Was he /ourguy/?
Was he /ourguy/?
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a man chooses, a slave obeys
stupid fucking hitler-worshipping nazis,
par for the course on Yea Forums.
If you like the idea of a disfunctional attempt at anarcho capitalism, then maybe
Based fallout new Vegas leader.
I admire all that he attempted even if it went to shit. Dude was crazy but he didnt sit down and do nothing.
(((Andrew Ryan)))
Yeah he was, in his own way.
This desu. House was a much better Howard Hughes stand in.
/pol/ you drunk
>Andrew Ryan, born in a village near Minsk[6] in the Russian Empire (modern-day Belarus), grew up in a Jewish-Belarusian family
Every single time
/pol/ you... Right. Well fugg
I'm glad you started this thread. I've been meaning to ask if the remastered Bioshock 1 + 2 are any good, unfortunately steam won't let me buy anything except for the remastered versions.
Ryan was russian.
Both were heavily based off of Howard Hughes though.
You get the original versions too when you buy the remasters on steam
How was Ryan based off of Hughes? He was rich and had a moustache? At least with House you can see the resemblance with the eccentricities, the Las Vegas shit, and the fact that they both got started with a tools company.
>Andrew Ryan was not only based of Ayn Rand, but other historical figures as well, like famous businessman Howard Hughes
i wonder if anyone in the fallout universe ever compared house to hughes
I asked how, you're the one making the claim. If someone on the development team said that, and not just some dipshit journo that doesn't know jack-shit, then how exactly is Ryan based on Howard Hughes, other than the fact they were both rich, white, and wore mustaches.
That's a little too meta.
No. Just like any man with a lust for power, freedom ends where his personal feelings begin.
>If someone on the development team said that
Yeah Levine himself.
Do you just stop reading half-way through the post so you can answer the first non-question you see, and then you ignore the actual questions because you can't actually answer them?
>Touts himself as a libretarian
>Manipulates Rapture and rules over it like a dictator
At least Mr.House is honest
Oh, and look at that, he doesn't actually explain how, because Ken Levine is a dingbat.
too on the nose
its like if the kings outright told you they worship Elvis
The entirety of the whole fucking game was showing how wrong his view on life was. The only reason the city held together for any amount of time at all was because there were enough people there that believed in working for the good of the community, and doing the job right even if it wasn't the job you were paid for.
The whole game is a deconstruction. It's truly unrestricted capitalism taken to its logical conclusion.
>because Ken Levine is a dingbat
We already knew that part from when he says he liked Infinite's ending because he likes things that make him stupid.
Yeah, and it shows how communism is always led by a homicidal maniac that wants power.
Ryan did honestly believe in his ideals, but his ego and hatred for what he left was stronger.
He couldn't handle that anybody could actually be his equal when no limits were present, and his fear of the surface finding them allowed that to happen.
in-universe wise i'm pretty sure the only reason the kings don't tell you they worship Elvis is because they don't know his name
Shodan is /ourgirl/
And nobody knows who Howard Hughes is because it has been hundreds of years and there was a nuclear war.
Yes, Levine is retarded; he thinks Infinite was good and doesn't jerk off to Elizabeth porn.
But he still states Hughes was a contributing influence to Ryan. He's Rand's views rolled into Hughes' resources.
but what about before the Great War?
do you think that someone could have compared house to hughes?
So, I was correct in saying that the only way Ryan is based on Hughes is because they are both rich, white, and wear mustaches?
there’s no face left mate
>someone emotionally manipulates you to kill Ryan
>well you see, it was I that was truly the one in control, watch this, Kill me!
I could be totally off base with this, haven't played Bioshock in fucking years
The King said they had recordings of his voice (his songs) so I imagine they heard his name at least once
The lawyers say that they didn't.
Maybe. House made his bones over a hundred years after Hughes, and his big money maker was robotics.
Not necessarily. Say it's just a bunch of CDs, records, or cassettes lying around unlabeled or just titled with songs.
It's not like Elvis sang or said his own name often.
How many elvis song are there where he says his own name?
But it actually worked until the magic sea slugs got involved
Also it wasn't an ancap model, it was a libertarian/objectivist model.
Ryan is just a /biz/ and /pol/ idiot who thinks that if he quotes Ayn Rand and does sociopathic capitalist things then everything will work out. Bioshock showed him slowly going insane as he realises he can't actually make a society based on that.
House is a maths autist who used complex calculations to predict the bombs falling and planned accordingly. But this gives him an undue arrogance and his plans are easily derailed once you introduce an actual human element into the mix.
Explain how he is even remotely /pol/? Little sisters alone would have driven /pol/ into outrage.
He legit believes that there can be a whole underwater city built of trust.