Have you ever felt conflicted about buying a videogame?

Have you ever felt conflicted about buying a videogame?

Attached: rolled out.png (578x708, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why would even feel conflicted here? Just straight up avoid giving anyone like this money. Don't feed their mental illness.

>giving these literal fags money when you can play monkey ball mods for free

Not a mental illness but ok

It's the closest thing to a good monkey ball-esque game in over 15 years (and it comes with a level editor), and Sega clearly won't get any better since they decided to make an HD port of one of the worst games in the series. It's either this or nothing at all.

Attached: monkey.png (585x140, 13K)

It literally is

The rat can only be a male or a female

>you got rafaknight working on your project
>who did official Sonic artwork for the comic book covers like pic related
>fire him because he said "he"
It's just shooting a bullet in your feet at this point.

Attached: rafa-knight-son-cvr8-200dpi-rx.jpg (1000x1347, 446K)

Why would you buy a game that literally duplicates EVERYTHING from what it's trying to imitate without even trying to innovate in any way

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typo'd she into he

die mad

No. I just pirate if in doubt.

Pirate it.

Die stupid and willfully ignorant of reality (just like the trannies)

>Accurately points out a mental illness
>"Die mad"

Attached: Get help.gif (378x440, 207K)

sadly yeah I'd love to see some do something cool with the monkey ball style

Duplicating everything from an old game that never got a decent sequel is a simple way to get people to buy your game. You don't need to innovate in this scenario, just straight up copy the game and people will buy it.

sounds like he worked for free and they found a way to dump him without having to pay him

reminder that rafa is a salty little bitch

Attached: rafaknight.png (590x251, 22K)

die virgin

The real question is why would you think some faggot gerbil is an even remotely good replacement for funny monkeys.


you're a retard if you believe this. Several of the big devs at Overwatch referred to Hammond as he. Even Jeff several times. He did something else that was a nono and they probably gave him the boot.

because it makes more sense for a hamster to be inside of a ball than a monkey.

Ironically trannies will be the ones to actually die before us. Lol

He cute to be honest.

Thematically speaking it would make sense for a gerbil or hamster to be in a ball but who the fuck cares since they're on a board in the sky

someones finally asking the real questions

Because I have been playing the same exact stages and environments from MB1&2 for over 10 years, I need some new levels and environments.
I now know what it feels like to be a melee player


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You're a retard if you think this is about Overwatch. Go back and read it again.

Why but why make the hamster a faggot? That already makes them sound unappealing as hell. Little cartoon characters should be kept far away from this insanity.

Hey user, if I call you a retard will you be able to read it you illiterate smoothbrained fruit

Nigga, this is a different hamster in a ball.

Double dilate, delusional deviant.

Didn't this guy tried to force himself into the development of this videogame and when they said that they don't need him he sperged on twitter calling them sjw's and other sargonite buzzwords?

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>Calls character wrong pronoun
>Gets told their correct pronoun
>Rafa confirms they understand
>Continue to use wrong pronoun
>Get let go

I read a couple of post when this was news. Apparently the real reason he was kicked off the team was because he made lewd model of Medli, a character from the Legend of Zelda Wind Maker. The issue is that the character canonically is young. I don't know how young but she is treated as a child. I believe rafaknight stated that the model was a aged up version of the character but you know how people can be.

Thats not Hammond, its a character from a game in development called rollout.

checks out

This is probably it.
It's so unreasonable for that to happen without being corrected or given a "warning" first, especially if no one told him.
I believe this even more because of no NDA, it's more likely you'd sign one if the work was paid.

I think she did the model but not the porn.

Forgot picture

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die by your own hand 41%er

New Level Editor
Twice as many levels as super monkey ball 2.
New Mine obstacles
Focus bar
Mario-kart 8 esque zero gravity platforms.
More playable characters

You would be too user.

Hamtaro Ham-Hams Unite! 3D

>firing someone because they referred to a cartoon as the wrong pronoun
Nobody this unstable will ever create anything of value, fact.

That's not how it went down.

Oh wait, I actually remember hearing about this now

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i like how Yea Forums just believes what any retard puts on twitter if it goes with their beliefs

dilate mad

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I wouldn't really care if she did a SFW/barbie doll model and other people used it for porn (That's like stirring a controversy against Overwatch because somebody else made a porno using their models.)
But is definitely softcore porn-tier.


Hi Brandon


Attached: 2muu2j.jpg (682x900, 115K)

who fucking cares you actual retard

Oh right, I see what you mean, I thought you meant full nsfw. She already did that kind of work with koopa peach.

Who cares?

No because I'm not an obsessive faggot
If the game is good, I'll play it

>It's a "Yea Forums decides to believe something that didn't happen just so they can get mad about it" episode

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god are you even trying?

Hi Brandon

hello doctor from gender studied

>someone accused me of being mentally ill
>how do I prove them wrong?
>threaten them with death

Now this is patrician. What a beautiful render.

That's clearly an aged-up version. Why are these mentally-ill people allowed to walk free?

Just don't buy that crap, done.

>Non-binary Hamster makes people lose jobs

Fuck I'd be so bored without this shit

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> hire artist
> get panties twisted when they learn artist obviously draws nsfw

is there really people this retarded?

tranny/dilation porn of this cute fucktoy when?

How the fuck does that hamster look anything other than a boy?


It's a fucking drawing. If I draw a picture of a 3 year old on a napkin then wait 18 years can I masturbate to it?

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I had to unfollow rafa because she keeps going fully autistic and fighting with people and burning bridges over autistic shit.

yeah, aged from 7 to 12

not nonbinary but they're people anyway
Think otherwise and you got smoothbrain

Not the first time I've seen it happen. When fur artist first drew lewd pictures of ralsei people threw a fit since Toby Fox himself stated the character is underage ( Can't find the exact tweet ). Even when they drew him with adult proportions they got mad. In their minds a character is always the same age no manner how you draw them.

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ill just pirate it

Fake and gay.

must be nice not having a job

die late (or whenever you want, really)

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I would give him a medal... She was one of my vidia related crushes. Nice work.

>buyfag is also a wage slave

Wanting to control the world in an authoritarian rage from hell to force people to call you what you want is pretty mentally ill.

They should be all for this, because the same change that "made" gender dysphoria and transsexuals "not a mental disorder" did the same for attraction to minors.

>May 9th

bro how fucking slow are you lol

Wasn't this proven to have been a guy who was a total sperg and lying about this?

not accepting others and going on with you day
This is why Yea Forums is populated by retards

>hiring ANYONE before doing a background check, etc.
Its especially retarded since this game is indie/small group of people. They have no fucking excuse, its most likely over petty bickering that childish manchildren do and they're using the 'muh nsfw artist' as some sort of valid point to cover up their own faults.

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>getting fired for misgendering a fictional nonbinary hamster

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I can think of literally one (1) example of this genuinely being the case, and this SMB clone isn't it.

I couldn't care less if the game is fun.

>That animation

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Okay, so you're mentally ill too.

Sorry, but i don't agree that a person should have the power to enforce you to say what he want. That's authoritarianism, and pretty horrible one at that, specially in this case where the person was fired because he was unable to literally read the mind of the trans person to guess the correct pronoun.
Want to be called a different pronoun? ask people to do it and people will do it unless you're a complete asshole about it.

>with these hips

>implying brandon would say the word retard


it's not a mental disorder -any longer- simply because someone said so
there was no scientific basis to do so
of course no one will question this because you're supposed to blindly trust the WHO, otherwise you're an uneducated tinfoil vaxxer.

Ping pong chan.

torrent it retard, never pay for a video game you feel is ran by shitheads or faggots or just in general if it's some rehashed sequel

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I like the part where this loser omitted the fact that he made a cringey spergout after being corrected on it and going on some idealistic tirade about his rights and le clown world.

>Have you ever felt conflicted about buying a videogame?
All the time. Isn't that pretty much the process of buying most new games?

By your image though, you sound like you're conflicted by a stupid reason.

Yes, but youd still be getting off to the thought of a little girl, fictional or otherwise, making you a pedo.

Yeah, let the sick roam free in the farms, boy, they will get healthier by next season!

it's 2019 you have to use incel that's how you get that internet pussy

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iirc its just a cropped and looped gif taken straight from the Little Witch Academia anime

go back to your souls threads

>what are fictional characters for a better future
literally thought crimes

rafaknight likes to start drama

they dont even have proof thats why they got fired

I thought you referring to lewd animation some made with the 3D model

dilate and 41%

Innovation for the sake of innovation doesn't make a game better. If there's no need to innovate, you shouldn't. What Monkey Ball needed wasn't new mechanics that drastically change how the game feels or plays and it didn't need a radical change in design. It needed more levels. That's it. Many games don't need huge alterations to be good and by adding a bunch of extra shit to the formula you increase the chances of fucking it up rather than being another good thing that people wanted.

it hardly fucking matters considering these aren't real people, they could be newborns for all I care
what the fuck is wrong with leftists

>it's ok to draw children getting fucked to death by grown men but not this
die pedo scum you don't belong in this word

That's not what I said.

>fiction is real now
based, if you like gore movies youre actually into murder


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im gonna need a sauce on that slutty asian my guy

it being fiction does not change the fact that they are into the thought of fucking kids

Yeah, but you think it.

I'm sure that change made to the DSM was on an entirely scientific basis and in no way political. Well, I'm more than 40% sure.

are you implying you don't think the mentally ill are people? you sick fuck

>Yea Forums in 2013
>lmao SJWs if you're so triggered about generic white males being protags why don't you make your own games?
>Yea Forums past 2016

true but that doesn't make what rolledout did any better

it being a video game does not change the fact that gamers enjoy the thought of shooting people

>what the fuck is wrong with leftists!! i want to draw child porn!

kys pedo, 3d models are not real and can't be victims
you can be a victim if I rape and kill your retarded ass though

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Reminder that studies done on the correlation between consumption of fictional porn with "underage" characters tells us that it does not cause people to seek out and consume illegal material or commit crimes against minors. We also have studies that tell us that the free consumption of porn heave lead to decreased sexual crime rates across the board in all the countries where such studies were conducted (US, Japan, some parts of Europe.)

Child protection services have also said that those who actually commit sexual crimes against minors, more often than not, consume less porn than the average person.

All the pedo hysteria surrounding porn of CHARACTERS THAT DO NOT ACTUALLY EXIST is fear mongering and trying to censor people and control what others may or may not like.

Fuck off, you don't belong here.

how is he ever going to recover

clown pepe has to be his most benevolent incarnation

I want to draw whatever the fuck I want because cartoons can't be harmed, that's the fucking point you brainlet

Exterminating wrongthinkers is ok when its something I disagree with.

Can't tell if this is serious, but in case it is, please fucking off yourself.

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This whole thing basically boils down to design differences, the pronoun thing is only a small part of it yet people focus so much of it and ignore the fact that the dev admitted to lying about the reason he fired her, and admitting to searching her post history to find a reason to fire her

Sorry PEDO but your facts and logic end where my FEELINGS begin.

>Faggots bully people about gender dysphoria being a mental illness.
>Said people flake out and take it off.
>Lol science is on our side XD
>Now we have do deal with these fucking non-humans for all eternity.

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If they're referring to it in the wrong pronoun, then they're clearly just doing it to start shit and aren't fit to be on the team.

Not a mental illness, y'all.

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This is pedo cope as hell lmao.
Came out of nowhere.

You're either a he or a she. Anything else is playing pretend, get over yourself and stop torturing the world with your fucking existence.

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Trannies and sjw faggots should roll out onto oncoming traffic

Shut up, retard.

reply to or did you get btfo too hard murderer

plenty of posts here implying it's illegal to fuck medli when she's not real in the first place
kys pedo

A fictional character isn't bound by biology and therefore doesn't need to be either a he or a she

Garbage like this and nitw don’t sell well to start with

you sound a lot more mad than he does

Kill yourself

OK from what I gather from this thread both Rolled out AND Rafaknight are complete assholes.
The real question is: Do I get the game so I can spite Rafaknight and get a neat monkey ball game, but also unfortunately support the rolled out team;
or do I skip it to spite the rolled out team, but miss out on a game I will probably like a lot?

I'm thinking of piracy but I'm not sure if the level editor would work on pirated copies due to it being steam workshop based. I wanna make monkey ball levels but I'm too stupid to put it into iso's and shit like that.

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Why is Sega so fucking dumb?

Thinking you're something you're not is at best cognitive dissonance and at worst mental illness.

so then all these "non binary" fags are using a fictional gender? based

pirate, wait for a sale and buy it 90% off, get a key off g2a
plenty of ways to go about it

they also can't be offended or hurt by anything and so don't need to be protected from misgenderment especially if said misgendering isn't applicable in the real world, because said character's gender doesn't exist

>telling a chatbot that they have a gender despite being a sexless computer program

>I can't argue based on the current premise, so I'm going to drag it down to something I can shitpost about

The absolute state of Yea Forums

Cute croc

OOOOOORRR...here me out...you could buy the ACTUAL Monkey Ball game Sega is putting out, which would both give you your fix as well as send a message to Sega to make new games like it.

Buying a game just to spite someone you don’t agree with is the ultimate bitchmade move. Just don’t support autists.

Yes schizophrenics are also people. Doesn't mean they aren't crazy.


>thinks firing someone over something as trivial as that is normal

They're also not real, and I doubt a cartoon mouse will fucking cry and pick fights with every human alive for not conforming to their stupid as fuck, asinine demands.
Get a grip.

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>it's supposed to be super monkey ball
>they're non binary hamsters

Attached: 1561663194293.png (196x197, 34K)

People aren't jacking off to shooters nor are they a niche of weirdo faggots consuming those types of products nice try pedo scumfuck

also you're not getting that (You) which obviously was your sad goal

Presumably user wants an actually good monkey-ball game. so there goes that idea.

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Read the response from the dev team, this is fake news it seems

see The game sega is making is a remake of the worst game in the series, buying it would be like telling sega "Hey, make more games like this garbage."

get banned

Wont someone think of the fictional children?

so it's only weird if you're jacking off to it? slasher movies where people are dismembered or rekt threads where mexicans skin people alive is fine, so long you don't touch your dick?
and somehow that's healthier than jerking off to a fictional character?

The creator is real.
The creator also hired a dude based on good-faith assumptions that that guy will follow the original creator's vision.
If that creator can't even be trusted to keep something as small and immaterial as a made-up pronoun a non-issue, how can they possibly be trusted with actually important stuff?

>YAAAAS Pronouns! You'd better make sure you have them all memorized! Be sure to check your PronounDex if you find a new quirky one you haven't seen before!

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>so it's only weird if you're jacking off to it
Not sure where I typed that in my post. Are you also brain deaf?

>People aren't jacking off to shooters

>be american
>misuse pronouns of a imaginary character
>get fired and blacklisted from applying for any job ever again

O say can you seeeee

>it is fine if is is popular and you dont fap to it

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The creator threw a hissy because of an artist that was too use to saying "He" when he was working on the character in his head. Its called a slip of the tongue, he didn't even think about it, and from what I can tell the sex of the fake, make belief mouse comes up in any official releases of the game.
The creator getting red in the face because of this isn't logical, its cry baby bullshit and no amount of justification will put you in the right.You are actively, objectively wrong.

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She wasn't even hired. Yeah there reasons are dumb but that's besides the point, they can choose to not hire her for literally any reason they want. You are not entitled to work for somebody. Also the artist leaves so much out of her story it has to be dishonest, unless the developer is lying about everything but that seems really unlikely to me



>say thing
>"I never said thing!"

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Every now and then Sega's hit by these random bursts of sheer retardedness.

>oops I’m out of arguments

It wasn't just the one time, though. It was a repeated and concerted effort. The guy was clearly trying to stir up shit.

If you're a weirdo faggot criminal you should be suppressed sempai, how is this hard logic for pedos to follow?


being a pedo isn't a crime though

Ok but where is your argument

Reading comprehension isn't something pedos grasp got it, no need to embarrass yourself further.

>It wasn't just the one time, though. It was a repeated and concerted effort. The guy was clearly trying to stir up shit.

Do we have proof of this? A discord screencap perhaps?

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Because it looks like a good new Monkey Ball successor

I would have loved to get it but that there in the OP is especially abhorrent of whoever is working on it. I don't want to reward that. Hopefully I'll be able to pirate it.

Sega is doing WHAT

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These are the high quality "Physics" you are paying for youtu.be/FGbVpHodAwo

>there's already porn of the hamster

>jerking off to fictional children makes you a murderer
>then playing shooters makes you a murderer
>not because people don't jerk off to shooters
yet somehow it's not about jerking off

>i admitted nonbinary genders only apply to fictional characters and therefore isnt real irl
btfo hahahah

>> hire artist
Retard try actually reading what happened. The artist was never hired in the first place

That's not why she was fired, she was fired because she drew porn of an underage character.

So it's just as stupid?

Absolutely soulless.

pedophilia is dependant on the country you are currently

Our money makes no difference, there is a billionaire lobby pushing this agenda.
Normal people who oppose this madness will lose their job for the most futile reasons, like the guy who was making this game.
Brainlets will begin to believe this is not crazy because they are highly suggestible..
We're lost.

You can still jerk off to your cp fag, I'm just saying you should be euthanized, now if you want to talk about how humanely we do it, we can do that.

everyone likes the game in the comments and there were no dislikes bro

The developer is Canadian. The person who got fired is Brazilian. No one involved in this is American.


>getting off to lolis is bad because youre getting off to kids fictional or not
>killing people in video games is bad because youre killing people fictional or not
>w-w-well no youre not jerking off to it
>wait no its not about jerking off!!

*tink tink* *ahem* dilate

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Devs are faggots but I need Monkey ball and this won't change that for me.

>Regular ass dude working on a self-funded indie project

based murderer, i bet you play shooters. all those innocent npcs had family you sick faggot

You call this underage?What child looks like that?

i just wanted monkey on pc and friends

you can try and deflect all you want, you fucked up

Sega has exactly one competent person in SoJ and he wasn't worked on Monkey Ball since directing 2.

Let's see here:
>Accidentally slipping up a word and calling somebody the wrong pronoun
>Spending hours texturing, modeling, and lighting porn of a child who probably doesn't even know what sex is, then getting around it by pulling an "Um Achtually she's 18 in this picthure."
One is firing somebody over an honest mistake, the other is firing somebody for being a creepy pervert.

Capitalistic pandering to make a larger buck may not be a mental illness but it sure is scummy and not worth feeding into.

Killing people in video games is means to an end. It wouldnt make any difference to me if they turned into sparkles and flew away. Could you fap to little girls if they were men?

>forgetting about "it"

Attached: download.jpg (195x259, 5K)

>fictional characters have feelings
can you imagine actually being this deluded?

>every now and then


you can tell a lot about a person based on the kind of shit they draw and fap to.

>It wouldnt make any difference to me if they turned into sparkles and flew away

Jerking off to little girls gets my means to an end

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>a child who probably doesn't even know what sex is
wow I didn't know Nintendo put so much effort into Medli's backstory
you know, a FICTIONAL character
they don't even go into such detail for the protag

>brain deaf
Learn english

Ahem. Fuck niggres an fuck trannies.

Don't get your hopes up, all of it is garbage

You're jerking off in real life, you're not actually shooting people in the other game.

>All that projection
And someone like this is probably why he was fired.

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I can't think of any scenario in a game where Ive ever thought "that enemy didn't feel killed enough to me, I want to feel like a murderer."
I really just don't give a shit, I don't have a murder fetish, I just like not losing in games.

Attached: rafa pls.png (588x729, 271K)

Do you really think call of duty would be as popular if all weapons were nerf guns?

We speak american here, you baka.


masturbating is the means to an end as well
>It wouldnt make any difference to me if they turned into sparkles and flew away
keyword being you, lots of people would be turned off by it
just like it wouldn't make a difference to me if the little girls were men, horses

you're pressing a button to shoot in real life

You know someone has lost an argument when they start using canned insults like that

Attached: rafa victim.jpg (1072x823, 352K)

Is there something wrong with pressing buttons?

Masturabtion has a cause. To you its depictions of little girls, pedo.

>cartoon shit

If you're firing your artists for being perverts you aren't gonna have many artists left to work for you.

Are you fucking retard? The guy who fired the artist, if not used that shit as an excuse, is one of the highly suggestible brainlets. The billionaire lobby is doing its part fooling idiots like him. And like you.

your character most likely wouldn't fire their weapon if it wasn't for your input
so yes, you're actually shooting them

I don't care, I don't play Call of Duty.

>science is pedo cope

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>Why would you buy a game that literally duplicates EVERYTHING from what it's trying to imitate without even trying to innovate in any way
hell yea, If someone could make Dead rising just like dr1 I would play the shit out of that

So you'd be fine if all fps games had your targets surrender instead of die after they have been shot enough? Yeah I don't think so.

>I don't have a murder fetish
Oh yeah I forgot, everyone that likes gores in videogames likes it in real life too! Wow thanks for reminding me bro.

that's really petty of you an no different than living in a totalitarian dystopia in which thought crimes are punishable by death
I don't care what pronouns you go by or what gets you off because it's none of my business, so long you're competent at your job

>So you'd be fine if all fps games had your targets surrender instead of die after they have been shot enough?


You know a 3D model of a child is not an actual child?

Attached: Rafa the unpaid lolischlicker.png (681x105, 61K)

is there something wrong with masturbating?

doesn't change what he said

There's only 2 genders.


Step 1: Pronouns
Step 2: ???

I don't believe you unless you post your vagina, then I will believe you.

That is one of the worst case of off model porn I have ever seen.

I don't think people play Call of Duty to masturbate to violence. If they do, they have mental issues like you.

and playing fps' has a cause as well. and both revolve around dopamine release.
lots of people wouldn't enjoy shooters if they weren't violent.

And why is jerking off such a horrible thing?

Wow, it's almost as if literally everyone feels like they're undatable until they start getting dates

God if there's one thing I hate it's rats, they crawl under beds or around the kitchen during 2:00 AM and aren't stupid enough to fall for mouse traps. They somehow make the most obnoxious sound that I can hear from my bed. Make one footstep and they run off as if they're motherfucking Sonic the Hedgehog. I especially hate that they can jump up stairs; something that small with legs that non-existent shouldn't be able to leap up to places three times its height.

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>Even when they think they're ugly they still have at least 3 attractiveness points on you

The most popular shooter in the world right now has no blood.

Eunuchs aren't male, and they aren't female either.

so it's okay so long you don't touch your dick, is what you're saying?
mutilating people for the same dopamine rush is fine but not masturbation?

Because no one at Sega plays video games.


As of late yeah, last gen's the one they went full retard 24/7.

I said lots
also, there are other qualities to things other than the main one
like "straight" men jacking off to feminine penises.

>its not violent if theres no blood

thats pretty much subhuman buglogic and why that game has no blood.

>let's call gays pedophiles
>wtf, people are ok with gays now?!
>l-let's call trannies pedophiles, it will work this time!

More like just shooting yourself in the head
I don’t like Sonic nor furries but this is honestly some good shit

die late

>he fell down, thats violent!

Okay mom.

same applies to porn of fictional "children"

Nah, that didn't happen. I'm sure the guy got fired for being a douche or poor worker and they are just trying to make an incident out of nothing. Guarantee that someone told them that this rat/hamster thing isn't a he and this person flipped their shit and got canned.

>"be american"
>she lives in Brazil

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Who gives a shit what you care about, your argument was that depictions of violence were unimportant in violent video games

shooting someone point blank in the face with a 12 gauge is pretty violent even if the victims bleeds rainbow.

The same reasons lolicons are able to roam free

user you're so used to seeing cartoon animals with either blatantly female gender markers or none at all. This hamster character's only real distinguishing trait is a sweater. Other than that it's a basic cartoon hamster that is depicted with no gender indicators at all. I would tell you to use critical thinking but at this point a basic level of comprehension would be nice.

You guys are going wrong about this, bad games are the ones that need a remake the most.

Kill yourself pedo. Nice cope.

I remember this.
Then the lead was like "b-but she made like lewd art" or something. It was so fucking petty and she backpedaled the moment the hammer came on her.

nice try

>This level of pedophile deflection

You literally just said in YOUR post that they're people. Also, if I got off to the gore I'd be a haematophile.

Not really, no.

>Not really, no.
America at its finest

In my experience they are the real cheese pizza pedos

The actual rapists and sex dungeon kind

They’re projecting their sins onto you the artist.


You think deez nuts nigger.

they're fictional people. just like fictional children. if it's not ok to masturbate to the latter, then it's not ok to shoot the former.

>Having a rainbow come out of your body is violent

Europeans everyone, rainbows are violent now

I was skimming this thread and saw this post out of context but even after seeing the context I still don't understand you

That would imply that it's wrong to shoot objects when it's actually perfectly okay to shoot pedophiles.

when it's coming out because you just shot someone in the face with a high-powered rifle and they're screaming in agony, yes, it's pretty violent.

Did you know that if you eat enough Asprin you'll wake up in the body you always wanted?
It's true, give it a try.

People who fap to gore movies are, yes

This one time one was in my kitchen table getting sustenance from some oil a moron left uncapped and I just stood there next to it to see how long until it noticed me. It made an audible squeal when it looked at me and just froze lmao.

Then go fap to that since you seem to love thinking up violent scenarios so much.


you're clearly mad
we can't have a proper conversation when you're just mad

"Non binary" people are just attention seeking whores

what sort of fucking argumentation is that
just say you fucked up and move on

Can I shoot you and fuck your corpse?

You clearly get off to depictions of little girls, I don't even know why you thought this needed a conversation, the debate ended right there that you're a pedophile.


Here is a callout post on Tumblr on rafaknight

Admittedly the point about drawing porn on the side when you work for a major company is valid. Especially when you state on your own discord that you like lolicon.

Also whilst looking for this post I found out that the good boys over at stormfront had a article over the incident. So fancy that.

Wow this game actually looks really cool, from the video footage I've watched it actually feels like Monkey Ball and not just a cheap knockoff, and it seems like they have some cool ideas for levels and mechanics too

Are people just pretending to be retarded calling this pic pedo

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it's funny that most of these posts revolve around sexuality
you have to fap to something to be a creep
if you're just watching it then it's perfectly fine, like rekt threads filled with people suffering to various degrees

What kind of argument is "bleeding rainbows is violent"

What the fuck are you trying to prove anyway. All of your arguments fall apart if I just agree with you. Fine, yes, rainbows are violent. Now what? Are you not a pedophile anymore?

This has attention whore written all over it.

"Non-binary" is what comes from college age millennials who try to make key life decisions for themselves as soon as possible without realizing that they're just as lost as they were back when they were 16.

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You'd have to leave your basement to do that.

I love having the same off topic idpol threads every day.

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Not him, but who cares if he gets off to drawings. As long as you dont hurt anyone it does not matter. It does not matter how much you seethe either

>Fired for making a model of a FICTIONAL character with a slutty adult body type

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you're 100% wrong but ok
it's like saying "kill all niggers" when we both know not all of them are criminals and it's not even a realistic scenario
it's just hot /pol/ steam, impotent rage

Why would legit pedos look at porn?
They got raping to do


His existence hurts because he's wasting my oxygen.

If I was wrong you wouldn't be seething at me right now, you'd be doing something else instead of defending your little girl fetish.

Worth it. I'll meet you at the local Mcdonalds ok bb

Have fun fatty.

>shoot someone in a gritty, realistic manner
>victim falls over, screaming in agony and begging for their life
>you walk over to them, pull out a remington and shoot them point-blank in the face
>brain matters scatters everywhere
>but the blood is rainbow-colored
yes, that's a perfectly fine sunday-morning cartoon suitable to children

Ok so why is fapping to drawings of little girls wrong?
”Because you are a pedo” is not an argument

Then stop talking about it. You two will never agree. You are both stuck in a never ending internet shitposting loop

Again, what the fuck are you arguing? I don't care about your rainbow shit.

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When in the ever living fuck did Wanting to fuck fictional characters become illegal?
That shits literally older than caveman

You either got a majority of xy chromosomes or you don't

No one defends people who watch that shit either so this is hurting your argument.

>If I was wrong you wouldn't be seething at me right now
it's politics
by displaying your stupidity, you make pedos look better

Even fucking /lgbt/ knows it's just a phase.

I will. Thsnks for saying so user

No amount of you talking about violence in video games will make pedophiles look better, neckbeard.

user I posted it to laugh at it. Because its ridiculous just like this whole "controversy".

You need to be shot in the head.

Based. So long as it isn’t a real child. Fap to it all you’d like.

Tell me this, what's wrong with killing all pedophiles? What's the downside?

Ah yes, those are definitely the hips of a female child.

That is the dumbest fucking shit i’ve read all day
I feel actively dumber having read this
May god have mercy and you’re accursed sinner soul

This must be the dumbest post I've seen on here today, congrats.

>what the fuck are you arguing
that you're wrong
you originally implied that if there's no blood, then it's not violent
at the very least you sarcastically agreed with someone who made that point
I'm simply telling you that you're a fucking idiot

You can slippery slope that kind of thinking. They're just sick. No need to slaughter them all.

It's not a level of fictional violence worth caring about, if there even is such a thing.

But that's a mouse. How can a mouse be non binary? It's a fucking mouse.

Child molestors sure. Pedophiles have not necessarily done anything. It would be killing for a thought crime. Also if you say they are liable too it is a slippery slope to everyone being liable to commiting a crime

it's not me, brainlet. it's you. you obviously can't into logic and are overly emotional.
you're like sjws. no matter how good of a case they make, they come off as insane regardless.

It's not hiring though. I see no reason why you would have to background check someone in order to say "ok sure show us what you've got" when they say "hey I'm willing to work for you for free". You can always change your mind later, which they did, since there's no money involved

What is wrong with killing every human on earth?

why is he ragging on virt

virt is based

you obviously cared enough to make a point that, without blood, it's not violent
which is retarded

Says the one equating video game violence to murder, idiot.

It's not a level of fictional child drawings worth caring about, if there even is such a thing

Fictional character don’t have feelings
They are merely puppets for entertainment
Treating them as anything more is retarded

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I don't know why people are still arguing with that one retard. Bait or not, he's fucking retarded.

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So what? I personally don't find bleeding rainbows violent. What are you gonna do about it? Cry? Shoot somebody?

I don't hate the drawing, I hate you.

I see. Apologies then mate.

He is saying videogame violence equal murder is the equivalent to what you are saying about loli retard. Learn2read

you're the one equating drawn porn of a fictional child to actual cp, idiot. it's literally the same thing.

yeah I mean these retards call being left wing a mental illness
you'd think if they wanted to be taken seriously they wouldn't just slap "mental illness" on shit, it's not how you win heart, minds or arguments.

I don't care if you hate me. Nothing you can do about it but seethe online lol.

Lmao they ain’t real
It’s a drawing

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>So what?
so you're objectively wrong. that's about it.

So basically if I agree with you that video games are violent then your argument shuts down and you have nothing left. Good job.

go dilate, tranny

The thing is is the person does not agree with that and is trying to show you how retarded your logic is. You are a special type of stupid aren't ya

I'm sure you're used to being hated.

It is fun to destroy brainlets arguments

The Americans counts all of the US Canada and South America
So he’s not wrong but not entirely right

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>Super Monkey Ball Deluxe gives them a perfectly good collection of 1 and 2's levels
>But no we have to remake Banana Blitz because 1 and 2 don't use the modern character designs

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>sargonite buzzwords?
imagine being so underage that you literally have no recollection of back when the SJWs unironically called each other Social Justice Warriors thinking it was such a badass moniker

not really. you're arguing a losing case no matter what.
playing shooters is perfectly fine just like masturbating to fictional children because thought crimes shouldn't be a thing.
either you agree with me or you don't, in which case I'll just disregard you as insane.

I changed my mind then, video games are violent. Now what.

Not at all. I dont deal with any hate outside of seething retards on the internet like you. Though that I just find amusing

You arent correct but atleast you arent contradicting yourself

It's perfectly fine to hate you for being a pedophile too though, which everyone does anyway.

As if your parents aren't disappointed in you

>Yea Forums is too autistic to separate art from artist

Then you are stupid. Videogames dont cause violence. Drawings dont cause real life child molestation. You have really bad reading comprehension

I never said you'd ever molest anybody though. I'd never say that because you don't go outside.

Killing people in a video game does not make you a murderer

how is deluding yourself to such an extent and constantly living with a warped sense of reality not a mental illness?

You’d be surprised who’d count as a pedophile despite never doing anything nor abusing
Ever look at a nice ass then realized it belonged to a teenager

Not at all. Im sure you have some image in your head of me though. I never said I liked loli though to begin with. Just pointing out faulty logic

>It's perfectly fine to hate you for being a pedophile too though
of course. but that wasn't the point. the point is that you're a brainlet and fighting losing battle.
either I'm right or you're a prude to say the least. pick one.

No shit idiot, murder has a legal definition in a court of law.

Thanks for reminding me that this is a thing.

>Yea Forums
you mean the developers who hired her?

If someone wants to make softcore porn, so what? That's their business, not yours. You fuckin prude.

You just forever saying bleeding rainbows is violent, but now shooting someone in a video game isn't violent?

So the same applies to fictional cp, baka.

So there is nothing wrong with killing people in a video game

>that logic
Got a good laugh from that one.

I'm calling you a pedophile, nothing else.

Yes, and there's nothing wrong with killing you, nobody would even notice.

you're getting people mixed now lol
half a dozen people are telling you that you're stupid and you double down

have you not seen how many statues, exhibits, names on buildings, etc have all been taken down in the last few years
all the firings and bannings and harassment campaigns?
that's just the world we live in now
we're all fucked

I think you are confusing me with another poster. Anyway Im going to go play VIDYA. Keep seething buddy

Do white people think everyone should be accepted?
Because we damn sure don't accept pedophiles, generally speaking we fucking kill them.

god you're a freak

I'm not the one who said video games aren't violent, idiot.

There's several psychological studies that have already been funded and performed that prove that violent video games does not cause the player to go out and perform violent actions. The only things researchers have found is a rise in dopamine and adrenaline, but no degrading psychological effects or people winding up in psychosis.

Here's your (You).

Anti-lolifags everyone

>Call of Duty WW2
>Civ 6
>No Man's Sky
either retardrd censorship, sjw bullshit, ugly designs, or straight up lies ruined these for me when I would have bought them otherwise

I said video games are violent. I didn't say you playing a video game would cause you to leave your basement and kill somebody. Dumbass.

What a badass, how many pedo scalps have you taken user? I'm up to 15 myself, coincidentally the same number as the age of my wife when we first met and had sex. I was 21, that pussy was so tight you wouldn't believe.

Well no shit video games are violent then. Are you literally retarded?

so the same applies to

Forever Delitized the game is looking great.

Rafaknight seems pretty based to me

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You're still a pedophile.
No, because like I said, murder has a legal definition and that's not what it is. You being detracted to depictions of little girls fits.

Why did it sell good if its bad?

and? that's not a crime. are you really /just/ seething?

I don't like it and I don't know how we got to it. It's ridiculous that people can't view things in isolation.
"Bayonetta is an 8/10, but I'm giving it a 2/10 because Kamiya blocked me on Twitter" is not a sentiment anyone should even remotely agree with.

Rafaknight got him a job at sega and got fired shortly after for not liking sonic games.

Not officially but yeah, pretty much.
We send them to jail knowing what will happen to them. Also most juries will be lenient if you decide to go vigilante on someone who did something awful.
Unless they are sandniggers of course, in that case they get no punishment, because racism is worse than pedophilia. Oh wait a minute, I'm not European! Thank God, fuck the queen.

I'm a transincel
I had sex over 250 times last year and I got sexburnout

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Why did I laugh at this

nope, but marmalademum does
>inb4 seething faggots in denial

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This man is delusional. Take him to the infirmary

alcohol and craigslist is a good way to get laid.
No joke.

What the fuck did you waste my time for if you were just going to admit it. Just one of the many reasons pedos are idiots.

Well, pack it in boys, this artist clearly doesn't deserve a career in any field and should probably be in prison too. That wench is simply too saucy for polite society.

Yeah dude, the reason you mentally ill faggots have a soapbox on every college campus and in every form of media is because you are just such tenacious freedom fighters that you finally bent all those Hollywood producers, education directors, and corporate boards to your will! Good work!

People who don't form families have more disposable income? People being less dedicated to their nation, religion, family, etc. means you can easily supplant those things with "brand loyalty" and worship of consumer culture? Atomizing people into easily identifiable individual identities makes it easier to market products to those identities? Uuuh, what? Just enjoy the corporate product bigot, there are no such thing as "agendas". Look, the new corporate fictional character is gay! I love consuming products!

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Age of consent where I live is 14.
You are an upstanding citizen in my eyes, user. However I don't appreciate your crude sexual remarks about your wife. That's rude.

you're the one complaining about windmills to the wind

Pretty much
Ever wonder why lolifags are never surprised when an Anti-Loli fag gets caught with 15 TBs of Homemade CP while balls deep in a 11 year old?

Launch title for the wii

I literally just implied that I'm not white, what makes you think I'd think fucking a 15 year old = being a pedophile?

absolutely based

I'm complaining that you wasted all this time failing to explain how wanting to fuck little girls doesnt make you a pedophile only for you to just end with "Yeah well so what."
Go waste somebody elses time, like your parents for raising you.

That's a dumb reason to get fired, but it's not a very good reason to get mad at someone else who had no involvement in the firing at all

when will these fags learn

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Fuck you, my waifu will always be real in my heart.

That's your defense that you shouldn't be killed?

You really need to have sex, I've never seen someone so pent up in my fucking life

You are self inserting as a tranny if you watch a tranny fuck a woman.

The guy completely ghosted rafaknight after they got fired and refused to associate with them.

You really need to learn how to argue, you're pathetic.

sorry tranny, but futa have functional vaginas

The great joke of this never ending argument is that we all are in agreement for the most part but want to win points so we just talk around each other. No one thinks that it is ok to fuck little kids and seeing things like a dad getting vengeance on the dude that raped his 8yo boy is almost universally understood and praised.

But to claim that drawing a picture of a sexually appealing young character is the same as wanting to fuck real children in real life is just absurd. Hook anyone of these REEE PEDO criers up to a machine to monitor their vitals and show them some of these "pedo" drawings and see the reaction. It is basic human nature to be attracted to those traits. Denying this is denying reality. And denying people who have inclinations any sort of release only drives them to commit real acts.

The great irony is the more you try to shut these drawings down you are being real life pedo enablers. Great job but at least you died with your morals, I'm sure that is great comfort to the dead or mentally scarred kids who might have been saved if you had just let incel jimmy jack it to naruto porn.

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Reminder: cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa19067

>a bread about someone getting kicked from a dev team for calling a fictional hamster character a he instead of a xe has devolved into a resetera discord tranny freak whining about based loliposters
Plug your axe wound you disgusting ugly man, you'll never be a woman.

What's sad is that would be the proportions of an adult in WW considering Toon Link's scrapped Adult form.

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According to your logic you gotta kill every high school JR-Senior considering they just turn 18 and still see 16-17 year old girls as attractive that means THEY’RE ALL PEDOS NOW

Despite a week ago 2: 17 year olds dating and hanging out was perfectly fine

You’re view of a perfect world is a hellish nightmare of thought crimes and projection you deserve to be called a faggot and die.


And she can be all day long now and forever
But as long as I’m breathing fictional characters will never have human rights
Real in our hearts
Drawings in the face of the law

Here's hoping someone uploads it online so I can torrent it.
Glad I stopped supporting most western indie devs a long time ago.

According to you, you don't even know what the fuck logic is, and you lack any common sense, pedo. Your argument is bad as "IF MURDER IS BAD THEN STEPPING ON ANTS SHOULD BE A CRIME."
I'm not a robot who's gonna fall for faulty shit arguments based on weak threads.

Other way around
They have random bursts of sheer genius most of the time they're fucking retarded.

Kys tranny

>whats the downside of killing for wrongthink
imagine believing this
slippery slope

Even this post is a better argument than the high school shit, that's how bad it was.

Die ZOG golem

I'm doing any slippery slope. Just killing pedos is fine. Nobody who matters will miss them.

Protip: Uber-progressives have ALWAYS been making your games, they just didn't have Twitter. And as a not so friendly reminder because you're a fucking idiot, I never would have seen this shit if you hadn't screencapped it and posted it here. Why can't you just fuck off to Twitter and post about what you think of those Twitter posts there? Or go to /r/gg or whatever the fuck it's called and complain?

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I'm doing any slippery slope. Just killing trannies is fine. Nobody who matters will miss them.

Wii launch title plus hype over a sequel to a relatively new but already beloved series.

That's fine, make it easier on everyone and kill yourself too.

>PS there was no NDA

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>Protip: Uber-progressives have ALWAYS been making your games
The uber-progressives of the 1990s and early 2000s are not the uber-progressives of today.
The latter are annoying upper class white kids who've never done anything of worth in their life on a power trip, the former were, y'know, actual progressives with genuine talent.

Ants aren’t human they’re pests
Lolis aren’t human they’re drawings

Murdering anyone with “naughty thought” yet would never act on them due to moral or laws with not only highly inefficient but down right stupid and allows you to paint a target on anyone you don’t like

Ergo you’re point is moot and you’re argument is garbage

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>it being fiction does not change the fact that they are into the thought of killing people
We should arrest everyone who plays violent games preemptively.

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Pedos aren't human, they're pests

Okay then tell these losers what you think on Twitter instead of bringing it here? It's been the same fucking thread for the past like 8 fucking years, "Everybody point and laugh at the stupid SJW with their retarded beliefs", that shit's not funny anymore, it's been done to death

I only play Japanese games though.

Thank you for confirming anyone that dates a girl they knew since childhood is just secretly thinking of her 5 year old form. All men are pedos, fact.

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If you don't like it then fucking filter it and fuck off?
That's what I do with threads I don't like because I'm not some white faggot.

If corporations wanted to regimentize individuals into easily marketable sub-groups (which, you're right on the money, they DO want to do that)
Why would they bother running against the social grain to do it? Doesn't make any sense.

Given that I'd enjoy your death, you may have a point, but your point was just sarcasm and does nothing to defend you at all, so good job you made it worse for you.

Sorry I’m not a human
I’m a god
You aren’t human either
Ur a faget and a genuine pedophile projecting onto others.
Mix some bleach and ammonia in an enclosed room faget

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Trannies aren't human, they're cancer.

Why is it always the sjws that want to kill people for not thinking like them?

You're not a person.

This image is fucking retarded. Yes they have an illness that makes them hate being male and causes them extreme distress and discomfort looking at themselves in the mirror and seeing themselves as male. That is WHY they transition. Transitioning is the treatment for that illness. If you want to argue that it's a bad treatment then go ahead but funnily enough you retards never do that because the data isn't on your side, instead you just cry "MENTAL ILLNESS!!!!" whenever possible and make these dumb memes. This is why nobody takes you people seriously

That's a really nice render actually. I wanna hot glue that shit

>Sorry I’m not a human

Yeah you got that part right. You're an insult to humans, off yourself.

The same is also true for all white trannies, faggots, and women.

reminder, gaming addiction is a mental illness but wanting to mutilate your genitals is not

>data isn't on your side
data says 40%

>This is why nobody takes you people seriously
Just a heads up, most of us who aren't white actually don't consider you gross trannies anything other than mistakes.
If it was up to us, you'd be swinging from a tree.
Just wanted to let you know that.

Why'd you specify white, black tranny fag?

Damn, this is actually really fuckin' good.

Because non-white trannies and faggots already live in hell when they're surrounded by their own.
Get rid of white people and you get rid of faggots, trannies, and annoying women.

>you people
wow, so much for the tolerant left

As long as you kill yourself, it's all the same to me.

wind waker adults are literally like 3 heads tall user

Nah, I'm not a faggot, tranny, or woman so I'm all set.

>the data isn't on your side
Yes it is

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You're right in the fact that all this LGBT pride garbage actually causes deficits, not profits, but good businessmen don't just go for the short term profit that immediately presents itself, they invest. Think about the immense control you'll have over every aspect of the market when you've engineered everyone into having their only obligation be your company. You would basically be a feudal lord of the entire industrialized world.

Why not just kill yourself? it's cheaper and you will be doing it anyways sooner or later

The treatment for the illness is the return of the traditional male and female roles in society and the promotion of strong family values. If you have no male role model in your life because men have been marginalized in society and you see that women have life handed to them on a silver platter is it really surprising to think that the mentally ill would make the logical conclusion to bat for the other team?

Somehow you manage to be worse. Literally EVERYONE hates pedos.

>do work
>get fired over inane bullshit
>don't get paid for the work you did
This is why you don't work with/for far left types. They do not believe in following laws or fair play.

Because I can't filter Twitter screencaps you fucking idiot, and there's no reason to hide these threads because there's like five of them at any time.

The fuck are you talking about?

>Transitioning is a treatment for that illness.
Mutilating your dick doesn't actually cure gender dysphoria, nor does pumping your body full of chemicals it wasn't designed to get.
What you actually need is psychological evaluation and treatment at a mental hospital.

This is the correct path

I'm waiting another 6 months or so, until the game gets update patches and stops suffering from paradox launch syndrome, to buy imperator rome

>The uber-progressives of the 1990s and early 2000s are not the uber-progressives of today.
But they are, and both are cut from the same cloth. Progressives don't usually abandon their principles just because (some of) their goals may have been met.

>retard pedo is confused


>pedo calling others pedo


>But they are, and both are cut from the same cloth.
Yea, that's why so many of the progressives from the 90s and early 2000s have been disavowed by modern progressives.
Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?
I get that white people are kinda stupid nowadays, but this is going a bit beyond that, no?

She's not real, she's not your daughteru

>Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?

I suspect you ask this alot.

What part of my SUPER COMPLICATED POST confused your retard ass

>a nigger was typing these replies to try and sound smart
damn based

The part where you don't know which user you're talking to.
But it's okay, you're probably white, and likely a faggot, which means you're a fucking moron.

I know which user I'm talking to. A fucking idiot.

>Yea, that's why so many of the progressives from the 90s and early 2000s have been disavowed by modern progressives.
Who was disaowed, and by who? And is that data representative of the 90s, 00s and "modern" progressive movements as a whole?

My wording of that was bad. When I say "bad treatment" I mean counterproductive treatment, as in treatment that is actually harmful. The data does not show that. It shows that trans people have higher suicide rates than non-trans people. Well no shit, they have gender dysphoria. Transitioning isn't a perfect treatment, but there's no evidence showing that transitioning is harmful either. People like you always post the same old studies thinking they show that it's harmful but they never do, but for some reason none of you understand that correlation doesn't equal causation. We've already established that gender dysphoria causes suicide so the idea that trans people commit suicide because they transitioned and not because they have gender dysphoria is a fucking ridiculous thing to say without evidence

>Who was disaowed, and by who?
Nancy Pelosi
Joe Biden
Fucking Hillary Clinton? Who up until the mid-2000s was shilled as being extremely progressive?
Are you 12 or something?

Ah yes
Which falls perfectly in line with the left being very aggressively anti-corporation, and the right being very aggressively pro-corporation.


Pedos like to project a lot, yes. Whoa.

>they hated him, for he was right

>but there's no evidence showing that transitioning is harmful either.
how is self mutilation not harmful?


I'm 99.999% sure that being so insecure in your own identity that you fire an employee because they mistakenly misgender a fictional character, neither who's gender nor mode of address was given to them beforehand, is indeed a mental illness.

The healthy way to deal with an incident like this is correct the person on the character's gender and mode of address, and then carry on.

If it doesn't have a negative impact on your happiness then it's not harmful. Although in this context it's more about suicide rate than happiness since happiness is hard to quantify

That source shows that trannies who transition or want to transition commit suicide more than those who don't.

Technically, all surgery is mutilation.

It's not mutilation of it makes you feel right. Ever heard of aesthetic surgery? It's litteraly that's what it is.

>fire an employee
Why do you retards reply about things you know nothing about? Someone can choose not to hire someone for whatever reason they want, you are not entitled to work for anyone

Pedos like to call others pedos to remove suspicion from themselves, yes. Whoa.

Correct anwser

ok, intentionally cutting off your own limb is a happy and healthy process, thank you lefties

You are welcome

>or want to transition
You pretty much figured out the alternate hypothesis yourself. Like I said correlation does not equal causation. To me it's much more reasonable to say that people who suffer more from gender dysphoria are more likely to want to transition. But what I think is more reasonable is besides the point, the fact that we can even have an alternate hypothesis like this is proof that the study does not prove what you want it to prove, they would need to actually control for this stuff

>This much drama over a game about animals in balls rolling around

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>If it doesn't have a negative impact on your happiness then it's not harmful.
>It's not mutilation of it makes you feel right
Jesus christ, white people really have gotten dumber over the years.
You guys sound dumber than my legitimately mentally challenged cousin.

>choosing to fire someone over an honest accident
>an accident that has zero impact on the quality of the work they do
Yeah, shooting yourself in the foot is legal, and I'm not entitled to you not doing it, but you're still fucking nuts if you do it.

You must be joking.
Democrats are right of centre at the best of times, they're more left than republicans but that doesn't mean much because republicans are like a caricature of evil right-wingers brought to life. Democrats are not progressive by any stretch of the imagination. Of course they're still propped up as "extremely progressive" by your corporate media but surely you know it's all bullshit and always has been?

>choosing to fire
Are you intentionally being retarded? You can't fire someone you never hired

There's no need to be upset

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So then what the fuck are people who aren't pedos supposed to call pedos, idiot.

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That's what /pol/eddit turned this board into.

>I was working for
Are you?

I'm non-binary and I agree with this. There is so much shit flinging from both sides that people are just freaking out at the slightest misstep. If people weren't assholes and didn't go around purposely misgendering to rustle jimmies then nobody would care if you got it wrong, nobody would be trying to make it hate speech to misgender someone. These people have their backs up against the wall and they're lashing out, then the people who don't agree with it suddenly feel like their freedom of speech is being taken away and they then lash out.

It's a vicious cycle and things would be vastly improved if people just chilled the fuck out.

You do realize that the people "making our games" in the 90s were closer to Hillary Clinton than they were to people like AOC, correct?
Why would I be upset about white guys being retards and gays?
That just makes my job that much easier.

People get plastic surgery all the time.

The data simply says that trans people who want to transition or do go through with transition attempt suicide more. Are you implying that people who don't want to transition don't have gender dysphoria or aren't really trans? I wouldn't disagree, but the tranny community would lynch you for saying that or implying that transtrenders are real.

"Working" for free because they wanted her to show them what she could do before they took her on properly. Maybe actually read both sides of the story instead of being tricked so easily

Your job? Are you a paid anti-gay shill, or something?

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>That just makes my job that much easier.
What's your job?

Nah, just getting rid of whites in general.
It'll genuinely make the world a better place.
Plus, with you gone it'll be even easier to get rid of the non-white trannies and faggots, as seen in countries with little to no white people.

Ah, so you are an idiotic larper then. Ok fag, have a nice day as well!

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>the left is anti-corporate because they say they're anti-corporate
>nationalists are pro-corporation
please participate when you are politically literate

Plastic surgery makes sense if you have been injured and the injury requires an artificial replacement. Intentionally performing self-harm is another story, and this includes the delusional types who use plastic-surgery for glamor.

Well, I mean, one of them recently passed sweeping tax reform in favor of corporations.
You can guess which one