The Sims thread

With WickedWhims adding sweating to The Sims 4 I started wondering why is that this mod lately adds a lot of content to the game which aren't even lewd and could be implemented in the base game by Maxis.
>workout, yoga, sparring, and outside activities during the summer make your sims sweat
>you can choose your sims' prefrences in others including hair color, hair style, dressing style, facial hair (this was an addition in The Sims 2: Nightlife and is non-existent in The Sims 4 so far)
>menstrual cycle affects your female sims' mood, they can be dazed, angry, stressed or sad, also ovulation has an effect on the chance of pregnancy (this can be switched to a simple mode which is basically how it is in the base game)
>Turbodriver also plans to add 'clear intentions' which means establishing relationships doesn’t have to be vague and being upfront about your intentions speeds up the process of building a relationship and immediately tells you where things can go
Why is that the base game of The Sims 4 is so shallow without any depth? And it's not the case of "they cut it out on purpose to sell it as DLC" without mods we wn have these things in the game. What does Yea Forums think?

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how much content does the sims 4 base game have compared to the sims 3 base game?

pass the patreon ww files please

Far less more than likely. Don’t bother unless you want sex mods to play with. Even then, the Sims 3 has better stuff. The game however, will always run like shit.

there is no open-world, but instead there is multitasking which is a broken piece of shit desu
the graphics and especially the sims aren't ugly like in The Sims 3 (somehow I always end up creating the same looking sims in Sims 4 too), but you can't adjust everything's pattern like in TS3 (you need Sims4Studio do to that, but unlike The Sims 2 Body Shop, it isn't an official costum content creator by EA)
so in short you win some, you lose some, but in the end yeah it's just less content

*I always end up creating the same looking sims in tho

I got 4 when they gave it away for free, is it worth playing for lewd mods if I have zero intention of getting any DLC?

where the fuck can u get all the fallen files now?

can i have armpit sex

Been a long time since I played the base Sims 3 but the open world still had plenty of collecting and made meeting the neighborhood or checking out places more engaging.
Base Sims 4 was good as a creator but as far as doing more than the old Chores->Eat->Sleep->Watch your lot while your sim went to work cycle went it felt a lot less interesting, though that same cycle exists in base Sims 3 you could at least see shit going on besides just random Sims loading in to your little neighborhood block and walking around.

If you're building stuff or interested in stuff like the mood system, Sims 4 might have more content in the base game, but if you're looking for other shit to do Sims 3 has more content since you can run around the city like a hobo freely.
But yeah 3 still to this day has performance problems, which only increase when you start adding expansions to get more shit to do. If you can put up with that, go 3 for Gameplay and 4 for a nicer build system, performance and graphics.

Came here to ask this exact question

Anyone got the pastebin for sims 4 sex modding?

sort of
since you have it on origin you have the latest version so even the latest version of ww will work on it
the only problem is with the base game you have only the generic places for sex like bed, sofa, bathtub and floor, with the DLCs' additions animators created more animations so your sims can have sex on the yoga mat, on the massage table, on the washing machine, on the DJ set, etc. so it is better if you want your fantasy to go wild instead of the generic bedroom and living room sex

Can you lewl girls?

Waiting for paralives instead for maximum comfy building and customization.

never heard of it, what does it offer?

A basic sims game, but the build mode has some extra stuff like shaping a window the way you want it and curved walls/stairs. Curved. Walls/Stairs. But it's an indie wannabe french canadian game and the art style is that typical indie soft pastel look, so the customization of characters will probably make or break the game for me.

They don‘t even have fucking cars anymore who cares

>They don‘t even have fucking cars anymore
that pisses me off
no purchasable cars
no cars arrive to take you to work
no school bus
no taxis
no bus when you go to a vacation
the only cars that arrive are just the ones in the background passing by

>No magic expansion
>No evil aliens
>No wicked undeads
>No wildlife and burglar

the real problem is that even with add-ons you still get less content than in the previous games
take TS4 City Living and TS2 Apartment Life as an example - in TS2 you were able to build houses with multiple flats, add attic or basement, a playground or a garden. in TS4 you always get the top floor of some skyscraper where you can build three apartments at best and that's all

They got the site back but it's currently under DDOS attack. Check in later.

>No evil aliens
what pisses me off is that aliens must be bald in TS4 you can't add hair to them except if they are hybrids
fuck it I loved hooking up with alien tomboy cuties in TS2
>no burglar
that's probably the biggest bullshit Maxis pulled so far, even bigger than toddlers and swimming pools weren't in the base game originally. they removed burglars because "muh feeling of my safe space" then added vampires who can break into your house and drain your Sims' energy by sucking their necks fucking the goth vampire chick is always fun tho

why isn't there a game like the sims where you can play individual characters in a RPG-style mode?
like going about their day and having a bunch of different options or activities you can perform, socializing, etc.

You know along with the "safe space", they got rid of burglars because they'd be those generated abomination sims.

>Sims 4 is still $1000+ for all the content
Man fuck EA.

I have a question. Why does my sister and her friends literally only play the sims and no other video games?

I wish they'd make a sims game that controlled like an RPG, ie you'd move around like a third person adventure game and just interact with everything. Literally just a life simulator

Rimworld is pretty cool for creating and guilding independent character narratives and putting them together to build the story of a third-world planet colony.

There's a mod for that

Its been five years and this game still feels as shallow as a basegame compared to TS2 and TS3.
Everything that gets added feels so half-baked.
The only two DLC that actually improved the game were Parenthood and Seasons. Everything else is just more fucking animations and furniture.

Girls tend to like more social things, and the sims is literally a more grown up dollhouse simulator. In the way boys like to play hero and girls like to play family, when we get older this doesn't change - only the context in which we want to engage in it.

This is the same reason there are so many girls in MMOs, they're built around the social aspect of gameplay.

T. Bro, phd in broscience

The Sims 2 for PS2 had a "story" mode that does something very similar.

My gf wants me to be the family person while she works. She said I would be a good house husband

Stop playing "Sims" and play actual Sims.

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I never used sex mods on the sims desu

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I wish I could get back into TS3.
TS4's character creation, character models and building has killed TS3 for me though, despite 3 being the way superior game.

Sims has potential to be the ultimate /h/ game. Make anything, be anything. Just gotta stop being lazy and mod it in, I guess. If I stop leaving my house it'd because I figured out how to mod in futa and the porn star career.

Its been years but that had a first person mode didn't it?
Or was it just a camera, you couldn't interact or select stuff and control the sims movement?
Or did I fever dream this entire idea?

and? maids and other npcs like babysitters are all generated abominations

There's a good gavin mcinnes video where he'd call you a cuck and a loser for ever wanting such a thing, saying that. woman who's at work fighting with her boss and doing power moves is in no way going to come home and get on her knees for a man in a bathrobe

why would you even consider playing either like that

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i spent days finding sex mods and clothing mods and such only to use it like twice in Sims 3 then spent the rest of my time just playing it normally.
so i'm not surprised.
someone's gotta be a firefighter.

>can't turn off townie spawns
> have to deal with a never ending stream of single person family black women with pink/green hair and japanese names

Whoever designed this needs to be fired

Same for me, i can't get past TS3's potato faces anymore

I would if it didn't run like shit on my rig, newer hardwares aren't friendly to TS2, when I had an integrated vga it ran like a charm, now with my 750 Ti it runs like shit
good, it will ruin the game for you
I skipped TS3 but I keep saying the best game would be TS2 with TS4's graphics, cas and build modes

Are the Sims games any good for sex mods? I know there's Japanese games created for this very purpose but the Sims seems more accessible and allows for more rping

Alright faggots, lets do this. Post your hours and the defeating Isshin achievement, and we'll judge you based on how long it took you to beat the game.

>porn star career
it exists user, but it's just a rabbit-hole job

TS4's neighborhood view looks so cheap in comparison. It's not even that it's a 2D image but more that it's drawn like some shitty flash game from the 00s.

the sex mod for 4 is alright, but there's so little actual content in the game that most of the RPing you'll be doing won't be supported or enhanced by the game's mechanics.

hope you have a good imagination.|

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why isn't there a sims style game where your objective is to murder and cannibilize your neighbors while keeping it cool with the cops and your own family

No I know about that, I'm talking about a minigame where you "shoot the scene," as it were. Maybe some kind of dual option thing where you can auto complete, or you can build a relationship with some rando to fill your quota of asses pounded.

Think very carefully about the difference between those npcs and burglar npcs.

If you have a little creativity in TS3 you can have a lot of fun, it's arguably better than Skyrim for immersion and RP

>newer hardwares aren't friendly to TS2
that's not how pooters work lad
TS2 doesnt have any major issues with modern GPUs. All you need to do is get the shadow fix and cap your FPS to 60.

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Which Sims game has the best mod for making traps?

it's a vanilla feature in 4.

>won't be supported or enhanced by the game's mechanics, hope you have a good imagination

>you can cheat on your wife with the maid
>you can bone the pizza delivery girl
>can get a blowjob from the bartender chick in the restroom
>can have sex with your step-sister then with your step-mother
>the goth vampire chick tends to show up the first night so you can dick her
mechanics can support role-playing, the only time when you need your imagination is when you want something complex
>mom gave a tip to the maid
>son then had sex with the maid
>I just imagined the mom paid the maid to have sex with her son because he is such a loser he can't get laid

yehhh, fair point

that would be neat af, but it's hard to execute
someone started working on something like this but quickly cancelled it
the guy who makes the prostitute/gigolo mod hasn't gotten past alpha build so far

Fucking nada

why didn't they just made a default burglar as npc
the vampires who break into your house are all default npcs made by Maxis staff

Sims 4 did away with Genders in some update quite a while back. Instead you pick if they can impregnate people or get pregnant or how they piss with no bearing on body type.
So that, i guess. Less fun that way though.

Yeah it's really gotta be built from the ground up for that sort of thing. Why ISN'T the porn games industry bigger? There are some cool things out there, but it's mostly jank and not satisfying. First person to make Sims with Sex is gonna be a rich man. Yes, I know about Second life and depending on how you play it (which is how most people will play) it's jank.

I want to know if there are some mods to make my female character a transgender, their transgender option is pretty lacking desu

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I can understand if you just want to get a wank, sure. But that aside, why would anyone play The Sims? What's the appeal of what is essentially playing dolllhouse?

Jesus dude

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why play a trans character and not just a woman? is the goal of trans not to become the opposite sex, instead of live a fetish like you seem to imply?

>actually thinking about buying The Sims

>First person to make Sims with Sex is gonna be a rich man
Turbodriver, the guy who made WickedWhims, quit his job because he earns more money on Patreon

I don't get it, user. The base game has already trans and cross-dressing options, what more could be lacking?

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Because it feels more relatable...

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what's wrong?

>why is that this mod lately adds a lot of content to the game which aren't even lewd and could be implemented in the base game by Maxis.
Because the only people still playing Sims 4 are playing for WickedWhims. So it's gone from just a "press buttan to making sex" mod to a series of unofficial updates.

Why do you roleplay as a transgendered girl on Yea Forums Yea Forums - video games board?

They can't have breasts

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Are you asking them to include a dialating timer or something? what is missing?

this supports my theory that Turbodriver is actually a bunch of Maxis employee who want to earn extra money on Patreon

The ability to toggle both the ability to get pregnant and impregnate other sims.

I don't roleplay

>Why ISN'T the porn games industry bigger?
porn games haven't been big in the west because stores either refused to carry AO games or hid them where nobody could see them. the market is fairly big now because people can use the internet to circumvent butthurt retailers.

>What's the appeal of what is essentially playing dolllhouse?
That's basically it. Also the build mode is pretty great.

how? dysphoria according to literally every trans and trans doctor is "i am in the wrong body." ok, so here you represent yourself as a male who adopted female secondary sex characteristics, instead of as female. so how is being trans any different from someone who simply dyes their hair or loses weight, when all you need are cosmetic changes and someone willing to humor you, to achieve your goal?

Its because the audience for the game is women and they don't care much about depth. There's no reason for them to put in that work when their core demographic doesn't care.

it's comfy

Did it once for Skyrim since that's what most of everyone says, didn't really have a lot of fun.
I just don't really get the appeal when there's actual porn when it comes to sex mods for any game.

What are you talking about? They can have breasts. I have a trans character myself and you can choose if they have a masculine or feminine phenotype aside the gender, my trans sim settings are "women with men body type, impregnate others and pee sitting".

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>torrent sims4+dlcs
>download all the lewd mods
>fap for 10 minutes
>quit game

I'm pretty sure with testingcheats on and cas.fulleditmode you can toggle it by shift clicking your sim

>want to mess around with some mods in Sims 4
>ATF is down
I-it's coming back, r-right?

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because there are two kinds of mtf trannies. Men who want to be women, and men who want to be "trans". All trannies eventually slide into the second category as they slowly realize the first one is unattainable. This is why so many of them identify as "trans" instead of just saying they're a woman, and the ones that do call themselves trans, or fluid or nonbinary or queer or whatever, tend to be the ugliest and most abomination-like. They settle for "trans" because "woman" is not possible for them to even pretend at. sage for offtopic

immersion makes it better

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Are you me? I was about to get that modpack with all the good stuff but just read the suffered a DDoS attack. Also there is a new link for it allthefallen (.) moe/

The appeal is that your oc character is doing it or that you have some semblance of control over how the sex goes. Kinda like those 3D hentai games. Skyrim does have a bit of that rape/medieval rape thing that puts roleplaying on a new level.

>what most of everyone says didn't really have a lot of fun.
Maybe for you and the other 2 "everyone" guys thinks but for [intelectuals] like me, pr0n mods just ruin the game in a way you can't play vanilla anymore like pr0n mods were supposed to be in the base game all along.

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You know what, that's fair enough.
It's just a personal issue of not being able to be immersed in video games thanks to my lack of imagination.

I unironically only have WW installed because it adds just a smidge more depth to this fucking shallow puddle of a game.
I don't think I've ever popped a boner to this shit, but seeing a pregnant elder Bella Goth go to town in my Live-In Bar bathroom with 2 random townies is pretty hilarious.

same, when I played TS4 for the first time I unironically enjoyed it then thought I should check out the porn mods
now I can't play it vanilla, and when I play it I do it solely for the porn mods
wish I could maintain a balance, where I play it to have a good time and porn mod is just a nice extra

Kinda wanna play sims 4 never played it, can I torture gay people in the game? or create a sex dungeon?

To be fair, the game has fuckall to do in it.
I can understand it ruining the experience in Sims 3 though. And it did for me and KinkyWorld.

I can only think one way. If TS mechanics was around porn because I basically can't stand the "social" grind mechanics and just cheat my way up to everyone be willing to have sex.

Yeah, I know about the domain change, just didn't know it went down again because of DDoS faggotry. Hope it will be back up relatively soon.

>can't stand the "social" grind mechanics and just cheat my way up to everyone be willing to have sex
well you can cheat by enabling the always accept sex option, but you can actually unlock traits like alluring and sexually alluring and with those you just like have to tell a joke to the other sim, compliment her appearance, pull a pick-up line and you can instantly have sex even right there

>Sweat mod
>Can't lick the sweat
they had one job...

To me feels like "press button to character perform an action", I can't choose how to tell a joke or what about it, I can't chat about things, it's all so superficial that isn't engaging enough for me.

In TS3 I remember letting the IA full freedom and watching the outcomes of it was more fun than performing scripted MMO like actions.

This but with skyrim

Isn't that basically what VNs are?

You lucky motherfucker.

Fuck tradcons.

Women enjoy controlling people's lives.

It is the same but with no freedom, customization or player input and can only be in done in a linear way.

Unless you are that kind of people that NEEDS to put yourself on the protag shoes...

>It is the same but with no freedom, customization or player input and can only be in done in a linear way.
*blocks your path*

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>I can't chat about things
this is also why TS4 is lame, it lacks details
in TS2 you could change the topic during conversations and there was like thirty topics from fashion and weather to paranormal activities and music

>Managing and improving your sims' lives feels good, in the same way how building a character in an ARPG feels good.
>It's fun to interact and watch sims lives since a lot of random and unexpected things can happen, interactive jobs and adventures can have fun puzzles and challenges as well.
>The build mode is very fun and there is nothing much like it anywhere else

you can play as you want, you can make a big happy family, a lesbian couple, a womanizer, a guy who lives with his parents
once I made a household of two brothers, they seduced all the women and wives in Pleasantview, and at the same time they became college professors
also raising multiple generations is comfy, watching your sims raising their kids, as they go to university and then become parents
also building can be relaxing (but sometimes tiresome when you want a specific furniture and there is nothing in the catalogue that looks slighty like what you have in mind)

>once I made a household of two brothers, they seduced all the women and wives in Pleasantview, and at the same time they became college professors
Ah yes, I too am a fan of China, IL

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>all of the best mods vanished along with a website recently
you know the ones

Attached: 1563761388164.jpg (640x480, 34K)

got some stuff from ATF!auh0FCqa!wFHXYiji3BrUh6QJbtyGa7fKm0Nxd2ksDiQ1CusKihQ

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good game desu

A fucking legend.

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WW has teen/adult stuff baseline right?

It's really bad. I've taken to going through the townie list everytime I load it up and spend 5 minutes deleting ones I don't like the look of.
>japanese names
Added by city living. Now it's worse since island paradise added Polynesian names. Its so broken that the only mod that can counter it does so by adding 5000 English names to to balance it out. Beyond shocking how incompetent they are.

>sims 2 had conversation topics
Apparently the reason for this is because following the success of the sims 1, loads of money got thrown at the sequel. The nicer animations and conversation topics came about because they had excess money to do so. It's worth looking into, Sims 2 seems triple A compared to 4 in terms of budget.

Build mode in 4 is really nice. Same issue as always is that you get so much crap to build with it slows you down. Gets annoying when all you want is a regular couch and you can't see it between all the bright pink wicker loveseats.

it used to until it got removed by turbodriver because of patreon's rules

someone else patched it back in, check loverslab

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All the things come to an end bro. I haven't played the game last time so I am unsure if those mods work with the new version.

No. Turbodriver's updates have been as follows:

irrelevant stupid new shit "features" nobody cares about or asked for
fixes to bugs introduced by the last patch
removing features that people actually did use (wincest, teen pregancy etc) so that he can patch it in again and justify it as an update

Basemental is another example. It's a drug mod. Adds weed, cocaine, alcohol to the game. That was how it was like 3 years ago. Still hasn't added Heroin, and stated he won't because of some moral highground bullshit. Instead he's added gangs, which I guess are a-okay in his twisted mind. Still "updating" the mod and raking in an obscene monthly cheque from patreon

You are a hero but I need to be a bitch and ask you... can you upload the thing in parts or something somewhere else? Mega has that fucking download limit unless you pay.
Even if not, thanks lots for having uploaded it there. God's work my bro.

You can download the full thing without any problems with just a free account. I just finished downloading it and I've never paid mega for anything.

Sorry, my connection is shit
I got that link from /delicious/ on 8ch, you should use Jdownloader or Mega desktop App since it lets you resume the download

I got this smaller collection from an user the other day!FRBwyCzb!tJa9wBbI5V2VVlA8obu2og

what exactly am I looking at here?

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xx na Kanojo no Tsukurikata 2
You create your custom girlfriend and then do all kinds of stuff. It's part VN part simulation. It's been a while since I played but I remember there's a town building part where you have to make money or something.

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I'll check it out, thanks

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I get limited to 1giga each 24 hours for some reason. Always had.
Hey bro, is all good. I will resume it with those apps or just find a way to get it anyway. Again, thanks for taking the time to sharing it.

Is it good? The last time I played a good custom girlifriend game was in the PC98.

It's pretty good. Now that you mention it it does remind me of games like True Love, though if memory serves the protagonist is silent. Also, it's in Japanese. There is an interface translation but that's about it. Also there's optional NTR content.

>spend hours working on the P3 Dorm
>only get half way
Man interior designing is tough.

I just open an interior design magazine and copy what I see there.

Yeah I tried looking for a floor laying but didn't find any for it.

I was thinking of Custom Mate series, actually. Granted, customization was limited, but it was ambitious for an eroge company.

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Sims 4 maps are lame and the lots are small.

>Sims 3 expacs are still full price
Man fuck these greedy EA jews.

>tfw they gave away the complete sims 2 collection to promote TS4
I was honestly surprised.

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Is there any mod that can automatize the sims you dont want to use in a household?
Something I hate is micromanaging everyone instead of my "main" sim. I just want for the rest of the sims to do their thing but thats impossible once they join your house.

user, you can't throw a bomb like that without telling me the sauce.

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Mate, just turn on the AI for sims, but this can suck to your main because he will start doing shit you don't want to.

How's the patching and updates go for 4? If I pirate it would I be behind on the current build?

I wish they'd given us TS3 for free instead of TS4. The legit access to the gallery is nice, I guess.

is there a mod for any sims that turns it into an actual game with a challenge?

I can't fap if there's no dialog. Wicked Whims has nothing on Kinky world.

You could try the "community challenges", like the "from rags to rich" that you use the console commands to wipe out the 20k you start and now you need to make yourself rich from nothing.

Just play Sims 1, sport

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Agreed. Without cheats this is by far the most challenging to bootstraps your single sim into greatness. Thankfully you're immortal, barring some boneheaded decisions.
The social grind was interesting and sims weren't as eager to get chummy with you. What a good game.

I still prefer Sims 1 to any of the other Sims to this day. The aesthetic and soul of it still are strong in it. It was made with actual love and not just an EA cashcow like the sequels turned into.

>TS3 has tons of features that make the game 100% better than it's predecessor and successor
>but it has a memory leak problem
>and it has microtransactions

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>not just torrenting Sims 2 collection rather than dealing with the bullshit of EA and their Origin client.

There are so many Sims 1 mods I can't find these days. The worst part is that when attempting to find them you're also getting search results for 2, 3, and 4.

I don't get it

Sex mods are for when you've bled every single drop of content you can from a game and there's nothing else left to do with it. Skyrim is actually the perfect example, there is only so much quest/immersion mods you can try out before you get bored.

>the bullshit of EA and their Origin client.
Haven't dealt with any bullshit so far.

>I am unsure if those mods work with the new version
lot of mods don't work with the recent version
the better body mod for example isn't recognised by the game, which is a shame because it had the best looking breasts
but turbodriver implemented his own breast and genitals mod his genitals mod on the other hand are the best so far
AND now wild_guy's female body details don't work properly as well which is also a shame since it a wide selection of areolas

The microtransactions are easily pirated, so the performance is the only real problem

TS3 is a buggy, unoptimized mess
I'd rather go back to TS2 but I ran into the same issue you lads are having

I just go to Mömax which is 3 minutes from my home and copy what I see there

you can turn off autonomy for specific sims tho

even the soundtrack oozes that it was made by people who cared about the project

>I am unsure if those mods work with the new version
lot of mods don't work with the recent version
the better body mod for example isn't recognised by the game, which is a shame because it had the best looking breasts, but turbodriver implemented his own breast and genitals mod (his genitals mod on the other hand are the best so far)
AND wild_guy's female body details don't work properly as well which is also a shame since it had a wide selection of areolas

/ss/ is gross

does it has an English patch?

Hahaha no, and it will never have one.

However, I will tell you to go play Knights of Xentar (actually named Dragon Knight 3, by the now very dead ELF). It is a favorite of mine and it was translated into english. You may enjoy it.

sims 3 also had a mood system, it just wasn't shoved in your face, like you can't ask someone to marry you unless both sims feel romantic and what not, sims 4 just added shit to the environment that could also change mood, which guess what? was mostly fuckin DLC

almost like they want it to appeal to facebook moms and "cellphone gamers"

>I got 4 when they gave it away for free

While I love building fetish simulators in Sims 4, is there any possible way to improve Sims 3 with fan patches? The loading screens, the crashing, mainly the crashing.

I miss being able to just scroll over to one of my sims on the other side of the map, Sims 4's singular spot of land and instanced lots is a massive killjoy.

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Just pirate it.

3Booter from the creator of Awesomemod will help stop game crashing during loading and speeds it up.

NRAAS mods (Overwatch, ErrorTrap, MasterController) for optimizations like resetting sims stuck routing, getting homeless animals to fuck off, etc.

Thanks tons user

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No problem senpai have fun.
I can't enjoy TS3 any more after TS4 unfortunately.
Which is funny because TS3 is actually great gameplay wise and TS4 is fucking boring as all god damn fuck.