Multiplayer fps games worth playing in 2k19?
Multiplayer fps games worth playing in 2k19?
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An FPS is not a game.
Nothing in particular. If you like CS and Quake, play those because they'll be always worth playing regardless of popularity.
quake 3 forever and ever
Rising Storm 1 & 2
SWAT 4 if you can get a bunch of guys together.
CSGO is always good. Rainbow Six is fantastic if you want a break from cawwa style games and csgo. if you want non competitive play battle royale.
the only multiplayer genre worth playing is RTS, if you disagree it's because you're a faggot that is bad at RTS
I can't even beat AI in rts.
You'll get more out of your hours if you avoid multiplayer games.
FPS or not, there ain't shit worth playing multiplayer wise. Really blows.
My friends play Dota 2 sometimes. They also play Apex Legends but fuck that game. And all Battle Royale's. Been dragging their asses into custom WC3 maps.
The only people that avoid multiplayer games are the ones that can't git gud at them.
World War 3 (if EU, not if NA because dead)
Battlefield 4
Hell Let Loose
Insurgency Sandstorm
Post Scriptum or Squad
Red Orchestra 2
>Battlefield 4
all opinions immediately invalidated if you consider that good
hope this is a shitpost or you're a kid, if you're over 25 and still play singleplayer games it's time to rethink your life
Can't go wrong with csgo.
You're damn right I do, suck my pp
>CSGO is always good
Your piece of shit casino was never good.
Just one question about csgo, isn't that game a bit too hardcore? I'm looking into something "casual", nothing too demanding
>Hell Let Loose
if i'm not wrong, this one isn't that fps made by the same creator of worms?
Every webm or gif of this trashkid non-game always makes me laugh and makes me realize furthermore to stay away from it.
Nope. Not a single good shooter has been released since the mid 00s
UT 99 n 2004 and Quake 3
>le anime reaction pic
You can play the casual mode.
COD4 is still populated on PC
oh no I'll never recover from that
Is this how you cope because your WC3 skill didn't transfer to anything in the past 15 years?
COD4 is also trash so it doesn't really help, does it?
NeoTokyo. Only on fridays though.
And full of hackers and modded servers.
Rainbow Six Siege
Just play TF2 if you don't mind playing with degenerates, tryhards and literal children, it's still one of the best casual FPSes on the market
Is it still alive?
I remember playing it with Yea Forums years ago and it looked near death even back then
On a similar note, to my complete surprise Natural Selection 2 is still alive as well and pretty fun
Oof nasty burn
CSGO is about as casual as it gets. but when you play it you have to go in with the mindset that every single fucking person you ever come across is using hacks. 95% of the community cheats so not using cheats puts you in a severe disatvantage. In order to play on equal grounds with the community get the best current hacks. The pros at tournaments also believe in this philosophy.
NT is permanently near death but it won't die for some reason. Just keep in mind you'll be playing with people who have hundreds of hours in the game.
It's as hardcore as it gets. Not casual at all.
>Webm related
t. seething brainlet
I play BF3 once in a blue moon
i personaly play the shittiest and less known f2p of the story:
Red Crucible: Firestorm.
is ugly, bugged, but have some vehicles.
i personally had and have fun playing it.
Who is this guy? Can't relate at all.
>thinks crypto will fix all his problems
Yeah, whatever happened to the bitcoin retards that flooded this board last year with their bullshit then all of a sudden just died off? Did they strike it rich? Lol
These are getting awfully specific.
quake champions bro. no problems.
holy shit
Every single FPS multiplayer thread makes me realize how fucking clueless and casual most of Yea Forums is. Jesus fucking christ, the amount of larpers on this board is insane.
To be fair if you're self-aware you are better than other people at least a little bit. Most people don't analyze themselves or even have an inner dialogue.
I will accept your post on the condition your prove you're not in fact a larper yourself. List your games.
I do not agree with this, in my opinion everyone is self-conscious and they analyze themselves, but only some make of it an advantage.
I just bought this game during the summer sale. I thought id give mgs another try. I played 1 and 2 back in the day and didn't really like it to be honest.
Titanfall 2
Nah dont agree. The average person is not analytical or self aware. And if they are they have a brutally unhealthy ego that clouds their judgement about themselves.
Did you forget how the npc meme was created?
I still think PUBG is worth playing. The gun mechanics alone make the game fun to play.
Quake2+mods(mainly Action Quake 2) -> Quake 3 + UT99 -> HLDM + CS since 1.3 -> Quake Live -> Killing Floor ->CS:GO ->L4D & KF2 -> R6S -> (briefly, would have liked if they didn't have most of the roster behind a pay wall)
Would have loved to play Quake Champions too but it's so badly optimised that it takes 2 mins to join a server. Maybe I'll give it a shot once I'm upgrading my PC.
This is the comment a salty scrub who tried CS:GO and got stomped would write.
In that case, you'll probably like it. I started with 5 and ended up loving the first 3 more after I went back and tried them out. The plot's a bit nonsensical and the characters are pretty shallow, but the gameplay's pretty good for an open-world game. Definitely try out 3 before you give up on the series though.
I played a lot of killing floor, also like QC, but my toaster is too shit for it.
either youre a zoomer thats too retarded to figure out recoil patterns and counter strafing or youre a sourcefag
MCC soon
This is the comment a shitter who has to use cheats in a video game to win and got exposed would write.
What's wrong with playing singleplayer games?
but never-mind the casino, right? Lol dumb fuck learn to read.
Wtf shes hot
honestly I don't know exactly where he was born, however, almost by force, I have an idea of what it is about.
Borderlands 3.
mmh probably, or maybe their are just conditioned by society.
Thats an ok list bit no quakeworld? Common dude you left out the best deathmatch ever.
Quakeworld is dead all the servers are bots.
>r6 nice break from cawwa style games
???? It literally is cod?
Hey, man.
Sometimes I just wanna go through a game without having to interact with another human.
I get enough of that shit at work and college.
Quake 2 was the first game I played so I completely lost the opportunity of playing quake1. Plus, I really loved using the Rail Gun to the point I always rushed for rail in deathmatch. Got nQuake installed and join a server that happens to have 5 players or so from time to time.
so don't buy any skins you dumb nigger holy fuck clingy fags like you are the worst
Reminder that casual strike got btfo yesterday.
Pretty much
Does anyone play the new battlefield?