What went right?

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It had its moments, boss fights were shit.
Nobody will remember it in a year

Not much. OG RE2 is still better, putting its existence into question, especially after REmake pretty much blew its original out of the water.

Nothing that wasn't already part of the infrastructure laid by the original.


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It was good, but REmake is still better. I wish that REmake 2 had alternate game modes, like invisible enemies, rather than just fourth survivor.

I liked it but the original is better.

Everything. Ada best girl

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The DLC was just speedrunning pandering.

>REmake was excellent
>REmake 2 made what was bad about the original even worse

everything. sould and effort.

So tell me if I'm getting this wrong...
Mai is a spy or some shit and is tasked to be Eveline's handler. After shit goes south on the tanker, it just so happens it crashes at her old family ranch? That's pretty fucking convenient.

Nah, she was brainwashed to think she was part of the Bakers.

Nothing because it fucking sucked.

Honeymoon phase is over dear, the verdict is out and the game is shit. Just like DMC5.

I fucking loved this game, can't wait for the inevitable REmake 3.
>why yes, RE4 was my first RE

Just about everything
I'm so fucking excited for R3make I'm losing my mind

>especially after REmake pretty much blew its original out of the water.
That's because RE1 is a classic but was dated on launch thanks to cheesy presentation.

If the REmake team made REmake 2 within the same style we'd still be arguing whether it was as good as the original 2. Because RE2 is just that good of a game.

Not a lot. The shooting mechanics are definitely an improvement over the original, but even that kinda pisses me off. They basically just keep using these dumbed down mechanics like in Revelations 1 and 2 where it's like they copy and paste stuff such as the same reloading animations.

The game could have been so much more. Original is SOUL and this is SOULESS. Take away the graphics and the shooting and you can see that this game pales in comparison to the original game in every way. And that's a fact.

First boss is garbage

The others are OK

Was REmake soul or soulless, Yea Forums?

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Almost everything. Only thing I disliked was that Mr X was on your ass constantly and didn't drop ammo or anything to at least make confronting him worth it. And I feel like they should have added more sections to the police station, city streets and underground labs. The sewer section got a complete rework so it's not like they wanted everything to be a 1 for 1 adaptation.

Never actually played it, so I can't say. I've heard that for the most part it was SOUL though.

I never played the orignal RE's, but REmake 1 & 2 both felt soulful as fuck.
I'm 25 and I wasn't allowed to play mature games in my N64 days.

REmake's soul is off the fucking charts

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Technically everything if you like horror games and walking sims. I'm more of a gameplay type of person but I can see why normalfags liked it so much.

Fp best post.


Where are my mutated moths, capcom ?!

Most of the stuff.
>What went wrong
Basically everything involving the 2nd runs.

gameplay felt very rewarding on top of the 10/10 atmosphere. perhaps stick to bayonetta and dark souls, my fellow aspie.


A lot. It's an improvement over the original when it comes to being a survival horror game. It's got better level design, stricter resource management (not saying much considering how much the original gives you), and puzzles that aren't just block pushing or bring item from point a to b.

They weren't.
>Dude just run back and forth till he gets knocked off the side by a crate
>Dude just press the shoot button to kill the alligator

How are they alright?

G1 and G3 were the best bosses, but that still isn't saying much

It was the first OTS RE to actually feel like a RE game. Had to walk down the path that the Revelations games and 7 slowly paved for it but hey, that's really all it had to do. Piggybacking off the familiarity of arguably the most beloved story in the series only helped it out.

Pretty much everything in the game is awesome, though I wish the Shotgun had more ammo. Mr. X following you through the station would have been better if lickers didn't just outright respawn in certain hallways.

This. Should've kept fixed camera and tank controls, but it was still pretty damn good.

It goes to shit after the police station tho

>the first OTS RE to actually feel like a RE game.

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i'd say it was a success.
managed to make me feel as tense as i did when i played the original way back when.
nostalgic fear is a new one for me.

I liked it a lot, but the gimped alternate scenarios really scuffed the shine. The end result has great presentation and extremely satisfying gameplay mechanics, but ends up feeling disjointed and incomplete. Doesn't help it's a pretty direct remake and ended up being on the short side.

that really put a damper on things for me.
in the original they at least made some effort to make it fit together, but for this version the B scenario makes you have to assume that whoever was on A went on some other crazy bullshit path that didn't interfere with what you were doing.


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Remember when people were hyping up this "Rogue" mode when the demo was datamined? Good times. I wish the game had a alternative content like that to shake things up. I don't care much for 4th Survivor type of challenge, so I was really disappointed with most of the side content, even though I remember very little about RE2. It's really sad, because the foundation is very strong, they just had to be a little more creative with it.

I love Claire

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i was hoping ghost survivors would be more than they were, actual little what-if side stories.
i think they are still fun to play, but they could have done that and also had an extreme battle mode with all of the characters.

It's the biggest flaw without being nitpicky, outside of some pacing issues with the RPD and the lab section.

DLC was shit.

not much, who plays this beside turbo cucks that pick a nickname so they can abbreviate it to sound involved


that reminds me, i'd like some actual dlc content.
wonder why they haven't bothered compared to 7 which had a nice amount.

You can't just run back and forth, you need to get him below a certain amount of health.
The alligator encounter in the original was just as shitty.

this doesn't feel like a classic RE game and you know it

That was free

bruh, the original had a pretty equivalent shit boss in the G-adult, and the alligator was just as bad as the remake one.

there were paid costumes, but yeah not necessary unless you were focused on claire's ass

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i value 6 more than 0 and 5.
that shit was a blast to play despite the awkward story

I still hope they release something

>original RE on B and not A

i'd say B is too good for code veronica.
that game is mediocrity manifested

It's hard for me to properly assess it, as I played REmake so many times before I actually got around to it.

soulless cashgrab also hate how they paid off streamers to play,it dishonest as fuck

Claire is the best.

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No fixed camera shit.

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Enemy design and use, especially Zombies.

Zombies have become Goombas in the game industry, Remake 2 Zombies are badasses even alone and it feels really satisfying when you finally get strong enough to start thrashing them.

I want to hold hands with Claire

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Why does Claire look mentally impaired?

Why does she make me so horny? She doesn't even really try to be sexy

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cute retard

I agree with you.
The zombies always felt like a real threat due to smart placement and level design even in the underground Umbrella lab.

This is the most brainlet post I've seen on Yea Forums all day.

how so?

Sherry's character model

Claire is warm and cuddly.

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I thought everyone said she looked like a goblin

Claire is a beautiful person, inside and out

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When are we gonna get a real DLC? not HUNK reskin

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RE7 had really good DLC in comparison, im a bit disappointed we didn't have that

Ethan knew that Mia was a spy and spied on her. He never loved her, but Mia genuinely loved Ethan

Probably never ever unless they adapt the Wii Chronicles chapters. Otherwise, they'll be saving all of it for RE3/Outbreak remakes.

Now that the dust has settled, everyone realized it's shit and stopped talking about it. It tanked harder than RE7.

0 is the worst game in the series, repent plebs. Also, CV is worse than 6 as well.

>it just so happens it crashes at her old family ranch?

Master trolling. "Who was Iroquois Plissken?" Tier.

>Original is SOUL and this is SOULESS.
This doesn't actually mean anything and I really wish retards would stop using it to make the OLD GOOD NEW BAD mentality seem somehow insightful.

>0 and CV is the worst
>When Survivor, Gaiden, and 6 exists

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Gaiden was pretty good, though.

Is Code Veronica or Code Veronica X better?

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She looks like one of those rich,judgemental elementary kids.

I mean, she is probably pretty rich considering how her parents basically run the lab in raccoon
come to think of it, there is a highschool but is there a middle school in raccoon city?

>File: 1153264.jpg (6 KB, 200x170)
6 is better than 0, you friendless goon
Mercenaies alone is more fun than anything you can experience in 0

Gameplay wise they're identical. CVX has a couple of extra cutscenes

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Now that I think about it, HUNK's like a subversion of most cool masked characters where he's at his best when he aggressively avoids combat by running away and avoiding physical contact

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Her brother is a jarhead. Not worth trouble

Probably but Sherry's a sweetie with terrible parents. Rich but isolated to the point of pretty much regarding Claire as a foster mom.
>When she still says darn it during the orphanage escape level

Got some rare things on sale, stranger!

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I’ll bet they’re going to re-remake 1 before they do 3 and it’s literally going to be called “Resident Evil 1”

>Not RE: Resident Evil
Fits with Japan's weird love for naming shows and series RE:_____

She's just a bit of a habitual mouthbreather is all

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I'm surprised they went and made annette a better person in the remake
she almost doesn't sound like a monster

>open a door
>see this
wat do?

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Japanese title will be RE: Biohazard

>Shut the door
>Be completely safe since classic RE zombies can't open doors

Depending on the scenario. She's morally grey with Leon, and the same with Claire but with more bonding and apologies.

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so is RE2make done in terms of DLC?

Drop Code Veronica to C
Put in 4 Wii Edition in S

Honestly if I were in Raccoon City I'd just find a Hunter and let it kill me.

>0, 5, CV above 6
>3 and 1 in B with 7
>REmake above everything
>CV and 0 not in D



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Or just shoot yourself in the head at the edge of a building's roof or with poison, hitler style.

Fake news
ReMake had the most soul of the classic control games. What it expanded on was fucking amazing, added a shit ton of lore to the series, and to this day seeing a crimson head just laying there freaks me the fuck out.

me on the right

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Anymore mods like this for Sherry?

This is comfy
She was outlandishly rich, and had neglect from her parents. In school, I could see her being a bully. She has a shit home life.

t. never played Resident Evil Outbreak

only ones that drslump didn't make are on ATF and ATF is kill right now
the question is, is raccoon city even big enough for a big fancy private school? or did she go to a public school? just how many schools are there in the city?

also I want sherry to bully my benis

>mean bitches gonna get shanked at recess

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I'd say the game with the most soul of the classic entries is probably the first outbreak

What happened to ATF

Pure passion project.

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The only RE game with good bosses is RE7

Based game. GOTY so far

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*blocks your path*

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norway or wherever their site was hosted changed their laws so they had to look for a new domain
that was on the 9th

Like actual challenge and good combat? Oh wait

>like invisible enemies
What benefit to the gameplay would this have?

it's a challenge for those who have completed the game before
you can still see them in mirrors and water puddles


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Anyone that says REmake 2 is worse than the original is just a contrareian retard and shouldn't be take seriously. I legit hope all future RS game are like this.

clearly it's sherry trying to weed out potential competitors for claire

I'd say that the OST is way underwhelming when compared to the original. Much more noticeable when you play the game with the original OST setting.

It is. RE2 is still better because it's a complete game. Re2make is S and RE2 is S+

When You Do Things Right, People Won’t Be Sure You’ve Done Anything at All

Why is Resident Evil 5 above any video game?

>RE5 was complete shi-

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>RE5 comes out
>Not scary at all, more action based
>universally shat on
>RE6 comes out
>not scary at all, still more action based
>universally shat on
Its like they didnt learn with RE5. After 7 and ReMake 2 tho, I have hopes that Capcom got its shit together

Imagine if we get an RE3 with even more randomized items, expanded areas, random Nemesis attacks, and Nemesis can follow into any area. THAT will be a GOTY contender, an endlessly replayable survival hellscape game.

RE5 is the best selling entry and RE6 is right behind it

RE5 and 6 sold a lot better than either 7 or REmake 2.

I dunno, that sounds like it's approaching open world trash

Expanded areas is nearly guaranteed, just in the same way RE2's were. Everything else I mentioned is just wanting existing RE3 elements enhanced.

when is this ever stated?

B-but user, action games sell more than niche horror ones.
Everything has to be an action-adventure game now.

god I just want to pin her to the wall by the neck and suck on her tongue while furiously fucking her upright. Claire was made for rough sex

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Seething DMCuck

>Leon's buddy cop ends up being Sherry and he becomes the most awkward dorky bumbling father figure
>He gives her one of those badges made for children and she likes it so much, she lets Leon hold onto her pendant.
>Has to choose between trusting in his superior or sticking with his own sense of justice and defying the police chief to protect Sherry
>“Sir, consider this my resignation.”
>Sherry gets infected with G-virus but Leon stays with her
>"Wh-why are you doing this?"
>"Because I... because I'm an officer Sherry, helping people is what we do. Now let’s get you treated, I'm no good without my partner backing me up, right?"
>Annette, who's probably under immense pressure from her husband becoming an abomination, her own daughter almost dying, and all the recent events, finds sweet release in Leon, the idealistic and pure young officer.
>They escape the city together.
>Ex husband dead as fuck
>Sherry cured
>Annette has a passionate, caring, hot, young stud to throw around the bedroom daily and an actual husband
>Sherry gets lots of brothers and sisters in no time at all
>It works with the old re2 ending too, the government would be after anything they could salvage from her & william's research and using sherry as leverage just the same

It could have been a glorious B scenario DLC but the devs are too lazy and retarded

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Open world horror can be kino if done right. Take the first Dead Rising for example.

No, Claire was made for handholding.

Nah bro, Leon " If she ain't chinky then i ain't giving her the winky" Kennedy doesn't go for old hags.

>RE4 is considered best RE by a lot of people
>RE5 comes out
>pretty much RE4 in a different skin
>is considered one of the worst
I love how there's such a small gap between what is considered best RE and the worst.

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>The good
Survival horror perfected, ammo seems balenced to keep you always on edge.
The police station is a dream to explore as you unlock more areas. For the first time it feels like an actual maze.
Mr X is cool as fuck and keeps the game interesting

>the bad
The game starts to lose charm after the police station. The sewers are a slog and the lab is just too linear. Mr pretty much goes away too.
The bosses are meh, not bad per se but just not very engaging. The true final boss is pretty anticlimactic
Nothing really new added in terms of enemies or bosses. The croc could of been a boss but instead just feels like a cameo. Some of the creepy enemies like the spiders and moth are gone for some reason.
Ada and sherry’s parts feel like a slog
Little replay value since they copy pasted the a/b scenarios to the point that they shouldn’t even of bothered. No arcade styled modes like mercenaries or a police station randomized.

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you know she likes it rough

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Claire's ugly.

Soully as fuck

>No way hag

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God there's just something about the boy scout cop with righteous honor characters, which is just as good as corrupt cops with a heart of gold.

the truck driver at the very end of the game. was this referencing something? was he going somewhere? whyd they add that scene. what am I missing

To signify that the virus didn't spread beyond Racoon City.

It was referencing the racial tensions of the 90's

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Fuck Zombies
Fuck Umbrella
but most of all,
Not Claire

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No, but it does feel like a RE game

yeah its fuckn retarded. The same goes for Remake VS REzero

I like all 4 of these games. A lot of autists in here

It's not RE7 levels of boring, they did not radically redesign any of the characters to look like indbred art history professors, and the it was FUN.

Evelyne tells Mia about Ethan not loving her. At that point she had access to both Mia and Ethan's memories via the micomyces hive mind or whatever

Mia during her deranged rants comments on Ethan spying on her.

Ethan flippantly tosses a photo of Mia out the window during the bad ending, leading credence to what Evelyn said about him not loving Mia.

There's also a good chance he knows about the E series prior to going into the swamp since he comments on the instructions that Zoe gave him not making sense. He also has no trouble dealing with new umbrella, he just comments "What took you guys so long?" as if expecting them

The good ending has him not talking about love but doors opening and closing. This really only makes sense if he's talking about Mia and Evelyn and getting access to E series biotechnology.

The hints are there and aplenty. RE7 has a low key kino plot if you actually pay attention to subtext.

>he comments on the instructions that Zoe gave him not making sense
maybe because he was asked to find mummified body parts and inject them to cure his mold aids. "this doesn't make sense" is what literally everyone on earth would feel. retard
>"What took you guys so long?" as if expecting them
he hoped somebody would come and save them (police/military/fucking anybody) and now they have. He didn't know who they were. retard

>>maybe because he was asked to find mummified body parts and inject them to cure his mold aids. "this doesn't make sense" is what literally everyone on earth would feel. retard

I'm sorry you're dumb but people who have a preconceived notion of how things work would comment if a series of steps

>he hoped somebody would come...etc.
He shows no such desperation regarding the cop. He just asks for his gun, doesn't even bother asking him to return w/ backup.
You're just assblasted because you played the game and the plot jumped right over your microcephalic head.

RE1 Classic crimson heads can open doors


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>would comment if a series of steps
what the fuck are you even trying to say
>He shows no such desperation
he did tho. are you autistic? hes audibly worried and begging for help

I hate RE2 bossfights and the fucking impossible to kill enemy chasing me.

Re1 is still superior.

Quite a lot
Damn fucking shame about the B scenarios though

perfect example of somebody seeing shit that isn't there and selling it as fact to make himself feel smart

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the fuck did u just say about my waifu?

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so, did jill fuck rebecca?

>>perfect example of somebody seeing shit that isn't there and selling it as fact to make himself feel smart

the quotes are there, you weren't paying attention. You can't disprove anything I said.

For every little thing they took out, they put in something just as cool or interesting.

Otherwise the mere fact that it melds together the strengths of each era of RE into one game is awesome, and I hope it's template for things to come. Also aside from some obvious room filter transitions, the visuals are fucking solid as well.


I've S ranked everything and gotten the achievements, somebody give me a fun challenge for another playthrough

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Original was hot garbage, take those goggles off

She looks like an attractive version of Jennifer Lawrence

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I really like re2make but I feel like there's a lot of places it could've improved
the music was really boring at best and sometimes genuinely terrible, third person was alright but I still feel gypped that they didn't include a classic camera angle setup even as a dlc or unlockable, and I'm getting really tired of them fucking up the guns

RE was always known for being somewhat gun porn, and RE2make and 7 both had a bunch of guns that were made to look like but weren't actual guns

Accurate but Outbreak belongs in A tier

Game needs a Real Survivor mode

>Hardcore difficulty
>Item boxes aren't connected
>Tyrant can follow you into safe rooms
>Sherry and Adas sections replaced with a burger king commercial

>kingdom sharts 3

Lets be real user that's the worst game on your chart by far

Damn that glossy ass

The game is graphically nice and the game was built for speedrun autism. It's not the best Resident Evil, and probably not even a top 5 Resident Evil but it's promising and shows that the team takes it seriously.

>going for the jack handle on Leon 2nd run

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That's not horror

so what's the deal?
did capcom abandon this game or are they gonna release anymore dlc?

>tfw doing fucking laps around the library at a walk with Mr X thoroughly searching the room, just so that he would give up and give me the fucking time to push the shelves

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I love how you can see her lats on her back


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Why the fuck does this mod break every other Sherry outfit?

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Sorry but the original has actual scenarios and an actual OST, with more enemy variety and replay value. There are some things the remake definitely did better but if you think the original is completely invalidated just because tank controls hurt your feelings you don't deserve an opinion.

>what went right?
Other than that we have:
>less city sections in the beginning
>Mr. X is all scenarios
>B scenarios that mean jack shit
>hysterical zombies that take a clip to put down
>goblina Claire
>ridiculous Ivies
>no spiders, annoying G adults instead
>least satisfying shooting in a RE game

c'est la vie

Poorly programmed spiders do not equal enemy variety you faggot

What did they mean by this