neo Yea Forums will defend this
Pleeease nanny state, protect me
Other urls found in this thread:
Warning! Bait thread!
Industry should have regulated itself. Bet you defend libra.
We should ban retarded parents who somehow let their children get a hold of their bank card information
Is this the same government you cry to about free speech when you get banned for spamming NIGGERS in the chat?
>net neutrality bad! Keep the government out of private business!!!
>oh no, private businesses are putting lootboxes in their games! Please save me big government!!!
fuck EA, fuck whales and kys yourself OP
Minors aren't allowed to gamble, this is simply keeping law in line with new technology.
if neo/v/ will defend it then neo/v/ is based. OP is a faggot kys.
Who are you quoting?
Stop playing dumb
based strokeposter
>neo Yea Forums will defend this
As would Yea Forums in any era. Stop baiting faggot.
Fuck EA.
Republicans doing something for once? I guess EA didn't give Jim Jordan enough donations.
Sure will, fuck this industry and fuck you faggot.
I always hear this from people who have no fucking clue what they are talking about and have nothing to fall back on.
You idiot, the people who are anti-net neutrality are pro-corporation and would probably be upset at lootboxes getting banned. This makes no sense and is just you making shit up to suit your head canon narratives.
>Communists want a stateless, classless society built of local soviets formed from democratic elections
>But they also want a nanny state to delete lootboxes
How can you seething leftards cope?
It's not the parents fault they're technology-braindead.
>everyone who dislikes lootboxes is a pinko commie Bolshevik
god, you fuckers have gone full blown delusion at this point. Seek help, I mean it.
>Reddit spacing
Yes it is
yes please fuck off nanny state can we go back to 100 hour work weeks with no minimum wage
>I have lost, fuck my face
>and would probably be upset at lootboxes getting banned.
You'd be wrong
They should be legislated under standard gambling laws. Making a case specifically for vidya is a little concerning.
Being a parent means they have much bigger shit to fry than some videogame corporation who's exploiting children with psychological tricks.
Imagine being this mad because smart people are making money
This is the dumbest post in this already shitty thread.
Why would you be anti-net neutrality and then pro-lootbox regulation? I'm not saying it can't happen, I'm just saying that user literally just invented a story in his mind to get upset over and then posted it in greentext.
>Yea Forums is one person!!!
>industry discovers predatory gacha is more profitable than actually making good video games
based publishers. Consumers are sheep who don't want actual good games, they want exclusivity wars and twitter virtue signals and surprise mechanics.
>the people defending lootboxes ITT
Not an argument
NOOOOOO nanny. Dont help me
I enjoy being bullied by the big boyz everyday.
That should be dealt with as well. There should be barriers put in place to prevent anyone having unfettered access any money that is not their own.
I don't understand why the government even exists, it's fucking useless. People are more than capable of protecting themselves and providing for themselves. Why aren't people burning down DC and hanging the president yet?
How is this supposed to work?
Kids already just use mommy's credit card to buy loot boxes, nothing will change.
There are Americans who actually want that.
Usually boomers who don't work anymore.
The state is nothing but an arbitrary force. It might as well be used to destroy the things I hate.
Because some people aren't communist animals
>Please nanny game devs, don't let the meanie politicians take away muh precious lootboxes that contain stuff that would have been free years earlier!
State intervention is the only way to control Judaism.
Only neo Yea Forums would be against it. Fuck off retard, loot boxes are only bad for games and the WORST companies make bank off of it like EA. God I hope this shit throttles them so they have to invest in good games again.
Imagine being this mad because I blew up your shitty reddit meme that was itself a deflection from me blowing up the asinine claim that every single person on Earth who isn't exactly like you is a communist.
>Why would you be anti-net neutrality and then pro-lootbox regulation?
Because /pol/ said net neutrality is bad, but they also don't want to pay for lootboxes.
You're seriously overestimating the critical thinking skills of the average Yea Forumstard.
>being a parent means being literally anything but a parent
Did your parents drink pre and post your birth?
Because we like not having to pay a toll everytime we turn a corner while driving.
Companies who put them in games marketed to kids (and yes it includes M rated games aimed at the little shits like CoD) can't put them in anymore. If they do, fines and raids.
the government is terrible at everything
In the area of gaming going almost entirely digital now, companies like Google could potentially ban you and you would no longer have access to all the games you've purchased. This is a huge issue. Loot boxes are not a huge issue, because nobody is forcing you to buy them. And if a game is pay2win then you can just not buy the game. If you can't see the difference between having something you've purchased being taken away and not purchasing something because it has loot boxes then you are a brainlet.
tl;dr, you leftoids sure love words
>are only bad for games and the WORST companies make bank off of it
Same goes for net neutrality repeal, it only hurt the consumers and helped big ISPs. You guys supported that shit though
I guess I am, you have a point there.
Here’s a good one from last night
He actually did cut his nuts off had a legit pic and time stamp too he’s a fucking eunuch now
Lootboxes incentivize bad game design. Just look at Shadow of War before and after the monetization was dropped. Forget any questions of morality, ban lootboxes just to keep companies from making shit tier grindfests in the hopes you'll loosen your wallet just to not have to deal with a bunch of bullshit designed to do nothing but test your patience.
Okay. Pay me my entire salery for 24 hours of constant work then.
Nobody is forcing you to buy video games from Google either.
>mfw retards need a nanny state for their electronic kids toys
He's quoting a minority of Yea Forums
All jokes aside, are you false flagging and this level of retardation is on purpose?
So we should legalize child gambling?
Isn't the government's role to ensure that the citizens aren't taken advantage of?
>Lmao dude why can't everyone just post on communist subreddits and podcast all day like we do?
Holy fuck I am so glad boomer mentality is dead, fucking retarded assholes.
I'll defend anything that BTFOs Valve corp. They've morphed into an entirely loot box-based business model. TF2's main menu is literally a broken and abandoned advertisement for loot box keys.
Fuck loot boxes, fuck Valve, fuck OP, and bless this based right-wing (is he a republican? looks like one) politician.
>EA Bad
>Loot boxes are not a huge issue, because nobody is forcing you to buy them
Nobody is forcing you to buy games that can ban you either. If you're afraid of losing access to games you've bought you can just not buy the games. Fuck off brainlet.
>Because we like not having to pay a toll everytime we turn a corner while driving.
But I guess you like getting buttfucked by the gubermint, and who's talking about paying anyone while driving? You can kill anyone who wants to hustle you, that is true freedom, not this fucking nanny state hand holding bullshit. You must be one of those fags who actually talk to cops and call them when something bad happens.
>to children
Alright time to put my age as 8 so I skip $2.50 key spam
>Yea Forums thinks lootboxes are a good practice and and companies shouldn't be punished for it
>Clearly a joke
>Paycheck to paycheck cucks get FURIOUS
Damn lol
Yas kween this is exquisite levels of woke posting, today it's EA tomorrow its TransCanada
>builds and maintains infrastructure
>enforces law and order
>regulates corporations
>organizes education
>cooperates with other countries
>supervises the flow of money
Gee, I wonder why...
Fuck off, brainlet.
>There is nothing wrong with loot boxes
>you're just a salty poorfag!
> *paid for with dads card*
>pleeease corporate master, rape me
Woah we got a badass over here. How big is your kekistani flag nigger?
Yea Forums has always been a libertarian site, reddit niggers need to go back
Loot boxes are cancer, jew dev rep.
>corporate cock
neo Yea Forums will suck this
>You can kill anyone who wants to hustle you, that is true freedom, not this fucking nanny state hand holding bullshit
tfw you need to justify legalizing murder and abolishing the police to defend video game lootboxes
>pleeease corporate master, rape this retard that has more money than sense*
I mean, if you're affected by money shortages due to lootbox spending you may as well kill yourself for having no self control
Well, I guess this answers my question.
Normally I’m anti-censorship anti bans but sometimes you gotta make shit illegal
I want my water clean and sage to drink
I want my power lines to function properly and not burn down my house
I want lootboxes banned as it actively ruins games and game design in favor of whale focused skinner boxes.
Socialism doesn't work.
and yet boomers run the entire government
*right wing
>EA bad
Yes? Where have you been for the last 18 years?
"Just work hard son.
Like me and the old generation did .
No no no it wasn't easier for us i swear.
You are such lazy faggot"
bro you shouldn't be posting selfies like that bro, you might get doxxed bro
It's just an extremely vocal minority of shitters. Every time we've had a poll the overwhelming majority of responses were pro-regulation on lootboxes.
These blatant bait threads are allowed while CTR threads are locked or sent to /vg/
/pol/ is actually right there. The 2015 NN bill was misnomered and was just a massive favor to Google, Netflix, etc for pumping out pro left propanda. It was never about the little people. Why do you think Netflix hired the Obama's to do nothing? Just a good old fashioned kickback.
Notice none of the world ending, the internet becoming literally Hitler stuff ever happened
>Yea Forums has always been right wing
How desperate are you for this to be true?
>Yea Forums thinks abolishing net neutrality was a good thing
> EA scams your kid out of $100 of FIFA lootboxes.
> You deploy your personal self-defense issued cruise missile onto their HQ.
wait do you have cops in your cunt ?
ahaha fucking pussy you can't defend yourself weak
>>builds and maintains infrastructure
What infrastructure? Everything's privatized.
>enforces law and order
Completely useless bunch of trigger happy high on power fuckups who shoot to kill
>>regulates corporations
The gubermint IS the corporation, doofus.
>>cooperates with other countries
Might be applicable to other countries, but not the US.
>>supervises the flow of money
You mean gets richer and richer while common people get poorer?
Yeah, you really are a braindead indoctrinated bootlicker.
you are damm right i will
fuck lootboxes, they ruined all my games
>Video games are comparable to resources needed to live
Imagine being this level of commie brainrot
Because it doesn't involve me doesn't me it doesn't concern me.
his strawman
I mean, if you're affected by money shortages due to lootbox spending you may as well kill yourself for having no self control.
Also fraud should be legalized because only retards with more money than sense fall for scams.
>Socialism doesn't work.
then stop driving on public roads and take your kids out of public school.
And never will
This literally isnt socialism. Is the FDA socialism by your standards?
This thread goes the same way every fucking time you make it. Why do you still bother?
Bull-fucking-shit. My ISP has been raising my prices through the roof since NN went away.
>n-no, we can't let you get our cheap half assed cosmetics that should have been in the game already, you have to gamble for them!
>my boss needs his 5th lambo!
yeah because there is so fucking many of them and they actually go out and vote
People should have a choice, it's not the state's problem or place to regulate how people should spend their money.
It's the truth.
Legit heard about retards that got 5000$ checks in the mail, and immediately went to cash them, only to find out later they were loans.
Is it that difficult for your average retard to understand no one is going to hand you a 5000$ no strings attached check?
>trigger happy high on power fuckups who shoot to kill
Says the guy who wants it to be lawless so he can murder people at toll roads.
>You mean gets richer and richer while common people get poorer?
You mean the rich have private armies and the poor die? Have you fucking seen Mad Max my dude?
>It was never about the little people
And you think Ajit Pai cares about the little people?
Fucking retard.
>regulatory organization rotting from the inside by corruption and lobbying efforts and no longer serves as a regulatory commission than a rubber stamp
Basically yeah
Socialism works if you keep your borders secure and don't import shitskins to do menial labor. The problem with that is that in order to make sure your people actually want to do the work is you need a small enough population where they can be paid well.
Enjoy your rat poison food, retard.
Less desperate than you are to believe Yea Forums is still libertarian after the last election.
Without the FDA e coli would spread everywhere right? Great business plan to seal food with e coli you fucking retard
>defending lootboxes
Enjoy your experimental addictive opiates bootlicker, say hi to the sacklers for me while you're licking his soggy crusty armpits
Mine started offering unlimited for less than my old plan recently. Anecdotes are just that.
No, I never said that. Not everyone is a low information hard liner that feels the need to fight for a "team."
The state, in our capitalist system, is pretty much a company except with an army. Its employees are paid ludicrous amounts and all they have to do is pretend to be doing things. So that's what they do. They vote laws because they have to be voting laws or there's no reason to pay them anymore.
Do you honestly believe things would be better if anarchy reigned free?
You are delusional.
There would be no formal education, most people would be illiterate.
Poor people would get murdered left and right and nobody would care because there is no money to be made.
A few mega-corps would hold humans like slaves.
Private militias would fight across the land for power.
You wouldn't survive.
>Faggot think that he will be at top of society without goverment
Oh nonono
>Being a communist
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Mods do your jobs.
The FDA got the offenders to fix the problem though.
Americans are unbelievably retarded
Socialism doesn't work.
Capitalism works.
>Says the guy who wants it to be lawless so he can murder people at toll roads.
I don't want to murder without a reason, it's live and let live. If someone fucks with you, you kill them, if they don't, you don't. It's that simple.>You mean the rich have private armies and the poor die? Have you fucking seen Mad Max my dude?
All the rich people have tight government connections, the common people are oppressed by the government and corporations that are infused with it, which is why the current system needs to be destroyed, but yea, if you're poor or weak or both you die, those are just rules of nature.
>Enjoy your experimental addictive opiates bootlicker
I will because the invisible hand allows it :)
I can avoid corporations though, I can't ignore the government
get off Yea Forums fucking corporate shills. I believe 100% in the FACT that these anti-lootbox regulation posts like this one are made by corporate shills. This is not a conspiracy theory but fact. No sane person would argue that he'd give corporations his money for stupid, pointless shit.
Why are Americans this stupid?
I don't care about politics, so fuck EA and Activision with a rake.
I mean, both the left and right are know for passing vice laws.
>I died because of e. coli poisoning and skipping corners but thank god a regulatory body fined the guys who did it!
The offenders would fix their problem themselves, it's hard to sell meat that makes people sick.
we don't need protection, we want to use the state to coerce large companies into falling in line with our old school, basement dwelling nerd type of gaming tastes instead of catering to normalfags, the industry has been constantly shitting on us in the past decade, might makes right, there is no need to play nice and by the rules with people who can't reciprocate.
>I can avoid corporations though
>fraud should be legal
We've already had issues like that even with the FDA around though. Especially when it comes to drugs.
I seriously hope that these people are baiting. I guess anyone who still hasn't left their /pol/ phase is retarded enough to think loot boxes are some sort of right wing identity that must be protected.
Who is forcing you to buy EA or Blizzard games?
>No sane person would argue that he'd give corporations his money for stupid, pointless shit.
No sane person needs a fucking government to tell them to not buy the shiny jingling keys either but here you are
Curtailing the rights of anyone, human or corporation, is a moral wrong.
Won't they just switch to selling cosmetics that aren't in loot boxes then? Like just straight up the contents. They'll probably make a bit less money but the problem won't go away right?
Good luck living in the woods without electricity or clean water.
No internet, no car, no medicine, no food, nothing.
Who is forcing you to use computers? Who is forcing you to use a car? Who is forcing you to eat food?
Did you even read the article? Even the hyperlink mirroring the bait headline says "not yet." Way to go retard.
Isn't that exactly what you retard socialists want to go back to? Retarded serfs.
YES, die you corporate mongrels! That's what you get for being greedy fucks
That is socialism, also known as communism.
The governemnt's role is to ensure corporations can profit as much as possible and to shoot brown people.
How many times are you gonna make this thread you absolute fucking nigger?
>The richest country on the planet shouldn't be holding content behind a lootbox, this is despicable
>In my first day in office, I will force the corporations to hand out cosmetics for free
Seething socialist mad he got BTFO
This, I do nor understand why gambling and drinking laws exist to begin with. Let stupid people die.
>What infrastructure? Everything's privatized.
Roads? Hospitals?
Who cares about fucking morals in an anarchic society?
You are literally proving my point here.
>There would be no formal education, most people would be illiterate.
Education is your own responsibility.
>Poor people would get murdered left and right and nobody would care because there is no money to be made.
So? Natural selection.
>Private militias would fight across the land for power.
So what? Want a slice of the pie and good life? Join the fight too or die. Still better than being kept in the golden gubermint cage where you're controlled and conditioned what to do and what not.
But obviously you're an alpha chad who'll be the ubermensch ogliarch when the government collapses, right? Not a commoner dying from a stab wound by some office worker with repressed rage.
We live in a society to help eachother.
It was lettuce but that makes sense, but who's to say there won't be alternative motives to do otherwise?
I can live off the land on my own private property if I want to. The only true constants in life are death and taxes.
>says the gay wanting no government at all
>being racists has anything to do with ur politcal standing.
If loot boxes are gambling, then so is buying a pack of Pokemon cards. Lets ban that as well.
Question. Say this passes how is it enforced? Kids will just pretend to be older like they do for M rated games right? And how would this affect Japan gacha shit? It's not made in the U.S so the law won't apply to those right?
This was my first post on this thread but you do you I guess lol
Unless you're curtailing the right to copy data (piracy), then it's ok.
uh what?
who gets those working 8 hours?
thats right!
>We live in a society to help eachother.
No we don't, we live in a society to protect property rights and recognize land ownership you fucking retard
Gas every shill
Eventually people would start banding together, possibly electing someone to be a leader of the group. Basically, a small form of government. Somehow anarchists just miss that humans have been doing this for thousands of years.
Read a fucking book, lolbert.
I just like seeing corporations upset.
>oh no how will we ever squeeze more money out of people now!
>please defend me, gaming press!
>Roads? Hospitals?
Healthcare's been private for god knows how long. Roads can be private, it's doable.
>says the gay wanting no government at all
Except I am arguing in favor of having a government?
Jesus fucking Christ you kids have no reading comprehension.
>Be unable to read print on drop rates or the print on "5000 dollars of free money some kind soul gave to me and everyone else in my neighborhood"
>It's the world's fault I'm perpetually poor.
Get the feeling your dislike corporations because you're jealous you're some retarded no name poorfag and will never do anything with your life but virtue signal to other NEETs about how it's unfair everyone isn't a loser like you
I thought you trumpfags claimed to support middle America? What happened to that?
does that include government shills?
>We live in a society to help eachother.
Sounds like socialism.
How about a free helecopter ride fren?
>ctrl+f's "Valve"
>The only two results are my own post
>Everyone is complaining about EA instead
In a fucking loot box thread? Seriously?
>But obviously you're an alpha chad who'll be the ubermensch ogliarch when the government collapses, right? Not a commoner dying from a stab wound by some office worker with repressed rage.
Irrelevant, try to discuss the subject and not resort to ad hominem.
Imagine living somewhere where utilities other than internet are owned by corporations.
What is this?
>there are people STILL in their obnoxious /pol/ phase in the current year
Fucking how?
It's the concept of a state.
>Healthcare's been private
Maybe in your shit hole country lmao
>fraud should be legal
>corporations can do no wrong
>you're a poorfag NEET loser if you disagree
Where should I start, smelly?
Okay retard
My bad.
You know the swastika in those times was an ironic thing, right?
No politician sides with the middle class. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron.
Why don't people just not get their kids games with lootboxes in them/not allow their kids access to their credit cards?
In what ways is this sort of parenting not a solution to the problem?
I want an industry crash, and also FUCK CHINA. Nothing wrong with moral fascism
>The offenders would fix their problem themselves, it's hard to sell meat that makes people sick.
A lot of things regulatory bodies shoot down are done so because the effects aren't immediate you stupid fucking clown. Sure, don't buy the meat that makes you sick, but carcinogenics? Anything that messes with child development? Do you think everyone has a fucking laboratory set up in their room like goddamn Dexter?
>newfag not understanding a culture he was never part of
what a surprise
what is that?
i cant fucking tell from the shitty video
We're talking about the US in this thread, eurotrash.
No, it's the concept of socialism.
The only purpose of a state is to shoot brown people and protect corporate interests. Curtailing the rights of anyone, human or corporation, is a moral wrong.
>regulations exist, buttfucking 99% of America on a daily basis
>need permits just to plant a flower in your yard
>as soon as there's a single one that actually benefits gaming, Yea Forums whines about it
Not sure how you got Trump supporter from his post, but regardless...
It's generally people living above their means in cities and coastal states living paycheck to paycheck. Housing and such are cheap as fuck in middle America.
It's amazing how much you communists lack such a sense of historical and political accuracy concerning government. America was founded on the principles of state independence and land ownership. Nowhere does it at all advocate or focus on the idea of a collective goodwill. Move to some kurdish shithole to get blown up by Turks if you want such a society.
You act as if society has done nothing for you when youd be dead without one.
Most of us would, or we'd just be conquered again.
Government is the natural state of the human race.
Like most of europe?
Especially skandinavia
>wanting companies to be able to take advantage of consumers that either don’t know any better or are susceptible to gambling addiction
>Omg I hate lootboxes. They're literally turning children into gambling addicts!
>Wait! No! Packs of Pokémon cards are ok because my nostalgia!
How does a child obtain money to gamble with, in the first place?
Always be wary of Helen Lovejoys busting out the "think of the children", to push their authoritarian garbage through.
>oh no the gubment’s stopping game devs that are detached or following orders of profit driven execs from wasting time, resources, and money earned from communities to be put into something known to be generally disliked but also potentially extremely profitable because of it’s currently unregulated nature
How many people do you think would open casinos and gambling rings if it werent illegal/regulated?
Yea Forums is so fucking contrarian that now defends lootboxes
False equivalency retard-kun
It's when you try to look at the picture they snap of you on a roller coaster on the screen but they charge a stupidly large quantity of money to buy the pictures and so the ultimate and final wagecuck is trying to stop him from taking a picture of his picture essentially getting them for free.
So we should legalize child gambling?
America was founded on the idea of helping thy neighbor, the concept of the government not interferring with the help of a friend.
If communism = socialism then capitalsm = market economy
>Why don't people just not get their kids games with lootboxes in them/not allow their kids access to their credit cards?
People don't even pay attention to ratings. What makes you think they'll pay attention to whether or not a game has lootboxes?
>Government is the natural state of the human race.
You are conditioned to think that. A literal bunch of fags banded together and named themselves 'government' which somehow gave them the right to rule over you. That is fucking absurd. It really boggles your mind when people have this bootlicking mindset.
>Please corporate overlord, fuck my ass even harder while I lick your boot, please!
>Curtailing the rights of anyone, human or corporation, is a moral wrong.
Keep repeating that mantra of yours.
It's not like morals mean anything to you if you defend the right to murder.
>America was founded on the idea of helping thy neighbor
Only in the form of a 2000 pound bomb
>Housing and such are cheap as fuck in middle America.
Maybe if you're married and both spouses work. I'm single and I can barely afford rent
>inb4 hurr durr you spend too much
I literally have zero friends, I never go anywhere or do anything fun
In order to prevent a kid from buying lootboxes, all you have to do is not give your kid your credit card information. for what possible reason would you be doing so to begin with anyway?
>Yea Forums is so contrarian they want loot boxes to further ruin VIDEO GAMES
Stealing it from their parents. How else do you think they pay fo this shit?
>thing you buy with cash is the same as thing you buy with credit card
Retard alert
That is basically Yea Forums's understanding of communism and capitalism, yeah.
You can have no concept of money and still become addicted to gambling type behavior as long as theres some possibly random input and subsequent reward.
Yea Forums is so contrarian they want to ruin online video games by killing net neutrality
why would you spend your time, wasting it for your minimum wage job, to defend this shit?
If you cannot stop your child from gambling, that child is worthless and you should not have become a parent. Personal responsibility is important, no matter how much you want to just let the gubmint baby your child.
>no central government
>communities form naturally
>they have to make rules as the group expands
>this isnt a government
We are not apes, rule and order IS the natural state of mentally stable humans.
On one hand loot boxes are cancer, on the other hand breeders are retards and deserve to get fucked
It's the same kind of person who defends lootboxes. They really want their boss to have anything and everything they want while they get nothing and pretty much do it for free.
the difference is that with a TCG what you get is a physical object with real world value.
While that value is created by the community you own a tangible object and can trade for other cards or real world currency. So if you decide you don't want to play anymore you can sell it online or at your LGS to make back part of your money spent. And people generally buy singles.
The problem is that in a video game is that what you earn is not physical and it's value is determined purely by the developers not the players, they can decide whatever price they want. While you could argue free market, it's plain that people nowadays will bend over backwards to justify any purchase they make and slavishly defend a corporation even if what they currently get doesn't benefit them.
And if that game you've dumped hundreds of dollars shuts down what happens to all your cosmetics? Gone, you can't get back any of the money you've spent it's now in the pockets of the company.
ITT faggots seething at the mere thought of the cosmetics that they paid for being free when they could've easily just been unlocked through completing challenges or playtime
>Benefits gaming
>Will literally just be a fucking age gate that prevents people that admit that they're under 18 from spending more than 50 bucks a month on in game shit
>No one in any of these threads can come up with a solution that can identify the person buying shit on an adult's card without violating the 14th amendment
>Just mindlessly cocksuck the bill to waste more tax dollars like a bunch of retarded boomers that thought the war on drugs would work.
In my defense, I just wanted EA, Ubisoft, and all manner of jewed up gaming companies to eat shit and die. It just so happens that banning lootboxes will facilitate this. So tl;dr: FUCK OFF. I WANT THEREFORE I'LL HAVE.
not enough children are emptying their parents bank accounts on pokemon cards
Whoops, meant 4th amendment
So we should legalize child gambling?
>No sane person would argue that he'd give corporations his money for stupid, pointless shit.
I don't but who the fuck are you to dictate how someone else spends their own money?
This. Abolishing government would result in a fair society where everyone can live freely and prosperously, so long as they have the will for it. Of course statecucks never understand what freedom even means, they willingly signed that away.
Serious question, how can I be an online shill? I have too much free time on my hands and no moral boundaries. Do I need to be recommended by someone or do I just send an email?
Why would I care about a bunch of lousy Pokemon creatures when I could be fetching a pail of water?
Your link says nothing happened, idiot.
t. trades government boot for corporation boot
Congrats retard, you're the mark.
You mean like how no child has ever seen porn online?
It being legal isn't the fucking question retard, it's if it's fucking enforceable.
Let's see you skirt away from this one without looking retarded, I'll wait
There's nothing wrong with communities, but there is everything wrong with the government, once the community gets too big, it becomes harder for every member to have their voice heard, which is why communities need to be small and fragmented to prevent any rise of government in any form.
Again, personal responsibility. If they fuck up, it's their and their parents' fault. Child gambling could be legal and it would only exist because of weak people and parenting. I see no reason not to let people destroy themselves, if they want to.
That's what he said
Right, like in the Congo or Somalia.
Parental responsibility doesn't exist in the states. If a kid steals your gun and kills someone with it very rarely are parents charged or even more rarely convicted of anything.
So we should legalize child gambling?
Whenever there's a money transaction involved, there is traceability and enforcible measures, especially when all the transactions are done digitally.
Stop cocksucking corporations, cuck.
Look at any country without a stable government.
Tell me, do they live freely and prosperously?
>Le ironic racism meme
Imagine being this much of a coward to own up to your principles, no wonder anti-lootbox shills are such retards
There are. You can put passwords on your kids' phone so they need to input one every time they make a purchase.
This isn't some hard to find feature either, it's the default setting whenever you first put a credit card on your account.
If a kid is buying excessive amounts of IAPs, the parent has already fucked up about ten different ways, or the kid is crafty enough to get ahold of all the information he needs which is an entirely different problem between the parents and kid.
This is just yet another one of those WE NEED TO STOP KIDS FROM DOING ____ cases that is already easily solvable, and won't even be solved by legislation because the problem is fundamentally one of parental negligence, like trying to stop toys from being marketed on TV, trying to stop kids from playing violent games, trying to stop kids from seeing violent shows on TV, etc.
Go renew the TV license.
And that's a problem. It shows how people have gotten used to state coddling.
are you implying
>rich = strong
>poor = weak
i could tell you right now, i could probably send someone to the hospital with a single pinch, and im a poor burger livin in a trailer park
your shits all stupid, dude
It is just retarded americans.
They still live in fear of cold war and some big communism boogeyman that corporations use whenever someone ask the goverment to make something better for the people.
You mean like if the CC being used is registered to an adults name?
Gonna suggest face recognition and other shit that violates the 4th amendment because you're too stupid to understand anything?
Game set and match I guess, busted you without even trying
>I see no reason not to let people destroy themselves, if they want to.
Net neutrality was about big businesses like google not wanting to pay extra for using 10 teraflops of data every week, it did nothing to fix monopolies and had no intention of fixing monopolies.
Go prep Jamal
But you can sell accounts so doesn't that mean lootboxes also have real world value?
Actually they wouldn’t even exist at all and the game would just be bigger or better. Close try though.
My job does and I work in a factory with no union. Maybe you just have a shit job.
That's nowhere in the founding literature and completely revisionism, it lays out the necessity for every man to establish their own.
So we should legalize child gambling?
Go prep Muhammed.
You can't legally force parents to do a good job.
Honestly I don't give a shit about kids. I just want to see greedy corporations like EA and Activision get buttfucked and be forced to give up lootboxes.
Fuck em.
What a waste of taxpayer money. You don't have to be a tech genius to know you shouldn't give your kid your credit card information and unrestricted access to a tablet/phone with said information.
And even then it takes literally 2 seconds to put a PIN on Google play/Apple store purchases (and no I don't mean a pin for the phone itself, just for purchases)
What's the percentage right now? 52 if I'm not mistaken
Had to step in to point out posting an ugly guy with a silly hat isn't and has never been an argument. That may work on reddit but here it's considered an automatic concession.
It's not a problem you can fix unfortunately. Next beat thing is to age restrict microtransactions.
Current stateless nations suffer because governments all across the world are shaking in their bootd in fear that their citizens, or may as well call them nationan slaves, would wake up and work together to abolish their government and enter a better era. They work, but the global elite makes it near impossible for them to function, for propaganda purposes.
>Thinking that regulation will ruins the market
Have fun seeing Chinese-level of counterfeits flooding the market more than ever, and eating rat meat that you thought were mutton,
user most of the people in this thread actually think the bill completely abolishes loot boxes.
They're not very smart, and think passing a bill for something that's not feasibly enforceable will stop kids from buying loot boxes.
Just stupid people that are out of touch telling other people what to do to make them feel better
No one on this board ever sincerely said Net Neutrality is bad, you fucking moron
Surely if trading cards give you the opportunity to win a physical object of real, tradable value, it is far closer to gambling than lootboxes. Lootboxes aren't gambling because there is no Illusive potential big money payout (except csgo crates).
you severely underestimate just how stupid american parents are
It's not about protecting us it's about forcing publishers and devs to make games that make money because they are good not because they exploit a psychological deficiency.
That's once again crying to nanny state though. It should be allowed and those who destroy their lives over it merely get what they deserve. Simple as that.
>Had to step in to point out posting an ugly guy with a silly hat isn't and has never been an argument. That may work on reddit but here it's considered an automatic concession.
>Umm acktschually, if you're too dumb to drink bleach or let your kid drink bleach that's YOUR PROBLEM, I don't want no regulation on bleach bottles! That fucks the free market!
t. you
Yeah, I'm 52% deep in your mother's throat.
user americans have an average IQ of like 80, remember.
>Bill to ban sale of lootboxes to children
>To children
Yeah man all those kids using their own names on their debit cards are SCREWED
and what you get out of that?
being a contrarian faggot or pleasing your corporate overlords?
No it doesn't. It works better than socialism but if you mixed some social accountability into capitalism, you might have a winning formula.
Right now we have a formula that encourages and rewards fucking over everyone you can.
oh yes let me read this whole thread of tweens discussing the deeper meaning of laws.
next Im going to go get financial advice from the homeless shelter.
You're really naive aren't you
Not drinking during your pregnancy is common knowledge.
Expecting videogames to rip your kids off is not.
>It should be allowed and those who destroy their lives over it merely get what they deserve. Simple as that.
>neo Yea Forums will defend this
>Let’s go whaling: Tricks for monetising mobile game players with free-to-play
Please go ahead and defend this sociopath. I'll wait.
don't you understand the games are still marketed to children so legally they would be compelled not to include lootboxes, or change the rating?
>Mind immediately goes to cuckold porn
What's wrong with Euros?
>Bipartisan support
Based dems teaming up with repubs to dab on EA.
Too much black dick for breakfast.
>Spongebob games are making a killing off of lootboxes
>Children whale on Fifa
Again, really stupid argument
>next Im going to go get financial advice from the homeless shelter
Try for financial advice.
They are the next best thing.
keys to power still in boomer hands
Not their fault for taking advantage of retards.
i always expect "free" video games to rip my kids off. ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
Why is basic personal responsibility so controversial?
You work a 9-5 and get and hour and a half of every day?
I don't disagree with you but I'm really sick of having to drop franchises because of mass microtransactions. Pretty soon all games are gonna be pay to win in some shape or form if things continue the way they are because that's what makes the most money.
>made their games free to play when they added lootboxes
>made all items available from consistent random drops (weapons that actually affect gameplay being the most common)
>allowed players to craft items using basic items
>allowed trading of any item between players either with items or real money
Only scummy thing they've done is overprice items in the store and adopting the CSGO crate system for new items.
>company has complete control what and how much you unlock through challanges and playtime
>the same company is also the one who sells the lootboxes
Put two and two together, sherlock.
>People are more than capable of protecting themselves and providing for themselves
Because children are fucking stupid and parent's cant be watching over them all day long?
You’re rather shortsighted and uneducated huh?
>And how would this affect Japan gacha shit? It's not made in the U.S so the law won't apply to those right?
It will apply to them if they were ever to be sold in the US, which would likely see them get banned.
Make no mistake, this is just another angle people are using to destroy video games, demanding the market cater exclusively to their tastes, akin to anita sarkeesian and her ilk.
After all how far do you take the lootbox ban? It seems very arbitrary to target just a small section of ingame transactions for a loot roll and ignore the much larger purchase for a game entirely based around RNG looting mechanics like most RPGs. After all the only real difference is how much pomp and ceremony exists
>>made their games free to play when they added lootboxes
And here we are 10 years later still waiting for HL3. It's because of lootbox shit we're never getting it.
>parent's cant be watching over them all day long
Imagine thinking that not putting your CC on a game machine they use is "Watching over them all day long"
This does not affect me at all, pic related. I hope to see EA and Activision sweating in court soon.
>surprise mechanics
>businessman taking advantage of stupid and weakwilled people
I see nothing wrong with this. I'm just a little annoyed I wasn't smart enough to take advantage of this as well. At least we still have competent modern businessmen.
well non-retards are going to take advantage of the state and ban these assholes, problem?
most parents are just as stupid as their kids
If I unbox something from literally any non-valve game with lootcrate-styled unboxing, I can't trade them, sell them, or exchange them. I just have to accept the roll I got.
I think valve games are the only games that literally pay you to play. I remember I was about to buy the STALKER complete bundle with a bunch of csgo crates I never opened.
Get fucked you little shit.
Good. Fuck you EA.
>At least we still have competent modern businessmen.
He's not on your side, dickhead.
t. pussy whipped bitch
>defending devs withholding content for a game you already payed for full price
>I shouldn't be expected to tell my child what to do!
>a child cannot possibly understand that a bad thing is bad!
>I shouldn't be expected to prevent my child from getting into a bad situation!
Please don't ever have sex.
And the retards are?
Is this another infamous case of "MAN WITH MORE MONEY BAD MAN WITH LESS MONEY GOOD"?
>kid nags at you all day long to buy a lubbox until you cave
Inb4 Yea Forums parenting "just slap him lol"
These games that target kids are full on paywalled for progress, if the kid wants to keep playing they will have to keep buying, and will keep on nagging. It's designed entirely to get kids to keep on forking out. And parents are not savy enough to know this, nor should they be. This is why regulation should exist.
Go cocksuck your corporate overlords some more, retard.
>we can't just make cosmetics free, making low effort accessories and reskins is hard work! all this lootbox money is totally going towards making the game better, pay up goy!
It's not illegal for children to see porn online
It is illegal to sell porn to children, and the laws against are enforced without violating the 4th amendment.
>It being legal isn't the fucking question retard
The question is literally "should child gambling be legal?" you fucking retard. We already know its enforceable.
Because lootboxes are spreading like a virus. Many popular mainstream games that used to not have lootboxes have since added them in recent installments. And the idea that parents should have to be wary that a fucking VIDEO GAME doesn't have a system through which their kids could inadvertantly spend hundreds of dollars is fucking INSANE.
>Try to help a newfag fit in better and make better posts
>Get insulted for no reason
No good deed goes unpunished...
>you must be 18 or older to purchase lootboxes
>And the retards are?
Please explain how my post implied that.
There is literally nothing wrong with lootboxes, China, micro-transactions, and Jews.
>Make no mistake, this is just another angle people are using to destroy video games, demanding the market cater exclusively to their tastes, akin to anita sarkeesian and her ilk.
This right here. Demanding removel of lootboxes is the exact same type of censorship, but because they're unpopular, it's apparently fine?
Because that sums up your entire argument.
>>as soon as there's a single one that actually benefits gaming
In what way does it benefit gaming exactly?
US isn't the largest market. THese games will still be made, just won't be released in the US. If anything it hurts the gaming in your country much like the lack of an R18 classification here in Australia did.
Yeah dude. When the government falls you can totally defend yourself. I'm sure you'll just shoot the fifty guys who roll up with AKs and say they own your town/neighborhood when the government falls. Maybe you should move to Somalia and see what it's like when there's no government.
When I would open packs of Pokemon cards I got something tangible that increased in value based on availability and old Pokemon cards have definitely increased in value. Even lowly energy cards and shit like Diglette sell for a dollar a card these days, but more importantly every pack had a card with a star insignia which represented it as rare. With a loot box you could get a neato skin, but 90% of the time you literally get like a player icon or some stupid shit you can't even use in the game.
>Until you cave
Why would you cave?
>I shouldn't have to tell my kid to not buy drugs at a pharmacy, the pharmacy should outright not sell it to them
This is you.
Then make them do chores or something you spineless cuck, MAKE THEM EARN THE MONEY THEY WANT TO SPEND
Or are you so fucking lacking in a backbone you give a child everything they ask for?
It's illegal to expose minors to pornography.
>Inb4 Yea Forums parenting "just slap him lol
It's very easy to spot coddled little shits like you
I am pretty ok with dumb fuckers funding my games by buying useless lootboxes. That said, a true free market requires symmetrical information, so these companies most be completely transparent about what are the odds of getting all items.
If people choose to buy lootboxes then, so be it.
okay chang
Hang yourself shill
>blaming the Jews for your small penis
1. Knowing what you're putting into your kids hands is pretty basic parenting.
2. Your kid shouldn't have access to a credit card either.
3. Teach your kid about money grubbing practices as well.
based piratechad
Subversion? You naive fucks, real subversion was anti-commie propaganda. You're indoctrinated to the point where The Man can call anything "commie" or "socialist" and you will hate it. Free of charge.
Nuke cali tho
By saying one guy isn't on my side you're implying the other is you fucking moron.
Why should I care about either.
If I see someone get kicked in the balls I laugh, I don't wonder if the guy doing the kicking is behind some cabal that will behead me.
>me repeat thing but backwards
Amazing debate skills poorcuck.
Really sending your best out here
>The "REAL communism has never been tried" argument
Yes. Yes it is. Is this supposed to be your big 'gotcha' moment?
It's probably bigger than yours lol
It's a known fact r*ddit raids our polls.
Just look at """""""""our""""" best video games of all time lists lmao.
t. incel failure kid with traumatic childhood that resents kids that didn't get beat up that are successful while he's a salty neet trying to cocksuck corporations on an anonymous basket weaving forum
>No sane person needs a fucking government to tell them to not buy the shiny jingling keys either
You'd be surprised at how little self-control some people have once the psychological traps of lootboxes and gacha set in. They're designed specifically to exploit addicted whales, and at that point you need a third party or some external force, government or otherwise, to make them stop.
>By saying one guy isn't on my side you're implying the other is
No it isn't.
He says as he's using the exact same thought processes as the trannies to force the gaming world to cater to his will.
You are a retard and live in a bubble. I think though that you would love to live in China, what with all the scams they got. If you get scammed, that's on you.
you really don't know how bad american parenting is do you?
just because i support lootboxes doesn't mean i support jews
>>Get insulted for no reason
That's where you're wrong faggot.
>he says while promoting the exploitation of mental illness
Yes it's obviously the lootboxes and not the hugely popular and successful PC game storefront that gives them a monopoly on all PC gaming.
Newsflash retard: we can do both and ensure that our kid doesn't get high on Oxys
Well not a good reason. I was only trying to help...
I love these threads, some of you are obviously baiting but others seem to be genuinely upset by this and are unable to cope with the fact that EA soon might not be able to prey on kids. Protip, it's gambling and they're offering said gambling services to those under 18. They have no case here.
It's quite clearly an attempt to dissociate me from him and in turn associate me with the the other guy.
I know you think you're smart but you come off as a disingenuous retard.
Neither are on my side, so I get to watch a trash fire.
Stay angry for the retard getting buttfucked though, I don't self insert as moronic retards and get mad about it
>children should be allowed to buy drugs
If the town isn't capable of defending itself, it's only natural for it to perish.
Imagine actually defending lootboxes purely to be contrarian because Reddit doesn't like them and it's "commie shit".
Quite frankly, you people deserve the lootbox infested industry you've made for yourselves.
>>me repeat thing but backwards
Except it actually applies here.
Your entire argument boils down to "MAN WITH MORE MONEY GOOD MAN WITH LESS MONEY BAD"
The fact that you unironically use "poorcuck" just confirms it.
>obvious joke
>retard zoomers jump on this with both feet
you guys are fucking dumb, holy shit
Someone spending money on what they want is a mental illness now?
yeah it's and intricate plot keeping Congo and Somalia down, lol. what a retard
Nah, store don't mean shit when you can sell CS GO skins $1000 a pop.
Children aged 5 should be allowed to purchase a gun at a gun store. If they shoot themselves or someone else it's your parental responsibility to teach them not to buy guys and shoot people with them.
What are you, too stupid a parent not to tell your kid not to buy a gun?
>T-t-the racism w-w-was ironic
Purge yourselves to reddit you fucking traitorous cowards, we wished we could inspire so many happenings and cleansings back then
>Tries to appeal to age
>Doesn't know that vidya companies have their own gang of lawyers and lobbyists that will smash this bill with so many compromises it will literally just be "if u say ur under 18 u can only spend 10$ a week" when they're done with it.
I wish I was naive like you
>Imagine actually defending lootboxes purely to be contrarian
If you think that's why people are "defending" lootboxes, you are too much of a brainlet to be posting here.
>Well not a good reason.
Wrong again faggot.
Ordinarily I wouldn't bite the bait and regulating lootboxes is good, but Hawley legitimately wants every single website to be audited by the state to ensure neutral political rules/practices or they become liable for what people post on it. He actually does want a nanny state.
my question is why would you defend the alternative?
Some of them are gambling addicts themselves and are mad that people are making fun of them for spending $1000+ on virtual items.
The town can defend itself.
By making a government.
A coworker of mine plays games a lot and keeps up with articles like this, so he strikes up conversation with me about these hot topics once in a while. When we brought up this matter we both agreed on the point that it's pretty unfortunate that the industry has gotten so absurdly greedy that government intervention is necessary to get things back under control.
This is all good and well, but I pointed out to him that a great deal of the fault obviously lies with the consumers for being stupid enough to pay so much fucking money for things like this. I said, "If they don't like it, then they shouldn't buy it." His response was:
>"Well, what the fuck else are we supposed to play?"
Do people really just buy shitty games because they feel like they don't have another choice, or is he just a retard?
Your right you don’t need to be a tech genius, but I would also argue that games don’t NEED loot boxes at all.
It's because boomers unironically think like that, you retarded fucking Yea Forums simpsonsfaggot.
Then the town should be burned to the ground.
>and at that point you need a third party or some external force
Why, for what, I'm not paying government to police some dipshits who can't control themselves
Gambling addiction is a mental illness.
Gambling addiction is literally classified as a mental illnesses.
I look forward to seeing you in future threads when EA gets gutted live.
Adults with gambling addictions are also at risk, it's not a problem restricted to children.
This. Governments having to step in and stop unrestrained greed was a last resort because these Jewish scum corporations wouldn't regulate and moderate their own bullshit. Fuck the consumers over too hard and the law has to step in. This is the best possible outcome.
Actually, reading the thread, that's all I can gather.
That and 60IQ corporate cuckold loving idiots that love to suck the corporate cum out of their girlfriend's assholes, right after the corporate BBC stretches it open.
Just don't sell lootboxes wwwww
This, but only if they provide separate versions of the game with them completely excised that also update at the same time as the normal versions.
You mean like how Yea Forums thought they were taking down EA with Golden Poos?
See you in 5 years when the bill passes in an extremely watered down state and you avoid the threads about it like the plague
>EA soon might not be able to prey on kids.
Tell me, how exactly is EA preying on children;
Who in the western world have zero access to any method of making money on their own. Any the only access to money is given to them likely by their own guardian?
What will activision do now? Try to make good games instead of gacha boxes?
>I said, "If they don't like it, then they shouldn't buy it."
A stupid argument from a blithering idiot who believes one consumer can make a difference in the free market. I haven't purchased an EA game since Bad Company 2, they're still shitting those games out and making millions.
So what is he supposed to play?
Autism Quest 50000 DOSBOX edition?
>unsupervised kid does something stupid and gets hurt
>"WOOOW how should've known I needed to keep my own kids safe? bugged parenting mechanics"
The entitled lazy millennial meme is real, it seems.
>"There are other examples of things that look and feel like gambling that legislation tells you are not—[such as] some prize competitions but because they have free play or free entry they are not gambling, but they are a lot like a lottery."
You're not paying anything at all, HIKKI NEET.
Trying to push blame onto the consumer flattens culpability and ensures nothing will ever be done. "Consumers to blame!" just confuses the issue and provides camouflage for the companies supporting these practices. It's impossible to control what a massive, formless group does, so you need to focus on actual identifiable individuals who are ultimately responsible for it.
>That and 60IQ corporate cuckold loving idiots that love to suck the corporate cum out of their girlfriend's assholes, right after the corporate BBC stretches it open.
Watch out boys, we have a uni student here.
At least I hope you are, because this sheltered delusional view is only acceptable if you are a child with zero real world experience.
>would rather give whales more gibs
Tell me more about your literal jewish 1% overlords
>Unsupervised kid is sold a gun by an adult with a legal license to sell product
>it's the parent's fault for not keeping an eye on their kids 24/7 and not the guy that sold it
Wow, you really are a blithering idiot.
Oh the irony.
shut up you idiot.
I'm sure a law against children buying guns will screw out with a lot of very mature 5 year olds who otherwise would be capable of handling firearms on their own, big time.
>comparing some literally who award to EA being taken before the Senate
ok retard
You have to be really autistic to think anything from Yea Forums is funny. Go back.
>not being a member of the tribe
never gonna make it goyim
I probably make more than you. Doesn't matter anyway, wanting the government to regulate corporations that engage in abusive practises is only seen as abhorrent by literally brain melted low IQ american niggers who think anything resembling a regulation is a communist ploy to take away their burgers.
Enjoy your 56% corporate hellhole dystopia friend, you've earned it.
>Kid goes to a gun store physically with their own money to buy a gun
Supposing this did happen there's many faults in your extremely retarded comparison.
1. The kid wouldn't have that money
2.Even if they used their parent's card like for games it's a physical sale, so again, no dice.
If you put as much effort into excuses as you did watching your retarded kid you wouldn't be in this mess faggot
I'm not saying parents don't bare some responsibility for what their children consume, I'm saying it's bullshit and completely unacceptable for VIDEO GAMES to be this exploitative to where sucha scenario is even possible in a product YOU ALREADY PAYED FOR
lawyers aren't above the law, Jeff Bezos lost nearly 40 billion to his wife despite being the richest guy on Earth
it's not a good look to just go on the internet and project all your insecurities like that, you fucking dope. This is why girls don't want to talk to you.
Won't someone please think of the multi-billion dollar corporatations?
>kid does retarded shit because his parents didn't believe parenting was necessary to raise a kid, and had the money needed to do it
>"wow why didn't the gubmint stop this"
Never pass down your genes, retard.
The solution here is to allow toddlers to buy guns. It's the parents responsibility after all and there is 0 way for a child to buy a gun when it's legal to do so.
You wanna know why a kid can't buy a gun, animeposter-kun? It has a lot to do with there being laws against children from doing so.
I agree we should allow children to gamble and buy guns.
Don't worry, you won't pass on yours either incel. No sane person would want to procreate with you.
>posting zoomer memes
So you were a zoomer larping as a boomer. Get a sense of humor and fuck off.
If EA isn't preying on those under 18, them they have nothing to worry about. :)
kys kike
lootboxes are the cancer ruining gaming
Or the fact that, you know, it's easily enforceable, like it being a physical sale and the fact that if a digital sale has a grown person's name on it you should be able to assume that person isn't a complete fucktard and gave their INFINITE MONEY CARD to a god damn child.
>"noNoOnOONOoOONONoOoOoOO! You're not suppose to use the meme like t-that!!!"
Personal responsibility isn't controversial. Sociopaths exploiting human psychology are. They know they are doing harm and it is their business model. They are acting in bad faith.
Even if you don't give a shit about that sort of thing, it is ruining video games for everyone. Every single terrible gaming trend can be traced back to that big old whale hunt.
>anti-net neutrality are pro-corporation
i hope you're european because you don't know shit about NN
unironically bring back child slave labor too
Good thing we're not discussing a UK law then.
Freudian slip
>take 2 wants Yea Forums to be its personal army in fighting regulations
Toppest of keks, I had to laugh so hard when they literally asked their belgian players to message their gubment to say lootboxes were ok
We'd probably thin the heard out a little of retards like you too
Just teach your kid that he isn't old enough to have the responsibility required to own a firearm. It's your fault if he shoots anyone, just stop being a shit parent.
I won't pass on my genes because I have a loving gf (male), and I am okay with that.
>wtf I paid for a license of a digital good and also agreed to a terms of service and when I break that terms of service they cancel my account
The absolute state of the poleddit brainlet
This is... actually a pretty good point.
I guess it's easy for me to say people are fucking retarded for buying dumb things, but that's only because I tend to lose interest in games that have gacha or loot boxes a lot sooner than the addiction starts to kick in. It's pretty arrogant of me to say it's all the consumer's fault.
I'm a /vr/fag so yeah, Autism Quest 50000 DOSBOX edition is generally a lot more appealing to me than the new, unfinished garbage people keep buying and then end up bitching about. Also, piracy :^).
Why does Yea Forums have to be so contrarian that they even defend fucking EA?
>defends draconian big government
>gets pegged in the ass by a gender-deformed monstrosity at night
typical commie degenerate
I've literally absolutely destroyed your retarded comparison a couple times now and you keep going because I broke your head and now your brain can't keep up.
You realize physical and digital purchases aren't the same thing yes?
Can you follow the logic that since the vendor can not see you they rely on the information on the card?
The card that SHOULD only be with the person whose name is on it.
Can johnny keep up with this or did you get lost again?
>EA Bad
Why should we protect retarded parents from their own stupidity and bad decision making, my little retarded wojak poster? If kids buy guns and use them improperly that's the parent's responsibility. Also if kids never spent more than $.99 on microtransactions F2P companies would go bankrupt overnight.
>banning lootbox cancer that ruins games is "draconian government"
Go live in Somalia, retard. No evil government there to ruin your profits :)
I guess we should just ban lootboxes altogether if we can't regulate them.
Damn, just like porn?
>mfw games will now have to start relying on creative novelty rather than cheap gambling to keep players hooked
I'm sure it was nice for the publishers while it lasted, but enough is enough desu.
The rabid MAGApedes have unironically been defending Net Neutrality repeal
>Also if kids never spent more than $.99 on microtransactions F2P companies would go bankrupt overnight.
You say that like it's a bad thing. This is why I want the regulation btw, I want these companies to go bankrupt. Starting with EA and Activision.
If they're just kids toys then the "protect the children" arguments actually hold true. You just conceded that it's not adults buying these lootboxes.
Yes, I'm sure old Yea Forums would have defended EA
>protect me
If this effects you, you need to fuck off this board until you're old enough.
>Dies due to lack of votes and support like 90 percent of mindless bills like this
Also typical "THINK OF DA CHILDREN" shit.
I was replying to a brain damaged wojak poster who defended lootboxes by shifting the blame to parents.
>user I'm so glad you agree with me we don't need a state to tell us how to spend our money!
>posting wojak
Go back newfag.
I don't care about your kids, fag
Since everything is legal because it's the parent's responsibility, maybe they just sucked some dick for cash on the way home. Parents should have known and stopped them but hey.
Blame whales, and blame the corporations that cater to them.
No one actually gives a shit if little timmy jerks his pecker except christians and soccer moms, unless he grabs mommy's credit card, which he won't considering the abundance of free porn.
>"i f-fit in now guys, r-right???"
>Not supplying PFs in African shitholes for profit
Never going to join the three comma club.
And I don't care about your profits, jew.
if you mean gambling using children as currency sure. If you mean leting child gamble, I don't care.
>I probably make more than you.
Private industry makes far more than any public wage slave any day, so no. Almost certainly not.
>wanting the government to regulate corporations that engage in abusive practises
Except there is nothing "abusive" about Lootboxes. People love to run with the "won't someone please think of the children" argument but by design children already have a limited access to moeny. The only way they can be "exploited" is if the parents are stupid enough to hand over access to their money to someone who by law is deemed irresponsible to handle it.
The only other "abusive" angle is that there are some adults who do spend obscene amounts of money on them. But at what point do you get to dictate how other people spend their own money? I guarantee you spend plenty of money on things that I would deem unessesary and vice versa, should we ban those things as well?
That is literally you right now. Your newfag filenames only prove that you're a cancerous zoomer faggot.
>People on this board actually want to tell people how to spend money
Capitalism and jews are bad, all trump had to do was buy a bunch of paid hackers and bow to israel and he got president in spite of the people's will.
Yes lets. Products shouldn't be marketed towards kids. That's jewish shit.
No one actually cares about projecting kids except the boomers conveniently passing the bill. Yea Forums in general cares about not rewarding shitty developers
If it doesn't effect me that's even more reason to push for the regulation. I don't buy lootboxes so this is a win-win for me since it reduces the chances of lootboxes showing up in games I otherwise wouldn't be able to play.
Bad faith argument that relies not only on someone paying a child to suck a dick but a parent being so oblivious they didn't notice their kid bring a fucking gun in the house.
Keep trying though retard I'm sure you'll figure something out right before bump limit.
But he can, just like how games are f2p but you can pay for some, so my points stands and yours is still crushed
>bill will hamstring trash like gacha and fortnite
>cuckservatives will complain because muh big gubmint
>"No u!"
>He wants developers to go bankrupt
Shows how much you actually care about the industry you plinko faggot
If you buy lootboxes you aren't people
Developers aren't the ones going bankrupt, idiot. It's the publishers and their shareholders.
>to waste more tax dollars
why do you care
aren't all of you people epic NEETs that don't need no job?
EA's in full damage control mode so I support this bill.
nice buzzword tourist fuck
>mfw surrounded by 15xxxxxxxxxxx.jpg filenames defending government regulation
8-5 work days with 1 hour for lunch, but I work in industry accounting so we also get to leave early too every once in awhile.
So if the game is rated M is it exempted from this?
>saving thumbnails
Just the icing on the cake for this retard.
>Don't like it, Don't buy it!
>Stop trying to tell people how to spend money!!!
8-5 but otherwise yes.
I win
I am in the private industry, as a software engineer building enterprise software.
We regulated gambling in casinos, we can regulate lootboxes. Period.
>Publishers make contracts with developers
>Developers make content
>Developers get paid
Keep reaching, I'm sure you'll make a good argument at some point
>bill only bans selling lootboxes to children
>M-rated games are already illegal to sell to minors and nobody fucking complains about it
Why are conservatives so dumb?
You mean publishers? Devs get paid regardless of the games success. Shows how much you know about the industry.
Follow the conversation retard, he called me a zoomer first and posted shitty zoomer memes while claiming to be a boomer, I am only repeating back the autism he spewed at me. And now he's samefagging and unironically thinks he's being subtle.
>Neo Yea Forums
>Implying you newfags aren't the ones trying to be contrarian and defend lootboxes even though they were universally hated before regulations started being introduced.
Remove lootboxes, replace them with a store where you can buy the items individually. It's gambling for children, it's a way to hide "cool" skins Because you dumb autists eat that shit up behind a massive paywall.
>Oh just let the market decided lol
The average video game player is a fucking idiot, and can't handle the responsibility of freedom. These are the same people buying tap water for 30 bucks a jar.
You're literally spamming wojaks, get some self awareness you fucking retard.
>Yea Forums in general cares about not rewarding shitty developers
Maybe this "Yea Forums" fella should get a job and pay for the things he enjoys instead of pirating them.
i got a pic of your mom on my hdd and she takes up so much space i gotta save all my memes as thumbnails to make room for her.
13xxxxxxxxxxx filenames weren't that long ago. Get lost, punk.
>M-rated games are already illegal to sell to minors
Wow it's almost like digital purchasing is on the rise and kids don't own credit cards
I support banning lootboxes. What now, candy ass
deva get paid regardless of product sales dumbfuck
Wrong I want to tell gave developers to stop gutting content from a product I already paid for.
If devs can't avoid bankruptcy without nickel-and-diming their playerbase then they deserve it
I drew this picture myself before the game even came out btw
>still posting nu-filenames and pepe/wojak cancer
I knew I had you pegged as a faggot from your first shitty simpsons post. You wouldn't even fit in on Yea Forums with this shit.
>faking filenames
keep false flagging glowing redguard
>you don't care about the industry if you don't suck at the cocks of EA and Activision
imagine being this fucking mad holy shit
pleaaase corporate overlords, fuck me
>M-rated games are already illegal to sell to minors and nobody fucking complains about it
What cucked state/country do you live in where this is actually a thing?
>that right hand
Probably should've worked on it more.
Imagine being so new and saving these images thinking they are funny and then samefagging like a retard
>M-rated games are already illegal to sell to minors
Lmao nobody follows that rule. I bought tons of second hand m rated games without any sort of check when I was 15.
Cope more nigger. Fuck you and your jewish corporate overlords.
Enjoy the upcoming regulation, glow in the dark nigger kike.
Better cash in on those lootboxes while you still can!
Are you in charge here?
>I hate consumerism!
>Ok now let me consume this consumerist product
Well maybe you don't, but I hate to break it to you that this is a democratic republic that has decided letting children with poor decision making skills gamble is a detriment to society that can't be left up to their parents.
Jesus christ what the fuck is going on in this thread.
You have to keep in mind that though we try to rise up and be civilized, but much of our brain still reacts primitively. This is especially true for children which is why they can be serious assholes.
Multi billion dollar companies know this. They research how to best get you addicted and paying them constantly. This works especially well on children. They could have been happy with the record profits they make from being cheap fucks when it comes to paying employees and selling games wholesale but instead are looking more and more for ways to screw you harder and harder to make as much money as they can from you.
Even 100,000 people not buying their stuff in protest won't affect a multi billion dollar companies' bottom line enough to change their ways.
Government intervention in these situations becomes necessary and is in fact why the government exists. It is also a window into what would happen if we had no government and allowed individuals and organizations to act with impunity.
shitposting of the highest caliber
EA employees are getting paid well tonight
Yeah, I want my games to not be pozzed by lootbox AIDS. Go cry to your corporate overlord about it.
wtf is with her claw hand lmao. Also I hate that scratchy line style, it's so lazy. Learn to drawn lines faggot.
Imagine being this mad over people spending money
Count shekels
Why yes, I do give my child a phone with no parental controls and all of my financial information. Anything to shut him up for the day while I go do other things all day. Of course I think the government should protect me from him using the credentials I gave him. What gave it away?
>you must defend mindless consumerism and EA and Activision or else you can't consume any products
Imagine being this assblasted that people don't want their games to be pozzed with jew shit.
On the day of the rope, you along with your jewish masters will be the first to hang.
In all fairness, only poor niggers have to worry about their bank account. Good upstanding citizens are responsible spenders and can afford luxuries
I want to take you seriously, but purposefully misspelling government for "HAHAs" makes me just think you're a faggot kid with a meme-lord youtube account.
Imagine getting mad over a bill that just says "gambling for kids = bad". The world is waking up to your tricks you kike.
Imagine being this retarded and being a reductive brainlet.
I have the exact same question. How do I become one? I need a second job to buy my dlc and loot boxes.
You wouldn't survive one punch from me tubby
Loot boxes are paid retard, the ones that aren't paid aren't being banned.
words words words words you leftoids sure love words holy shit
Try me cunt, I can see you from a mile away from how much you glow in the dark.
>Why yes, I am a colossal retarded faggot who still argues as if children need credit cards to buy microtransactions and lootboxes even though it's been repeatedly disproven and cash cards exist.
>I'm too much of a brainless consumer to curb my own addiction I need the state to do it
>>Implying you newfags aren't the ones trying to be contrarian and defend lootboxes even though they were universally hated
I hate lootboxes, it's why I don't purchase games with them and by extension do not purchase them. Yet i'll still go after all the SJW faggots and their ilk trying to push this through.
>He wants developers to go bankrupt
I want any publisher that can't make a profit without scamming customers with loot boxes and microtransactions in full priced games to all go bankrupt. Then the only companies left in the gaming industry will be ones that make VIDEO GAMES
Which you purchase with...?
>this thread
>supporting EA to spite the libs
just burn nu-Yea Forums to the ground
You just called yourself a brainlet in a roundabout way. Congrats, you played yourself.
lmao the left really can't meme
Yeah, that's what happens when you're a 10 year old retard.
>posts wojak
>says nu-anything
"unless he grabs mommy's credit card"
Your argument hinged on a kid not paying for porn despite all porn being illegal to show porn to a minor regardless.
Do continue and defend yourself
Why yes, of course I give my child $2,000 in cash to buy prepaid cards at the grocery store with. How could you tell?
I'm not even a leftist you brain melted nigger fuck.
Why do leftoids strawman so much? Nobody is supporting lootboxes to spite libs or whatever. It's very clearly a government overreach issue
t. Guy who wants to get rid of lootboxes but is embarrassed by the intellectual dishonesty on display from my side.
Only seething dipshits need a dozen words to convey nothing
>Cash cards
You fucking mong.
2016 contrarian culture was a mistake.
Adults can do what they like.
>that relies not only on someone paying a child to suck a dick
Oh yeah, nobody would do that. Pedophiles definitely don't exist.
>a parent being so oblivious they didn't notice their kid bring a fucking gun in the house
Were you dropped on your head as a child or something? It's trivially easy for a kid to smuggle something into their house. Or stash it nearby. Did you seriously not have anything your parents didn't know about as a kid? Or do you think parents should sit at home, wait for their kid to get home, and go through their bag every single day for their entire lives?
>/pol/ memes
every time
Which the kids get from...?
Nice false flag
if you take 2 seconds to add parental controls to the play store/apple store they won't be able to use any cards without knowing the password, even if they bought the card themselves.
Not what anyone is saying retard, we're trying to force other people to curb their own addiction. "b-buh they neeeeed to be allowed to be addicted! muh freeedumb!!!!!" fuck off. The best part is lootboxes are mostly fueled by peer pressure and lootbox exclusive items, so even the 12 year olds spending $5000 of their mommies credit card won't have a problem with it. Only lazy devs (like presumably you) care about defending "muh right 2 lutbaukses"