and have no friends...
Don't worry friend, I've reached endgame in every expansion so far and still have no friends.
Maybe I am bad and should quit if I think my 89 and 90 I should be proud about.
also from personal experience my wildfire combo is not what the 3 or 4 youtube vids on mch are doing. I do Reassemble + Air Anchor, Heat Blast X5, Gauss Round. This does more damage when done right than blowing all your ogcd's during wildfire like the youtube vids preach. However the catch is, your ping has to be low though to do this successfully (mine ping is 26) otherwise Gauss Round won't make it into the Wildfire
Garlean expansion with Cid, Nero and Krile dealing with mass produced resonants
This image would be perfect if the computer screen was this
I'm currently installing for the first time. What world should I play on and which classes are best for their roles?
No lmao this is entirely retarded Yea Forums meme shit. You don't see it anywhere else except maybe r/shitpostxiv but they're edgy 4channer wanna-bes
Join the Balance discord server
Elezen only live 20 years more than Hyur's do I think.
Viera are the ones who live for centuries.
Doing double the work for half of the dmg than everyone else.
>Parsing higher than 75 PERCENT of people who parse is not bad.
but it isnt just people who parse. when you upload a log everyone in your party gets ranked. even if they dont use ACT or FFLogs themselves
>Its a "DPS cat tranny with a japanese name keeps fucking up and dying" episode.
Fuck more liberating places from Garlea.
I feel ya. I usually only level crafters when I got something to watch. waiting for jerma stream to continue leveling crafters
>otherwise Gauss Round won't make it into the Wildfire
Gauss Round is an Ability, anyway, so it doesn't really matter for Wildfire.
>Cross thread replying
Don't do that.
Opener right now is
Main Menu > Exit Game > (weave in character deletion) > Uninstall
8k for a black mage is really bad though lmao it's just that your party was even worse. I do more than what you did on red mage.
Tank: PLD
Healer: WHM
Melee DPS: DRG
Caster: BLM
Ranged: Can only start as BRD
Who doesn't?
Is gathering easy to level? It seems much simpler than leveling crafting. Should I just max gathering before I bother with crafting?
>sam is hosting a parse run party
>join it with some buds
>jump off the cliff
>rescue him with me
>healer buddy rezzes me but not him
>leave sam dead for the last two minutes as he screams to wipe it
>upload the clear
who devilish here
It's not fun anymore, just heat blast spam and then press drill or air anchor when they're up
I preferred 3.0/4.0 far more, each were fun in different ways
Most people like new MCH but it's not for me at all
I also loved 3.0 BRD and hated 4.0 BRD for reference
I remember shit posting with other anons during SB that they'll never fix this class.
It's the most fun ranged class in the game right now, how did they do such a good job?
>8k BLM
This is your average xiv player. This is fucking why 75th percentile is considered below average.
FF14 is nothing like WoW in raiding. All jobs are and have always been viable for all content. The only people locking out players of certain jobs are speedrunner statics, and everyone generally hates those fags.
Example, I played SMN in the first Savage tier at the start of Stormblood, when SMN was considered shit (before it got some major buffs). I cleared that tier in the first month, and my Neo Exdeath(final boss) clear was with 3 fucking casters and a SAM. As far from "meta" as it gets.
i report all parse parties
300 is the Viera average life expectancy.
Going to the moon was planned in 1.0, but back then it was planned to be a giant Dalamud dungeon where you discover Bahamut inside. Then Yoshi decided to crash it into the planet instead.
Collectible gathering is pretty fat EXP honestly.
Being in the top quarter of people who have parses isn't bad, either.
Reminder that not bad =/= good.
i am kinda waiting that myself too
It certainly helps a lot, since the 80 gear is a good upgrade to the 70 gear. Try to do your GC turn in everyday especially if it has a star next to the turn in.
>I also loved 3.0 BRD
kill yourself
Not him but what's wrong with 8k? I manage that on E2 as BLM at ilvl 425.
Oh, you're right I just tested 3 guass rounds in a wildfire on a dummy and no damage registered.guess i'll have to put in a heated clean shot or something if i have time left on wildfire
Nobody but your dumb ass thinks 75th percentile is below average lmao
>just did Titania EX
>parsed 3600 dps
>got mount
>got weapon
>everyone was happy for me
Leave the thread for your own sake. Please... user
thats funny even if its shitthatneverhappened.txt
I don't fuck around with parses but I assume they're saved online somewhere?
Nobody knows what’s good or not because of padding.
I’ve got orange parses when I check my individual run but on the main page it’s high purple.
>item sells for high price before
>some autists with zero patience have to undercut everyone by 18k+
Cerberus is fucking retarded.
I honestly don't believe about your parsing autism.
Unless I see you stream PF Titania/Janny/Eden shenanigans with random parties.
>u all are shit I am good
extremes and delusions
But if this is average, how is 75th below?
Yeah because majority of this playerbase is retarded.
You don't deserve shit for parsing so low.
Not him but I also loved 3.0 BRD and MCH.
Yes I do!
Maybe I just go to Yea Forums too much and it's rotting my brain. I just have an obsession with being useful and a credit to team and to know that playing a substandard job that is bad compared to all the alternatives sucks a fat load.
Sure is. And so are the collectable custom deliveries. Do them every week
I’d like to see some QoL changes to SMN like reducing the gap between Ruin 2 and Ruin 3’s potency a hair, plus doing something with Egi Assault since they feel like shit with how low impact they are combined with how often they’re up, and making Phoenix and Bahamut less retarded when it comes to movement.
Whats the current drama with xiv e celebs lke scottzone? I don't play the game but my youtube page just showed me this
>someone uploaded a parse of my first E1N run
What the fuck dude
I parse Fates and dungeons. Keep LARPing tranny.
Which DoHs should I get from 70-80 first?
the power of hot blood and big numbers
I don't use wildfire anymore, I get more damage out of drill/air anchor
>gilgatrannies pushing the "ur shit if ur not orange" meme again
Better question. Who fucking cares about e-celeb drama? Are you 12 fucking years old?
There was and will never be a feeling more supreme than topping DPS charts because you could stance dance/use feint effectively
You should be above 9 minimum, you can hit 10+ easily with only a 440 weapon and everything else ~430
Why not just buy it then sell it for whatever you selling it for. You get you precious 18k profit
Here's all you need to know.
I love drama when it happens to others
I wish we had a wolf-like face at least
>but it's easier now than in Stormblood unless you were a shitter who didn't keep your pets on Obey and didn't pet swap. Hint: 95% of SMN players are shitters.
But you don't need pet swap in SB. You don't need Obey either
No one fucking cares about that shit in game except obnoxious parse trannies who greentext and spam twitch emote words in party chat. I've literally never seen the phrase "credit to team"used by anyone in FF14.
For the love of god leave all WoW baggage at the door when entering this game.
Who fucking cares? Why do you care?
imagine being a parsetranny
>play with jobs that i like even if they aren't that good
>with people that i like even if we are kinda meh
>still clear almost all content anyways
>have fun
i like this game
Life is not worth living unless I am dps parsing
Are you on Aether? Because mad long ago someone did that during a suzaku run. They let him die like mad early, the dude starts throwing a fit and talking shit how we’re going to hit enrage.
Fuckin fastest run I’ve ever had in my life.
Plenty of people just parse and upload for no reason. I have a parse for O2S where everyone is grey or green no idea why the uploader thought it would be a good idea to upload that one.
>I have a parse for O2S where everyone is grey or green no idea why the uploader thought it would be a good idea to upload that one.
Why not?
You didn't need it, no. If you were a shitter. You don't need to do the new rotation perfectly either. No difference.
Its almost as if the game was designed to be cleared in whatever way you wanted to and people obsessing about parses are massive autismos depriving themselves of fun.
Too risky. Knowing that server the same dipshits will just craft it again and undercut. Or worse, that one notorious market flooder will crash it even harder. I'd rather wait it out.
I mean it's working and it's actually worse because who cares if you are an orange parse job if it's not meta or in the shed.
Not using your 10% raid wide magical damage increase at the right point in your rotation. Bet you have no idea what the ability is called
Found the shitter guys.
Neat if true.
If every single run in the game was uploaded, FFlogs would provide actually accurate data on what's a good and bad parse.
Just took a closer look and it was a MCH jacking off their orange numbers while everyone else parsed green because half the party was first-timers.
Any way to hide this in case I try out for a static or something? I don't want this to be the first thing people see when they look me up.
I don't know, why upload a parse where everyone is doing horribly?
>Went from 2 million to 10 million from food alone once the expansion came out.
Love how MIN isn't necessary to be at 80 either for the late game food.
I thought I got over the WoW baggage shit if it wasn't for the past few days being in these threads.
Sadu is too smug
No pet swap and Sic only was literally a 2% dps difference. Most people would rather have an easier rotation than doing an autistic one for minimal gain.
who cares, nerd. it's worse flag if you have your parses hidden
Uploading bad parses drags down the overall average. It tilts really high because people never upload low parses.
>with people I liked
Man I wish I had any friends like at all in this game. I feel like I need to play extremely well and a meta job just for the chance of making friends.
Fair enough.
How to get good at maximizing dps? Practice on dummy until I get the big number?
On Ultros? I'm looking for peeps since most of my friends suck ass.
user you didn't answer question. I assume you just pretending SMN was high IQ job with "pet swaps" for show off. Even best JP summoners don't do pet swaps. Explain please with numbers and examples (from your logs) or videos where you use pet swaps actively in 4.5. Explain.
Not him but Adamantoise for myself.
Except they are good.
I feel that sometimes i drag them down but they don't care about it.
>Mods schizophrenically flip between encouraging it and banning you for it.
You are ignorant. Go learn what schizophrenia is and not the retarded misconception ignorant people like to pretend it is.
read a guide on your job, see tested openers and stuff, learn all you can about your job as you go and get better with practice
all there is to it really
What? This is wrong. You manipulate Garuda AI using sic/obey trick. You don't need pet swap and obey all time for this.
I don't even hate Scott, but this is all on him. He went full retard.
I'm only 15 as Rogue right now, and it feels weird only having 2 attacks right now.
E-celeb faggotory.
>learn your rotation
>learn the fights
>get good gear and meld it
>recognize where you fuck up in your rotation/fights so you can improve
That's literally it.
Cactuar, but I appreciate the offer.
Either way I've come to realize that the common factor in all my failed friendships is me. I don't think I'm a good person so it's probably better that I don't have friends.
This. Hrothgar look great. Just give them more hair options and they'll be the best race in game.
The things I would do to Yugiri...
>the tanks die
>both of them
>I become his immediate next target
>oh fuck oh shit lucid dream
>buy myself some time while he mauls the DRG instead
>he's back at me again, but too busy performing a mechanic to auto-attack me to death
>by the time he's done at least one tank is up again and vokes
>but they both die again
>repeat several times throughout the fight
>no matter how often I lucid dream, titan really wants to smash me in particular
Yer gonna eat thunder and crap lightning!
If you're just starting to optimize the biggest improvement will be in upping your gcd counts as much as possible, never clip anything, never stop pressing buttons, hold certain casts to maximize your uptime, etc., maximizing gcds is 80% of getting a good parse
You do remember to log out at the inn every night, right?
I've had such terrible healers in e4 its not even funny. I had a run earlier this morning with 2 WHM who refused to use regen and just both kept spamming their fucking one move while everyone is at like 4-10% health, including the tanks. What is it about this fight that brings out the retard in everyone as a whole?
>Amazing theme
>Cool boss
>Critical to the Shadowbringers story
>Serves as an epilogue and bookend to not only ShB, but the Crystal Tower/Alex/Omega raids all at once and ties them into the main storyline instead of just being glorified sidequests in the grand scheme of things
>Seriously that fucking theme
>A patch or two from now it'll be almost completely forgotten because it'll fall out of the Expert roulette and nobody will care any more
It's not fair.
I log out at the Forgotten Knight every night, user.
Mentors are some of the worst players i've seen in this game.
lucid doesnt lower threat
Crafting is easy if you have enough allowance for leves. Took me 4 hours to get CUL from 70-80 just by buying a bunch of food on the market. Gathering fucking sucks 1-50 but once you get scrips going it becomes easy, just a few uphill battles until you get the gear from scrips.
Shadowbringers made me start doing this again
How fun is MNK?
whats the point of storing money on retainers?
This. I'm glad Yoshi added the burger king crown so I know exactly who the biggest shitters are.
I want to lewd Ryne.
Best melee right now don't listen to sam shitters crying about drg.
As fun as the class i play
Pros: Go fast
Cons: Everything else
>leveling through msq
>hit level 60, still in 2.1 content
>fuck it, i'll try dancer or something
>triple my gear score because im stuck in old content gear still
fuck me im not paying 50 dollars, but im dying here
What did you make with CUL?
Did you like TK mechanically or not? That answer will determine your enjoyment going forward.
He has a point. This game lacks content
I'm swapping back to healer so you're welcome in advance
Remember that it once lived.
>heavily implied to be WoL-sexual
She wouldnt be against it if she werent honor bound to be leader of Hien's shadow ops team.
Increased rested EXP bonus
also very cute animations of getting in and out of bed
So I never looked into doing it until now, why does everyone recruiting for Rathalos always want full tanks?
giving attention to any e celeb shit whore will end up being a negative for you user, not just for this game this applies in everything il recommend you to stay away from it.
And in the future dont be a faggot and dont link stupid shit here fucking nigger cock sucker.
Oh fuck it really doesn't anymore. That was my only means of survival outside of manaward.
Might as well throw it off my hotbar.
the only Raen in Doma
No idea what TK is really or the mechanics behind it but I liked MCH in HW and SB so let that be a test of my tastes.
Because the more room to fuck up from bigger HP pool and there’s no real DPS check.
whats the fastest way to become a mentor?
I wonder if your reading comprehension is legit that bad or if you're just pretending you didn't read.
I'm pretty sure all of the scions have open in the air hints in the jp text ever since hearing about some of the alisaie changes from reddit posts.
>Savage isn't enough
>that person won't likely clear savage before 5.1 anyway
be shit at the game
MNK is dope and I enjoy playing with them over SAM any day of the week. MNK players are objectively better at the game than SAM players are. Most Wowfufeess also main SAM, they're really just noobs drawn in by the cool look.
what changes?
>agedeep aethersand can only be bought and isnt used for anything yet
i should start hoarding it for 1star gear shouldnt i
If you don't WANT to pull hate and die you aren't a Black Mage.
Are you shit at the game?
If you answer was yes, you're already a Mentor.
Even more than the bonus exp from just being in a sanctuary?
So, thread. I finally finished Heavensward. What did I think of it?
Honestly, pretty alright story, Harsefaunt's death, I didn't really care for because I thought "Wow, he sucks as a tank." Ysale was a little sadder, but she died being 0 for 3 as Shiva.
what went wrong?
>DNC can mess up their dance sequence and suffer no penalties
>NIN can mess up their mudras and it punishes you with the bunny and screwing up at the wrong time and fuck you hard
>This game lacks content
>"The game lacks content only 1% care about."
>I didn't really care for because I thought "Wow, he sucks as a tank."
Yup, logging out in an inn room is the most rested exp you can get. Slightly higher than logging off in a sanctuary.
Damn straight. I'll fucking tank if the tanks can't do it.
>the death of a psycho cult leading terrorist was sadder than the death of your bro
Waifufags should be gassed.
I think one was "I rather have gone with Alisaie" or something than hair drying. I don't remember it was posted early this month. All I remember the post ending with it leaves it open for more interpretation than English translations.
what do you mean?
Can you stand in titan's landing zone or nah? when he does that knock back jump that is
All of his minimal ilv clears have been with autismo legends so who knows.
DNC is shittier than NIN anyways so who cares.
Holy fuck the WHM quests are boring
You're an autist. The context of that line is that he's complaining about having to take a shower in public. Wanting to go with Alisaie instead has nothing to do with your character wanting to see her naked you fucking moron.
And SMN has to press buttons better to have the same dps as BLM.
It's proximity base so no.
>home, riding home...
Seriously, one attack from a primal knight, it breaks through his shield, and just dies. But then again, I'm a smooth brain who says "WHY DON'T THEY JUST USE A PHOENIX DOWN" a lot.
They're both unwanted shit.
>win chestpiece from every turn except e2 last week
>win pants in every turn except e2 this week
e2 is probably the worst with brainlets, god i fucking hate my luck
Is it true that NIN's damage wasn't being recorded correctly for ACT? Are we still gonna get buffs for NIN in 5.05?
If nobody died then they did their job.
bro thats illegal im reporting you for having an addon
250 potency loss per mistake isn't enough of a penalty?
Nothing, just bought a shit ton of Grilled Rail, Blood Tomato Juice, and Masala Chai from the market. Rail and Tomato Juice are quest rewards so people throw them on the MB for cheap. I spent around 500k and 40 leve's to get to 80, was well worth it.
>I'm a smooth brain who says "WHY DON'T THEY JUST USE A PHOENIX DOWN" a lot
Because phoenix downs don't cure death, they cure K.O. This has been the case since Galuf died in FFV.
True, we should all kill ourselves.
To be fair, I cared WAY more about Estenien then I do about Iceheart.
So im on ARR and boutta hop on HW, do i gotta do anything else besides crystal towers? bahamut and alexander?
>I'm a smooth brain who says "WHY DON'T THEY JUST USE A PHOENIX DOWN" a lot
Because 0 HP doesn't mean death.
>everyone stacks up for the delayed stack marker
>boss puts the delayed circle aoe around players
>they run away from the stack immediately
every fucking time
You... are completely right about that. I'm sorry.
Alexander is HW endgame content.
You don't have to do Bahamut unless you really want to, but even then if all you care about is the story, you can just do it when you get to 80.
Follow the hildebrand quests
Just stick to the MSQ and do alexander later if you feel like it. Bahamut is dumb.
Trick Attack needs to be BUFFED. It needs a longer duration and stronger potency! This would make up for the new low tier damage they now do!
>love ranged DPS
>everyone and their mother plays them now
>can never get into a group because of it
>what went wrong?
You, parseing tranny
>missing out on Alisaie's extra dialogue
based and comfypilled
Me t-
>cancer scales on arm
Fuck off
>Legitimately attempts to connect with your group and find a compromise, showing you the full story and even saving Y'shtola at no benefit to himself just to prove he was serious about it
>Suddenly withdraws from the alliance and betrays you for the asinine reason that you weren't able to control the accumulated Warden's Light and therefore weren't worthy to inherit the star (despite you being able to withstand five times more than anyone else, and despite it killing Emet himself almost instantly as soon as you shot him with it), then offers you another chance to work with him by fighting through the Amaurot illusion, only to suddenly withdraw again with "i-impressive but not impressive enough" before attacking you and the Scions for no real reason
Not based.
Emet was cool. He saved Y'shtola and along with the other Asciens and zodiark saved the world. Theres no way WoL would have been killed by that spear. Unless youre telling me zephiran was stronger than Emet or Zenos
Yeah, but if you want to level multiple crafting professions itll cost you a fortune and tons of time. The gear aint cheap.
You will not like MNK then
Well YoshiP also said Garlemald for 5.0 and Doomtrain for 5.0.
>Theres no way WoL would have been killed by that spear.
That's not the point. Haurchefant isn't the type of person to just stand there and let you get hit because he thinks you can probably handle it.
I'm bored of BLM. What's fun? Preferably melee.
It's pretty fun.
WoL gets exponentially stronger during the course of every expansion.
I'm retarded actually ignore that post
So where is your constant "pet swaps" and pets on obey in SB?
Don't tell me SMNs again trying to delude pure anons with bullshit
>inb4: takoyaki swap from 4.2
BLM main here. Same here, so I'm trying to level NIN. No real reason why i'm leveling NIN.
>He saved Y'shtola
And not only did the Scions not even thank him, they just left the Greatwood without telling him and left him hanging around waiting for them. Dicks.
Swallow the weebpill and play SAM.
You like big dick crits, right?
Itll be okay. Theyll grow someday.
MCH, but if you really want melee do MNK.
>Theres no way WoL would have been killed by that spear
We actually would, our blessing of light is what defends us against damage and it was shut down by midgardsormr at that moment.
We would've totally died.
This is low tier bait
Will she ever be as good as original Minfilia's?
I keep meeting people who legitimately think MCH should have SAM / BLM tier dps
Why? I get it has no support, but that's hardly a good enough reason
I'm so glad they dropped the importance of the blessing and echo in the wol's fights to it just helps.
I was thinking of NIN but I keep hearing how both bad they are and how much of a clusterfuck they are to play.
>Thought she was pulling her lip down at me seductively.
DRG is most fun as melee to me. SAM is alright.
>Levelling BLM in Stone Vigil
>Want some more exp
>At the back
>No one's watching
>Pull some nearby adds
>Get Firestarter
>We wipe
>MNK assumes it was their fault
>Got off scot free for wiping us
>the wowfugee outs himself
why did you even bother replying?
They shouldn't simply for the fact that physical ranged has 100% uptime.
There's absolutely no reason for physical ranged dps to not attack the boss or adds at all times, and there's nothing stopping them from doing so.
I'm only 15 right now, it's not too complex, just a two attack combo, a throwing knife to kite, and an attack that only works once if you are solo.
I liked emet as much as the next girl but you must have a fucking learning disability if you thought he was ever really on our side.
>Unless youre telling me zephiran was stronger than Emet or Zenos
to be fair, at that point, you were stripped of your blessing from Hydaelyn and at that point wasn't nearly as strong as he was when he faced Zenos and Emet Selch
it does have support. tactician
After merging with the original Minfilia, she might just grow up to be THE Middie Monster Tittie Comittee.
she's growing her team, which impressed me in Eden
>And SMN has to press buttons better to have the same dps as RDM.
Nothing else is enjoyable if you've already played BLM. Suffer.
>sell something on market board
>no one else is selling
>have each of my retainers sell one and undercut each other to make it seem like artificial competition
>new glamour items, like the bardings
>loan friends some money
>have them buy my bardings on the market board
>now there is a sale history for the barding so it looks like people actually want to buy it (no one ever buys fucking barding)
>Like monk and nin
>Can't play nin because of ping
>Monk sucks gameplay sucks now
Implying Ive ever played wow
When I play machinist, i literally am on par or higher than the blm and sam of my groups.
More buttons = more damage is retarded concept in MMO desu.
>want to have a sick glam for my dark knight
>dark knight ShB gear looks too good to change
who else here?
NIN is kinda annoying since you have to keep up dots, but maybe that's changed since I played it last. Just try it out in potd after you get soul crystal
>I'm only 15 right now, it's not too complex
Of course it's not too complex, you're fucking level 15. Don't give advice until you actually reach 80 and get the full kit.
Then why did you feel the need to reply, wowfugee?
Leave your bullshit at the door when you play my game, faggot.
SMN lost all their mobility. They can't stay in DWT for longer than 2 gcds now or they lose damage. Not to mention they are more of a turret now than blm
>Can't play nin because of ping
100+ or something?
You still can play and clear all content
So what's the deal with materia? VI is higher than VII (+40 compared to +20).
Honestly all I wanted was dungeons to be a bit harder, along the lines of Aurum Vale, and for gear you earned to actually be usable in stuff like Eureka
These are just dealbreakers to me
Can someone explain to me like I'm retarded but why is staying in DWT a dps loss?
Shit BLM, shit SAM.
do you HAVE to roll in Eden on reset, or can you just keep passing until you roll high on what you actually want?
in a game that has so much reading it astounds me people are unable to do it
7s are for overmelds
Just unlocked Scholarm level 78 cause SMN. It seems like a biggest brain deal. And my brain is not that big.
>MCH no support
highest rdps of the ranged
head graze
1% buff for having a ranged
lots of GCDs to fluff monk chakra or dancer espirit
Over melding.
Yeah, okay. I'm only 60 as BLM anyhow.
>SMN lost all their mobility. They can't stay in DWT for longer than 2 gcds now or they lose damage
Not if you actually need to move at the time you fucking moron.
VI can't be overmelded.
Because if you stay in DWT you delay your bahamut. When you get DWT it's usually before raid buffs. So you need to cut it early for you to have bahamut during raid buffs whih is a dps gain over your instant ruin 3s
She’s only like 16 and already bigger than Lyse who’s in her 20s, so yeah I think she will grow.
Lmao enjoy your GL4 its the only saving grace for that class. Mnk hasnt been relevant since the end of HW. Ive never come across someone so delusional ahaha
pretty good post
Pretty sure you can pass on everything you don't want. If you roll, you're locked in though.
It's bullshit. Probably "pet swapper" from above who keep posting trash about SMN
The echo and the blessing of light are 2 completely different things.
The echo is what allows us to see the past present and future while the blessing of light is hydaelyn boon that protects us.
And the original Minfilia got a massive growth spurt between the ages of 20 and 25.
These fights are so telegraphed you know when you need to move or not. if BLM can know where to turret so can you
I was just reminded of this chucklefuck. It doesn't seem like they uploaded the runs they did with me. I have a feeling I had to solo heal through the adds when they fell off, but I can't be sure because it was about a week ago.
>Try out demo
>Arrive in first city
>Literally the very first thing I see in the chat is ERPing autists
Is BLM worth the investment in levelling it from 1? It doesn't look like the class actually functions until 60 at least
How though, the cooldown of DWT isn't tied to when it ends. How does it delay your bahamut phase?
I'm really skilled at this game. Extremely skilled, even. The one and only reason I'm not doing high oranges is because everyone above me is getting seriously padded.
*parses below 90*
>Creating a character in Crystal.
Post the chatlog.
It's not.
Don't listen him. You can check fflogs and see their rotation.
>he started on crystal
Under most situations you should be 7% lower, under optimal situations you're 11.5% lower.
>starting in uldah
you get what you deserve
I see you found Ul'Dah
You can't summon Bahamut while you're in DWT.
good try user-kun. when you start out you are instanced until you complete the first quest. so you would not see that as the first thing you see at all.
You get locked out the instant you RECEIVE a piece of gear. That's why it always takes forever, because people try to roll Need on one thing and then wait and Need something else only if they miss it.
From the balance trannies.
You must cut DWT early to line bahamut with trick, chain and whatever else is up during that time frame you fucking graylet. Look at the miyabi rotations you fag basket
You can't use bahamut in dwt. Cutting DWT early summons bahamut. If you don't cut it early then you delay bahamut and summon him out of raid buffs
I think its based on how much shitposting goes on.
>scorch hits for 80k
Yes, but no jobs really function fully til later levels either.
epic post anonymous you retard
And keep in mind this rotation is only for NIN.
I wish I did the math on this sooner. T4 hits for 230 total just on the initial hit, and Flare is 260 (-40% for surrounding enemies) with a longer cast time. I'd say it's better to use it right away unless you want to save it for the ice phase if you won't have Foul ready
I'd still let Lyse give me naizuri
And when there's a movement heavy phase during your DWT it's better to just stay in there a bit longer. God you parsetrannies are so fucking dumb.
Not him but i started on crystal two weeks ago and have yet to see ERP faggotry, although you guys are scaring me for whats to come when i actually have to interact with people.
*parses 95 after wiping the group a dozen times to a piss easy mechanic*
oh man im so good bros haha please don't upload the grey ones ok?
standard or legacy
Of course I should have clarified it's the DWT after opener DWT which is in full duration
What do you like about this game? I played it a couple of years back and thought it was bland.
Are you the balance tranny? He's been spamming that because he doesn't want to admit he was a retard saying shit he pulled out of his ass.
what is the stat priority for sam
This isn't WoW.
It's on Lich, I started as a mage. It was some girl ERPing as a frog and doing frognoises and some guy calling her cute.
Just got out of the pub
Unless you're in a fucking ultimate you will never have any fight force you to move nonstop. I am sorry that you're retarded but it's ok
does fflogs account for party buffs and shit or is it just solo white room
>You must cut DWT early to line bahamut with trick
You cut DWT in SB opener too you, LARPing retard.
>setup mudfish
>no more slide casting
>if it looks like I’m out of the orange circle, I’m actually out of the orange circle
>zero mudra delay
Holy shit how spaghetti is this fucking code
standard like developed humans of course
dex and reroll nin
they made it a good game with patches
Do you not realise that he called you out on bait? Or did you just see a reply and not bother to read it?
>It was some girl ERPing as a frog and doing frognoises and some guy calling her cute.
That's not erp user.
>jewing the market board
The money is largely worthless but it's still fun to watch my score go up
Final Fantasy assets. This game wouldn’t have gotten as far as heavenward if it was made by any other company.
>You are ignorant. Go learn what schizophrenia is
Go read a dictionary first, faggot.
SkS until 2.06 GCD with Shifu > Crit > Dhit > Det
>if you need to move during DWT it's fine to just stay in it a bit longer for the mobility
Neck yourself you inbred faggot
He dead?
Legacy is better for moving and turn-around mechanics if you use WASD. I use Standard because I right-click/drag to turn my character
What did the patches add? What do you think is good about the game?
see of course you cut it early in SB but in SB we did it to get to bahamut faster in our opener. What i am specifically saying is after your opener in SHB you cut it early
Thank you user
>Frog ERP
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
>alisaie visibly jealous whenever feo ul/titania is in the same cutscene and doting on you
and for reference, i mean stuff like, a 20 second bard buff upping everyones average numbers, or a dancer buffing the top few
fastconnect is a cheat by tricking the client that you have 0ms to the proxy
Why is it always the cat faggots with weeb names being shit and ruining runs.
Just turn on strafe, it's a separate option.
if mudfish is helping you it has more to do with your shitty internet provider
Fun fights, good music, good story, Gunbreaker.
Calling him out on bait is still responding which is the goal of bait so you just look like an autist. Also not my post.
Standard. I use Keyboard and Mouse. I can control the camera faster. I get the appeal of using legacy with controller. but controller is limiting the very game play itself and isn't recommend.
Never played wow startes ffxiv in 2.4 started playing seriously in 3.1. So probably been playing longer than you. Bet you didnt even know Sheltron used to be a 25 second ocd
It's not. I've had full armored roes completely ruin runs for me.
It isn't? She literally pretended to be a frog girl in the chat typing shit like *ribbit ribbit*
What's this, oh yeah it's cutting DWT early after 2 gcds
>crit over Dhit
Since fucking when? Thought d hit was the top priority after sks
Thanks for the input
There's no real ERP in public. Although you'll see regular roleplayers in public pretty often. Just leave them alone. Don't put anything in your search information about wanting to rp or gender preferences.
males are the worst shitters
Do you even understand what the E on ERP means?
It means jamming the penor into the vajayjay in repeated motions user.
Unless they're fucking while she's croaking like a frog, that isn't ERP.
I'm going to lose my fucking mind. I have ran E4 11 times and counting and I still fail to get the fucking greaves. For fucks sake.
Do you know what "in general use" means faggot? It means "wrong but popular anyways"
Don't think anyone really cares about you opinion.
Legacy god-patrician reporting in
That's not ERP at all you silly virgin.
How is Legacy limiting? I don't use Standard for that same reason.
You're not fooling me cat faggot.
My bad, controller is limiting. I still don't know why you'd want to use Standard though.
ERP has to have sex stuff in it. Unless she has a fetish for it, it's just regular RP.
Forgot image
Starting a male character only static on primal. There will be a dress code. Female characters can apply but you HAVE to be a healer. A man healing another man is kind of gay, even with a no homo vow beforehand.
Whats your dancer rotation? I'm only managing 6.3k in Eden.
I don't mind being a casual, but Im curious about what im doing poorly.
Flare is a lot lot more than 260 since its buffed by AF
okay so you're further proving that using the word schizophrenia in that way is perfectly fine. Stop being an autist.
This isn't WoW dumb nigger. Oh hey cool, you've been playing seriously since 3.1!? HARD FUCKING CORE BRO!!
Get the fuck out of my game wowfugee.
>someone just stopped and started headpatting me and telling me that im adorable out of nowhere
ffxiv is coming to rtxbox in 2020
je suis monté
Rotation is cyclic. You ends up adjusting to TA
you are adorable user!
Can Femroes apply?
LMAO dude at least I have taste.
It's not fine. It's wrong. Just because it's popular to do doesn't mean it's right.
Not even that guy but proving you were dumb enough to buy and play the game.back when it was a complete pile.of shit doesn't make you hardcore either just a blind retard.
People do this all the time to me as a lalafel. Comes with the territory I guess.
>i have lost i'm sorry for being pathetic
At least you know, wowfugee wish others would follow your example.
NIN opener for his rotation
I pet people all the time, specifically cats that I think are cute. If they're really cute I'll also /happy them.
>there are people who think Alisaie doesn't have feelings for WoL
Must be cutscene skippers
Kill yourself you fucking ugly tranny, you will never be a real girl.
>ywn be dragged off for wild, sweaty, leg-locking sex by a female roe
Hey! that's me the drk!
i don't use parse, is my dps considered good there?
And you'll never be in the same room as a girl.
This was a good read, shame it was doomed to be drowned out by biased "muh collectathon" posts
Game should emphasize what it does well with combat, not make pointless minigames
Lalafells do it to me all the time. I'm a Hrothgar. It's fucking creepy. Don't touch me with your disgusting potato hands.
>calling this gibberis an opener
Imagine unironically playing NIN.
I don't know you and I have no reason to be fooling you.
I've had runs ruined by all sorts of people, not just catfaggots with anime names. Maybe you just pay more attention to when cat faggots with anime names fuck up.
What FUCKING melee DPS do I play aaaAAAAHHHHHHHH
I'm just an ugly biological female
That's a day 1 release. Nobody knew anything about the game day 1. Also owning this means you pay cheaper sub fee's by owning a legacy account.
Savage in one week, Ultimate in three months. Fucking moron.
>think my cat is cute
>in 5 years never once been /pet or emoted
Make emet proud you faggots
>bro you didnt kill 3000 S ranks?
>or kill the primals 693 times for a mount
>or grind every triple triad card with 1% drop rates
treadmill niggers should off themselves, the brain damaged gacha addicts
Are the crafting class quests worth paying attention to or are they just skip town?
Someone did that to my male lala once and i spent a good 5 minutes telling them how that's inappropriate and disrespectful to my kind and then proceeded to thank them anyway.
Sad if true
I'm not that dude but I can for sure tell you that every single time I have been paired with a man at tank in roulette they have been absolute fucking garbage players. Just that specific race/gender/role combination.
People determine what words mean faggot. If they didn't, the word "gay" wouldn't refer to homo's, but instead would still be considered "lighthearted and carefree."
>Go to the New World
>The only class from the New World we know of won't even be able to do anything there for at least two years
Holy FUCK PLD is fun. Why do retards play the boring tanks like DRK and WAR when you could be a fucking SWORD WIZARD with PLD
They're good. Stop skipping cutscenes you dumb faggot.
Yeah im a lala too, guess ill have to get used to it
Dude your opinion is invalid, you played before ARR. Back when the game was broken when the development team couldnt even agree on anything. Everything youve said up to this point is so irrelevant, I'm not even black but I rather be black than be you and thats really saying something enjoy the rest of your day, you overly depressed fgt lmao at your life.
Clear savage in a week, log off until reset, good shit that'll cover 8 months
Ultimate for 1% of savage raiders which make up 1% of the population to begin with
just go play verminion bro
>tfw got the Innocence mount on my third kill
>1+2+3 combo
>1+2 AoE
Wow PLD Sure is fun!
BLU isn't even getting to Shadowbringers content until the game is finished and in maintenance mode.
I said PLD, not DRK
t. Doesn't play Paladin
>I started at 3.1
Go back to WoW
>BLU isn't even getting to Shadowbringers content until the game is finished and in maintenance mode
Mrhappy confirmed level 60 content is coming in 4.35
>Clear savage in a week
>Ultimate for 1% of savage raiders
So you're complaining that you'll finish Savage too quickly, but that Ultimate is too hard for you? Which is it nigger? Which demographic do you belong to? Because there will absolutely be something to keep you busy for months.
Surely you're not going to imply that any of the other tanks (or hell any class at all) are any better. None of.the rotations in this game require skill or are fun to execute.
You're wrong deal with it gay fag
>It's another ''Goddamn, they stole a caravan full of crystals!!!! now they're gonna summon a primal'' time
you think that by now the scions or whoever runs these fucking caravans would be smarter than to get ambushed by crazy fanatics that want to summon primals. guess not.
>defending lack of content
>no mention of spells
>no mention block optimization
t. DRKlet
>thinks his cat is cute
>in 5 years he has never been /pet or emoted
>is disappointed about this
yeah, you're a faggot alright.
>None of.the rotations in this game require skill or are fun to execute.
There is a 0% chance you can pull off a proper NIN rotation.
Crystals are a vital part of the Eorzean crafting economy. Exactly how do you think they should transport them?
lad, it'll be time for you to LB3 before you even get half way through this.
If they were smart they'd disguise war parties as crystal caravans and then fuck the raiding parties up when they tried to attack.
No. There's one mod who is most likely on Blizzard's payroll that bans all XIV threads. When he's active there are always multiple smash and WoW threads up as well as porn and ecchi and ERP threads that go untouched.
No, need for that anymore. Lakshmi and Susanoo proved you just need aether infused items to accidently summon a primal the 1st time
I was a pretty good player, wouldn't say I'm amazing but we cleared week 1 with a SAM in the group when people spewed how bad it was
We tried ultimate, made it to bahamut, people got burned out
Keep chimping out though faggot, I know you have plenty of time while you idle in your house
>says the user who is incorrect
Why don't you shove that stick farther up your asshole.
Try playing a genre with real execution like fighting or RTS and then come back and talk about skillful inputs.
>BLU content is over a year away
They really have given up on this shit job
>We tried ultimate, made it to bahamut, people got burned out
Oh, so there is content and you just didn't want to do it? Really makes you think.
>like fighting or RTS
ah, you could have just told me you were retarded and saved time, good talk
Reminder to pet your NIN on the head and tell them they did a good job whenever they put up Trick Attack or LB3.
FC is EZ mode for casuals
real man clear with pugs
I'm never using the lb again... fuck shb ninki gain
you're alright
don't go to limsa tomorrow
>fighting or RTS
the only 2 genres somehow more dead than MMOs
Posting an anime girl doesn't make you any less wrong fag, if you think anything in this game even approaches the APM of RTS or the precision of 1 frame links in fighters then you are absolutely brain damaged