I'll start:
Super Monday Night Combat
I'll start:
Super Monday Night Combat
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They need a porn remake of that where the TF2 cast just run a train on the female cast of Monday Night Combat.
I don't want to see the cast of tf2 doing anything sexual.
holy fuck was a pissed about that shitshow. 1 was legitimately fun but 2 was just completely fucking awful. It was free and I still wanted a refund.
I agree man, 1 was so fucking fun, and 2 was a piece of shit with the autistic fanbase screeching fanbase going THE RULES HAVE CHANGED if you have a single complaint about how much shittier and slower SMNC was.
I miss it
Okay, Heavy. I'm still impregnating your sister tonight, brother-in-law.
Doesn't affect me since I'm not seeing anything.
Damn she's cute.
Agree with these guys
May i ask your preferred class?
How do you ruin a good thing so hard so fast?
Sniper and Support, Mostly Support but the Sniper's double melee is pretty nuts.
back when your npc females could be sexy and no one gave two shits
I only really remember support now. Been years
it fucking hurts bros
this came out?
dude, i thought it was still in dev or was it killed before it hit?
small white penis spotted
>since I'm not seeing anything
Wanna bet on that?
I miss it bros
it was out for months and received constant updates, it shut down close to a year ago. it was so fucking good
They launched on PC years to late (and even with that, PC still had a ton of players out of the gate) but lackluster support at the start of the PC run crippled it. What happened after the PC launch was simple to understand, but difficult to understand why.
The PC version sold great, but bugs and some performance issues should have been addressed early, like within weeks. Instead of that, they chose to launch it on PC and ignored it in favor of the 360 title (now years old) and used the publicity that the PC launch generated for the IP to bring people back to the 360 version with new content. When that was done, they decided to also port the new content from the 360 over to PC, but by that time it was already 6 months into launch, there was virtually no patches or fixed for any of the issues and when they DID address the issues (at the same time as the content push), most of the PC community had long since left it in the dust.
Through multiple content patches and continued fixes, the PC comunity started to grow again. It wasnt at launch numbers again, but month after month it was growing. Problem was it really had no ingame store and the game itself was almost 3 years old at this point from the 360 launch and while the comunity was coming back, a returning comunity doesnt exactly move units.
So instead of playing it smart and digging its own niche in with its comunity and continue to grow it out (keep pushing content patches out, do free weekends, etc) and make the profit from the word of mouth and continuous news coverage of its up coming new contents, they jumped the gun and quickly rushed out a piece of shit sequel.
And in true "gimme monies" fashion, instead of making a proper sequel, they just chased the LoL dollars (as it was huge at the time) and tried making it a true MOBA instead of that fine line they walked with MNC. And because it was a rushed game built off the already existing game they had out, it played and felt like a bad mod.
>linking polygon
At least archive the link faggot.
That game could have been great, I'm not sure if it was a failure in marketing or simply being launched before it was finished that killed it. I miss it.
Good riddance, Tripp dominated the game from start to finish.
it was lame
>t.bought for 60 bucks
t. baddie
>t. bought for 50 bucks
I slogged through that shit just to get the TF2 hats, uninstalled, and never looked back.
Super Monday Night Combat fucking sucked. The original Monday Night Combat deserved better.
Tank and assassin.
What was wrong about SMNC and what made MNC so beloved in comparison?
These two were so fucking strong all the time, I loved playing them and just making sure every enemy bot was dead while getting whatever flanks I could. That assassin jump was fucking ridic.
SMNC was a MOBA that never made it out of early access while going full F2P and MNC was a shooter with towers & laning
this is the only place where this game gets any recognition. Such a great game
I never really got the hang of gunner but I liked him. Its weird how every class was actually pretty viable with the weakest maybe being assault
>Super Monday Night Combat
Nigger, SMNC was the original problem.
>When you learn that assassin can smoke jump into the enemy's spawn point from the catwalk, skipping the chokepoint.
I never got a chance to play it with a decent internet connection
fuck, i was in core, they had so much cool stuff on the pipeline
too bad the game director was a fucking moron and the higher ups even worse, everyone else was mad talented though
still my favourite game of all time gameplay and artstyle wise, the perfect balance between action/shooter/moba with tons of depth and skill based movement tricks, moving around in that game was a pleasure
also shadow never ever
I remember playing a LOT of MNC back in 2011, it really was my favourite game of the year. Playing assassin and using the melee key on a single wave of bots netted you almost full juice, you could usually destroy a base solo, every minute or 2 in pubs.
SMNC was just bad. The alpha players did a lot of damage to the fledgling newcomers by rolling 5-man premades and absolutely destroying every team of randoms they got matched with. To the point where they would just sit outside spawn, yank people out with the veteran and drag matches out another 10 minutes. It's amazing they were never disciplined over it, I'd wager that a dozen or so players did enough damage that they were partly to blame for the game dying.
Game sucked though, being able to remove turrets in complete safety once a single bot landed a shot on them was bad design. Or maybe not design, just a technical hurdle that was never fixed. Imagine if, in say LoL, you could sit behind your first turret in top and auto-attack the enemy turret for 2 minutes until it was destroyed, as long as you managed to escort just one creep to it beforehand.
It was definitely memorably bad though. Lots of jank and bugs. Most games were utterly 1-sided and hopeless though. All it took was a single bad player to die once and you got snowballed.