When will you stop playing games? Never?

When will you stop playing games? Never?

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when Mr. Gervais puts some clothes on

why would I want to? It's one of the only things I legitimately enjoy in life and is one of the main factors why I haven't killed myself yet.

I don't even play games any more and I'm only 26

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Why are you here then? Just suffering?

We dont play vidya here

Never because I don’t see the logic behind having to stop playing games.

Give me a reason to stop playing games first.

I played some Prey a little while ago. I'm probably going to play more after I leave this thread.
Speak for yourself, hombre.

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There's literally nothing wrong drinking beer in your underwear playing video games in your 30s.

Now because I got married

Likely never. Still play at 30. It should never be your only hobby though. That's why you dumb cunts burn out.

How are you enjoying it? I liked it quite a bit.

Did you ever play System Shock 2 back in the day? It felt very similar

good taste user. Game was almost overwhelming in terms of the level design and emergent gameplay.
I'm currently playing RE7 and I'm enjoying it. It manages to keep the old formula while changing things up quite a bit. It can be tedious to play, and the first person kind of gives me a headache, but I think Yea Forums underrated it...

I havent played vidya in months and Im only 22

It's one of the few things I actually enjoy doing, along with drawing.
So no, I won't be stopping anytime soon.

leave site. it's the only way.
i end up spending entire evenings on this retarded board when I could be actually playing my massive library.

On my 20th birthday. My Switch is the piratable kind so will make good money too.


Never because I'm not a self hating normalfag who picked up the hobby as escapism, I genuinely enjoy games and still find worthwhile ones or replay the good old stuff.

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I'm this way too, except I suck balls at visual art so I play instruments instead.

Looks like we got us one of them "go-getter" types, fellas

I will die with a controller in my hand at 90 years old.

About 25.
Vidya were a nice way to pass free time, but I won't have much after that, so no reason to play vidya.

I'm 30 and those were my thoughts at 20 and 25. I still play games.


This guy gets it

>not sacrificing personal relationships and individual health in order to maximize free time

I wish I could leave


I'd waste free time playing videogames, so I don't care that much.
Modern games are trash anyway.

I would argue anyone who was born after 1980-1985ish is in a new generation where they grew up with video games, and I don't mean just 'arcade' games. It's when the industry started to boom massively with consoles etc and we're the first ever generation to grow up with it.

Because of this, games are pretty natural, it's the "Radio" or "TV" of our gen. Maybe things will change when you grow older, we'll find out.

some are decent.
but overall they aren't as good as they used to be.
that's why I spend half my game time playing retro shit.

>was gonna buy video games today
>didn't and bought gun parts instead
>realize I haven't bought anything other than gun parts in months

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Literally me every other weekend at 30 years old.

>wife beater

Mordhau, RS:Seige, Stellaris, and Luna Nights are my current jams

You people told me if I stopped playing games I would get friends and a gf so I stopped playing them for 2 years and it made literally zero difference to my life


>Los newfags no saben bromear

I'll stop playing games when I have something better in my life that occupies my time and keeps me stable/forget about my worries

so yeah never

I don't think I will, unless I get fucked by life and lose all my free time/money.
My friend's father plays more games than my friend.

If real life wasn't so fucking retarded maybe I'll play less vydia.

I really enjoy video games, so I don't see any reason to stop playing them

Every other hobby I’ve tried out is nothing but a bore to me. So yeah, forever.

Games are an escape from the shite of reality.

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I play games but since it's casual shit (League of Legends, TFT, Skyrim, Dragon Age, Movie Games/Interactive Novels) they say I don't actually play games so I'm left wondering if I play games or not.

Anyone who browses Yea Forums and rarely play vidya is a subhuman to me.

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I've noticed as I've got older I play more casual games, or story games instead of competitive or PVP games.

Hopefully never.
Realistically I'm going to die in 60 years and miserable in the last 5-10, so then.
Unrealistically I'm dying in a couple months because I'm unwilling to go to the doctor so I might not even finish Hitman (tm) 2.

Have ya'll tried Zuma Deluxe?
fucking incredible