Is this the worst piece of hardware Sony has ever produced?
Imagine calling yourself a 4K multimedia device that can only play 10% of games at 4K and can't even play 4K blu-ray discs
Is this the worst piece of hardware Sony has ever produced?
Imagine calling yourself a 4K multimedia device that can only play 10% of games at 4K and can't even play 4K blu-ray discs
That’s not a PlayStation Classic.
Can't believe how many people double dipped on this. It should have been the fucking base model
at least that was only ~$100 wasted instead of $400+
PC-tards, xbots and nincels still SEETHING at Sony's success.
Get it in your heads, Sony is embarassing your shitty companies for 25 years and will continue to do so forever.
Keep the tears coming.
>the worst piece of hardware Sony has ever produced
Nah. That dubious honor goes to Sony still making Walkmans in (current year). Bad joke over.
Back on topic though, I wouldn't say it was the worst, but it was pretty pointless unless you wanted to play Monster Hunter World or Final Fantasy XV at frames per second instead of seconds per frame.
>Switch already reaching PS4's level in just 2 years
I'm gonna be fair and say those Walkmans have extremely good sound quality
rent free
Came here to say this. They spent, what, 2 hours loading up an open source emulator with the first ROMs they could find online, then packaged it in a nostalgia bait case and shipped it to market? What a joke.
Nintendo has sold more consoles than sony for the second generation in a row
Nice kneejerk reaction there. The market actually generally agrees that the PS4 Pro was a pointless upgrade. The overwhelming majority of PS4 hardware purchases are either Vanilla or Slim.
>*in Japan
>Is this the worst piece of hardware Sony has ever produced?
not even close.
10% is generous and define "play"
Had to Google this one.
Nintenfags in denial lmao
>PlayStation 4
>PlayStation 4 slim
>PlayStation 4 PRO
Literally why not just build a PC at this point? Consoles should never go down this route.
they absolutly should, slim doesn't count and shouldn't be included. a 5-7 year gap it too long for a single console, they get outdated fast. Pro and X are the first ones to solve this issue
>why not just build a PC at this point
because the GPU alone costs more than a pro
This isn't anything new for Sony. Well, the "Pro" bit is but that has more to do with this generation of consoles being a kneejerk reaction even though the previous gen was ancient by the time they were trotted out.
lol stop being poor
the average PS fan probably cries for free rent
I'm not, I just understand a PC like this isn't worth it for a vast majority of people. Also if you weren't poor you wouldn't be crying about a $300 payment once every 3-4 years
Redpill me on this and why it sucked. Mind you, I don’t consider “niche use cases” to be a reason for sucking.
It really is. The Playstation Classic is better than this. Sounds like a jet engine too. Even on the latest model. Most of the exclusives are garbage and the people who will tell you otherwise are underage retards
This joke would've been 10/10 in the PS3 days. Full on reverse goldface tier.
>Is this the worst piece of hardware Sony has ever produced?
lol not even fucking close.
Just because it failed doesn’t make it a bad piece of hardware. It’s still the best feeling handheld system out there, with the best d-pad of all time.
wait until the PS5 gets released.
4k-8k gaming experience with ray tracing my aching arse.
>pointless proprietary version of beos
>NO HARD DRIVE, you had to buy a memory stick to save anything from the internet
>massive flop: it was released in june 2001 and discontinued two months later
as much as Yea Forums shits on the playstation division, they've never done anything as stupid as other parts of sony have.
PS4 is better exclusively on the grounds that it plays Bloodborne, memes notwithstanding. PS Classic is literally just paying for PCSX.
I have a Pro. I was playing PS3 for a few years until I was ready to move on. By then the Pro was out. 299 or 399 it matters little to me.
Sucks for early adopters I guess but fuck them.
Bloodborne sucks
>Sounds like a jet engine too.
That must be an issue on the newer models because I have a launch PS4 and it's by far the most quiet disc-based console I've ever owned. Unless I literally stick my ear up to the back of it I cannot hear it.
It will outsell the Wii before the end of fall.
And it has another year selling. LMAO!
>Most of the exclusives are garbage and the people who will tell you otherwise are underage retards
Yeah but the thing is it has exclusives, even if they're shit, it allows you access to a wider library and that really makes it better by default, in my opinion. I just really like video games and want to be able to play as many of them as possible.
>>implying you need a top of the line PC to get better performance then a PS4
Why are poor console peasants so retarded.
>>A 300 dollar payment once every 3-4 years
It's not the 2000s anymore dumbfuck, there's a lot more bullshit involved with consoles now and the days of simply putting a game in, turning the console on and playing the game in question are over. Financially you will over time wind up paying a similar price to a 2000 dollar PC over time when you take into consideration the generally higher costs of games, being double charged for online and the cost of peripherals and a HDTV.
Sucks less than paying for a free, open source emulator that whatever you're posting on can run.
It was never good and was only notable for being the first good exclusive of note to be produced in an otherwise loaded year (MGSV and W3 for starters) after a long console drought as a sign of things to come as it gradually became pretty much the only thing of note in the entire snoy brand.
If you mean a base ps4 then no shit. If you were talking about the pro then it'd be hard to believe you.
Eh I guess so. Bloodborne isn't that great though.
>there's a lot more bullshit involved with consoles now and the days of simply putting a game in, turning the console on and playing the game in question are over.
that's what I do on my ps4 and switch, I don' tknow what you're on about
Jesus, how many dead media formats has Sony created?
mini disc will always get a pass for looking cool as fuck
>Digital MEGA BASS
I miss this kind of corny shit on electronics.
lol no you don't. Not with all the need for day 1 patching and other assorted bullshit. Consoles have become shittier PCs with none of the advantages like mods, more custom graphics options, better online, and mouse and keyboard controls for first or third person shooters.
Nintendo stuff is an exception to the rule here and has been since the wii was released.